
Fredrik Thordendal, Jens Kidman, Marten Hagstroem, Tomas Haake

Letra Traducción

Beams of fire sweep through my head
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Sensory receptors succumb
I'm no one now, only agony

My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
The ruby fluid of life unleashed

Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
The bastard spawn of a mutinous self

The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom

Malfunction the means for its ascent
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul

So futile, any resisting tension
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth

The implement, the device of my extinction
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
The definitive scourge of its mockery
The end-art instruments, lethality attained

Heed, it commands, heed my will
Bleed, it says, bleed you will

Falling into the clarity of undoing
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion

A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
Chanting softly the song of depletion

Beams of fire sweep through my head
Rayos de fuego barren mi cabeza
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Empujones de dolor cada vez más comprometidos
Sensory receptors succumb
Los receptores sensoriales sucumben
I'm no one now, only agony
Ya no soy nadie, solo agonía
My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
Mi líquido carmesí tan frenéticamente derramado
The ruby fluid of life unleashed
El fluido rubí de la vida liberado
Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Las ondulaciones ascienden a la superficie de mis ojos
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
Sus plumas rojas dibujando al azar, a voluntad
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
Un sinfín de dolores engendrados en su estela
The bastard spawn of a mutinous self
La bastarda progenie de un yo rebelde
The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
La regurgitación de mi micro némesis
Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom
Salivando rojo ante la perspectiva de mi ruina, mi perdición
Malfunction the means for its ascent
Malfuncionamiento, el medio para su ascenso
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul
La sangría, la voz severa para convocar a mi alma
So futile, any resisting tension
Tan inútil, cualquier tensión resistente
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth
Como la mecánica inducida por la muerte propulsa su crecimiento
The implement, the device of my extinction
El implemento, el dispositivo de mi extinción
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
El reloj de terminación de mi alegre ruina
The definitive scourge of its mockery
El azote definitivo de su burla
The end-art instruments, lethality attained
Los instrumentos de arte final, letalidad alcanzada
Heed, it commands, heed my will
Atiende, ordena, atiende mi voluntad
Bleed, it says, bleed you will
Sangra, dice, sangrarás
Falling into the clarity of undoing
Cayendo en la claridad del deshacer
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Dioses despectivos regatean por mi alma
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
El ojo de la mente parpadea y se agita mientras me dejo ir
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion
Susurros burlones acompañan mi eliminación
A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
Una sonrisa burlona, la voz de mi segador
Chanting softly the song of depletion
Cantando suavemente la canción de la depleción
Beams of fire sweep through my head
Feixes de fogo varrem minha cabeça
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Golpes de dor cada vez mais engajados
Sensory receptors succumb
Receptores sensoriais sucumbem
I'm no one now, only agony
Eu não sou ninguém agora, apenas agonia
My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
Meu líquido carmesim tão freneticamente derramado
The ruby fluid of life unleashed
O fluido rubi da vida liberado
Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Ondulações ascendem à superfície dos meus olhos
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
Suas canetas vermelhas desenhando aleatoriamente, à vontade
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
Uma miríade de dores geradas em seu rastro
The bastard spawn of a mutinous self
O bastardo gerado de um eu amotinado
The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
A regurgitação do meu micro inimigo
Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom
Salivando vermelho ante a perspectiva da minha ruína, meu destino
Malfunction the means for its ascent
Falha é o meio para sua ascensão
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul
Sangria é a voz rigorosa para chamar minha alma
So futile, any resisting tension
Tão fútil, qualquer tensão resistente
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth
Como a mecânica induzida pela morte impulsiona seu crescimento
The implement, the device of my extinction
O implemento, o dispositivo da minha extinção
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
A engrenagem final da minha alegre ruína
The definitive scourge of its mockery
A praga definitiva de sua zombaria
The end-art instruments, lethality attained
Os instrumentos de arte final, letalidade alcançada
Heed, it commands, heed my will
Atenda, ele comanda, atenda a minha vontade
Bleed, it says, bleed you will
Sangre, ele diz, você vai sangrar
Falling into the clarity of undoing
Caindo na clareza do desfazer
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Deuses desprezíveis regateiam por minha alma
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
O olho da mente pisca e se contorce enquanto eu me solto
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion
Sussurros zombeteiros acompanham minha exclusão
A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
Um sorriso zombeteiro, a voz do meu ceifador
Chanting softly the song of depletion
Cantando suavemente a canção da depleção
Beams of fire sweep through my head
Des faisceaux de feu balayent ma tête
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Des élans de douleur de plus en plus engagés
