Temporary Ground


Letra Traducción

On a floating lily island
Moving over slowly sideways
Rested temper and the creatures
Spending all of their days

Praying for the floor to
Buckle down below their belts
Crashing into yet another
Drifting continental shelf

Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground

Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground

The old explorers had it easy
They discovered nothing new
But returned on home with answers
Of sad existent clues

All the creatures have it hard now
Nothing but god is left to know
And while he left us all here hanging
We're barely losing off our home

Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground

Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground

Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground

On a floating lily island
En una isla flotante de lirios
Moving over slowly sideways
Moviendo lentamente de lado
Rested temper and the creatures
Descansaban el temperamento y las criaturas
Spending all of their days
Pasando todos sus días
Praying for the floor to
Orando para que el suelo
Buckle down below their belts
Se hunda debajo de sus cinturones
Crashing into yet another
Chocando una y otra vez
Drifting continental shelf
Con una deriva de plataforma continental
Moving without motion
Moviéndose sin movimiento
Screaming without sound
Gritando sin sonido
Across an open ocean
A través de un océano abierto
Flying there on temporary ground
Volando allí en tierra temporal
Moving without motion
Moviéndose sin movimiento
Screaming without sound
Gritando sin sonido
Across an open ocean
A través de un océano abierto
Flying there on temporary ground
Volando allí en tierra temporal
The old explorers had it easy
Los antiguos exploradores la tenían fácil
They discovered nothing new
No descubrieron nada nuevo
But returned on home with answers
Pero regresaron a casa con respuestas
Of sad existent clues
De tristes pistas existentes
All the creatures have it hard now
Ahora todas las criaturas la tienen difícil
Nothing but god is left to know
Nada más que Dios queda por ser conocido
And while he left us all here hanging
Y mientras Él nos dejó a todos aquí colgando
We're barely losing off our home
Apenas estamos perdiendo nuestro hogar
Moving without motion
Moviéndose sin movimiento
Screaming without sound
Gritando sin sonido
Across an open ocean
A través de un océano abierto
Flying there on temporary ground
Volando allí en tierra temporal
Moving without motion
Moviéndose sin movimiento
Screaming without sound
Gritando sin sonido
Across an open ocean
A través de un océano abierto
Flying there on temporary ground
Volando allí en tierra temporal
Moving without motion
Moviéndose sin movimiento
Screaming without sound
Gritando sin sonido
Across an open ocean
A través de un océano abierto
Flying there on temporary ground
Volando allí en tierra temporal
On a floating lily island
Em uma ilha flutuante de lírios
Moving over slowly sideways
Movendo-se lentamente para o lado
Rested temper and the creatures
Descanso temperado e as criaturas
Spending all of their days
Gastando todos os seus dias
Praying for the floor to
Orando para o chão
Buckle down below their belts
Afrouxar abaixo de seus cintos
Crashing into yet another
Colidindo com mais um
Drifting continental shelf
Prateleira continental à deriva
Moving without motion
Movendo-se sem movimento
Screaming without sound
Gritando sem som
Across an open ocean
Através de um oceano aberto
Flying there on temporary ground
Voando lá em solo temporário
Moving without motion
Movendo-se sem movimento
Screaming without sound
Gritando sem som
Across an open ocean
Através de um oceano aberto
Flying there on temporary ground
Voando lá em solo temporário
The old explorers had it easy
Os antigos exploradores tiveram facilidade
They discovered nothing new
Eles não descobriram nada de novo
But returned on home with answers
Mas voltaram para casa com respostas
Of sad existent clues
De tristes pistas existentes
All the creatures have it hard now
Todas as criaturas estão sofrendo agora
Nothing but god is left to know
Nada além de Deus resta saber
And while he left us all here hanging
E enquanto ele nos deixou todos aqui pendurados
We're barely losing off our home
Estamos quase perdendo nossa casa
Moving without motion
Movendo-se sem movimento
Screaming without sound
Gritando sem som
Across an open ocean
Através de um oceano aberto
Flying there on temporary ground
Voando lá em solo temporário
Moving without motion
Movendo-se sem movimento
Screaming without sound
Gritando sem som
Across an open ocean
Através de um oceano aberto
Flying there on temporary ground
Voando lá em solo temporário
Moving without motion
Movendo-se sem movimento
Screaming without sound
Gritando sem som
Across an open ocean
Através de um oceano aberto
Flying there on temporary ground
Voando lá em solo temporário
On a floating lily island
Sur une île flottante de nénuphars
Moving over slowly sideways
Se déplaçant lentement de côté
Rested temper and the creatures
Reposé l'humeur et les créatures
