Hypocritical Kiss


Letra Traducción

My temper got the best of me
And when I said that I mean I know every single thing that I said was true
And I know that you're mad at me
But if you're thinking like that, I think you'll see that you're mad at you too

And I know the feeling's strong
Strong enough to forget about all that I've been through
And it sounds obscene, but
Loud words never bothered me like they do to you

You're the boy that talks but says nothin'
A big game to the ones that you think will believe you, yeah
But you don't know how to read
The look on my face when it says, "yeah I've read that book too"

And who the hell's impressed by you?
I want names of the people that we know that are fallin' for this
You would sell your own mother out
And then betray your dead brother with another hypocritical kiss

Oh, yeah

My temper got the best of me
Mi temperamento se apoderó de mí
And when I said that I mean I know every single thing that I said was true
Y cuando digo eso, quiero decir que sé que todo lo que dije era verdad
And I know that you're mad at me
Y sé que estás enojado conmigo
But if you're thinking like that, I think you'll see that you're mad at you too
Pero si estás pensando así, creo que verás que también estás enojado contigo
And I know the feeling's strong
Y sé que el sentimiento es fuerte
Strong enough to forget about all that I've been through
Lo suficientemente fuerte como para olvidar todo por lo que he pasado
And it sounds obscene, but
Y suena obsceno, pero
Loud words never bothered me like they do to you
Las palabras fuertes nunca me molestaron como a ti
You're the boy that talks but says nothin'
Eres el chico que habla pero no dice nada
A big game to the ones that you think will believe you, yeah
Un gran juego para aquellos que crees que te creerán, sí
But you don't know how to read
Pero no sabes cómo leer
The look on my face when it says, "yeah I've read that book too"
La expresión en mi rostro cuando dice, "sí, también he leído ese libro"
And who the hell's impressed by you?
¿Y quién demonios está impresionado por ti?
I want names of the people that we know that are fallin' for this
Quiero nombres de las personas que conocemos que se están dejando engañar por esto
You would sell your own mother out
Venderías a tu propia madre
And then betray your dead brother with another hypocritical kiss
Y luego traicionarías a tu hermano muerto con otro beso hipócrita
Oh, yeah
Oh, sí
My temper got the best of me
O meu temperamento levou a melhor sobre mim
And when I said that I mean I know every single thing that I said was true
E quando eu digo isso, quero dizer que sei que tudo o que eu disse era verdade
And I know that you're mad at me
E eu sei que você está bravo comigo
But if you're thinking like that, I think you'll see that you're mad at you too
Mas se você está pensando assim, acho que verá que também está bravo consigo mesmo
And I know the feeling's strong
E eu sei que o sentimento é forte
Strong enough to forget about all that I've been through
Forte o suficiente para esquecer tudo o que eu passei
And it sounds obscene, but
E pode parecer obsceno, mas
Loud words never bothered me like they do to you
Palavras altas nunca me incomodaram como incomodam você
You're the boy that talks but says nothin'
Você é o garoto que fala mas não diz nada
A big game to the ones that you think will believe you, yeah
Um grande jogo para aqueles que você acha que vão acreditar em você, sim
But you don't know how to read
Mas você não sabe como ler
The look on my face when it says, "yeah I've read that book too"
A expressão no meu rosto quando diz: "sim, eu também li esse livro"
And who the hell's impressed by you?
E quem diabos está impressionado com você?
I want names of the people that we know that are fallin' for this
Eu quero os nomes das pessoas que conhecemos que estão caindo nessa
You would sell your own mother out
Você venderia até sua própria mãe
And then betray your dead brother with another hypocritical kiss
E então trairia seu irmão morto com outro beijo hipócrita
Oh, yeah
Oh, sim
My temper got the best of me
Mon tempérament a pris le dessus sur moi
And when I said that I mean I know every single thing that I said was true
Et quand je dis ça, je veux dire que je sais que chaque chose que j'ai dite était vraie
And I know that you're mad at me
Et je sais que tu es en colère contre moi
