American Kids

Luke Laird, Rodney Clawson, Shane Mcanally

Letra Traducción

Doublewide Quick Stop midnight T-top
Jack in her Cherry Coke town
Momma and daddy put their roots right here
'Cause this is where the car broke down
Yellow dog school bus kickin' up red dust
Pickin' us up by a barbed wire fence
MTV on the RCA, no A/C in the vents

We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
New York to LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Baby, come give me a kiss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright

Baptist church parkin' lot, tryin' not to get caught
Take her home and give her your jacket
Makin' it to second base, but sayin' you went all the way
Monday afternoon at practice
Sisters got a boyfriend daddy doesn't like
Now he's sittin' out back, 30/30 in his lap
In the blue bug zapper light

We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
New York to LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Baby, come give me a kiss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright

We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
New York to LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Baby, come give me a kiss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright

Doublewide Quick Stop midnight T-top
Parada rápida de Doublewide a medianoche T-top
Jack in her Cherry Coke town
Jack en su pueblo de Cherry Coke
Momma and daddy put their roots right here
Mamá y papá echaron raíces aquí
'Cause this is where the car broke down
Porque aquí es donde se averió el coche
Yellow dog school bus kickin' up red dust
Autobús escolar amarillo levantando polvo rojo
Pickin' us up by a barbed wire fence
Recogiéndonos junto a una valla de alambre de púas
MTV on the RCA, no A/C in the vents
MTV en la RCA, sin A/C en las rejillas
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Éramos Jesús sálvame, bebé de jeans azules
Born in the USA
Nacidos en los Estados Unidos
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Parada de camiones de parque de caravanas, pequeños puntos de mapa descoloridos
New York to LA
De Nueva York a Los Ángeles
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Soñábamos siendo adolescentes, inclinándonos en el asiento delantero
Baby, come give me a kiss
Bebé, ven a darme un beso
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Ponme en la portada de Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Niños americanos de pueblo y ciudad
Growin' up in little pink houses
Creciendo en pequeñas casas rosas
Makin' out on living room couches
Besándonos en los sofás de la sala de estar
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soplando ese humo el sábado por la noche
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Un poco desordenados, pero estamos todos bien
Baptist church parkin' lot, tryin' not to get caught
Estacionamiento de la iglesia bautista, intentando no ser atrapados
Take her home and give her your jacket
Llévala a casa y dale tu chaqueta
Makin' it to second base, but sayin' you went all the way
Llegando a la segunda base, pero diciendo que fuiste hasta el final
Monday afternoon at practice
Lunes por la tarde en la práctica
Sisters got a boyfriend daddy doesn't like
La hermana tiene un novio que papá no le gusta
Now he's sittin' out back, 30/30 in his lap
Ahora está sentado en la parte de atrás, 30/30 en su regazo
In the blue bug zapper light
En la luz del mata insectos azul
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Éramos Jesús sálvame, bebé de jeans azules
Born in the USA
Nacidos en los Estados Unidos
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Parada de camiones de parque de caravanas, pequeños puntos de mapa descoloridos
New York to LA
De Nueva York a Los Ángeles
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Soñábamos siendo adolescentes, inclinándonos en el asiento delantero
Baby, come give me a kiss
Bebé, ven a darme un beso
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Ponme en la portada de Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Niños americanos de pueblo y ciudad
Growin' up in little pink houses
Creciendo en pequeñas casas rosas
Makin' out on living room couches
Besándonos en los sofás de la sala de estar
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soplando ese humo el sábado por la noche
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Un poco desordenados, pero estamos todos bien
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Éramos Jesús sálvame, bebé de jeans azules
Born in the USA
Nacidos en los Estados Unidos
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Parada de camiones de parque de caravanas, pequeños puntos de mapa descoloridos
New York to LA
De Nueva York a Los Ángeles
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Soñábamos siendo adolescentes, inclinándonos en el asiento delantero
Baby, come give me a kiss
Bebé, ven a darme un beso
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Ponme en la portada de Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Niños americanos de pueblo y ciudad
Growin' up in little pink houses
Creciendo en pequeñas casas rosas
Makin' out on living room couches
Besándonos en los sofás de la sala de estar
