Watching The Hawks
And the blossom, branches of cherry blossom
A heron in the snow
Pine-clad mountainsides
Mellotronic waterfalls
And the Rhodes piano, jutting rocks
And mist that wraps up like lace
Spring morning sunshine
A crimson dawn
That's as soft as a drunken face
And watching the hawks on a hidden stairway
All of a sudden mountain rain
That blackens enveloping dust
And we wash in an emerald sea of bracken
That waves in the dusk
Stone pine peeling, peeling bark
And a quarry that looks like a church
And falling stones echo
Flat slap and scratch
With the silver moons of the birch
And watching the hawks on a hidden stairway
Stone pine peeling, peeling bark
And a quarry that looks like a church
And falling stones echo
Flat slap and scratch
With the silver moons of the birch
And watching the hawks on a hidden stairway
And the jade bowing ferns
To a charming, charming sky
These heady, heady profusions, in a spin
Zigzagging dragonflies
Slate stream, tin cans, tin cans a-streaming
White flags of cloud
Red slope descending
Scree slip and sliding
Where the way allows
And watching the hawks on a hidden stairway
Watching the hawks on a hidden stairway
Watching the hawks on a hidden stairway
Watching the hawks on a hidden stairway