But if you're thinking like that, I think you'll see that you're mad at you too
Mais si tu penses comme ça, je pense que tu verras que tu es aussi en colère contre toi
And I know the feeling's strong
Et je sais que le sentiment est fort
Strong enough to forget about all that I've been through
Assez fort pour oublier tout ce que j'ai vécu
And it sounds obscene, but
Et ça sonne obscène, mais
Loud words never bothered me like they do to you
Les mots forts ne m'ont jamais dérangé comme ils le font pour toi
You're the boy that talks but says nothin'
Tu es le garçon qui parle mais ne dit rien
A big game to the ones that you think will believe you, yeah
Un grand jeu pour ceux que tu penses qui te croiront, ouais
But you don't know how to read
Mais tu ne sais pas comment lire
The look on my face when it says, "yeah I've read that book too"
Le regard sur mon visage quand il dit, "ouais, j'ai aussi lu ce livre"
And who the hell's impressed by you?
Et qui diable est impressionné par toi ?
I want names of the people that we know that are fallin' for this
Je veux les noms des personnes que nous connaissons qui tombent dans le panneau
You would sell your own mother out
Tu vendrais ta propre mère
And then betray your dead brother with another hypocritical kiss
Et puis tu trahirais ton frère mort avec un autre baiser hypocrite
Oh, yeah
Oh, ouais
My temper got the best of me
Mein Temperament hat mich übermannt
And when I said that I mean I know every single thing that I said was true
Und wenn ich das sage, meine ich, dass ich weiß, dass alles, was ich gesagt habe, wahr war
And I know that you're mad at me
Und ich weiß, dass du sauer auf mich bist
But if you're thinking like that, I think you'll see that you're mad at you too
Aber wenn du so denkst, denke ich, dass du siehst, dass du auch sauer auf dich bist
And I know the feeling's strong
Und ich weiß, das Gefühl ist stark
Strong enough to forget about all that I've been through
Stark genug, um alles zu vergessen, was ich durchgemacht habe
And it sounds obscene, but
Und es klingt obszön, aber
Loud words never bothered me like they do to you
Laute Worte haben mich nie gestört, so wie sie dich stören
You're the boy that talks but says nothin'
Du bist der Junge, der redet, aber nichts sagt
A big game to the ones that you think will believe you, yeah
Ein großes Spiel für diejenigen, von denen du denkst, dass sie dir glauben, ja
But you don't know how to read
Aber du weißt nicht, wie man liest
The look on my face when it says, "yeah I've read that book too"
Der Ausdruck auf meinem Gesicht, wenn es sagt: „Ja, ich habe dieses Buch auch gelesen“
And who the hell's impressed by you?
Und wer zum Teufel ist von dir beeindruckt?
I want names of the people that we know that are fallin' for this
Ich will die Namen der Leute, die wir kennen und die auf das hereinfallen
You would sell your own mother out
Du würdest deine eigene Mutter verkaufen
And then betray your dead brother with another hypocritical kiss
Und dann deinen toten Bruder mit einem weiteren heuchlerischen Kuss verraten
Oh, yeah
Oh, ja
My temper got the best of me
Il mio temperamento ha avuto la meglio su di me
And when I said that I mean I know every single thing that I said was true
E quando dico questo, intendo che so che ogni singola cosa che ho detto era vera
And I know that you're mad at me
E so che sei arrabbiato con me
But if you're thinking like that, I think you'll see that you're mad at you too
Ma se stai pensando in quel modo, penso che vedrai che sei arrabbiato anche con te stesso
And I know the feeling's strong
E so che il sentimento è forte
Strong enough to forget about all that I've been through
Abbastanza forte da dimenticare tutto quello che ho passato
And it sounds obscene, but
E può sembrare osceno, ma
Loud words never bothered me like they do to you
Le parole forti non mi hanno mai disturbato come fanno con te
You're the boy that talks but says nothin'
Sei il ragazzo che parla ma non dice nulla
A big game to the ones that you think will believe you, yeah
Un grande gioco per quelli che pensi ti crederanno, sì
But you don't know how to read
Ma non sai come leggere
The look on my face when it says, "yeah I've read that book too"
L'espressione sul mio volto quando dice: "sì, ho letto anche quel libro"
And who the hell's impressed by you?
E chi diavolo è impressionato da te?
