Vídeos destacados

Músicas más populares

Todas las Músicas

A Benefit 4 Dreamland
A Million Dollars
Absentminded Melody
Action, Camera, Lights
All The Pretty Faces
All the Way Down the Line
An Introduction
Ashtray Rock
At My Door
Beyond the Frame
Beyond, Beyond, Beyond
Black Sheep Boy
Blank Cheque
Blinding Light (With Ruth...
Blood in My Veins
Blowing a Kiss
Brand New & Brokenhearted
Broken Heart Songs
Captains of Industry
Carried Away
Catch 22
Clueless Wonder
Cold Blue Light
Come On Teacher
Complicated Love
Credits Roll
Cry Together
Curtain Call at the Polish Hall
Deny, Deny, Deny
Disappear Me
Down At The Khyber
Down, Down, Down
Drifters Raus
Drunk Teenagers
Every Time You Leave
Face Of The Earth
Fall Guy
Fashionable People
Flaming Star
For Your Consideration
Forever In Debt
Gone, Gone, Gone
Goodbye, Doctor
Goodbye, World
Happen Now
Happy When I’m Sad
Harbour Boys
Hard Times
Head Over Heels Into Heaven
Heart To Heart With Lionel
Heartless, Heartless, Heartless
Help Me Somebody Depression Blues lyrics
Hey Stu!
Highland Heart
I Lost It
I'd Rather Be Deadly Than Dead
If There's Another Road
Illegitimate Blues
In Need of Medical Attention
In the Blue Moonlight
Is This Actually On?
It All Reappears
It's Catching On
Jim Jones
Just Because
Just Passing Through
Lazy Bones
Light Of The Moon
Lights Down Low
Lonely Limbo
Lonely Love
Love This Town
Lying On A Beach
Make A Little Noise
Matthew Grimson Songs
Maybe We Should Just Go Home
Melt the Universe With Brotherly Love
Memory Complete Me
Money in the Bank
My Failing Health
Mystery And Crime
Natural Disaster
New Scotland Blues
Nina And Albert
No Sight Compares
Nothing More To Say
Nowhere With You
On & On & On
On a Dime
On Down the River
On the Rail
One Look
Our Place in the Sun
Penny For Your Thoughts
Pine, Pine, Pine
Please Don’t Return
Powerful Lights
Precious, Precious, Precious
Ps & Qs
Radio Fly
Rewind, Rewind, Rewind
Rock Paper Scissors Meteor
Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’
Romantic Riot
Run, Run, Run
Safe in Your Arms
Sailors Eyes
She Made a Wreck Outta Me
Shine On, Shine On, Shine On
Snowed In
Snowed In / Cruisin'
So Many Words
Song for Jersey
Soundtrack For The Night
Spinning Out
Spray Tan
Strange to Be Involved
Television Set
That Song About the Midway
The Bottom
The Glorious Life
The Hurt’s All Gone
The Last Phone Booth
The New California
The News of Your Son
The Next Blue Sky
The Park Avenue Sobriety Test
The Right Direction
The Window Inn
The Wizard of Taz
There's Love in the Air
There’s More Out There in Here
This Is a Message
Through & Through
Through & Through & Through
True Patriot Love
Truth Be Told
Unconditional Love
Up in the Air
Wait, Wait, Wait
Waiting to Be Discovered
We Have Fed You All for a Thousand Years
Weigh It Down
West Cork Blended Irish Whiskey
When I Close My Eyes
When I Go
When I Have My Vision
Wishful Thinking
Wishing Well
Written All Over Me
You Came Along
You Let Me Down

Curiosidades sobre Joel Plaskett

¿Cuál es el álbum más reciente de Joel Plaskett?
El álbum más reciente de Joel Plaskett es “44”, lanzado en 2020 con 45 pistas.
¿Cuál es el álbum más antiguo de Joel Plaskett?
El álbum más antiguo de Joel Plaskett es “In Need Of Medical Attention”, lanzado en 1999 con 10 pistas.
¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de Joel Plaskett?
La canción más popular de Joel Plaskett es “Melt the Universe With Brotherly Love”, del álbum “44”, lanzado en 2020.
¿Cuántos álbumes ha lanzado Joel Plaskett?
Entre 1999 y 2020, 9 Álbumes fueron lanzados por Joel Plaskett.

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