Love Power

Alan Menken, Stephen Schwartz

Letra Traducción

If we ever needed magic, we could use it now
And if spells and wands won't work, we'll find a way somehow
Can we find some new power
If we ever needed magic, this would be the day
Can we find the way?

Memories are magic, Morgan
It doesn't matter how unmemorable they seem
Ordinary moments
Like a look or laugh you shared
Can bring a gleam of light
In your bleakest, darkest hour

Memories can save us, Morgan
When you add them up, they paint a picture of
All the love you're given
And the love you have received

And in that love, there's a power
Love power
Feel it flowing through you
Like a rushing stream

And there are those who just love power
And they throw us down a well of deep despair
They don't understand
That while they live in hate and fear

Look what's right there, love power
Love, love power
We can always choose to use it if we dare
Love power
Love power
And we find it in the memories we share
And we need it like the sun and light and air

So when you're in need of magic
This is where to go
Find the song inside you
That your memories seem to know

Let it grow
Let it glow
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

Out of rock there grows a flower
As a ray of sunshine melts a cave of ice
So we'll sing it out
Until the world will sing along
What makes us strong?
Love power
Love, love power
It's like soaring on a magic broomstick
To the sky above
We fly on love, love power
Love, love power
Just remember the memories
That show us the power of love

If we ever needed magic, we could use it now
Si alguna vez necesitamos magia, podríamos usarla ahora
And if spells and wands won't work, we'll find a way somehow
Y si los hechizos y varitas no funcionan, encontraremos una forma de alguna manera
Can we find some new power
¿Podemos encontrar algún nuevo poder?
If we ever needed magic, this would be the day
Si alguna vez necesitamos magia, este sería el día
Can we find the way?
¿Podemos encontrar el camino?
Memories are magic, Morgan
Los recuerdos son magia, Morgan
It doesn't matter how unmemorable they seem
No importa cuán poco memorables parezcan
Ordinary moments
Momentos ordinarios
Like a look or laugh you shared
Como una mirada o risa que compartiste
Can bring a gleam of light
Pueden traer un destello de luz
In your bleakest, darkest hour
En tu hora más sombría y oscura
Memories can save us, Morgan
Los recuerdos pueden salvarnos, Morgan
When you add them up, they paint a picture of
Cuando los sumas, pintan una imagen de
All the love you're given
Todo el amor que te han dado
And the love you have received
Y el amor que has recibido
And in that love, there's a power
Y en ese amor, hay un poder
Love power
Poder del amor
Feel it flowing through you
Siéntelo fluyendo a través de ti
Like a rushing stream
Como un arroyo que corre
And there are those who just love power
Y hay quienes simplemente aman el poder
And they throw us down a well of deep despair
Y nos arrojan a un pozo de profunda desesperación
They don't understand
No entienden
That while they live in hate and fear
Que mientras viven en odio y miedo
Look what's right there, love power
Mira lo que está ahí, poder del amor
Love, love power
Amor, poder del amor
We can always choose to use it if we dare
Siempre podemos elegir usarlo si nos atrevemos
Love power
Poder del amor
Love power
Poder del amor
And we find it in the memories we share
Y lo encontramos en los recuerdos que compartimos
And we need it like the sun and light and air
Y lo necesitamos como el sol y la luz y el aire
So when you're in need of magic
Así que cuando necesites magia
This is where to go
Aquí es donde debes ir
Find the song inside you
Encuentra la canción dentro de ti
That your memories seem to know
Que tus recuerdos parecen conocer
Let it grow
Déjalo crecer
Let it glow
Déjalo brillar
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Out of rock there grows a flower
De una roca crece una flor
As a ray of sunshine melts a cave of ice
Como un rayo de sol derrite una cueva de hielo
So we'll sing it out
Así que lo cantaremos
Until the world will sing along
Hasta que el mundo cante con nosotros
What makes us strong?
¿Qué nos hace fuertes?
Love power
Poder del amor
Love, love power
Amor, poder del amor
It's like soaring on a magic broomstick
Es como volar en una escoba mágica
To the sky above
Hacia el cielo arriba
We fly on love, love power
