Want and Able

Jack White

Letra Traducción

Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who

Well, Want and Able were crossing the road
Want had a feeling there was something he was owed
But Able broke it to him that there's a social code
So walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told

Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who

Want said that didn't feel so good
To never be fulfilled
Forever stressed out and impatient
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Always saying "just over the next hill"

Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Being able is to freedom what wanting is to cruel
It's hard to tell it seems, which one of them's the fool
Is freedom a gift, that we only give to the ones that say "I love you"?

Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who

Now, Want and Able are two different things
One is desire, and the other is the means
Like I wanna hold you, and see you, and feel you in my dreams
But that's not possible, something simply will not let me

Who is the who, telling who what to do?
¿Quién es aquel, diciendo a quién qué hacer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
¿Quién es aquel, diciendo a quién qué hacer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
¿Quién es aquel, diciendo a quién qué hacer?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Dime quién, dime quién, dime quién
Well, Want and Able were crossing the road
Bueno, Querer y Poder estaban cruzando la carretera
Want had a feeling there was something he was owed
Querer tenía la sensación de que le debían algo
But Able broke it to him that there's a social code
Pero Poder le explicó que hay un código social
So walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Así que camina derecho por el medio ahora y haz lo que nos dicen
Walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Camina derecho por el medio ahora y haz lo que nos dicen
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
¿Quién es aquel, diciendo a quién qué hacer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
¿Quién es aquel, diciendo a quién qué hacer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
¿Quién es aquel, diciendo a quién qué hacer?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Dime quién, dime quién, dime quién
Want said that didn't feel so good
Querer dijo que eso no se sentía tan bien
To never be fulfilled
Nunca estar satisfecho
Forever stressed out and impatient
Siempre estresado e impaciente
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Siempre diciendo "justo sobre la próxima colina"
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Siempre diciendo "justo sobre la próxima colina"
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
¿Quién es aquel, diciendo a quién qué hacer?
Being able is to freedom what wanting is to cruel
Ser capaz es a la libertad lo que querer es a la crueldad
It's hard to tell it seems, which one of them's the fool
Es difícil decir, parece, cuál de ellos es el tonto
Is freedom a gift, that we only give to the ones that say "I love you"?
¿Es la libertad un regalo, que solo damos a los que dicen "te amo"?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
¿Quién es aquel, diciendo a quién qué hacer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
¿Quién es aquel, diciendo a quién qué hacer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
¿Quién es aquel, diciendo a quién qué hacer?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Dime quién, dime quién, dime quién
Now, Want and Able are two different things
Ahora, Querer y Poder son dos cosas diferentes
One is desire, and the other is the means
Uno es el deseo, y el otro es el medio
Like I wanna hold you, and see you, and feel you in my dreams
Como quiero abrazarte, verte y sentirte en mis sueños
But that's not possible, something simply will not let me
Pero eso no es posible, algo simplemente no me lo permitirá
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Quem é o quem, dizendo a quem o que fazer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Quem é o quem, dizendo a quem o que fazer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Quem é o quem, dizendo a quem o que fazer?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Diga-me quem, diga-me quem, diga-me quem
Well, Want and Able were crossing the road
Bem, Querer e Poder estavam atravessando a estrada
Want had a feeling there was something he was owed
Querer tinha a sensação de que havia algo que lhe era devido
But Able broke it to him that there's a social code
Mas Poder explicou a ele que existe um código social
So walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Então ande direto pelo meio agora e faça o que nos é dito
Walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Ande direto pelo meio agora e faça o que nos é dito
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Quem é o quem, dizendo a quem o que fazer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Quem é o quem, dizendo a quem o que fazer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Quem é o quem, dizendo a quem o que fazer?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Diga-me quem, diga-me quem, diga-me quem
Want said that didn't feel so good
Querer disse que isso não se sentia tão bem
To never be fulfilled
Nunca ser realizado
Forever stressed out and impatient
Sempre estressado e impaciente
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Sempre dizendo "apenas sobre a próxima colina"
