Why I Love You

JAY-Z, Kanye West, MIKE DEAN, Boom Bass, Philippe Zdar, Mary Sawyer, Tony Camillo, S. Joseph

Letra Traducción

[Produced By Anthony Kilhoffer, Kanye West & Mike Dean]

[Chorus: Mr. Hudson]
Ooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know
Ooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know
Ooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know
Ooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know

[Verse 1: Jay-Z]
Picture, if you will, that the throne's burning
Rome's burning, and I'm sitting in the corner all alone, burning
Why does it always end up like this?
Something that we don't determine
Same people that I fought for, that I fight for, that I ride for
That I live for, that I die for
Be the reason that these niggas is alive for
And they want me dead, but I'm sorry, but I just can't die for you
But I can make 'em put their hands in the sky for you
We waiting for the fireworks like July 4th
Get fly more, get high more, cry boy, why for?
When the grief is over, beef is over
I'll be fly when Easter's over
I tried to teach niggas how to be kings
And all they ever wanted to be was soldiers
So when love is gone 'til blood is drawn
'Cause we no longer wear the same uniform
Fuck you, squares, the circle got smaller
The castle got bigger, the walls got taller
And truth be told, after all that said
Niggas still got love for you

[Chorus: Mr. Hudson]
Ooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know
Ooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know
Ooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know
Ooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know

[Verse 2: Jay-Z & Kanye West]
Showed love to you niggas
You ripped out my heart and you stepped on it
I picked up the pieces 'fore you swept on it
Goddamn, this shit leaves a mess, don't it?
Shit feelin' like death, don't it?
Charge it to the game, whatever's left on it
I spent about a minute, maybe less on it
Fly, pelican, fly, turn the jets on it
But first I shall digress on it
Wasn't I a good king?
Maybe too much of a good thing, huh?
Didn't I spoil you? Me or the money, what you loyal to?
Huh, I gave you my loyalty
Made you royalty and royalties
Took care of these niggas' lawyer fees
And this is how niggas rewarded me, damn

[Chorus: Mr. Hudson]
Ooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know
Ooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know

[Verse 3: Jay-Z & Kanye West]
Bussin' at me, b-b-b-bussin' at me
But I'm bulletproof, bitch, you can't get nothin' past me
Got body armor
A nigga gotta watch the throne
And I'm bussin' back
So niggas in a glass house should not throw stones
What do you do when the love turn to hate?
Gotta separate from these fuckin' fakes
Caesar didn't see it, so he ceased to exist
So the nigga that killed him had keys to his shit
Am I my brother's keeper?
Only if that nigga don't creep up
Got a pistol under my pillow
I've never been a deep sleeper
P-P-P-Paranoia, 'cause the nigga that said he'll
Blast for ya is now blastin' for ya
That's an assassin for ya
These niggas got a shot, they'll shoot
Please Lord, forgive him
For these niggas not know what they do, ooh

[Refrão: Mr. Hudson]
Ooooh, eu te amo tanto
Mas porque eu te amo, eu nunca vou saber
(Ooooh, eu te amo tanto
Mas porque eu te amo, eu nunca vou saber)
Ooooh, eu te amo tanto
Mas porque eu te amo, eu nunca vou saber
(Ooooh, eu te amo tanto
Mas porque eu te amo, eu nunca vou saber)

[Verso 1: Jay-Z]
Imagine se quiser, que o trono tá queimando
Roma tá queimando, e eu tô sentado em um canto sozinho, queimando
Por que sempre acaba assim?
Algo quе não determinamos
As mesmas pеssoas por quem lutei, por quem luto, por quem faço o corre
Por quem que eu vivo, por quem eu morro
Sou o motivo pelo qual esses manos estão vivos
E eles me querem morto, mas me desculpa, eu simplesmente não posso morrer por você
Mas eu posso fazer com que eles coloquem as mãos pro alto por você
Estamos esperando pelos fogos de artifício como se fosse 4 de Julho
Voe mais, voe mais alto, chore garoto, pelo quê?
Quando a dor acabar, a briga acabar
Eu vou estar voando quando a Páscoa acabar
Eu tentei ensinar pros manos como serem reis
E tudo o que eles sempre quiseram ser eram soldados
Então, quando o amor se for, até que o sangue seja tirado
Porque não usamos mais o mesmo uniforme
Vai se foder, quadrados, o círculo ficou menor
O castelo ficou maior, as paredes ficaram mais altas
E verdade seja dita, depois de tudo isso dito
Os manos continuam tendo amor por você