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soplando ese humo el sábado por la noche
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Un poco desordenados, pero estamos todos bien
Doublewide Quick Stop midnight T-top
Parada rápida de Doublewide à meia-noite T-top
Jack in her Cherry Coke town
Jack na cidade do seu Cherry Coke
Momma and daddy put their roots right here
Mamãe e papai colocaram suas raízes bem aqui
'Cause this is where the car broke down
Porque foi aqui que o carro quebrou
Yellow dog school bus kickin' up red dust
Ônibus escolar amarelo chutando poeira vermelha
Pickin' us up by a barbed wire fence
Nos pegando por uma cerca de arame farpado
MTV on the RCA, no A/C in the vents
MTV na RCA, sem ar condicionado nas saídas de ar
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Nós éramos Jesus me salve, bebê de jeans azul
Born in the USA
Nascido nos EUA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Parada de caminhão do parque de trailers, pequenos pontos desbotados no mapa
New York to LA
De Nova York a LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Nós éramos adolescentes sonhando, inclinando-se no banco da frente
Baby, come give me a kiss
Baby, venha me dar um beijo
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Me coloque na capa da Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Crianças americanas do centro da cidade
Growin' up in little pink houses
Crescendo em pequenas casas cor de rosa
Makin' out on living room couches
Se agarrando nos sofás da sala de estar
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soprando aquela fumaça no sábado à noite
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Um pouco bagunçados, mas estamos todos bem
Baptist church parkin' lot, tryin' not to get caught
Estacionamento da igreja batista, tentando não ser pego
Take her home and give her your jacket
Leve-a para casa e dê a ela sua jaqueta
Makin' it to second base, but sayin' you went all the way
Chegando à segunda base, mas dizendo que você foi até o fim
Monday afternoon at practice
Segunda-feira à tarde na prática
Sisters got a boyfriend daddy doesn't like
A irmã tem um namorado que o papai não gosta
Now he's sittin' out back, 30/30 in his lap
Agora ele está sentado lá fora, 30/30 no colo
In the blue bug zapper light
Na luz azul do mata-mosquitos
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Nós éramos Jesus me salve, bebê de jeans azul
Born in the USA
Nascido nos EUA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Parada de caminhão do parque de trailers, pequenos pontos desbotados no mapa
New York to LA
De Nova York a LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Nós éramos adolescentes sonhando, inclinando-se no banco da frente
Baby, come give me a kiss
Baby, venha me dar um beijo
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Me coloque na capa da Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Crianças americanas do centro da cidade
Growin' up in little pink houses
Crescendo em pequenas casas cor de rosa
Makin' out on living room couches
Se agarrando nos sofás da sala de estar
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soprando aquela fumaça no sábado à noite
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Um pouco bagunçados, mas estamos todos bem
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Nós éramos Jesus me salve, bebê de jeans azul
Born in the USA
Nascido nos EUA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Parada de caminhão do parque de trailers, pequenos pontos desbotados no mapa
New York to LA
De Nova York a LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Nós éramos adolescentes sonhando, inclinando-se no banco da frente
Baby, come give me a kiss
Baby, venha me dar um beijo
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Me coloque na capa da Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Crianças americanas do centro da cidade
Growin' up in little pink houses
Crescendo em pequenas casas cor de rosa
Makin' out on living room couches
Se agarrando nos sofás da sala de estar
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soprando aquela fumaça no sábado à noite
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Um pouco bagunçados, mas estamos todos bem
Doublewide Quick Stop midnight T-top
Doublewide Quick Stop minuit T-top
Jack in her Cherry Coke town
Jack dans sa ville de Cherry Coke
Momma and daddy put their roots right here
Maman et papa ont mis leurs racines ici
'Cause this is where the car broke down
Parce que c'est ici que la voiture est tombée en panne
Yellow dog school bus kickin' up red dust
Bus scolaire jaune soulevant de la poussière rouge
Pickin' us up by a barbed wire fence
Nous ramassant près d'une clôture de fil barbelé
MTV on the RCA, no A/C in the vents
MTV sur le RCA, pas de climatisation dans les bouches d'aération
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Nous étions Jésus sauve-moi, bébé en jean
Born in the USA
Né aux USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Arrêt de camion de parc de caravanes, petites taches de carte fanées
New York to LA
De New York à LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Nous étions des adolescents rêveurs, penchés sur le siège avant