Volamos en amor, poder del amor
Love, love power
Amor, poder del amor
Just remember the memories
Solo recuerda los recuerdos
That show us the power of love
Que nos muestran el poder del amor
If we ever needed magic, we could use it now
Se alguma vez precisássemos de magia, poderíamos usá-la agora
And if spells and wands won't work, we'll find a way somehow
E se feitiços e varinhas não funcionarem, de alguma forma encontraremos um jeito
Can we find some new power
Podemos encontrar algum novo poder
If we ever needed magic, this would be the day
Se alguma vez precisássemos de magia, este seria o dia
Can we find the way?
Podemos encontrar o caminho?
Memories are magic, Morgan
Memórias são mágicas, Morgan
It doesn't matter how unmemorable they seem
Não importa o quão inesquecíveis elas pareçam
Ordinary moments
Momentos ordinários
Like a look or laugh you shared
Como um olhar ou risada que você compartilhou
Can bring a gleam of light
Podem trazer um brilho de luz
In your bleakest, darkest hour
Na sua hora mais sombria e desesperadora
Memories can save us, Morgan
Memórias podem nos salvar, Morgan
When you add them up, they paint a picture of
Quando você as soma, elas pintam uma imagem de
All the love you're given
Todo o amor que você recebeu
And the love you have received
E o amor que você recebeu
And in that love, there's a power
E nesse amor, há um poder
Love power
Poder do amor
Feel it flowing through you
Sinta-o fluindo através de você
Like a rushing stream
Como um rio correndo
And there are those who just love power
E há aqueles que apenas amam o poder
And they throw us down a well of deep despair
E eles nos jogam em um poço de profundo desespero
They don't understand
Eles não entendem
That while they live in hate and fear
Que enquanto eles vivem em ódio e medo
Look what's right there, love power
Veja o que está bem ali, poder do amor
Love, love power
Amor, poder do amor
We can always choose to use it if we dare
Nós sempre podemos escolher usá-lo se ousarmos
Love power
Poder do amor
Love power
Poder do amor
And we find it in the memories we share
E nós o encontramos nas memórias que compartilhamos
And we need it like the sun and light and air
E precisamos dele como o sol e a luz e o ar
So when you're in need of magic
Então, quando você precisar de magia
This is where to go
É aqui que você deve ir
Find the song inside you
Encontre a canção dentro de você
That your memories seem to know
Que suas memórias parecem conhecer
Let it grow
Deixe crescer
Let it glow
Deixe brilhar
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Out of rock there grows a flower
De uma rocha cresce uma flor
As a ray of sunshine melts a cave of ice
Como um raio de sol derrete uma caverna de gelo
So we'll sing it out
Então vamos cantar
Until the world will sing along
Até o mundo cantar junto
What makes us strong?
O que nos torna fortes?
Love power
Poder do amor
Love, love power
Amor, poder do amor
It's like soaring on a magic broomstick
É como voar em uma vassoura mágica
To the sky above
Para o céu acima
We fly on love, love power
Nós voamos no amor, poder do amor
Love, love power
Amor, poder do amor
Just remember the memories
Apenas lembre-se das memórias
That show us the power of love
Que nos mostram o poder do amor
If we ever needed magic, we could use it now
Si nous avions jamais besoin de magie, nous pourrions l'utiliser maintenant
And if spells and wands won't work, we'll find a way somehow
Et si les sorts et les baguettes ne fonctionnent pas, nous trouverons un moyen d'une manière ou d'une autre
Can we find some new power
Pouvons-nous trouver un nouveau pouvoir
If we ever needed magic, this would be the day
Si nous avions jamais besoin de magie, ce serait le jour
Can we find the way?
Pouvons-nous trouver le chemin?
Memories are magic, Morgan
Les souvenirs sont magiques, Morgan
It doesn't matter how unmemorable they seem
Peu importe à quel point ils semblent insignifiants
Ordinary moments
Des moments ordinaires
Like a look or laugh you shared
Comme un regard ou un rire que vous avez partagé
Can bring a gleam of light
Peuvent apporter un éclat de lumière
In your bleakest, darkest hour
Dans votre heure la plus sombre et la plus sombre
Memories can save us, Morgan
Les souvenirs peuvent nous sauver, Morgan
When you add them up, they paint a picture of
Quand vous les additionnez, ils peignent une image de
All the love you're given