[Refrão: Mr. Hudson]
Ooooh, eu te amo tanto
Mas porque eu te amo, eu nunca vou saber
(Ooooh, eu te amo tanto
Mas porque eu te amo, eu nunca vou saber)
Ooooh, eu te amo tanto
Mas porque eu te amo, eu nunca vou saber
(Ooooh, eu te amo tanto
Mas porque eu te amo, eu nunca vou saber)

[Verso 2: Jay-Z e Kanye West]
Mostrei amor pra esses manos
Vocês arrancaram o meu coração e pisaram em cima
Eu peguei os cacos antes de você varrer
Caramba, essa merda deixou uma bagunça, não é?
Essa merda tá parecendo a morte, não é?
Carregado no jogo, o que sobrou dele
Eu gastei cerca de um minuto, talvez menos nele
Voe, pelicano, voe, ligue os jatos dele
Mas primeiro eu vou fazer um passeio nisso
Eu não fui um bom rei?
Talvez foi demais de uma coisa boa, huh?
Eu não te mimei? Eu ou o dinheiro, a quem você é leal?
Huh, eu te dei a minha lealdade
Te tornei uma realeza e direito autoral
Cuidei dos honorários dos advogados desses manos
E é assim que os manos me recompensaram, caramba

[Refrão: Mr. Hudson]
Ooooh, eu te amo tanto
Mas porque eu te amo, eu nunca vou saber
(Ooooh, eu te amo tanto
Mas porque eu te amo, eu nunca vou saber)

[Verso 3: Jay-Z e Kanye West]
Atira em mim, a-a-a-atira em mim
Mas eu sou à prova de balas, vadia, você não pode passar por mim
Tenho uma armadura corporal
O mano tem que cuidar do trono
E eu tô voltando
Então, os manos que estão numa casa de vidro não deve jogar pedras
O que você faz quando o amor se transforma em ódio?
Tenho que me separar a porra desses falsos
César não viu isso, então ele deixou de existir
Então o mano que matou ele tinha as chaves das coisas dele
Eu sou o guardião do meu irmão?
Só se aquele mano não se aproximar
Tenho uma pistola debaixo do meu travesseiro
Eu nunca dormi profundamente
P-p-p-paranoia, porque o mano que disse que vai
Atirar por você agora tá atirando em você
Isso é um assassino pra você
Esses manos têm uma bala, eles vão atirar
Por favor, Senhor, perdoe-o
Pois esses manos não sabem o que fazem, ooh

[Refrain : Mr Hudson]
Ooooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know

[Couplet 1: Jay-Z]
Picture if you will that the throne is burning, Rome is burning
And I’m sitting in the corner all alone burning
Why does it always end up like this ? Something that we don’t determine
Same people that I fought for, that I fight for
That I ride for, that I live for, that I die for
Be the reason that these niggas is alive for
And they want me dead but I’m so sorry but I just can’t die for you
But I can make 'em put their hands in the sky for you
We waiting for the fireworks like July 4th
Get fly more, get high more, cry boy, why for
When the grief is over, beef is over, I’ll be fly when Easter’s over
I tried to teach niggas how to be kings
And all they ever wanted to be was soldiers
So the love is gone 'til blood is drawn
So we no longer wear the same uniform
Fuck you squares, the circle got smaller, the castle got bigger, the walls got taller
And truth be told after all that said, niggas still got love for you

[Refrain : Mr Hudson]
Ooooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know

[Couplet 2 : Jay-Z & Kanye West]
Showed love to you niggas, you ripped out my heart and you stepped on it
I picked up the pieces before you swept on it
Goddamn this shit leaves a mess, don’t it ?
Shit feelin’ like death, don’t it ?
Charge it to the game, whatever’s left on it
I spent about a minute, maybe less on it
Fly pelican fly, turn the jets on it but first I shall digress on it
Wasn’t I a good king ? Maybe too much of a good thing, han ?
Didn’t I spoil you ? Me or the money what you loyal to ?
Han, I gave you my loyalty, made you royalty and royalties
Took care of these niggas' lawyer fees
And this is how niggas rewardin' me, damn

[Refrain : Mr Hudson]
Ooooh, I love you so
But why I love you, I'll never know

[Couplet 3 : Jay-Z & Kanye West]
Bussing at me, b-b-b-bussing at me
But I’m bullet proof, bitch you can’t get nothing past me
Got body armor, a nigga gotta watch the throne
And I’m bussing back so niggas in a glass house should not throw stones
What do you do when the love turns to hate ? Gotta separate from these fuckin fakes
Caesar didn’t see it so he ceased to exist so the nigga that killed him had keys to his shit
Am I my brother’s keeper ? Only if that nigga don’t creep up
Got a pistol under my pillow, I’ve never been a deep sleeper
P-p-p-paranoia, cause the nigga that said he’ll
Blast for ya, is now blasting for ya
That’s an assassin for ya, these niggas got a shot they’ll shoot
Please Lord forgive 'em for these niggas not know what they do, ooh

