Made It

I'm Lookin' For a Little Bit Heaven
Didn't Think You'd Make It (4x)

Didn't Think You'd Make It - From Where There's No
Second Chance When You Slip
Didn't Think You'd Make It - to Get Away Most Just Dip
Light and Trip
Didn't Think You'd Make It - You Gotta Get Away Or
Your Mind's Gonna Rot
So Happy That You Made It - They Called Us Stupid But
We Never Got Caught

So We're Looking For a Little Heaven. When We're Livin'
In a Little Hell

Didn't Think You'd Make It (2x)

Didn't Think You'd Make It - It's So Hard to Make It
When They Want You to Fail
Didn't Think You'd Make It
Not All the Old Hommies Are Dead, Some Are in Jail
Didn't Think You'd Make It - They Already Reserved Us
A Cell
So Happy That You Make It - But We Found a Little
Heaven in a Place Like Hell

Where You Find a Place Like Heaven. When You Live In
A Place Like Hell?
Just Lookin' For a Little Bit of Heaven. Yea But This Is a
Place Like Hell
Trying to Find a Little Bit of Heaven in a Place Like Hell

Lookin' For a Little Bit of Heaven - I'm Lookin' For a Little
Bit of Heaven
Lookin' For a Little Bit of Heaven. Heaven

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