Tout l'amour que vous êtes donné
And the love you have received
Et l'amour que vous avez reçu
And in that love, there's a power
Et dans cet amour, il y a un pouvoir
Love power
Pouvoir de l'amour
Feel it flowing through you
Sentez-le couler à travers vous
Like a rushing stream
Comme un ruisseau qui coule
And there are those who just love power
Et il y a ceux qui aiment juste le pouvoir
And they throw us down a well of deep despair
Et ils nous jettent dans un puits de désespoir profond
They don't understand
Ils ne comprennent pas
That while they live in hate and fear
Que pendant qu'ils vivent dans la haine et la peur
Look what's right there, love power
Regardez ce qui est juste là, le pouvoir de l'amour
Love, love power
Amour, pouvoir de l'amour
We can always choose to use it if we dare
Nous pouvons toujours choisir de l'utiliser si nous osons
Love power
Pouvoir de l'amour
Love power
Pouvoir de l'amour
And we find it in the memories we share
Et nous le trouvons dans les souvenirs que nous partageons
And we need it like the sun and light and air
Et nous en avons besoin comme le soleil et la lumière et l'air
So when you're in need of magic
Alors quand vous avez besoin de magie
This is where to go
C'est là où aller
Find the song inside you
Trouvez la chanson en vous
That your memories seem to know
Que vos souvenirs semblent connaître
Let it grow
Laissez-le grandir
Let it glow
Laissez-le briller
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Out of rock there grows a flower
D'un rocher pousse une fleur
As a ray of sunshine melts a cave of ice
Comme un rayon de soleil fait fondre une grotte de glace
So we'll sing it out
Alors nous le chanterons
Until the world will sing along
Jusqu'à ce que le monde chante avec nous
What makes us strong?
Qu'est-ce qui nous rend forts?
Love power
Pouvoir de l'amour
Love, love power
Amour, pouvoir de l'amour
It's like soaring on a magic broomstick
C'est comme voler sur un balai magique
To the sky above
Vers le ciel au-dessus
We fly on love, love power
Nous volons sur l'amour, le pouvoir de l'amour
Love, love power
Amour, pouvoir de l'amour
Just remember the memories
Rappelez-vous simplement les souvenirs
That show us the power of love
Qui nous montrent le pouvoir de l'amour
If we ever needed magic, we could use it now
Wenn wir jemals Magie brauchten, könnten wir sie jetzt gebrauchen
And if spells and wands won't work, we'll find a way somehow
Und wenn Zauber und Zauberstäbe nicht funktionieren, finden wir irgendwie einen Weg
Can we find some new power
Können wir eine neue Kraft finden?
If we ever needed magic, this would be the day
Wenn wir jemals Magie brauchten, wäre heute der Tag
Can we find the way?
Können wir den Weg finden?
Memories are magic, Morgan
Erinnerungen sind Magie, Morgan
It doesn't matter how unmemorable they seem
Es spielt keine Rolle, wie unvergesslich sie scheinen
Ordinary moments
Gewöhnliche Momente
Like a look or laugh you shared
Wie ein Blick oder ein Lachen, das du geteilt hast
Can bring a gleam of light
Können einen Lichtschein bringen
In your bleakest, darkest hour
In deiner düstersten, dunkelsten Stunde
Memories can save us, Morgan
Erinnerungen können uns retten, Morgan
When you add them up, they paint a picture of
Wenn du sie zusammenzählst, malen sie ein Bild von
All the love you're given
All der Liebe, die du gegeben hast
And the love you have received
Und der Liebe, die du erhalten hast
And in that love, there's a power
Und in dieser Liebe gibt es eine Kraft
Love power
Feel it flowing through you
Fühle sie durch dich fließen
Like a rushing stream
Wie ein reißender Strom
And there are those who just love power
Und es gibt diejenigen, die einfach Macht lieben
And they throw us down a well of deep despair
Und sie werfen uns in einen Brunnen tiefer Verzweiflung
They don't understand
Sie verstehen nicht
That while they live in hate and fear
Dass sie in Hass und Angst leben
Look what's right there, love power
Schau, was da ist, Liebeskraft
Love, love power
Liebe, Liebeskraft
We can always choose to use it if we dare
Wir können uns immer dafür entscheiden, sie zu nutzen, wenn wir es wagen
Love power
Love power
And we find it in the memories we share
Und wir finden sie in den Erinnerungen, die wir teilen
And we need it like the sun and light and air
Und wir brauchen sie wie die Sonne und das Licht und die Luft
So when you're in need of magic
Also, wenn du Magie brauchst
