Black Tears


Letra Traducción

When I'm in this state of mind
I'm wishing I was blind
Sometimes life is more than pain to me
I feel the power of my grief
Death would be such a relief
All the secrets that I hide would die with me

Depression is my only friend
Will this torture never end
Let me carry on to dreamer's sky
I keep crying in my dreams
Can you hear my endless screams
When I fade away, I fade away

This fluid on my cheek
It drains me, I get weak
My heart is cold and bleak

Black blood
Black tears

Black tears
Black tears

Life is like a masquerade
In debt to myself, but I can't pay
Soon I'll call it all a day, away
I never felt what you call guilt
I still believe do what thou wilt
My sorrow will destroy the world I've built

This fluid on my cheek
It drains me, I get weak
My heart is cold and bleak

Black blood
Black tears

Black tears
Black tears

Black tears
Black tears

When I'm in this state of mind
Cuando estoy en este estado de ánimo
I'm wishing I was blind
Desearía estar ciego
Sometimes life is more than pain to me
A veces la vida es más que dolor para mí
I feel the power of my grief
Siento el poder de mi dolor
Death would be such a relief
La muerte sería un alivio
All the secrets that I hide would die with me
Todos los secretos que escondo morirían conmigo
Depression is my only friend
La depresión es mi única amiga
Will this torture never end
¿Acabará alguna vez esta tortura?
Let me carry on to dreamer's sky
Déjame seguir en el cielo de los soñadores
I keep crying in my dreams
Sigo llorando en mis sueños
Can you hear my endless screams
¿Puedes oír mis gritos interminables?
When I fade away, I fade away
Cuando me desvanezco, me desvanezco
This fluid on my cheek
Este líquido en mi mejilla
It drains me, I get weak
Me agota, me debilita
My heart is cold and bleak
Mi corazón está frío y desolado
Black blood
Sangre negra
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Life is like a masquerade
La vida es como un baile de máscaras
In debt to myself, but I can't pay
En deuda conmigo mismo, pero no puedo pagar
Soon I'll call it all a day, away
Pronto lo llamaré un día, lejos
I never felt what you call guilt
Nunca sentí lo que llamas culpa
I still believe do what thou wilt
Todavía creo en hacer lo que quieras
My sorrow will destroy the world I've built
Mi tristeza destruirá el mundo que he construido
This fluid on my cheek
Este líquido en mi mejilla
It drains me, I get weak
Me agota, me debilita
My heart is cold and bleak
Mi corazón está frío y desolado
Black blood
Sangre negra
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
When I'm in this state of mind
Quando estou neste estado de espírito
I'm wishing I was blind
Eu desejo ser cego
Sometimes life is more than pain to me
Às vezes a vida é mais do que dor para mim
I feel the power of my grief
Sinto o poder da minha tristeza
Death would be such a relief
A morte seria um alívio
All the secrets that I hide would die with me
Todos os segredos que escondo morreriam comigo
Depression is my only friend
A depressão é minha única amiga
Will this torture never end
Essa tortura nunca vai acabar?
Let me carry on to dreamer's sky
Deixe-me continuar no céu dos sonhadores
I keep crying in my dreams
Eu continuo chorando em meus sonhos
Can you hear my endless screams
Você consegue ouvir meus gritos intermináveis?
When I fade away, I fade away
Quando eu desapareço, eu desapareço
This fluid on my cheek
Este líquido na minha bochecha
It drains me, I get weak
Me drena, fico fraco
My heart is cold and bleak
Meu coração está frio e sombrio
Black blood
Sangue negro
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Life is like a masquerade
A vida é como um baile de máscaras
In debt to myself, but I can't pay
Em dívida comigo mesmo, mas não posso pagar
Soon I'll call it all a day, away
Logo vou chamar tudo de um dia, longe
I never felt what you call guilt
Eu nunca senti o que você chama de culpa
I still believe do what thou wilt
Eu ainda acredito em fazer o que quiser
My sorrow will destroy the world I've built
Minha tristeza destruirá o mundo que construí
This fluid on my cheek
Este líquido na minha bochecha
It drains me, I get weak
Me drena, fico fraco
My heart is cold and bleak
Meu coração está frio e sombrio
Black blood
Sangue negro
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
Black tears
Lágrimas negras
When I'm in this state of mind
Quand je suis dans cet état d'esprit
I'm wishing I was blind
Je souhaite être aveugle
Sometimes life is more than pain to me
Parfois, la vie est plus que de la douleur pour moi
I feel the power of my grief
Je ressens le pouvoir de mon chagrin
Death would be such a relief
La mort serait un tel soulagement
All the secrets that I hide would die with me
Tous les secrets que je cache mourraient avec moi
Depression is my only friend