Sensory receptors succumb
Les récepteurs sensoriels succombent
I'm no one now, only agony
Je ne suis plus personne maintenant, seulement l'agonie
My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
Mon liquide cramoisi si frénétiquement versé
The ruby fluid of life unleashed
Le fluide rubis de la vie libéré
Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Des ondulations montent à la surface de mes yeux
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
Leurs stylos rouges dessinent au hasard, à volonté
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
Une myriade de douleurs engendrées dans leur sillage
The bastard spawn of a mutinous self
Le bâtard engendré d'un moi mutin
The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
La régurgitation de mon micro-némésis
Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom
Salivant rouge à la perspective de ma ruine, de mon destin
Malfunction the means for its ascent
La défaillance est le moyen de son ascension
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul
La saignée, la voix stridente pour appeler mon âme
So futile, any resisting tension
Si futile, toute tension résistante
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth
Alors que la mécanique induite par la mort propulse sa croissance
The implement, the device of my extinction
L'instrument, le dispositif de mon extinction
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
Le mécanisme terminant de ma joie funeste
The definitive scourge of its mockery
Le fléau définitif de sa moquerie
The end-art instruments, lethality attained
Les instruments de l'art final, la létalité atteinte
Heed, it commands, heed my will
Obéis, il commande, obéis à ma volonté
Bleed, it says, bleed you will
Saigne, il dit, tu saigneras
Falling into the clarity of undoing
Tomber dans la clarté de l'annulation
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Des dieux méprisants marchandent pour mon âme
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
L'œil de l'esprit clignote et se contracte alors que je lâche prise
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion
Des chuchotements moqueurs accompagnent ma suppression
A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
Un sourire narquois, la voix de mon faucheur
Chanting softly the song of depletion
Chantant doucement la chanson de l'épuisement
Beams of fire sweep through my head
Strahlen des Feuers fegen durch meinen Kopf
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Stöße von Schmerz zunehmend engagiert
Sensory receptors succumb
Sensorische Rezeptoren erliegen
I'm no one now, only agony
Ich bin jetzt niemand, nur Qual
My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
Meine karmesinrote Flüssigkeit so hektisch verschüttet
The ruby fluid of life unleashed
Die rubinrote Flüssigkeit des Lebens entfesselt
Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Wellen steigen zur Oberfläche meiner Augen auf
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
Ihre roten Stifte zeichnen nach dem Zufallsprinzip, nach Belieben
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
Eine Vielzahl von Schmerzen in ihrem Gefolge gezeugt
The bastard spawn of a mutinous self
Die Bastardbrut eines rebellischen Selbst
The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
Die Wiederaufnahme meines Mikro-Nemesis
Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom
Speichelnd rot bei der Aussicht auf meinen Untergang, mein Verderben
Malfunction the means for its ascent
Fehlfunktion das Mittel für seinen Aufstieg
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul
Aderlass die strenge Stimme, um meine Seele zu rufen
So futile, any resisting tension
So zwecklos, jegliche widerstehende Spannung
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth
Da durch den Tod induzierte Mechanik sein Wachstum antreibt
The implement, the device of my extinction
Das Werkzeug, das Gerät meiner Auslöschung
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
Die beendende Uhrwerk meiner fröhlichen Geißel
The definitive scourge of its mockery
Die endgültige Geißel seiner Verspottung
The end-art instruments, lethality attained
Die Endkunst-Instrumente, Tödlichkeit erreicht
Heed, it commands, heed my will
Höre, es befiehlt, höre meinen Willen
Bleed, it says, bleed you will
Blute, es sagt, du wirst bluten
Falling into the clarity of undoing
Fallend in die Klarheit des Untergangs
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Verächtliche Götter feilschen um meine Seele
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
Das Auge des Geistes flackert und zuckt, während ich loslasse
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion
Höhnische Flüstern begleiten meine Löschung
A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
Ein höhnisches Grinsen, die Stimme meines Schnitters
Chanting softly the song of depletion
Leise singend das Lied der Erschöpfung
Beams of fire sweep through my head
Fasce di fuoco attraversano la mia testa
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Colpi di dolore sempre più impegnati
Sensory receptors succumb
I recettori sensoriali cedono
I'm no one now, only agony
Non sono più nessuno ora, solo agonia
My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
Il mio liquido cremisi così freneticamente versato
The ruby fluid of life unleashed
Il fluido rubino della vita liberato
Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Onde ascendono alla superficie dei miei occhi
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
Le loro penne rosse disegnano a caso, a volontà
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
Una miriade di dolori generati nel loro risveglio
The bastard spawn of a mutinous self
Il bastardo figlio di un sé ribelle
The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
Il rigurgito del mio micro nemico
Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom
Salivando rosso alla prospettiva della mia rovina, della mia condanna
Malfunction the means for its ascent
Malfunzionamento il mezzo per la sua ascesa
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul
Il salasso la voce stringente per chiamare la mia anima