I want names of the people that we know that are fallin' for this
Voglio i nomi delle persone che conosciamo che stanno cadendo per questo
You would sell your own mother out
Venderesti tua madre
And then betray your dead brother with another hypocritical kiss
E poi tradiresti tuo fratello morto con un altro bacio ipocrita
Oh, yeah
Oh, sì
My temper got the best of me
Amarahku menguasai diriku
And when I said that I mean I know every single thing that I said was true
Dan saat aku mengatakan itu, aku tahu setiap hal yang aku katakan adalah benar
And I know that you're mad at me
Dan aku tahu kamu marah padaku
But if you're thinking like that, I think you'll see that you're mad at you too
Tapi jika kamu berpikir seperti itu, aku pikir kamu akan melihat bahwa kamu juga marah pada dirimu sendiri
And I know the feeling's strong
Dan aku tahu perasaannya kuat
Strong enough to forget about all that I've been through
Cukup kuat untuk melupakan semua yang telah aku lalui
And it sounds obscene, but
Dan itu terdengar tidak senonoh, tapi
Loud words never bothered me like they do to you
Kata-kata keras tidak pernah menggangguku seperti mereka mengganggumu
You're the boy that talks but says nothin'
Kamu adalah anak laki-laki yang berbicara tapi tidak mengatakan apa-apa
A big game to the ones that you think will believe you, yeah
Sebuah permainan besar bagi mereka yang kamu pikir akan percaya padamu, ya
But you don't know how to read
Tapi kamu tidak tahu cara membaca
The look on my face when it says, "yeah I've read that book too"
Ekspresi wajahku saat itu mengatakan, "ya, aku juga telah membaca buku itu"
And who the hell's impressed by you?
Dan siapa yang terkesan olehmu?
I want names of the people that we know that are fallin' for this
Aku ingin nama-nama orang yang kita kenal yang tertipu oleh ini
You would sell your own mother out
Kamu akan menjual ibumu sendiri
And then betray your dead brother with another hypocritical kiss
Dan kemudian mengkhianati saudaramu yang telah meninggal dengan ciuman munafik lainnya
Oh, yeah
Oh, ya
My temper got the best of me
And when I said that I mean I know every single thing that I said was true
และเมื่อฉันพูดแบบนั้น ฉันหมายความว่าฉันรู้ว่าทุกสิ่งที่ฉันพูดนั้นเป็นความจริง
And I know that you're mad at me
But if you're thinking like that, I think you'll see that you're mad at you too
แต่ถ้าคุณคิดแบบนั้น ฉันคิดว่าคุณจะเห็นว่าคุณก็โกรธตัวเองเช่นกัน
And I know the feeling's strong
Strong enough to forget about all that I've been through
And it sounds obscene, but
และมันอาจฟังดูหยาบคาย แต่
Loud words never bothered me like they do to you
คำพูดดังๆ ไม่เคยทำให้ฉันรำคาญเหมือนที่มันทำกับคุณ
You're the boy that talks but says nothin'
A big game to the ones that you think will believe you, yeah
But you don't know how to read
The look on my face when it says, "yeah I've read that book too"
สีหน้าของฉันเมื่อมันบอกว่า "ใช่ ฉันก็อ่านหนังสือเล่มนั้นด้วย"
And who the hell's impressed by you?
I want names of the people that we know that are fallin' for this
You would sell your own mother out
And then betray your dead brother with another hypocritical kiss
Oh, yeah
โอ้ ใช่
My temper got the best of me
And when I said that I mean I know every single thing that I said was true
And I know that you're mad at me
But if you're thinking like that, I think you'll see that you're mad at you too
And I know the feeling's strong
Strong enough to forget about all that I've been through
And it sounds obscene, but
Loud words never bothered me like they do to you
You're the boy that talks but says nothin'
A big game to the ones that you think will believe you, yeah
But you don't know how to read
The look on my face when it says, "yeah I've read that book too"
And who the hell's impressed by you?
I want names of the people that we know that are fallin' for this
You would sell your own mother out
And then betray your dead brother with another hypocritical kiss
Oh, yeah

Curiosidades sobre la música Hypocritical Kiss del Jack White

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Hypocritical Kiss” por Jack White?
Jack White lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Blunderbuss” en 2012 y “Live at Third Man Records” en 2012.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Hypocritical Kiss” de Jack White?
La canción “Hypocritical Kiss” de Jack White fue compuesta por JACK WHITE.

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