Make Me Famous

Andrew Fulk, Samuel Wellings

Letra Traducción

Ten, nine, eight, seven rabbits running to the finish line
Johnny shot a fucking triple with his brand-new little AR-15
Little Johnny, pretty Johnny
Honey, Johnny's just mentally ill (what a ceremony)
After all, they will say he's misguided, just needs a bit of love

Ooh, just like that
And of course, we'll always give it to him

It's enough to make you think
It's enough to make you think
It's enough to make you
It's enough to make you


Listen closely to the words in this song
I'm betting a lot of people never had a place they belong
Ooh, give 'em a platform for doing something evil
Better not look at me wrong 'cause I'ma mess you up for real

Celebrity status just for murdering people
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?

Cruising down the street with my '74
These stupid little rats don't even know I have been lurkin' 'round sniffin' before
Who wants to dance? (My wicked dance)

Celebrity status just for murdering people
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
We could be famous, like famous for real
Baby, you and I are so similar

I love to play, I love to cause damage
It's what these useless idiots deserve
Soon I'll be praised for causing havoc
That's why I signed up to protect and to serve

This is your captain speaking
I order you to give 'em all a nice bullet to the head
Yes sir, whatever you say
I'll paint the walls a potent fucking red

Make me famous

Ten, nine, eight, seven rabbits running to the finish line
Diez, nueve, ocho, siete conejos corriendo hacia la línea de meta
Johnny shot a fucking triple with his brand-new little AR-15
Johnny disparó un jodido triple con su flamante pequeño AR-15
Little Johnny, pretty Johnny
Pequeño Johnny, bonito Johnny
Honey, Johnny's just mentally ill (what a ceremony)
Cariño, Johnny solo está mentalmente enfermo (qué ceremonia)
After all, they will say he's misguided, just needs a bit of love
Después de todo, dirán que está desorientado, solo necesita un poco de amor
Ooh, just like that
Ooh, así de simple
And of course, we'll always give it to him
Y por supuesto, siempre se lo daremos
It's enough to make you think
Es suficiente para hacerte pensar
It's enough to make you think
Es suficiente para hacerte pensar
It's enough to make you
Es suficiente para hacerte
It's enough to make you
Es suficiente para hacerte
Hijo de puta
Listen closely to the words in this song
Escucha atentamente las palabras de esta canción
I'm betting a lot of people never had a place they belong
Apuesto a que muchas personas nunca tuvieron un lugar al que pertenecer
Ooh, give 'em a platform for doing something evil
Ooh, dale una plataforma para hacer algo malvado
Better not look at me wrong 'cause I'ma mess you up for real
Mejor no me mires mal porque te voy a joder de verdad
Celebrity status just for murdering people
Estatus de celebridad solo por asesinar a personas
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
Cariño, ¿no te resulta tan familiar?
Cruising down the street with my '74
Cruzando la calle con mi '74
These stupid little rats don't even know I have been lurkin' 'round sniffin' before
Estas estúpidas ratitas ni siquiera saben que he estado merodeando y olfateando antes
Who wants to dance? (My wicked dance)
¿Quién quiere bailar? (Mi danza malvada)
Celebrity status just for murdering people
Estatus de celebridad solo por asesinar a personas
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
Cariño, ¿no te resulta tan familiar?
We could be famous, like famous for real
Podríamos ser famosos, como famosos de verdad
Baby, you and I are so similar
Cariño, tú y yo somos tan similares
I love to play, I love to cause damage
Me encanta jugar, me encanta causar daño
It's what these useless idiots deserve
Es lo que estos inútiles idiotas merecen
Soon I'll be praised for causing havoc
Pronto seré alabado por causar estragos
That's why I signed up to protect and to serve
Por eso me inscribí para proteger y servir
This is your captain speaking
Este es su capitán hablando
I order you to give 'em all a nice bullet to the head
Les ordeno que les den a todos un buen disparo en la cabeza
Yes sir, whatever you say
Sí señor, lo que usted diga
I'll paint the walls a potent fucking red
Pintaré las paredes de un potente jodido rojo
Make me famous
Hazme famoso
Ten, nine, eight, seven rabbits running to the finish line
Dez, nove, oito, sete coelhos correndo para a linha de chegada
Johnny shot a fucking triple with his brand-new little AR-15
Johnny acertou um maldito triplo com seu novíssimo pequeno AR-15
Little Johnny, pretty Johnny
Pequeno Johnny, lindo Johnny
Honey, Johnny's just mentally ill (what a ceremony)
Querida, Johnny é apenas mentalmente doente (que cerimônia)
After all, they will say he's misguided, just needs a bit of love
Afinal, eles dirão que ele está desorientado, só precisa de um pouco de amor
Ooh, just like that
Ooh, assim mesmo
And of course, we'll always give it to him
E claro, nós sempre daremos a ele
It's enough to make you think
É o suficiente para fazer você pensar
It's enough to make you think
É o suficiente para fazer você pensar
It's enough to make you
É o suficiente para fazer você
It's enough to make you
É o suficiente para fazer você
Listen closely to the words in this song
Ouça atentamente as palavras desta canção