So futile, any resisting tension
Così inutile, qualsiasi tensione resistente
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth
Come la meccanica indotta dalla morte propelle la sua crescita
The implement, the device of my extinction
L'implemento, il dispositivo della mia estinzione
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
L'orologio terminante della mia gioiosa rovina
The definitive scourge of its mockery
La piaga definitiva della sua beffa
The end-art instruments, lethality attained
Gli strumenti dell'arte finale, letalità raggiunta
Heed, it commands, heed my will
Ascolta, comanda, ascolta la mia volontà
Bleed, it says, bleed you will
Sanguina, dice, sanguinerai
Falling into the clarity of undoing
Cadendo nella chiarezza dell'annullamento
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Dei dispettosi dei contrattano per la mia anima
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
L'occhio della mente lampeggia e si contorce mentre lascio andare
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion
Sussurri beffardi accompagnano la mia cancellazione
A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
Un ghigno beffardo, la voce del mio mietitore
Chanting softly the song of depletion
Cantando dolcemente la canzone dell'esaurimento
Beams of fire sweep through my head
Sinar api melintas di kepalaku
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Rasa sakit yang semakin meningkat
Sensory receptors succumb
Reseptor sensorik menyerah
I'm no one now, only agony
Aku bukan siapa-siapa sekarang, hanya rasa sakit
My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
Cairan merahku begitu panik tumpah
The ruby fluid of life unleashed
Cairan kehidupan berwarna rubi terlepas
Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Gelombang naik ke permukaan mataku
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
Pena merah mereka menggambar secara acak, sesuka hati
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
Berbagai rasa sakit timbul dalam jejak mereka
The bastard spawn of a mutinous self
Keturunan durhaka dari diri yang memberontak
The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
Muntahan musuh mikroku
Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom
Mengeluarkan air liur merah dengan prospek kehancuranku, kebinasaanku
Malfunction the means for its ascent
Kerusakan menjadi sarana untuk naiknya
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul
Pengeluaran darah menjadi suara keras yang memanggil jiwaku
So futile, any resisting tension
Sia-sia, setiap ketegangan yang melawan
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth
Mekanisme yang diinduksi kematian mendorong pertumbuhannya
The implement, the device of my extinction
Alat, perangkat kepunahanku
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
Jam kerja yang mengakhiri kegembiraan malapetaka
The definitive scourge of its mockery
Cemoohan yang pasti dari ejekannya
The end-art instruments, lethality attained
Instrumen seni akhir, kematian tercapai
Heed, it commands, heed my will
Dengarkan, ia memerintah, dengarkan kehendakku
Bleed, it says, bleed you will
Berdarah, ia berkata, berdarahlah kau akan
Falling into the clarity of undoing
Jatuh ke dalam kejelasan pembatalan
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Dewa-dewa yang menghina menawar jiwaku
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
Mata batin berkedip dan bergetar saat aku melepaskan
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion
Bisikan mengejek menemani penghapusan diriku
A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
Senyum sinis, suara malaikat mautku
Chanting softly the song of depletion
Menyanyikan lembut lagu pengurasan
Beams of fire sweep through my head
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Sensory receptors succumb
I'm no one now, only agony
ตอนนี้ฉันไม่ใช่ใครเลย มีเพียงความเจ็บปวด
My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
The ruby fluid of life unleashed
Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
ปากกาสีแดงของพวกเขาวาดอย่างสุ่ม, ตามใจ
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
The bastard spawn of a mutinous self
The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom
น้ำลายสีแดงที่มองเห็นการทำลายล้างของฉัน, ความหายนะของฉัน
Malfunction the means for its ascent
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul
So futile, any resisting tension
ไร้ประโยชน์, ความตึงเครียดใด ๆ ที่ต่อต้าน
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth
The implement, the device of my extinction
เครื่องมือ, อุปกรณ์ที่ทำให้ฉันสูญพันธุ์
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
The definitive scourge of its mockery
The end-art instruments, lethality attained
เครื่องมือสิ้นสุด, ความร้ายแรงที่บรรลุ
Heed, it commands, heed my will
ฟัง, มันสั่ง, ฟังคำสั่งของฉัน
Bleed, it says, bleed you will
เลือดออก, มันบอก, เลือดของคุณจะออก
Falling into the clarity of undoing
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion
A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
ยิ้มเยาะ, เสียงของเก็บเกี่ยววิญญาณของฉัน
Chanting softly the song of depletion
ร้องเพลงอย่างเบา ๆ เพลงแห่งการลดลง
Beams of fire sweep through my head
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Sensory receptors succumb
I'm no one now, only agony
My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
The ruby fluid of life unleashed
Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
The bastard spawn of a mutinous self
The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom
Malfunction the means for its ascent
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul
So futile, any resisting tension
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth
The implement, the device of my extinction
The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
The definitive scourge of its mockery
The end-art instruments, lethality attained
Heed, it commands, heed my will
Bleed, it says, bleed you will
Falling into the clarity of undoing
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion
A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
Chanting softly the song of depletion

