Ethereum Vs. Ripple – Which Should You Invest In?

Right now, it is prevalent to
Know about the blockchain, cryptocurrencies
And how to invest in them if
You already know about these topics
You might be wondering
Which cryptocurrency is better for you today
We will talk about two big names in
The cryptocurrency market right
Behind Bitcoin
These coins are Ethereum and Ripple let’s
See which you should invest in

What is Ethereum?

Let's start by clarifying that
Ethereum is much
More than a cryptocurrency it is one
Of the most popular
Blockchain technology platforms
In the world and it’s open
Source aftеr Bitcoin
Ethereum is the sеcond largest crypto
Platform that has managed to
Capitalize on the market this can be
Seen in the Ethereum price
Which has reached new heights in 2021

To power transactions on what
Is the Ethereum blockchain, it
Has it's own token however
It supports other tokens, such as ERC-20

Ethereum has other applications such
As generating digital
Agreements written in code
And smart contracts
These can help users make payments and
Direct contracts through a third party

It also has 'dApps' or decentralized
Apps that build on
The blockchain the same has
Managed to power DeFi
Or decentralized finance, which has
A myriad of applications
Such as giving loans, insurance
Services, or trading, to name a few
What is Ripple?

Ripple is also more than your average
Cryptocurrency it is also a payment
Protocol that helps streamline
International transactions ripple
Brought these two functionalities together
Which is the name most commonly
Used to describe the
RippleNet platform and the Ripple
XRP virtual currency

The project was born with the idea
Of making financial payments easy, as most
Financial payments are fragmented
And complicated transactions
That are usually tedious, time-consuming
Costly and unreliable are solved with Ripple

Ripple allows instant, secure, and
Almost free cross-border payments
Making it one
Of the fastest-growing alternative
Platforms in
The investment world despite that
The Ripple price has lagged
Somewhat behind the
Price development of most
Other cryptocurrencies

Main differences between Ethereum and Ripple

Knowing the basic concepts of Ethereum and
Ripple, perhaps the similarities they share
Such as being a native currency
And payment platform at the same time
Can generate confusion on which one to choose
Let's delve into the key differences
Such as transaction speed
Market capitalization and supply availability

Transaction speed

The transaction speed difference
Between Ethereum and
Ripple is abysmal and the
Answer lies in the nature of
Each project ripple was
Born to speed up transactions
Between companies, that is, to eliminate
Slow times this crypto is fast
Processing more than 10
000 different transactions in a single second

In contrast
Ethereum can only process 15 transactions per
Second it is 670 times
Slower than Ripple this
Makes Ripple's exchange
Rates much cheaper than Ethereum's
Which are much higher it also
Makes Ethereum less energy efficient

Now, could this change? Eth2
Or Ethereum 20 promises
To be much faster than
It's predecessor however
It still consumes a lot of energy: 2265
KwH it's users are still testing it

Market capitalization

Ethereum ranks within the
Market capitalization as
The second coin the current price
Is $1, 760, and it's trading volume
Is almost $20, 624, 157
710 at the moment of writing this article

Ripple is considered the fourth
Cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, with a price
Of $046 and a trading volume of $5, 185, 960
Despite Ripple being designed for financial
Transactions with large banks
Which is a much more
Limited scope than Ethereum
It can be used for different DeFi

Of course, Ethereum is one
Of it's main competitors
So thinking about investing in each of these
Cryptocurrencies is not a bad idea

Supply availability

As for the supply capacity
Which is nothing more than the
Amount that each crypto has
Available, with Ripple, we have
A fixed answer
100 billion XRP on the other hand
Ethereum has an unlimited supply

The circulating supply of the former
Is 45, 404, 028
640 XRP, with the latter ETH at 115, 084

Ethereum Price vs ripple price

In terms of price movements
There is no comparison between
Ethereum and Ripple
Ripple has traded much lower than
Ethereum it also has legal issues that
Hit the market in early 2021

For the first few years of it's existence
XRP traded well below the
Dollar it was only in 2017
That it started to move
Reaching a historical high of
$308 by January 2018

Ripple continued to rise despite
The COVID pandemic however
In December 2020, with the SEC decision
It dropped around $025

By February 2021, XRP has
Risen again to $062, representing a
Growth of 150%, this has
Meant a rapid recovery
But it has not experienced the
Price increases of Ethereum

With Ethereum, something strange
Happened by 2015
It was worth less than $100 in 2017
It struggled to break the $1000 mark
That same year several
Cryptocurrencies increased
Prices but it was not
Until January 2018 that prices
Skyrocketed to over $1
400 this was before the famous bitcoin
Bubble and ETH would go
As low as $85 before the end of the year

In 2018 and 2019, Ethereum was recovering
Crashing the $250 barrier eTH
Withstood the COVID pandemic very well
And by December 2020
It was up to $615 per token

By February 2021, Ethereum skyrocketed
Reaching a record $1, 93672
And in March this year, it surpassed $1, 900
Ethereum vs ripple – Which
Should you invest in?

Giving a single answer to
This question is not
As simple as it seems the decision needs
To be made based on various factors such
As what style of investing you do
What your current portfolio is and what
Your attitude towards risk is

Ethereum, since the launch of Ethereum 20
Has demonstrated efficiency and is
Expected to skyrocket
From usage and transaction
Generation this cryptocurrency
Accepts many other tokens and has a
Wide range of high profile investors

As we already know, it's
Purpose is different
And it's price is not affected by
The same factors that affect Ethereum
It is an opportunity to diversify the
Portfolio by investing in Ripple

It is essential to consider that
Ripple is outperforming it's traditional
Competitors because it's transaction speed is
Much faster than VISA

Investing in any of them
-Ethereum or Ripple- without
Prior knowledge could increase
Possible unnecessary financial
Losses whether you are an
Experienced cryptocurrency trader
Or a Novel in the subject
The decision of investing on Ethereum or
Ripple is entirely up to you

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