I'm betting a lot of people never had a place they belong
Estou apostando que muitas pessoas nunca tiveram um lugar a que pertencer
Ooh, give 'em a platform for doing something evil
Ooh, dê a eles uma plataforma para fazer algo mal
Better not look at me wrong 'cause I'ma mess you up for real
Melhor não olhar para mim de forma errada porque eu vou te bagunçar de verdade
Celebrity status just for murdering people
Status de celebridade apenas por matar pessoas
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
Baby, não parece tão familiar?
Cruising down the street with my '74
Cruzei a rua com meu '74
These stupid little rats don't even know I have been lurkin' 'round sniffin' before
Esses estúpidos ratinhos nem sabem que eu estive rondando e farejando antes
Who wants to dance? (My wicked dance)
Quem quer dançar? (Minha dança maligna)
Celebrity status just for murdering people
Status de celebridade apenas por matar pessoas
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
Baby, não parece tão familiar?
We could be famous, like famous for real
Nós poderíamos ser famosos, como famosos de verdade
Baby, you and I are so similar
Baby, você e eu somos tão parecidos
I love to play, I love to cause damage
Eu amo brincar, eu amo causar danos
It's what these useless idiots deserve
É o que esses inúteis idiotas merecem
Soon I'll be praised for causing havoc
Em breve serei elogiado por causar estragos
That's why I signed up to protect and to serve
É por isso que me inscrevi para proteger e servir
This is your captain speaking
Este é o seu capitão falando
I order you to give 'em all a nice bullet to the head
Eu ordeno que você dê a todos eles uma bela bala na cabeça
Yes sir, whatever you say
Sim senhor, o que você disser
I'll paint the walls a potent fucking red
Vou pintar as paredes de um vermelho potente
Make me famous
Me faça famoso
Ten, nine, eight, seven rabbits running to the finish line
Dix, neuf, huit, sept lapins courant vers la ligne d'arrivée
Johnny shot a fucking triple with his brand-new little AR-15
Johnny a tiré un putain de triple avec son tout nouveau petit AR-15
Little Johnny, pretty Johnny
Petit Johnny, joli Johnny
Honey, Johnny's just mentally ill (what a ceremony)
Chérie, Johnny est juste mentalement malade (quelle cérémonie)
After all, they will say he's misguided, just needs a bit of love
Après tout, ils diront qu'il est mal orienté, il a juste besoin d'un peu d'amour
Ooh, just like that
Ooh, juste comme ça
And of course, we'll always give it to him
Et bien sûr, nous le lui donnerons toujours
It's enough to make you think
C'est assez pour te faire réfléchir
It's enough to make you think
C'est assez pour te faire réfléchir
It's enough to make you
C'est assez pour te faire
It's enough to make you
C'est assez pour te faire
Listen closely to the words in this song
Écoute attentivement les paroles de cette chanson
I'm betting a lot of people never had a place they belong
Je parie que beaucoup de gens n'ont jamais eu un endroit où ils appartiennent
Ooh, give 'em a platform for doing something evil
Ooh, donne-leur une plateforme pour faire quelque chose de mal
Better not look at me wrong 'cause I'ma mess you up for real
Il vaut mieux ne pas me regarder de travers parce que je vais vraiment te foutre en l'air
Celebrity status just for murdering people
Statut de célébrité juste pour assassiner des gens
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
Bébé, cela ne te semble-t-il pas si familier ?
Cruising down the street with my '74
Je roule dans la rue avec ma '74
These stupid little rats don't even know I have been lurkin' 'round sniffin' before
Ces stupides petits rats ne savent même pas que j'ai été en train de rôder et de renifler avant
Who wants to dance? (My wicked dance)
Qui veut danser ? (Ma danse maléfique)
Celebrity status just for murdering people
Statut de célébrité juste pour assassiner des gens
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
Bébé, cela ne te semble-t-il pas si familier ?
We could be famous, like famous for real
Nous pourrions être célèbres, comme vraiment célèbres
Baby, you and I are so similar
Bébé, toi et moi sommes si similaires
I love to play, I love to cause damage
J'adore jouer, j'adore causer des dégâts
It's what these useless idiots deserve
C'est ce que ces idiots inutiles méritent
Soon I'll be praised for causing havoc
Bientôt, je serai loué pour avoir causé le chaos
That's why I signed up to protect and to serve
C'est pourquoi je me suis engagé pour protéger et servir
This is your captain speaking
C'est votre capitaine qui parle
I order you to give 'em all a nice bullet to the head
Je vous ordonne de leur donner à tous une belle balle dans la tête
Yes sir, whatever you say
Oui monsieur, quoi que vous disiez
I'll paint the walls a potent fucking red
Je vais peindre les murs d'un rouge putain de puissant
Make me famous
Rendez-moi célèbre
Ten, nine, eight, seven rabbits running to the finish line
Zehn, neun, acht, sieben Hasen rennen zur Ziellinie
Johnny shot a fucking triple with his brand-new little AR-15
Johnny hat mit seiner brandneuen kleinen AR-15 ein verdammtes Triple geschossen
Little Johnny, pretty Johnny
Kleiner Johnny, hübscher Johnny
Honey, Johnny's just mentally ill (what a ceremony)
Schatz, Johnny ist einfach nur geistig krank (was für eine Zeremonie)
