The Tribulations of Muffy and Percival
Muffy: Sara Benincasa » Percival: MCF » Narrator: Bob Moseley » Keyboards: Gm7
[Bob Moseley]
Muffy and Percival build a home
[Sara Benincasa]
The contractor called again. He said the reclaimed redwood is going to be more expensive
[MC Frontalot]
Well, that's ridiculous. Why won't he email me a quote?
He says to call him with a fax number
Did you tell him we got rid of the fax line last month?
It was a voice mail
I thought it was like a boutiquey thing that he didn't have a website
God! Sometimes I just want to kill myself
Muffy and Percival prepare a meal
Put the kevlar glove on! You're going to cripple yourself
I broke the shell again
Just go slowly
I don't see why your juicer can handle 32 kinds of vegetables but there's no machine for shucking
You've never understood food
Muffy and Percival throw a party
Evite is down
It's down, it won't load
What? What? What? What?
It's OK. It's going to be OK
Muffy. Muffy. I understand it's not OK now, but it will soon
I can't see. I can't... what are we going to do?
I suppose we could DM everybody one by one
Yeah. Or, I think there's a flock of carrier pigeons in the... [laughter]
Muffy and Percival have their flight canceled
It says there is another one at 6:30
Into JFK at what? Midnight?
Oh God, it's probably going to be just terrible in the taxi line
Well, you'll call a service. We don't live in freakin' Bangladesh
Muffy and Percival visit the third world
Oh, we're not going there
The 4G coverage is atrocious
The third world, darling
Ugh, no, I don't think so. I won't even go to Cleveland
Also terrible 4G coverage