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Sempre dizendo "apenas sobre a próxima colina"
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Quem é o quem, dizendo a quem o que fazer?
Being able is to freedom what wanting is to cruel
Ser capaz é para a liberdade o que querer é para a crueldade
It's hard to tell it seems, which one of them's the fool
É difícil dizer, parece, qual deles é o tolo
Is freedom a gift, that we only give to the ones that say "I love you"?
A liberdade é um presente, que só damos aos que dizem "eu te amo"?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Quem é o quem, dizendo a quem o que fazer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Quem é o quem, dizendo a quem o que fazer?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Quem é o quem, dizendo a quem o que fazer?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Diga-me quem, diga-me quem, diga-me quem
Now, Want and Able are two different things
Agora, Querer e Poder são duas coisas diferentes
One is desire, and the other is the means
Um é desejo, e o outro é o meio
Like I wanna hold you, and see you, and feel you in my dreams
Como eu quero te abraçar, e te ver, e te sentir em meus sonhos
But that's not possible, something simply will not let me
Mas isso não é possível, algo simplesmente não me deixa
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Qui est le qui, disant à qui quoi faire ?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Qui est le qui, disant à qui quoi faire ?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Qui est le qui, disant à qui quoi faire ?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Dis-moi qui, dis-moi qui, dis-moi qui
Well, Want and Able were crossing the road
Eh bien, Désir et Capacité traversaient la route
Want had a feeling there was something he was owed
Désir avait le sentiment qu'il lui devait quelque chose
But Able broke it to him that there's a social code
Mais Capacité lui a fait comprendre qu'il y a un code social
So walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Alors marche droit au milieu maintenant et fais ce qu'on nous dit
Walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Marche droit au milieu maintenant et fais ce qu'on nous dit
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Qui est le qui, disant à qui quoi faire ?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Qui est le qui, disant à qui quoi faire ?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Qui est le qui, disant à qui quoi faire ?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Dis-moi qui, dis-moi qui, dis-moi qui
Want said that didn't feel so good
Désir a dit que cela ne se sentait pas si bien
To never be fulfilled
De ne jamais être satisfait
Forever stressed out and impatient
Toujours stressé et impatient
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Toujours en disant "juste au-dessus de la prochaine colline"
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Toujours en disant "juste au-dessus de la prochaine colline"
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Qui est le qui, disant à qui quoi faire ?
Being able is to freedom what wanting is to cruel
Être capable est à la liberté ce que vouloir est à la cruauté
It's hard to tell it seems, which one of them's the fool
Il est difficile de dire, on dirait, lequel d'entre eux est le fou
Is freedom a gift, that we only give to the ones that say "I love you"?
La liberté est-elle un cadeau, que nous ne donnons qu'à ceux qui disent "Je t'aime" ?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Qui est le qui, disant à qui quoi faire ?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Qui est le qui, disant à qui quoi faire ?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Qui est le qui, disant à qui quoi faire ?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Dis-moi qui, dis-moi qui, dis-moi qui
Now, Want and Able are two different things
Maintenant, Désir et Capacité sont deux choses différentes
One is desire, and the other is the means
L'un est le désir, et l'autre est le moyen
Like I wanna hold you, and see you, and feel you in my dreams
Comme je veux te tenir, te voir, et te sentir dans mes rêves
But that's not possible, something simply will not let me
Mais ce n'est pas possible, quelque chose simplement ne me le permet pas
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Wer ist derjenige, der sagt, was zu tun ist?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Wer ist derjenige, der sagt, was zu tun ist?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Wer ist derjenige, der sagt, was zu tun ist?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Sag mir wer, sag mir wer, sag mir wer
Well, Want and Able were crossing the road
Nun, Wollen und Können überquerten die Straße
Want had a feeling there was something he was owed
Wollen hatte das Gefühl, dass ihm etwas geschuldet wurde
But Able broke it to him that there's a social code
Aber Können machte ihm klar, dass es einen sozialen Kodex gibt
So walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Also gehen wir jetzt geradeaus in der Mitte und tun, was uns gesagt wird
Walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Gehen wir jetzt geradeaus in der Mitte und tun, was uns gesagt wird