[Refräng: Mr. Hudson]
Ooh, jag älskar dig
Men varför jag älskar dig, kommer jag aldrig veta
Ooh, jag älskar dig
Men varför jag älskar dig, kommer jag aldrig veta
Ooh, jag älskar dig
Men varför jag älskar dig, kommer jag aldrig veta
Ooh, jag älskar dig
Men varför jag älskar dig, kommer jag aldrig veta

[Vers 1: Jay-Z]
Föreställ, om du vill, att tronen brinner
Rom brinner, och jag sitter i hörnet helt ensam, brinner
Varför slutar det jämt så här?
Något som vi inte kan bestämma
Samma människor som jag slogs för, som jag slår för, som jag kör för
Som jag lever för, som jag dör för
Anledningen varför dessa niggas lever
Och de vill döda mig, men förlåt, men jag kan inte bara dö för dig
Men jag kan ta upp mina händer på skyn för dig
Vi väntar på fyrverkerierna som 4 Juli
Flyg mer, bli hög mer, gråt du, varför?
När sorgen är över, kriget över
Jag kommer flyga när påsken är över
Jag försökte att lära niggas hur man är kungar
Och allt de ville vara var soldater
Så när kärleken är borta tills blod tappas
För vi inte längre bär samma uniformer
Fuck you, töntar, cirkeln blev mindre
Slottet blev större, väggarna högre
Och ärligt talat, efter allt som sagts
Niggas har fortfarande kärlek för dig

[Refräng: Mr. Hudson]
Ooh, jag älskar dig
Men varför jag älskar dig, kommer jag aldrig veta
Ooh, jag älskar dig
Men varför jag älskar dig, kommer jag aldrig veta
Ooh, jag älskar dig
Men varför jag älskar dig, kommer jag aldrig veta
Ooh, jag älskar dig
Men varför jag älskar dig, kommer jag aldrig veta

[Vers 2: Jay-Z & Kanye West]
Visade kärlek till er niggas
Ni drog ur mitt hjärta och ni trampa på det
Jag tog upp delarna innan ni sopade bort det
Jävlar, denna skit lämnar en röra, eller hur?
Skit känns som döden, eller hur?
Ladda den till spelet, vad som finns kvar på den
Jag spendera typ en minut, kanske mindre på det
Flyg, pelikan, flyg, sätt på jetflygplanen
Men först ska jag avvika från det
Var jag ingen bra kung?
Kanske för mycket va det goda, huh?
Skämde jag inte bort er? Jag eller pengarna, vad ni lojala mot?
Huh, jag gav er min lojalitet
Gjorde er kungliga och kungligheter
Tog hand om dessa niggas advokatkostnader
Och så här belönar niggas mig, jävlar

[Refräng: Mr. Hudson]
Ooh, jag älskar dig
Men varför jag älskar dig, kommer jag aldrig veta
Ooh, jag älskar dig
Men varför jag älskar dig, kommer jag aldrig veta

[Vers 3: Jay-Z & Kanye West]
Skjuter mot mig, sk-sk-sk-skjuter mot mig
Men jag är skottsäker, bitch, du kan inte komma förbi mig
Har skyddsvästar
En nigga måste se upp för tronen
Och jag skjuter tilbaka
Så niggas i ett glas hus borde inte kasta stenar
Vad gör du när kärleken blir till hat?
Måste separera från dessa fucking fejk
Caesar såg inte det, så han upphörde att existera
Så niggan som döda han hade nycklarna till hans skit
Är jag min brors vårdare?
Bara om den niggan inte smyger sig på
Har en pistol under min kudde
Jag har aldrig sovit djupt
P-P-P-Paranoia, för niggan som sa han kommer
Skjuta för dig skjuter nu mot dig
Det är en lönnmördare mot dig
Dessa niggan blir skjutna, de skjuter
Snälla Herre, föråt han
För dessa niggas vet inte evad de gör, ooh

Curiosidades sobre la música Why I Love You del JAY-Z & Kanye West

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Why I Love You” por JAY-Z & Kanye West?
La canción Why I Love You fue lanzada en 2011, en el álbum “Watch the Throne”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Why I Love You” de JAY-Z & Kanye West?
La canción “Why I Love You” de JAY-Z & Kanye West fue compuesta por JAY-Z, Kanye West, MIKE DEAN, Boom Bass, Philippe Zdar, Mary Sawyer, Tony Camillo, S. Joseph.

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