La dépression est mon seul ami
Will this torture never end
Cette torture ne finira-t-elle jamais
Let me carry on to dreamer's sky
Laissez-moi continuer vers le ciel des rêveurs
I keep crying in my dreams
Je continue à pleurer dans mes rêves
Can you hear my endless screams
Peux-tu entendre mes cris sans fin
When I fade away, I fade away
Quand je disparais, je disparais
This fluid on my cheek
Ce liquide sur ma joue
It drains me, I get weak
Il m'épuise, je deviens faible
My heart is cold and bleak
Mon cœur est froid et morne
Black blood
Du sang noir
Black tears
Des larmes noires
Black tears
Des larmes noires
Black tears
Des larmes noires
Life is like a masquerade
La vie est comme un bal masqué
In debt to myself, but I can't pay
Endetté envers moi-même, mais je ne peux pas payer
Soon I'll call it all a day, away
Bientôt, j'appellerai tout un jour, loin
I never felt what you call guilt
Je n'ai jamais ressenti ce que vous appelez la culpabilité
I still believe do what thou wilt
Je crois toujours faire ce que tu veux
My sorrow will destroy the world I've built
Mon chagrin détruira le monde que j'ai construit
This fluid on my cheek
Ce liquide sur ma joue
It drains me, I get weak
Il m'épuise, je deviens faible
My heart is cold and bleak
Mon cœur est froid et morne
Black blood
Du sang noir
Black tears
Des larmes noires
Black tears
Des larmes noires
Black tears
Des larmes noires
Black tears
Des larmes noires
Black tears
Des larmes noires
When I'm in this state of mind
Wenn ich in diesem Gemütszustand bin
I'm wishing I was blind
Wünschte ich, ich wäre blind
Sometimes life is more than pain to me
Manchmal ist das Leben mehr als Schmerz für mich
I feel the power of my grief
Ich spüre die Macht meiner Trauer
Death would be such a relief
Der Tod wäre eine solche Erleichterung
All the secrets that I hide would die with me
Alle Geheimnisse, die ich verberge, würden mit mir sterben
Depression is my only friend
Depression ist mein einziger Freund
Will this torture never end
Wird diese Folter niemals enden
Let me carry on to dreamer's sky
Lass mich weiter in den Himmel der Träumer reisen
I keep crying in my dreams
Ich weine ständig in meinen Träumen
Can you hear my endless screams
Kannst du meine endlosen Schreie hören
When I fade away, I fade away
Wenn ich verblassen, verblassen ich
This fluid on my cheek
Diese Flüssigkeit auf meiner Wange
It drains me, I get weak
Sie entkräftet mich, ich werde schwach
My heart is cold and bleak
Mein Herz ist kalt und trostlos
Black blood
Schwarzes Blut
Black tears
Schwarze Tränen
Black tears
Schwarze Tränen
Black tears
Schwarze Tränen
Life is like a masquerade
Das Leben ist wie eine Maskerade
In debt to myself, but I can't pay
Ich bin mir selbst schuldig, aber ich kann nicht zahlen
Soon I'll call it all a day, away
Bald werde ich alles einen Tag nennen, weg
I never felt what you call guilt
Ich habe nie das gefühlt, was du Schuld nennst
I still believe do what thou wilt
Ich glaube immer noch, tu was du willst
My sorrow will destroy the world I've built
Mein Kummer wird die Welt, die ich aufgebaut habe, zerstören
This fluid on my cheek
Diese Flüssigkeit auf meiner Wange
It drains me, I get weak
Sie entkräftet mich, ich werde schwach
My heart is cold and bleak
Mein Herz ist kalt und trostlos
Black blood
Schwarzes Blut
Black tears
Schwarze Tränen
Black tears
Schwarze Tränen
Black tears
Schwarze Tränen
Black tears
Schwarze Tränen
Black tears
Schwarze Tränen
When I'm in this state of mind
Quando sono in questo stato d'animo
I'm wishing I was blind
Desidero essere cieco
Sometimes life is more than pain to me
A volte la vita è più che dolore per me
I feel the power of my grief
Sento il potere del mio dolore
Death would be such a relief
La morte sarebbe un tale sollievo
All the secrets that I hide would die with me
Tutti i segreti che nascondo morirebbero con me
Depression is my only friend
La depressione è la mia unica amica
Will this torture never end
Questa tortura non finirà mai
Let me carry on to dreamer's sky
Lasciami continuare verso il cielo dei sognatori
I keep crying in my dreams
Continuo a piangere nei miei sogni
Can you hear my endless screams
Puoi sentire le mie urla infinite
When I fade away, I fade away
Quando svanisco, svanisco
This fluid on my cheek
Questo fluido sulla mia guancia
It drains me, I get weak
Mi prosciuga, mi indebolisce
My heart is cold and bleak
Il mio cuore è freddo e desolato
Black blood
Sangue nero
Black tears
Lacrime nere
Black tears
Lacrime nere
Black tears
Lacrime nere
Life is like a masquerade
La vita è come una mascherata
In debt to myself, but I can't pay
In debito con me stesso, ma non posso pagare
Soon I'll call it all a day, away
Presto chiamerò tutto un giorno, lontano
I never felt what you call guilt
Non ho mai sentito quello che chiami colpa
I still believe do what thou wilt