This is where to go
Hier ist der Ort, an den du gehen solltest
Find the song inside you
Finde das Lied in dir
That your memories seem to know
Das deine Erinnerungen zu kennen scheinen
Let it grow
Lass es wachsen
Let it glow
Lass es leuchten
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Out of rock there grows a flower
Aus einem Felsen wächst eine Blume
As a ray of sunshine melts a cave of ice
Wie ein Sonnenstrahl eine Eishöhle schmilzt
So we'll sing it out
Also singen wir es laut
Until the world will sing along
Bis die Welt mitsingt
What makes us strong?
Was macht uns stark?
Love power
Love, love power
Liebe, Liebeskraft
It's like soaring on a magic broomstick
Es ist wie auf einem magischen Besen zu fliegen
To the sky above
Zum Himmel hoch
We fly on love, love power
Wir fliegen auf Liebe, Liebeskraft
Love, love power
Liebe, Liebeskraft
Just remember the memories
Erinnere dich einfach an die Erinnerungen
That show us the power of love
Die uns die Kraft der Liebe zeigen
If we ever needed magic, we could use it now
Se mai avessimo bisogno di magia, potremmo usarla ora
And if spells and wands won't work, we'll find a way somehow
E se incantesimi e bacchette non funzionassero, troveremmo un modo in qualche modo
Can we find some new power
Possiamo trovare qualche nuovo potere
If we ever needed magic, this would be the day
Se mai avessimo bisogno di magia, questo sarebbe il giorno
Can we find the way?
Possiamo trovare la via?
Memories are magic, Morgan
I ricordi sono magia, Morgan
It doesn't matter how unmemorable they seem
Non importa quanto sembrino insignificanti
Ordinary moments
Momenti ordinari
Like a look or laugh you shared
Come uno sguardo o una risata condivisa
Can bring a gleam of light
Possono portare un barlume di luce
In your bleakest, darkest hour
Nella tua ora più buia e desolata
Memories can save us, Morgan
I ricordi possono salvarci, Morgan
When you add them up, they paint a picture of
Quando li sommi, dipingono un quadro di
All the love you're given
Tutto l'amore che ti è dato
And the love you have received
E l'amore che hai ricevuto
And in that love, there's a power
E in quell'amore, c'è un potere
Love power
Potere dell'amore
Feel it flowing through you
Sentilo fluire attraverso di te
Like a rushing stream
Come un torrente impetuoso
And there are those who just love power
E ci sono quelli che amano solo il potere
And they throw us down a well of deep despair
E ci gettano in un pozzo di profonda disperazione
They don't understand
Non capiscono
That while they live in hate and fear
Che mentre vivono nell'odio e nella paura
Look what's right there, love power
Guarda cosa c'è lì, potere dell'amore
Love, love power
Amore, potere dell'amore
We can always choose to use it if we dare
Possiamo sempre scegliere di usarlo se osiamo
Love power
Potere dell'amore
Love power
Potere dell'amore
And we find it in the memories we share
E lo troviamo nei ricordi che condividiamo
And we need it like the sun and light and air
E ne abbiamo bisogno come del sole e della luce e dell'aria
So when you're in need of magic
Quindi quando hai bisogno di magia
This is where to go
Questo è dove andare
Find the song inside you
Trova la canzone dentro di te
That your memories seem to know
Che i tuoi ricordi sembrano conoscere
Let it grow
Lasciala crescere
Let it glow
Lasciala brillare
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Out of rock there grows a flower
Da una roccia cresce un fiore
As a ray of sunshine melts a cave of ice
Come un raggio di sole scioglie una caverna di ghiaccio
So we'll sing it out
Quindi lo canteremo
Until the world will sing along
Fino a quando il mondo canterà insieme
What makes us strong?
Cosa ci rende forti?
Love power
Potere dell'amore
Love, love power
Amore, potere dell'amore
It's like soaring on a magic broomstick
È come volare su una scopa magica
To the sky above
Verso il cielo sopra
We fly on love, love power
Voliamo sull'amore, potere dell'amore
Love, love power
Amore, potere dell'amore
Just remember the memories
Ricorda solo i ricordi
That show us the power of love
Che ci mostrano il potere dell'amore

Curiosidades sobre la música Love Power del Idina Menzel

¿Quién compuso la canción “Love Power” de Idina Menzel?
La canción “Love Power” de Idina Menzel fue compuesta por Alan Menken, Stephen Schwartz.

Músicas más populares de Idina Menzel

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