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Wer ist derjenige, der sagt, was zu tun ist?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Wer ist derjenige, der sagt, was zu tun ist?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Wer ist derjenige, der sagt, was zu tun ist?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Sag mir wer, sag mir wer, sag mir wer
Want said that didn't feel so good
Wollen sagte, dass sich das nicht gut anfühlte
To never be fulfilled
Nie erfüllt zu sein
Forever stressed out and impatient
Immer gestresst und ungeduldig
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Immer sagen „nur über den nächsten Hügel“
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Immer sagen „nur über den nächsten Hügel“
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Wer ist derjenige, der sagt, was zu tun ist?
Being able is to freedom what wanting is to cruel
Können ist für die Freiheit, was Wollen für die Grausamkeit ist
It's hard to tell it seems, which one of them's the fool
Es ist schwer zu sagen, es scheint, welcher von ihnen der Narr ist
Is freedom a gift, that we only give to the ones that say "I love you"?
Ist Freiheit ein Geschenk, das wir nur denen geben, die sagen „Ich liebe dich“?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Wer ist derjenige, der sagt, was zu tun ist?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Wer ist derjenige, der sagt, was zu tun ist?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Wer ist derjenige, der sagt, was zu tun ist?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Sag mir wer, sag mir wer, sag mir wer
Now, Want and Able are two different things
Jetzt sind Wollen und Können zwei verschiedene Dinge
One is desire, and the other is the means
Das eine ist Verlangen, das andere die Mittel
Like I wanna hold you, and see you, and feel you in my dreams
Wie ich dich halten will, dich sehen und dich in meinen Träumen fühlen will
But that's not possible, something simply will not let me
Aber das ist nicht möglich, etwas lässt mich einfach nicht.
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Chi è chi, dicendo a chi cosa fare?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Chi è chi, dicendo a chi cosa fare?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Chi è chi, dicendo a chi cosa fare?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Dimmi chi, dimmi chi, dimmi chi
Well, Want and Able were crossing the road
Beh, Desiderio e Capacità stavano attraversando la strada
Want had a feeling there was something he was owed
Desiderio aveva la sensazione che gli fosse dovuto qualcosa
But Able broke it to him that there's a social code
Ma Capacità gli ha fatto capire che c'è un codice sociale
So walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Quindi cammina dritto nel mezzo ora e fai quello che ci viene detto
Walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Cammina dritto nel mezzo ora e fai quello che ci viene detto
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Chi è chi, dicendo a chi cosa fare?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Chi è chi, dicendo a chi cosa fare?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Chi è chi, dicendo a chi cosa fare?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Dimmi chi, dimmi chi, dimmi chi
Want said that didn't feel so good
Desiderio ha detto che non si sentiva così bene
To never be fulfilled
Per non essere mai soddisfatto
Forever stressed out and impatient
Sempre stressato e impaziente
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Sempre dicendo "solo oltre la prossima collina"
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Sempre dicendo "solo oltre la prossima collina"
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Chi è chi, dicendo a chi cosa fare?
Being able is to freedom what wanting is to cruel
Essere capace è alla libertà quello che il desiderio è alla crudeltà
It's hard to tell it seems, which one of them's the fool
È difficile dirlo, sembra, quale dei due è lo sciocco
Is freedom a gift, that we only give to the ones that say "I love you"?
È la libertà un dono, che diamo solo a quelli che dicono "Ti amo"?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Chi è chi, dicendo a chi cosa fare?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Chi è chi, dicendo a chi cosa fare?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Chi è chi, dicendo a chi cosa fare?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Dimmi chi, dimmi chi, dimmi chi
Now, Want and Able are two different things
Ora, Desiderio e Capacità sono due cose diverse
One is desire, and the other is the means
Uno è il desiderio, e l'altro è il mezzo
Like I wanna hold you, and see you, and feel you in my dreams
Come vorrei tenerti, vederti, e sentirti nei miei sogni
But that's not possible, something simply will not let me
Ma non è possibile, qualcosa semplicemente non mi lascia
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Siapa yang memberi tahu siapa untuk melakukan apa?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Siapa yang memberi tahu siapa untuk melakukan apa?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Siapa yang memberi tahu siapa untuk melakukan apa?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Katakan padaku siapa, katakan padaku siapa, katakan padaku siapa
Well, Want and Able were crossing the road
Nah, Want dan Able sedang menyeberang jalan
Want had a feeling there was something he was owed
Want merasa ada sesuatu yang seharusnya dia terima
But Able broke it to him that there's a social code
