
Martin Smith, Stuart Garrard

Letra Traducción

Singin' Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your Majesty

We're singing Majesty, Majesty
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your Majesty, Majesty

Majesty, Majesty
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your Majesty

We praise You, lift up a new song
Oh we praise You Lord, we bless Your name
You are the Father, You are the Father
Oh, we love You, we love You, we love You, oh oh
Oh, Hallelujah

Singin' Majesty, Majesty
Cantando Majestad, Majestad
Your grace has found me just as I am
Tu gracia me ha encontrado tal como soy
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Con las manos vacías pero vivo en Tus manos
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Estamos cantando Majestad, estamos cantando Majestad
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
Por siempre, por siempre estoy cambiado por Tu amor
In the presence of Your Majesty
En la presencia de Tu Majestad
We're singing Majesty, Majesty
Estamos cantando Majestad, Majestad
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Tu gracia, Tu gracia me ha encontrado tal como soy
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Con las manos vacías pero vivo en Tus manos
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Estamos cantando Majestad, estamos cantando Majestad
Forever I am changed by Your love
Por siempre estoy cambiado por Tu amor
In the presence of Your Majesty, Majesty
En la presencia de Tu Majestad, Majestad
Majesty, Majesty
Majestad, Majestad
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Tu gracia, Tu gracia me ha encontrado tal como soy
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Con las manos vacías pero vivo en Tus manos
Majesty, Majesty
Majestad, Majestad
Forever I am changed by Your love
Por siempre estoy cambiado por Tu amor
In the presence of Your Majesty
En la presencia de Tu Majestad
We praise You, lift up a new song
Te alabamos, levantamos una nueva canción
Oh we praise You Lord, we bless Your name
Oh, te alabamos Señor, bendecimos Tu nombre
You are the Father, You are the Father
Tú eres el Padre, Tú eres el Padre
Oh, we love You, we love You, we love You, oh oh
Oh, te amamos, te amamos, te amamos, oh oh
Oh, Hallelujah
Oh, Aleluya
Singin' Majesty, Majesty
Cantando Majestade, Majestade
Your grace has found me just as I am
Sua graça me encontrou como eu sou
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
De mãos vazias, mas vivo em Suas mãos
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Estamos cantando Majestade, estamos cantando Majestade
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
Para sempre, para sempre sou mudado pelo Seu amor
In the presence of Your Majesty
Na presença de Sua Majestade
We're singing Majesty, Majesty
Estamos cantando Majestade, Majestade
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Sua graça, Sua graça me encontrou como eu sou
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
De mãos vazias, mas vivo em Suas mãos
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Estamos cantando Majestade, estamos cantando Majestade
Forever I am changed by Your love
Para sempre sou mudado pelo Seu amor
In the presence of Your Majesty, Majesty
Na presença de Sua Majestade, Majestade
Majesty, Majesty
Majestade, Majestade
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Sua graça, Sua graça me encontrou como eu sou
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
De mãos vazias, mas vivo em Suas mãos
Majesty, Majesty
Majestade, Majestade
Forever I am changed by Your love
Para sempre sou mudado pelo Seu amor
In the presence of Your Majesty
Na presença de Sua Majestade
We praise You, lift up a new song
Nós Te louvamos, levantamos uma nova canção
Oh we praise You Lord, we bless Your name
Oh, nós Te louvamos Senhor, abençoamos o Teu nome
You are the Father, You are the Father
Você é o Pai, Você é o Pai
Oh, we love You, we love You, we love You, oh oh
Oh, nós Te amamos, nós Te amamos, nós Te amamos, oh oh
Oh, Hallelujah
Oh, Aleluia
Singin' Majesty, Majesty
Nous chantons Majesté, Majesté
Your grace has found me just as I am
Ta grâce m'a trouvé tel que je suis
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Les mains vides mais vivant dans Tes mains
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Nous chantons Majesté, nous chantons Majesté
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
Pour toujours, pour toujours je suis changé par Ton amour
In the presence of Your Majesty
En présence de Ta Majesté
We're singing Majesty, Majesty
Nous chantons Majesté, Majesté
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Ta grâce, Ta grâce m'a trouvé tel que je suis