[Kıta 1]
Alevden ışınlar kafamı tarıyor
Acının baskısı artarak uygulanıyor
Duyu reseptörleri ölüyor
Ve şimdi ızdırabı tanıyorum

Kızıl sıvılarım delice etrafa saçılıyor
Yakut rengi can suyu serbest bırakılıyor

[Kıta 2]
Dalgacıklar gözlerimin yüzeyine çıkıyor
Kırmızı kalemleri rastgele, istedikleri gibi çiziktiriyor
Arkalarında sonsuz acı bırakıyorlar
Asi öznenin haramzade yaratığı

Mikro ezeli düşmanımın dışarı kusulması
Benim yıkımımın, benim sonumun düşüncesi ağzını kırmızı köpürtüyor

[Köprü 1]
Arıza - onun yükseliş aracı
Kan çıkarmak - ruhumu çağıran o otoriter ses

[Köprü 2]
Çok nafile, ona direnen her ip gerimi
Onun büyümesini sağlayan, ölümün doğurduğu her mekanik hareket varken

[Kıta 3]
O alеt, benim yok oluşumun cihazı
Neşeli dеrdimin yok edici, saat gibi çalışan mekanizması
Onun alaycılığının kesin cezası
Bu son, sanat aletleri öldürücülüğe ulaştı

Kulak ver, diye emreder, irademe kulak ver
Kana, der, kanayacaksın

[Kıta 4]
Yıkımın berraklığına düşüyorum
Alaycı tanrılar ruhum için pazarlık ediyor
Zihnimin gözü yolda seğriyor ve yanıp sönüyor
Silinişime alaycı fısıldamalar eşlik ediyor

Küçümseyici bir sırıtma, ölüm meleğimin sesi
Bitişin şarkısını yumuşak bir sesle, tilavetle söylüyor

Curiosidades sobre la música Bleed del Meshuggah

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Bleed” por Meshuggah?
Meshuggah lanzó la canción en los álbumes “obZen” en 2008, “Alive” en 2010 y “The Ophidian Trek” en 2014.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Bleed” de Meshuggah?
La canción “Bleed” de Meshuggah fue compuesta por Fredrik Thordendal, Jens Kidman, Marten Hagstroem, Tomas Haake.

Músicas más populares de Meshuggah

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