Spending all of their days
Passant tous leurs jours
Praying for the floor to
Priant pour que le sol
Buckle down below their belts
S'effondre sous leurs ceintures
Crashing into yet another
S'écrasant dans un autre
Drifting continental shelf
Plateau continental dérivant
Moving without motion
Bouger sans mouvement
Screaming without sound
Crier sans son
Across an open ocean
À travers un océan ouvert
Flying there on temporary ground
Volant là sur un sol temporaire
Moving without motion
Bouger sans mouvement
Screaming without sound
Crier sans son
Across an open ocean
À travers un océan ouvert
Flying there on temporary ground
Volant là sur un sol temporaire
The old explorers had it easy
Les vieux explorateurs l'avaient facile
They discovered nothing new
Ils n'ont rien découvert de nouveau
But returned on home with answers
Mais sont rentrés chez eux avec des réponses
Of sad existent clues
Des indices tristes existants
All the creatures have it hard now
Toutes les créatures l'ont dur maintenant
Nothing but god is left to know
Rien que Dieu ne reste à connaître
And while he left us all here hanging
Et pendant qu'il nous a tous laissés ici pendus
We're barely losing off our home
Nous perdons à peine notre maison
Moving without motion
Bouger sans mouvement
Screaming without sound
Crier sans son
Across an open ocean
À travers un océan ouvert
Flying there on temporary ground
Volant là sur un sol temporaire
Moving without motion
Bouger sans mouvement
Screaming without sound
Crier sans son
Across an open ocean
À travers un océan ouvert
Flying there on temporary ground
Volant là sur un sol temporaire
Moving without motion
Bouger sans mouvement
Screaming without sound
Crier sans son
Across an open ocean
À travers un océan ouvert
Flying there on temporary ground
Volant là sur un sol temporaire
On a floating lily island
Auf einer schwimmenden Seeroseninsel
Moving over slowly sideways
Langsam seitwärts bewegend
Rested temper and the creatures
Ruhiges Gemüt und die Kreaturen
Spending all of their days
Verbringen all ihre Tage
Praying for the floor to
Beten für den Boden zu
Buckle down below their belts
Unter ihren Gürteln nachgeben
Crashing into yet another
In ein weiteres
Drifting continental shelf
Treibendes Kontinentalregal krachen
Moving without motion
Bewegen ohne Bewegung
Screaming without sound
Schreien ohne Ton
Across an open ocean
Über einen offenen Ozean
Flying there on temporary ground
Fliegen dort auf vorübergehendem Grund
Moving without motion
Bewegen ohne Bewegung
Screaming without sound
Schreien ohne Ton
Across an open ocean
Über einen offenen Ozean
Flying there on temporary ground
Fliegen dort auf vorübergehendem Grund
The old explorers had it easy
Die alten Entdecker hatten es leicht
They discovered nothing new
Sie entdeckten nichts Neues
But returned on home with answers
Aber kehrten mit Antworten nach Hause zurück
Of sad existent clues
Von traurigen existierenden Hinweisen
All the creatures have it hard now
Alle Kreaturen haben es jetzt schwer
Nothing but god is left to know
Nichts als Gott ist noch zu wissen
And while he left us all here hanging
Und während er uns alle hier hängen ließ
We're barely losing off our home
Verlieren wir kaum unser Zuhause
Moving without motion
Bewegen ohne Bewegung
Screaming without sound
Schreien ohne Ton
Across an open ocean
Über einen offenen Ozean
Flying there on temporary ground
Fliegen dort auf vorübergehendem Grund
Moving without motion
Bewegen ohne Bewegung
Screaming without sound
Schreien ohne Ton
Across an open ocean
Über einen offenen Ozean
Flying there on temporary ground
Fliegen dort auf vorübergehendem Grund
Moving without motion
Bewegen ohne Bewegung
Screaming without sound
Schreien ohne Ton
Across an open ocean
Über einen offenen Ozean
Flying there on temporary ground
Fliegen dort auf vorübergehendem Grund
On a floating lily island
Su un'isola di gigli galleggiante
Moving over slowly sideways
Muovendosi lentamente di lato
Rested temper and the creatures
Riposato temperamento e le creature
Spending all of their days
Trascorrendo tutti i loro giorni
Praying for the floor to
Pregando per il pavimento per
Buckle down below their belts
Cedere sotto le loro cinture
Crashing into yet another
Scontrandosi in un altro ancora
Drifting continental shelf
Deriva della piattaforma continentale
Moving without motion
Muovendosi senza movimento
Screaming without sound
Gridando senza suono
Across an open ocean
Attraverso un oceano aperto
Flying there on temporary ground
Volando lì su terreno temporaneo
Moving without motion
Muovendosi senza movimento
Screaming without sound
Gridando senza suono
Across an open ocean
Attraverso un oceano aperto
Flying there on temporary ground
Volando lì su terreno temporaneo
The old explorers had it easy
I vecchi esploratori l'avevano facile
They discovered nothing new
Non hanno scoperto nulla di nuovo
But returned on home with answers
Ma sono tornati a casa con risposte
Of sad existent clues
Di tristi indizi esistenti
All the creatures have it hard now
Tutte le creature ora la passano duramente