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Les mains vides mais vivant dans Tes mains
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Nous chantons Majesté, nous chantons Majesté
Forever I am changed by Your love
Pour toujours je suis changé par Ton amour
In the presence of Your Majesty, Majesty
En présence de Ta Majesté, Majesté
Majesty, Majesty
Majesté, Majesté
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Ta grâce, Ta grâce m'a trouvé tel que je suis
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Les mains vides mais vivant dans Tes mains
Majesty, Majesty
Majesté, Majesté
Forever I am changed by Your love
Pour toujours je suis changé par Ton amour
In the presence of Your Majesty
En présence de Ta Majesté
We praise You, lift up a new song
Nous Te louons, nous élevons un nouveau chant
Oh we praise You Lord, we bless Your name
Oh nous Te louons Seigneur, nous bénissons Ton nom
You are the Father, You are the Father
Tu es le Père, Tu es le Père
Oh, we love You, we love You, we love You, oh oh
Oh, nous T'aimons, nous T'aimons, nous T'aimons, oh oh
Oh, Hallelujah
Oh, Alléluia
Singin' Majesty, Majesty
Wir singen Majestät, Majestät
Your grace has found me just as I am
Deine Gnade hat mich gefunden, so wie ich bin
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Leerhändig, aber lebendig in Deinen Händen
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Wir singen Majestät, wir singen Majestät
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
Für immer, für immer bin ich durch Deine Liebe verändert
In the presence of Your Majesty
In der Gegenwart Deiner Majestät
We're singing Majesty, Majesty
Wir singen Majestät, Majestät
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Deine Gnade, Deine Gnade hat mich gefunden, so wie ich bin
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Leerhändig, aber lebendig in Deinen Händen
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Wir singen Majestät, wir singen Majestät
Forever I am changed by Your love
Für immer bin ich durch Deine Liebe verändert
In the presence of Your Majesty, Majesty
In der Gegenwart Deiner Majestät, Majestät
Majesty, Majesty
Majestät, Majestät
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Deine Gnade, Deine Gnade hat mich gefunden, so wie ich bin
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Leerhändig, aber lebendig in Deinen Händen
Majesty, Majesty
Majestät, Majestät
Forever I am changed by Your love
Für immer bin ich durch Deine Liebe verändert
In the presence of Your Majesty
In der Gegenwart Deiner Majestät
We praise You, lift up a new song
Wir loben Dich, erheben ein neues Lied
Oh we praise You Lord, we bless Your name
Oh, wir loben Dich, Herr, wir segnen Deinen Namen
You are the Father, You are the Father
Du bist der Vater, Du bist der Vater
Oh, we love You, we love You, we love You, oh oh
Oh, wir lieben Dich, wir lieben Dich, wir lieben Dich, oh oh
Oh, Hallelujah
Oh, Halleluja
Singin' Majesty, Majesty
Cantando Maestà, Maestà
Your grace has found me just as I am
La tua grazia mi ha trovato proprio come sono
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
A mani vuote ma vivo nelle tue mani
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Stiamo cantando Maestà, stiamo cantando Maestà
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
Per sempre, per sempre sono cambiato dal tuo amore
In the presence of Your Majesty
Nella presenza della tua Maestà
We're singing Majesty, Majesty
Stiamo cantando Maestà, Maestà
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
La tua grazia, la tua grazia mi ha trovato proprio come sono
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
A mani vuote ma vivo nelle tue mani
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Stiamo cantando Maestà, stiamo cantando Maestà
Forever I am changed by Your love
Per sempre sono cambiato dal tuo amore
In the presence of Your Majesty, Majesty
Nella presenza della tua Maestà, Maestà
Majesty, Majesty
Maestà, Maestà
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
La tua grazia, la tua grazia mi ha trovato proprio come sono
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
A mani vuote ma vivo nelle tue mani
Majesty, Majesty
Maestà, Maestà
Forever I am changed by Your love
Per sempre sono cambiato dal tuo amore
In the presence of Your Majesty
Nella presenza della tua Maestà
We praise You, lift up a new song
Ti lodiamo, alziamo un nuovo canto
Oh we praise You Lord, we bless Your name
Oh ti lodiamo Signore, benediciamo il tuo nome
You are the Father, You are the Father
Tu sei il Padre, Tu sei il Padre
Oh, we love You, we love You, we love You, oh oh