Baby, come give me a kiss
Bébé, viens me donner un baiser
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Mets-moi sur la couverture du Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Enfants américains du centre-ville et de la campagne
Growin' up in little pink houses
Grandissant dans de petites maisons roses
Makin' out on living room couches
S'embrassant sur les canapés du salon
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soufflant cette fumée le samedi soir
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Un peu dérangés, mais nous allons tous bien
Baptist church parkin' lot, tryin' not to get caught
Parking de l'église baptiste, essayant de ne pas se faire prendre
Take her home and give her your jacket
Ramène-la à la maison et donne-lui ta veste
Makin' it to second base, but sayin' you went all the way
Arrivant à la deuxième base, mais disant que tu es allé jusqu'au bout
Monday afternoon at practice
Lundi après-midi à l'entraînement
Sisters got a boyfriend daddy doesn't like
La sœur a un petit ami que papa n'aime pas
Now he's sittin' out back, 30/30 in his lap
Maintenant, il est assis à l'arrière, 30/30 sur ses genoux
In the blue bug zapper light
Dans la lumière bleue du tueur d'insectes
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Nous étions Jésus sauve-moi, bébé en jean
Born in the USA
Né aux USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Arrêt de camion de parc de caravanes, petites taches de carte fanées
New York to LA
De New York à LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Nous étions des adolescents rêveurs, penchés sur le siège avant
Baby, come give me a kiss
Bébé, viens me donner un baiser
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Mets-moi sur la couverture du Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Enfants américains du centre-ville et de la campagne
Growin' up in little pink houses
Grandissant dans de petites maisons roses
Makin' out on living room couches
S'embrassant sur les canapés du salon
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soufflant cette fumée le samedi soir
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Un peu dérangés, mais nous allons tous bien
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Nous étions Jésus sauve-moi, bébé en jean
Born in the USA
Né aux USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Arrêt de camion de parc de caravanes, petites taches de carte fanées
New York to LA
De New York à LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Nous étions des adolescents rêveurs, penchés sur le siège avant
Baby, come give me a kiss
Bébé, viens me donner un baiser
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Mets-moi sur la couverture du Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Enfants américains du centre-ville et de la campagne
Growin' up in little pink houses
Grandissant dans de petites maisons roses
Makin' out on living room couches
S'embrassant sur les canapés du salon
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soufflant cette fumée le samedi soir
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Un peu dérangés, mais nous allons tous bien
Doublewide Quick Stop midnight T-top
Doppelbreite Schnellstopp Mitternacht T-Top
Jack in her Cherry Coke town
Jack in ihrer Cherry Coke Stadt
Momma and daddy put their roots right here
Mama und Papa haben hier ihre Wurzeln geschlagen
'Cause this is where the car broke down
Denn hier ist das Auto liegen geblieben
Yellow dog school bus kickin' up red dust
Gelber Schulbus wirbelt roten Staub auf
Pickin' us up by a barbed wire fence
Holt uns an einem Stacheldrahtzaun ab
MTV on the RCA, no A/C in the vents
Mtv auf dem RCA, keine Klimaanlage in den Lüftungsschlitzen
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Wir waren Jesus rette mich, Blue Jeans Baby
Born in the USA
Geboren in den USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Wohnwagenpark Raststätte, verblasste kleine Kartenpunkte
New York to LA
New York bis LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Wir waren Teenagerträume, vorn im Auto lehnend
Baby, come give me a kiss
Baby, komm und gib mir einen Kuss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Setz mich auf das Cover des Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Uptown Down Home American Kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Aufwachsen in kleinen rosa Häusern
Makin' out on living room couches
Rumknutschen auf Wohnzimmercouches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Rauchen am Samstagabend
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Ein bisschen durcheinander, aber wir sind alle in Ordnung
Baptist church parkin' lot, tryin' not to get caught
Baptistenkirchenparkplatz, versuchen nicht erwischt zu werden
Take her home and give her your jacket
Bring sie nach Hause und gib ihr deine Jacke
Makin' it to second base, but sayin' you went all the way
Es bis zur zweiten Base schaffen, aber sagen, dass du ganz bis zum Ende gegangen bist
Monday afternoon at practice
Montagnachmittag beim Training
Sisters got a boyfriend daddy doesn't like
Schwester hat einen Freund, den Papa nicht mag
