Vídeos destacados

Músicas más populares

Todas las Músicas

A Bullet Through the Heart
A New All Powerful Brain
A Pod Is Waiting
A Scarecrow's Tale
A Short Song About Snow
A Sucker for Your Sound
Alan R. Pearlman and the A.R.Piological Exploration of the Cosmos
As Long As There Is You And Me
Backseat Of My Car
Beat The Drum
Big End
Black Cat Bamboozle
Champagne Charlie
Checkout Luv
Come Out Biting
Cool Coconuts
Damn Your Hide
Daydream in Blue
Dear John
Devils on Horseback
Dumb Head
Early Morning Robert
Electronic Dream Plant (EDP): The Dirt in the Ointment
Escape From New Yorkshire
Everyone's a Loser
Food For The Sea
Freak (The Gang Version)
French Mods Can’t Drink
Goodbye Sun
Hey Mrs.
Hey You Beautiful Land
I Missed You So
I Spider
I’m a Cowboy
Knock the Door Down
Laser Gun
Let’s Swing
London 1969: The Wizards of Putney Deny Accusations of Unholy Enchantment at the Electronic Music Studios (EMS)
Lucifer You Are a Devil
Lust for a Vampyr
Magic Man
Mr. Mallard
My Bicycle
Resistance Is Futile
She Sucks
She’s Giving Me the I
Sickly Suite Part 1: How Are You?
Sickly Suite Part 2: Out of the Shadows
Sickly Suite Part 3: Gone
Some Thing's Coming
Stobart's Blues
Sunny Delights
The Back Seat of My Car (Original Mix)
The Backseat Of My Car
The Ballad of Harry Chamberlin and the Surreptitious Window Cleaner
The Best
The Blue Wrath
The Bradley Brothers Realise the Transmutation of the Chamberlin to the Mellotron
The Desert
The Fantastic Tale of Dr. Moog and the Birth of the Shimmering Beast
The Further Adventures of K. Freeman and His Incredible Machine of a Thousand Strings
The Garden
The Great Soul Destroyer
The Holy Man
The Jardine Boys
The Living Dead
The Music of Erich Zann
The Priest’s Tale
The Uncertain Contents of the Buchla Box
The Weather
The Word Is Fuzz
These Are Our Children
Wake Up Tony
Who Is She?
Won't Give Your Love

Curiosidades sobre I Monster

¿Cuál es el álbum más reciente de I Monster?
El álbum más reciente de I Monster es “Who is She? EP”, lanzado en 2023 con 2 pistas.
¿Cuál es el álbum más antiguo de I Monster?
El álbum más antiguo de I Monster es “These Are Our Children”, lanzado en 1998 con 8 pistas.
¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de I Monster?
La canción más popular de I Monster es “Daydream in Blue”, del álbum “These Are Our Children”, lanzado en 1998.
¿Cuántos álbumes ha lanzado I Monster?
Entre 1998 y 2023, 16 Álbumes fueron lanzados por I Monster.

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