Stop Waiting (feat Dolve Gando)
Há 2 anos atrás
Eles foram e tu ainda aqui estás
Tome uma atitude
Prove o teu valor
Pois nada se consegue só
Tome uma atitude
'Cause time flies and I
May not be there for you friend
Use all you know and go
Make sure you’ll get to the end
Stand up and start moving
Walking, running, stop waiting
You gotta take on the world
Stand up and start moving
Walking, running do something
You gotta take on the world
Hey you Mr. Scared
What are you doing sitting there
Aren’t you tired of waiting?
I know sometimes it’s hard
You won’t get through with no effort
Aren’t you tired of waiting?
'Cause time flies and I
May not be there for you friend
Use all you know and go
Make sure you’ll get to the end
Stand up and start moving
Walking, running, stop waiting
You gotta take on the world
Stand up and start moving
Walking, running do something
You gotta take on the world