Tapi Able memberitahunya bahwa ada kode sosial
So walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Jadi berjalanlah lurus di tengah sekarang dan lakukan apa yang kita diperintahkan
Walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Berjalanlah lurus di tengah sekarang dan lakukan apa yang kita diperintahkan
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Siapa yang memberi tahu siapa untuk melakukan apa?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Siapa yang memberi tahu siapa untuk melakukan apa?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Siapa yang memberi tahu siapa untuk melakukan apa?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Katakan padaku siapa, katakan padaku siapa, katakan padaku siapa
Want said that didn't feel so good
Want berkata itu tidak terasa begitu baik
To never be fulfilled
Untuk tidak pernah merasa puas
Forever stressed out and impatient
Selalu stres dan tidak sabar
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Selalu berkata "hanya di bukit selanjutnya"
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Selalu berkata "hanya di bukit selanjutnya"
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Siapa yang memberi tahu siapa untuk melakukan apa?
Being able is to freedom what wanting is to cruel
Menjadi mampu adalah kebebasan seperti keinginan adalah kekejaman
It's hard to tell it seems, which one of them's the fool
Sulit untuk mengatakan, tampaknya, siapa di antara mereka yang bodoh
Is freedom a gift, that we only give to the ones that say "I love you"?
Apakah kebebasan adalah hadiah, yang kita berikan hanya kepada mereka yang mengatakan "Aku cinta kamu"?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Siapa yang memberi tahu siapa untuk melakukan apa?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Siapa yang memberi tahu siapa untuk melakukan apa?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Siapa yang memberi tahu siapa untuk melakukan apa?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Katakan padaku siapa, katakan padaku siapa, katakan padaku siapa
Now, Want and Able are two different things
Sekarang, Want dan Able adalah dua hal yang berbeda
One is desire, and the other is the means
Satu adalah keinginan, dan yang lainnya adalah sarana
Like I wanna hold you, and see you, and feel you in my dreams
Seperti aku ingin memelukmu, dan melihatmu, dan merasakanmu dalam mimpiku
But that's not possible, something simply will not let me
Tapi itu tidak mungkin, sesuatu yang tidak akan membiarkanku
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
บอกฉันที บอกฉันที บอกฉันที
Well, Want and Able were crossing the road
เมื่อ Want และ Able กำลังข้ามถนน
Want had a feeling there was something he was owed
Want รู้สึกว่ามีบางอย่างที่เขาควรได้รับ
But Able broke it to him that there's a social code
แต่ Able บอกเขาว่ามีกฎของสังคม
So walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
บอกฉันที บอกฉันที บอกฉันที
Want said that didn't feel so good
Want บอกว่ามันไม่รู้สึกดีเลย
To never be fulfilled
Forever stressed out and impatient
Always saying "just over the next hill"
เสมอบอกว่า "แค่ข้ามเนินถัดไป"
Always saying "just over the next hill"
เสมอบอกว่า "แค่ข้ามเนินถัดไป"
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Being able is to freedom what wanting is to cruel
การสามารถทำได้คืออิสระ การต้องการคือความโหดร้าย
It's hard to tell it seems, which one of them's the fool
Is freedom a gift, that we only give to the ones that say "I love you"?
อิสระเป็นของขวัญที่เราให้เฉพาะคนที่บอกว่า "ฉันรักคุณ"?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
บอกฉันที บอกฉันที บอกฉันที
Now, Want and Able are two different things
ตอนนี้ Want และ Able เป็นสองสิ่งที่แตกต่างกัน
One is desire, and the other is the means
หนึ่งคือความปรารถนา และอีกอย่างคือวิธีการ
Like I wanna hold you, and see you, and feel you in my dreams
เหมือนกับฉันอยากกอดคุณ และเห็นคุณ และรู้สึกคุณในฝันของฉัน
But that's not possible, something simply will not let me
แต่มันไม่เป็นไปได้ มีบางอย่างที่ไม่ยอมให้ฉันทำได้
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Well, Want and Able were crossing the road
Want had a feeling there was something he was owed
But Able broke it to him that there's a social code
So walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Walk straight down the middle now and do what we're told
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Want said that didn't feel so good
To never be fulfilled
Forever stressed out and impatient
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Always saying "just over the next hill"
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Being able is to freedom what wanting is to cruel
It's hard to tell it seems, which one of them's the fool
Is freedom a gift, that we only give to the ones that say "I love you"?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Who is the who, telling who what to do?
Tell me who, tell me who, tell me who
Now, Want and Able are two different things
One is desire, and the other is the means
Like I wanna hold you, and see you, and feel you in my dreams
But that's not possible, something simply will not let me

Curiosidades sobre la música Want and Able del Jack White

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Want and Able” por Jack White?
Jack White lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Lazaretto” en 2014 y “Acoustic Recordings 1998-2016” en 2016.

Músicas más populares de Jack White

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