After all, they will say he's misguided, just needs a bit of love
Schließlich werden sie sagen, er ist fehlgeleitet, braucht nur ein bisschen Liebe
Ooh, just like that
Ooh, genau so
And of course, we'll always give it to him
Und natürlich werden wir ihm das immer geben
It's enough to make you think
Es reicht, um dich zum Nachdenken zu bringen
It's enough to make you think
Es reicht, um dich zum Nachdenken zu bringen
It's enough to make you
Es reicht, um dich zum
It's enough to make you
Es reicht, um dich zum
Listen closely to the words in this song
Hör genau auf die Worte in diesem Lied
I'm betting a lot of people never had a place they belong
Ich wette, viele Menschen hatten nie einen Ort, an den sie gehören
Ooh, give 'em a platform for doing something evil
Ooh, gib ihnen eine Plattform, um etwas Böses zu tun
Better not look at me wrong 'cause I'ma mess you up for real
Besser, du siehst mich nicht falsch an, denn ich werde dich wirklich fertig machen
Celebrity status just for murdering people
Promistatus nur für das Morden von Menschen
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
Baby, fühlt es sich nicht so vertraut an?
Cruising down the street with my '74
Ich fahre die Straße entlang mit meinem '74
These stupid little rats don't even know I have been lurkin' 'round sniffin' before
Diese dummen kleinen Ratten wissen nicht einmal, dass ich schon vorher herumgeschnüffelt habe
Who wants to dance? (My wicked dance)
Wer will tanzen? (Mein böser Tanz)
Celebrity status just for murdering people
Promistatus nur für das Morden von Menschen
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
Baby, fühlt es sich nicht so vertraut an?
We could be famous, like famous for real
Wir könnten berühmt sein, wirklich berühmt
Baby, you and I are so similar
Baby, du und ich sind so ähnlich
I love to play, I love to cause damage
Ich liebe es zu spielen, ich liebe es, Schaden anzurichten
It's what these useless idiots deserve
Das ist es, was diese nutzlosen Idioten verdienen
Soon I'll be praised for causing havoc
Bald werde ich für das Anrichten von Chaos gelobt
That's why I signed up to protect and to serve
Deshalb habe ich mich angemeldet, um zu schützen und zu dienen
This is your captain speaking
Hier spricht Ihr Kapitän
I order you to give 'em all a nice bullet to the head
Ich befehle Ihnen, ihnen allen eine schöne Kugel in den Kopf zu geben
Yes sir, whatever you say
Ja Sir, was auch immer Sie sagen
I'll paint the walls a potent fucking red
Ich werde die Wände in ein kräftiges verdammtes Rot tauchen
Make me famous
Mach mich berühmt
Ten, nine, eight, seven rabbits running to the finish line
Dieci, nove, otto, sette conigli corrono verso il traguardo
Johnny shot a fucking triple with his brand-new little AR-15
Johnny ha sparato un cazzo di triplo con il suo nuovissimo piccolo AR-15
Little Johnny, pretty Johnny
Piccolo Johnny, bel Johnny
Honey, Johnny's just mentally ill (what a ceremony)
Tesoro, Johnny è solo mentalmente malato (che cerimonia)
After all, they will say he's misguided, just needs a bit of love
Dopotutto, diranno che è fuorviato, ha solo bisogno di un po' d'amore
Ooh, just like that
Ooh, proprio così
And of course, we'll always give it to him
E naturalmente, glielo daremo sempre
It's enough to make you think
Basta farci pensare
It's enough to make you think
Basta farci pensare
It's enough to make you
Basta farci
It's enough to make you
Basta farci
Listen closely to the words in this song
Ascolta attentamente le parole in questa canzone
I'm betting a lot of people never had a place they belong
Scommetto che molte persone non hanno mai avuto un posto dove appartengono
Ooh, give 'em a platform for doing something evil
Ooh, dà loro una piattaforma per fare qualcosa di male
Better not look at me wrong 'cause I'ma mess you up for real
Meglio non guardarmi male perché ti rovinerò per davvero
Celebrity status just for murdering people
Status di celebrità solo per aver ucciso persone
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
Baby, non ti sembra così familiare?
Cruising down the street with my '74
Crociera per la strada con la mia '74
These stupid little rats don't even know I have been lurkin' 'round sniffin' before
Questi stupidi piccoli topi nemmeno sanno che sono stato in giro a fiutare prima
Who wants to dance? (My wicked dance)
Chi vuole ballare? (La mia danza malvagia)
Celebrity status just for murdering people
Status di celebrità solo per aver ucciso persone
Baby, doesn't it feel so familiar?
Baby, non ti sembra così familiare?
We could be famous, like famous for real
Potremmo essere famosi, come famosi per davvero
Baby, you and I are so similar
Baby, tu ed io siamo così simili
I love to play, I love to cause damage
Amo giocare, amo causare danni
It's what these useless idiots deserve
È quello che questi inutili idioti meritano
Soon I'll be praised for causing havoc
Presto sarò lodato per aver causato caos
That's why I signed up to protect and to serve
Ecco perché mi sono iscritto per proteggere e servire
This is your captain speaking
Questo è il vostro capitano che parla
I order you to give 'em all a nice bullet to the head
Vi ordino di dare a tutti un bel colpo di pistola alla testa
Yes sir, whatever you say
Sì signore, qualunque cosa tu dica
I'll paint the walls a potent fucking red
Dipingerò le pareti di un potente cazzo di rosso
Make me famous
Rendimi famoso

