The Unglorious Tale of That Slut I Used to Date
When we started she was so god damn fine
A beautiful girl, so innocent and kind
I may sound fool and I may be a hypocrite
But it's all a mask and I know what's behind it
One, two, (three four dudes)
They all have spend a night with you
Five, six, (seven eight)
You cheated so much how can I not hate
You had the guts to leave me
You said it was my fault
The fuck are you talking about girl?
It's not my fault you are a fucking
(Slut! Whore!) That's what she is
It's like that's what she wanted to be
And I may be a drunkard, and I may be rude
But I still deserve way better than you
Now that you know, (fly you fools!)
'cause she may be cummin' for you
She'll beg for your cock, (she'll beg for your love,)
But trust me she's only digging some gold
She'll tell you she has (some daddy issues,)
Don't fall for that shit and grab some tissues
It's way better to wank yourself to sleep
Than fallin' in love with this fucking bitch