I had to get high, I was living in the streets. Every time the guy sold his bundle and went to get another one, I stepped on the corner where he was standing and sold the soap to his customers. When I saw him coming... When I saw him coming, I ran off around the corner. TNT pulls up and like an idiot I was showing up, I say you can't arrest me, it's soap. They threw it away, handcuffed me, went and busted him. And made me his co-dependent. And they offered him a year if he confesses, and says I dealt. He said "Yes, your honor, I was dealing," he pointed to me, "He was dealing with me." He walked right out of the courtroom. A year is only eight months in city jails, you only have to do eight months. So he walked out, and I got a two-to-four for selling soap. A two-to-four for selling soap...