Now he's sittin' out back, 30/30 in his lap
Jetzt sitzt er hinten, 30/30 auf seinem Schoß
In the blue bug zapper light
Im blauen Insektenvernichterlicht
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Wir waren Jesus rette mich, Blue Jeans Baby
Born in the USA
Geboren in den USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Wohnwagenpark Raststätte, verblasste kleine Kartenpunkte
New York to LA
New York bis LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Wir waren Teenagerträume, vorn im Auto lehnend
Baby, come give me a kiss
Baby, komm und gib mir einen Kuss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Setz mich auf das Cover des Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Uptown Down Home American Kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Aufwachsen in kleinen rosa Häusern
Makin' out on living room couches
Rumknutschen auf Wohnzimmercouches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Rauchen am Samstagabend
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Ein bisschen durcheinander, aber wir sind alle in Ordnung
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Wir waren Jesus rette mich, Blue Jeans Baby
Born in the USA
Geboren in den USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Wohnwagenpark Raststätte, verblasste kleine Kartenpunkte
New York to LA
New York bis LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Wir waren Teenagerträume, vorn im Auto lehnend
Baby, come give me a kiss
Baby, komm und gib mir einen Kuss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Setz mich auf das Cover des Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Uptown Down Home American Kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Aufwachsen in kleinen rosa Häusern
Makin' out on living room couches
Rumknutschen auf Wohnzimmercouches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Rauchen am Samstagabend
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Ein bisschen durcheinander, aber wir sind alle in Ordnung
Doublewide Quick Stop midnight T-top
Doppia larghezza Quick Stop mezzanotte T-top
Jack in her Cherry Coke town
Jack nella sua città di Cherry Coke
Momma and daddy put their roots right here
Mamma e papà hanno messo le loro radici proprio qui
'Cause this is where the car broke down
Perché è qui che l'auto si è rotta
Yellow dog school bus kickin' up red dust
Autobus scolastico giallo che solleva polvere rossa
Pickin' us up by a barbed wire fence
Ci raccoglie vicino a una recinzione di filo spinato
MTV on the RCA, no A/C in the vents
MTV sulla RCA, niente aria condizionata nelle bocchette
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Eravamo Gesù salvami, bambina in jeans
Born in the USA
Nati negli USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Fermata del camion del parco roulotte, piccoli punti sbiaditi sulla mappa
New York to LA
Da New York a LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Eravamo adolescenti che sognano, appoggiati al sedile anteriore
Baby, come give me a kiss
Bambina, vieni a darmi un bacio
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Mettimi sulla copertina del Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Ragazzi americani di casa in centro
Growin' up in little pink houses
Crescendo in piccole case rosa
Makin' out on living room couches
Facendo fuori sui divani del soggiorno
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soffiando quel fumo il sabato sera
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Un po' scombussolati, ma stiamo tutti bene
Baptist church parkin' lot, tryin' not to get caught
Parcheggio della chiesa battista, cercando di non farsi prendere
Take her home and give her your jacket
Portala a casa e dale la tua giacca
Makin' it to second base, but sayin' you went all the way
Arrivando alla seconda base, ma dicendo che sei andato fino in fondo
Monday afternoon at practice
Lunedì pomeriggio all'allenamento
Sisters got a boyfriend daddy doesn't like
La sorella ha un fidanzato che papà non gradisce
Now he's sittin' out back, 30/30 in his lap
Ora lui è seduto fuori, 30/30 sulle ginocchia
In the blue bug zapper light
Nella luce blu dello zapper per insetti
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Eravamo Gesù salvami, bambina in jeans
Born in the USA
Nati negli USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Fermata del camion del parco roulotte, piccoli punti sbiaditi sulla mappa
New York to LA
Da New York a LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Eravamo adolescenti che sognano, appoggiati al sedile anteriore
Baby, come give me a kiss
Bambina, vieni a darmi un bacio
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Mettimi sulla copertina del Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Ragazzi americani di casa in centro
Growin' up in little pink houses
Crescendo in piccole case rosa
Makin' out on living room couches
Facendo fuori sui divani del soggiorno
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soffiando quel fumo il sabato sera
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Un po' scombussolati, ma stiamo tutti bene
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Eravamo Gesù salvami, bambina in jeans
Born in the USA