[Куплет 1]
10, 9, 8, 7 кроликов перебегает финишную прямую
Джонни застрелил трёх с его новенького AR-15, воу
Малыш Джонни, милый Джонни, сладкий Джонни просто психически болен
(Какое торжество) После всего этого, они скажут что он заплутал и ему нужно было немного любви

Ммм, именно так
И конечно, мы всегда её, ему давали

Этого достаточно, чтобы заставить тебя думать
Этого достаточно, чтобы заставить тебя думать
Этого достаточно, чтобы заставить тебя
Этого достаточно, чтобы сделать тебя

[Куплет 2]
Вслушивайся внимательно в слова этой песни
Я ставлю на то, что у многих людей нет места которому они принадлежат
Дай им основу для того что бы делать что-то злое
"Тебе лучше не смотреть на меня неправильно, потому что я испорчу тебя по-настоящему"

Статус звезды, для убийства людей
Малыш, разве это не знакомо

[Инструментальный Переход]

[Куплет 3]
Спускаюсь по улице с моим 74-ым
Эти тупые мелкие крысы даже не знают что я и раньше шнырял поблизости, принюхиваясь
Кто хочет станцевать? (Мой злобный танец)

Статус звезды, для убийства людей
Малыш, разве это не знакомо
Мы можем быть знамениты, знамениты по-настоящему
Малыш, мы с тобой так похожи

Мне нравится играть, я люблю причинять боль
Это то что заслуживают эти бесполезные идиоты
Скоро меня будут хвалить за то, что я сеял хаос
Вот почему я подписался защищать и служить

[Перед Брейкдауном: Капитан, Солдат]
Говорит твой капитан
Я приказываю тебе, выбать им по пуле в голову
Да сэр, как прикажете
Я выкрашу стены в алый цвет

Сделай меня знаменитым
Сделай меня знаменитым


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