Oh, ti amiamo, ti amiamo, ti amiamo, oh oh
Oh, Hallelujah
Oh, Alleluia
Singin' Majesty, Majesty
Menyanyikan 'Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Anugerah-Mu telah menemukanku apa adanya
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Tangan kosong tapi hidup dalam genggaman-Mu
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Kami menyanyikan Majesty, kami menyanyikan Majesty
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
Selamanya, selamanya aku berubah oleh cinta-Mu
In the presence of Your Majesty
Dalam kehadiran-Mu, Majesty
We're singing Majesty, Majesty
Kami menyanyikan 'Majesty, Majesty
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Anugerah-Mu, anugerah-Mu telah menemukanku apa adanya
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Tangan kosong tapi hidup dalam genggaman-Mu
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Kami menyanyikan Majesty, kami menyanyikan Majesty
Forever I am changed by Your love
Selamanya aku berubah oleh cinta-Mu
In the presence of Your Majesty, Majesty
Dalam kehadiran-Mu, Majesty, Majesty
Majesty, Majesty
Majesty, Majesty
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Anugerah-Mu, anugerah-Mu telah menemukanku apa adanya
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Tangan kosong tapi hidup dalam genggaman-Mu
Majesty, Majesty
Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by Your love
Selamanya aku berubah oleh cinta-Mu
In the presence of Your Majesty
Dalam kehadiran-Mu, Majesty
We praise You, lift up a new song
Kami memuji-Mu, mengangkat lagu baru
Oh we praise You Lord, we bless Your name
Oh kami memuji-Mu Tuhan, kami memuji nama-Mu
You are the Father, You are the Father
Engkau adalah Bapa, Engkau adalah Bapa
Oh, we love You, we love You, we love You, oh oh
Oh, kami mencintai-Mu, kami mencintai-Mu, kami mencintai-Mu, oh oh
Oh, Hallelujah
Oh, Hallelujah
Singin' Majesty, Majesty
ร้องเพลงเรียกพระองค์ว่า พระองค์ทรงความเจริญ
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
มือเปล่า แต่ยังมีชีวิตอยู่ในมือของพระองค์
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
เรากำลังร้องเพลงเรียกพระองค์ว่า พระองค์ทรงความเจริญ
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
ตลอดไป, ฉันถูกเปลี่ยนแปลงด้วยความรักของพระองค์
In the presence of Your Majesty
We're singing Majesty, Majesty
เรากำลังร้องเพลงเรียกพระองค์ว่า พระองค์ทรงความเจริญ
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
พระคุณของพระองค์, พระคุณของพระองค์พบฉันในที่สภาพที่ฉันอยู่
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
มือเปล่า แต่ยังมีชีวิตอยู่ในมือของพระองค์
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
เรากำลังร้องเพลงเรียกพระองค์ว่า พระองค์ทรงความเจริญ
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your Majesty, Majesty
ในที่สภาพของพระองค์ทรงความเจริญ, พระองค์ทรงความเจริญ
Majesty, Majesty
พระองค์ทรงความเจริญ, พระองค์ทรงความเจริญ
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
พระคุณของพระองค์, พระคุณของพระองค์พบฉันในที่สภาพที่ฉันอยู่
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
มือเปล่า แต่ยังมีชีวิตอยู่ในมือของพระองค์
Majesty, Majesty
พระองค์ทรงความเจริญ, พระองค์ทรงความเจริญ
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your Majesty
We praise You, lift up a new song
เราสรรเสริญพระองค์, ยกเสียงร้องเพลงใหม่
Oh we praise You Lord, we bless Your name
โอ้ เราสรรเสริญพระองค์, เราขอพระคุณพระองค์
You are the Father, You are the Father
พระองค์คือพระบิดา, พระองค์คือพระบิดา
Oh, we love You, we love You, we love You, oh oh
โอ้, เรารักพระองค์, เรารักพระองค์, เรารักพระองค์, โอ้ โอ้
Oh, Hallelujah
โอ้, อัลเลลูยา
Singin' Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Forever, forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your Majesty
We're singing Majesty, Majesty
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
We're singing Majesty, we're singing Majesty
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your Majesty, Majesty
Majesty, Majesty
Your grace, Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the presence of Your Majesty
We praise You, lift up a new song
Oh we praise You Lord, we bless Your name
You are the Father, You are the Father
Oh, we love You, we love You, we love You, oh oh
Oh, Hallelujah

Curiosidades sobre la música Majesty del Michael W. Smith

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Majesty” por Michael W. Smith?
La canción Majesty fue lanzada en 2008, en el álbum “A New Hallelujah”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Majesty” de Michael W. Smith?
La canción “Majesty” de Michael W. Smith fue compuesta por Martin Smith, Stuart Garrard.

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