Nati negli USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Fermata del camion del parco roulotte, piccoli punti sbiaditi sulla mappa
New York to LA
Da New York a LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Eravamo adolescenti che sognano, appoggiati al sedile anteriore
Baby, come give me a kiss
Bambina, vieni a darmi un bacio
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Mettimi sulla copertina del Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Ragazzi americani di casa in centro
Growin' up in little pink houses
Crescendo in piccole case rosa
Makin' out on living room couches
Facendo fuori sui divani del soggiorno
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Soffiando quel fumo il sabato sera
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Un po' scombussolati, ma stiamo tutti bene
Doublewide Quick Stop midnight T-top
Doublewide Quick Stop tengah malam T-top
Jack in her Cherry Coke town
Jack di kota Cherry Coke-nya
Momma and daddy put their roots right here
Mama dan papa menanam akar mereka di sini
'Cause this is where the car broke down
Karena di sinilah mobil itu mogok
Yellow dog school bus kickin' up red dust
Bus sekolah kuning mengangkat debu merah
Pickin' us up by a barbed wire fence
Menjemput kami di pagar kawat berduri
MTV on the RCA, no A/C in the vents
MTV di RCA, tidak ada AC di ventilasi
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Kami adalah Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Lahir di USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Trailer park truck stop, titik peta kecil yang pudar
New York to LA
New York ke LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Kami bermimpi remaja, bersandar di kursi depan
Baby, come give me a kiss
Sayang, datang cium aku
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Letakkan aku di sampul Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Anak-anak Amerika kota atas desa bawah
Growin' up in little pink houses
Tumbuh di rumah-rumah pink kecil
Makin' out on living room couches
Bercumbu di sofa ruang tamu
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Menghembuskan asap pada malam Sabtu
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Sedikit kacau, tapi kami semua baik-baik saja
Baptist church parkin' lot, tryin' not to get caught
Tempat parkir gereja Baptis, berusaha tidak ketahuan
Take her home and give her your jacket
Antar dia pulang dan berikan jaketmu
Makin' it to second base, but sayin' you went all the way
Mencapai base kedua, tapi bilang kamu pergi sejauh itu
Monday afternoon at practice
Senin sore di latihan
Sisters got a boyfriend daddy doesn't like
Saudara perempuan punya pacar yang tidak disukai ayah
Now he's sittin' out back, 30/30 in his lap
Sekarang dia duduk di belakang, 30/30 di pangkuannya
In the blue bug zapper light
Di bawah cahaya pembunuh serangga biru
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Kami adalah Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Lahir di USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Trailer park truck stop, titik peta kecil yang pudar
New York to LA
New York ke LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Kami bermimpi remaja, bersandar di kursi depan
Baby, come give me a kiss
Sayang, datang cium aku
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Letakkan aku di sampul Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Anak-anak Amerika kota atas desa bawah
Growin' up in little pink houses
Tumbuh di rumah-rumah pink kecil
Makin' out on living room couches
Bercumbu di sofa ruang tamu
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Menghembuskan asap pada malam Sabtu
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Sedikit kacau, tapi kami semua baik-baik saja
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Kami adalah Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Lahir di USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
Trailer park truck stop, titik peta kecil yang pudar
New York to LA
New York ke LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Kami bermimpi remaja, bersandar di kursi depan
Baby, come give me a kiss
Sayang, datang cium aku
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Letakkan aku di sampul Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Anak-anak Amerika kota atas desa bawah
Growin' up in little pink houses
Tumbuh di rumah-rumah pink kecil
Makin' out on living room couches
Bercumbu di sofa ruang tamu
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
Menghembuskan asap pada malam Sabtu
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Sedikit kacau, tapi kami semua baik-baik saja
Doublewide Quick Stop midnight T-top
Jack in her Cherry Coke town
Momma and daddy put their roots right here
'Cause this is where the car broke down
Yellow dog school bus kickin' up red dust
Pickin' us up by a barbed wire fence
MTV on the RCA, no A/C in the vents
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
New York to LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Baby, come give me a kiss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
俺をRolling Stoneの表紙に載せてくれ
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Baptist church parkin' lot, tryin' not to get caught