Nothing but god is left to know
Non resta altro da conoscere se non Dio
And while he left us all here hanging
E mentre ci ha lasciati tutti qui appesi
We're barely losing off our home
Stiamo appena perdendo la nostra casa
Moving without motion
Muovendosi senza movimento
Screaming without sound
Gridando senza suono
Across an open ocean
Attraverso un oceano aperto
Flying there on temporary ground
Volando lì su terreno temporaneo
Moving without motion
Muovendosi senza movimento
Screaming without sound
Gridando senza suono
Across an open ocean
Attraverso un oceano aperto
Flying there on temporary ground
Volando lì su terreno temporaneo
Moving without motion
Muovendosi senza movimento
Screaming without sound
Gridando senza suono
Across an open ocean
Attraverso un oceano aperto
Flying there on temporary ground
Volando lì su terreno temporaneo
On a floating lily island
Di sebuah pulau teratai yang mengapung
Moving over slowly sideways
Bergerak perlahan ke samping
Rested temper and the creatures
Temperamen yang tenang dan makhluk-makhluknya
Spending all of their days
Menghabiskan semua hari mereka
Praying for the floor to
Berdoa agar lantai
Buckle down below their belts
Runtuh di bawah ikat pinggang mereka
Crashing into yet another
Menabrak ke satu lagi
Drifting continental shelf
Rak benua yang mengambang
Moving without motion
Bergerak tanpa pergerakan
Screaming without sound
Berteriak tanpa suara
Across an open ocean
Melintasi samudra yang terbuka
Flying there on temporary ground
Terbang di atas tanah sementara
Moving without motion
Bergerak tanpa pergerakan
Screaming without sound
Berteriak tanpa suara
Across an open ocean
Melintasi samudra yang terbuka
Flying there on temporary ground
Terbang di atas tanah sementara
The old explorers had it easy
Para penjelajah tua itu mudah
They discovered nothing new
Mereka tidak menemukan apa-apa yang baru
But returned on home with answers
Tetapi kembali ke rumah dengan jawaban
Of sad existent clues
Dari petunjuk yang menyedihkan
All the creatures have it hard now
Semua makhluk mengalami kesulitan sekarang
Nothing but god is left to know
Tidak ada yang tersisa untuk diketahui selain Tuhan
And while he left us all here hanging
Dan sementara Dia meninggalkan kita semua di sini tergantung
We're barely losing off our home
Kita hampir kehilangan rumah kita
Moving without motion
Bergerak tanpa pergerakan
Screaming without sound
Berteriak tanpa suara
Across an open ocean
Melintasi samudra yang terbuka
Flying there on temporary ground
Terbang di atas tanah sementara
Moving without motion
Bergerak tanpa pergerakan
Screaming without sound
Berteriak tanpa suara
Across an open ocean
Melintasi samudra yang terbuka
Flying there on temporary ground
Terbang di atas tanah sementara
Moving without motion
Bergerak tanpa pergerakan
Screaming without sound
Berteriak tanpa suara
Across an open ocean
Melintasi samudra yang terbuka
Flying there on temporary ground
Terbang di atas tanah sementara
On a floating lily island
Moving over slowly sideways
เคลื่อนที่ช้าๆ ไปด้านข้าง
Rested temper and the creatures
Spending all of their days
Praying for the floor to
Buckle down below their belts
Crashing into yet another
Drifting continental shelf
Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground
Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground
The old explorers had it easy
They discovered nothing new
But returned on home with answers
Of sad existent clues
All the creatures have it hard now
Nothing but god is left to know
And while he left us all here hanging
We're barely losing off our home
Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground
Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground
Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground
On a floating lily island
Moving over slowly sideways
Rested temper and the creatures
Spending all of their days
Praying for the floor to
Buckle down below their belts
Crashing into yet another
Drifting continental shelf
Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground
Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground
The old explorers had it easy
They discovered nothing new
But returned on home with answers
Of sad existent clues
All the creatures have it hard now
Nothing but god is left to know
And while he left us all here hanging
We're barely losing off our home
Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground
Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground
Moving without motion
Screaming without sound
Across an open ocean
Flying there on temporary ground

Curiosidades sobre la música Temporary Ground del Jack White

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Temporary Ground” por Jack White?
Jack White lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Lazaretto” en 2014 y “Live from Bonnaroo 2014” en 2014.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Temporary Ground” de Jack White?
La canción “Temporary Ground” de Jack White fue compuesta por JACK WHITE.

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