Credo ancora di fare ciò che vuoi
My sorrow will destroy the world I've built
Il mio dolore distruggerà il mondo che ho costruito
This fluid on my cheek
Questo fluido sulla mia guancia
It drains me, I get weak
Mi prosciuga, mi indebolisce
My heart is cold and bleak
Il mio cuore è freddo e desolato
Black blood
Sangue nero
Black tears
Lacrime nere
Black tears
Lacrime nere
Black tears
Lacrime nere
Black tears
Lacrime nere
Black tears
Lacrime nere
When I'm in this state of mind
Ketika aku dalam keadaan pikiran ini
I'm wishing I was blind
Aku berharap aku buta
Sometimes life is more than pain to me
Terkadang hidup lebih dari sekedar rasa sakit bagiku
I feel the power of my grief
Aku merasakan kekuatan dari kesedihanku
Death would be such a relief
Kematian akan menjadi suatu kelegaan
All the secrets that I hide would die with me
Semua rahasia yang aku sembunyikan akan mati bersamaku
Depression is my only friend
Depresi adalah satu-satunya temanku
Will this torture never end
Akankah siksaan ini tidak pernah berakhir
Let me carry on to dreamer's sky
Biarkan aku melanjutkan ke langit para pemimpi
I keep crying in my dreams
Aku terus menangis dalam mimpiku
Can you hear my endless screams
Bisakah kamu mendengar teriakan tak berujungku
When I fade away, I fade away
Ketika aku menghilang, aku menghilang
This fluid on my cheek
Cairan di pipiku
It drains me, I get weak
Itu menguras aku, aku menjadi lemah
My heart is cold and bleak
Hatiku dingin dan suram
Black blood
Darah hitam
Black tears
Air mata hitam
Black tears
Air mata hitam
Black tears
Air mata hitam
Life is like a masquerade
Hidup seperti pesta topeng
In debt to myself, but I can't pay
Berhutang pada diri sendiri, tapi aku tidak bisa membayar
Soon I'll call it all a day, away
Segera aku akan menyebut semuanya berakhir, jauh
I never felt what you call guilt
Aku tidak pernah merasakan apa yang kamu sebut rasa bersalah
I still believe do what thou wilt
Aku masih percaya lakukan apa yang kamu inginkan
My sorrow will destroy the world I've built
Kesedihanku akan menghancurkan dunia yang telah aku bangun
This fluid on my cheek
Cairan di pipiku
It drains me, I get weak
Itu menguras aku, aku menjadi lemah
My heart is cold and bleak
Hatiku dingin dan suram
Black blood
Darah hitam
Black tears
Air mata hitam
Black tears
Air mata hitam
Black tears
Air mata hitam
Black tears
Air mata hitam
Black tears
Air mata hitam
When I'm in this state of mind
I'm wishing I was blind
Sometimes life is more than pain to me
I feel the power of my grief
Death would be such a relief
All the secrets that I hide would die with me
Depression is my only friend
Will this torture never end
Let me carry on to dreamer's sky
I keep crying in my dreams
Can you hear my endless screams
When I fade away, I fade away
เมื่อฉันจางหายไป ฉันก็จางหายไป
This fluid on my cheek
It drains me, I get weak
มันทำให้ฉันอ่อนแอ ฉันรู้สึกอ่อนแรง
My heart is cold and bleak
Black blood
Black tears
Black tears
Black tears
Life is like a masquerade
In debt to myself, but I can't pay
มีหนี้ตัวเอง แต่ฉันจ่ายไม่ไหว
Soon I'll call it all a day, away
เร็วๆ นี้ฉันจะเรียกมันว่าวันสุดท้าย
I never felt what you call guilt
I still believe do what thou wilt
My sorrow will destroy the world I've built
This fluid on my cheek
It drains me, I get weak
มันทำให้ฉันอ่อนแอ ฉันรู้สึกอ่อนแรง
My heart is cold and bleak
Black blood
Black tears
Black tears
Black tears
Black tears
Black tears
When I'm in this state of mind
I'm wishing I was blind
Sometimes life is more than pain to me
I feel the power of my grief
Death would be such a relief
All the secrets that I hide would die with me
Depression is my only friend
Will this torture never end
Let me carry on to dreamer's sky
I keep crying in my dreams
Can you hear my endless screams
When I fade away, I fade away
This fluid on my cheek
It drains me, I get weak
My heart is cold and bleak
Black blood
Black tears
Black tears
Black tears
Life is like a masquerade
In debt to myself, but I can't pay
Soon I'll call it all a day, away
I never felt what you call guilt
I still believe do what thou wilt
My sorrow will destroy the world I've built
This fluid on my cheek
It drains me, I get weak
My heart is cold and bleak
Black blood
Black tears
Black tears
Black tears
Black tears
Black tears

Curiosidades sobre la música Black Tears del Heaven Shall Burn

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Black Tears” por Heaven Shall Burn?
Heaven Shall Burn lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Iconoclast” en 2008, “Bildersturm” en 2009, “Veto” en 2013 y “Wanderer” en 2016.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Black Tears” de Heaven Shall Burn?
La canción “Black Tears” de Heaven Shall Burn fue compuesta por MONIKA MCMAHON, RAOUL GRAF.

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