Take her home and give her your jacket
Makin' it to second base, but sayin' you went all the way
Monday afternoon at practice
Sisters got a boyfriend daddy doesn't like
Now he's sittin' out back, 30/30 in his lap
In the blue bug zapper light
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
New York to LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Baby, come give me a kiss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
俺をRolling Stoneの表紙に載せてくれ
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
New York to LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Baby, come give me a kiss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
俺をRolling Stoneの表紙に載せてくれ
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Doublewide Quick Stop midnight T-top
ดับเบิ้ลไวด์ ควิก สต็อป มิดไนท์ ที-ท็อป
Jack in her Cherry Coke town
แจ็ค อิน เฮอร์ เชอร์รี่ โค้ก ทาวน์
Momma and daddy put their roots right here
มัมม่า และ แด๊ดดี้ ปลูกรากที่นี่
'Cause this is where the car broke down
Yellow dog school bus kickin' up red dust
รถบัสโรงเรียนสีเหลือง เตะฝุ่นแดงขึ้น
Pickin' us up by a barbed wire fence
MTV on the RCA, no A/C in the vents
เอ็มทีวี บน อาร์ซีเอ, ไม่มีแอร์ในท่อลม
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
เราเป็นเด็กที่วอนขอพรจากพระเยซู, เด็กหนุ่มในยีนส์
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
ที่จอดรถบรรทุกในสวนรถพ่วง, จุดเล็กๆ ที่ซีดจางบนแผนที่
New York to LA
นิวยอร์ก ถึง แอลเอ
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
เราฝันในวัยรุ่น, พิงเบาะหน้า
Baby, come give me a kiss
ที่รัก, มาจูบฉันสักที
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
ใส่ฉันบนปกของโรลลิง สโตน
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright
เราอาจจะมีปัญหาบ้าง แต่เราก็โอเคทั้งนั้น
Baptist church parkin' lot, tryin' not to get caught
ลานจอดรถโบสถ์แบ๊บติสต์, พยายามไม่ให้ถูกจับได้
Take her home and give her your jacket
Makin' it to second base, but sayin' you went all the way
ทำให้ถึงฐานที่สอง, แต่บอกว่าไปถึงฐานสุดท้าย
Monday afternoon at practice
Sisters got a boyfriend daddy doesn't like
Now he's sittin' out back, 30/30 in his lap
ตอนนี้เขานั่งอยู่ด้านหลัง, 30/30 อยู่บนตัก
In the blue bug zapper light
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
เราเป็นเด็กที่วอนขอพรจากพระเยซู, เด็กหนุ่มในยีนส์
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
ที่จอดรถบรรทุกในสวนรถพ่วง, จุดเล็กๆ ที่ซีดจางบนแผนที่
New York to LA
นิวยอร์ก ถึง แอลเอ
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
เราฝันในวัยรุ่น, พิงเบาะหน้า
Baby, come give me a kiss
ที่รัก, มาจูบฉันสักที
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
ใส่ฉันบนปกของโรลลิง สโตน
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright
เราอาจจะมีปัญหาบ้าง แต่เราก็โอเคทั้งนั้น
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
เราเป็นเด็กที่วอนขอพรจากพระเยซู, เด็กหนุ่มในยีนส์
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
ที่จอดรถบรรทุกในสวนรถพ่วง, จุดเล็กๆ ที่ซีดจางบนแผนที่
New York to LA
นิวยอร์ก ถึง แอลเอ
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
เราฝันในวัยรุ่น, พิงเบาะหน้า
Baby, come give me a kiss
ที่รัก, มาจูบฉันสักที
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
ใส่ฉันบนปกของโรลลิง สโตน
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright
เราอาจจะมีปัญหาบ้าง แต่เราก็โอเคทั้งนั้น
Doublewide Quick Stop midnight T-top
Jack in her Cherry Coke town
Momma and daddy put their roots right here
'Cause this is where the car broke down
Yellow dog school bus kickin' up red dust
Pickin' us up by a barbed wire fence
MTV on the RCA, no A/C in the vents
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
New York to LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Baby, come give me a kiss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright
Baptist church parkin' lot, tryin' not to get caught
Take her home and give her your jacket
Makin' it to second base, but sayin' you went all the way
Monday afternoon at practice
Sisters got a boyfriend daddy doesn't like
Now he's sittin' out back, 30/30 in his lap
In the blue bug zapper light
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
New York to LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Baby, come give me a kiss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright
We were Jesus save me, blue jean baby
Born in the USA
Trailer park truck stop, faded little map dots
New York to LA
We were teenage dreamin', front seat leanin'
Baby, come give me a kiss
Put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone
Uptown down home American kids
Growin' up in little pink houses
Makin' out on living room couches
Blowin' that smoke on Saturday night
A little messed up, but we're all alright

Curiosidades sobre la música American Kids del Kenny Chesney

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “American Kids” por Kenny Chesney?
La canción American Kids fue lanzada en 2014, en el álbum “The Big Revival”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “American Kids” de Kenny Chesney?
La canción “American Kids” de Kenny Chesney fue compuesta por Luke Laird, Rodney Clawson, Shane Mcanally.

Músicas más populares de Kenny Chesney

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