The Heaviest Matter of the Universe

Christian Roger Andreu, Jean Michel Labadie, Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier

Letra Traducción

Lay down, fall away

Lie awake
Just cannot move my arms and legs, I'm paralyzed
Don't recall how to free myself from this
In the heart of the dark
My face contorted, don't know how to reach the light
But I feel so bad, like a freak in a cage

Open the door
Enter your heart
You go

So far

Golden unworldly silence
Space flight at speed of light
I cross the clouds and colors
The black hole is calling me
Slide on the horizon
On the frontier not to cross

Black dwarf
Time's gone distorted
In the heart of the dark
A whirl of light

Enter in the realm of nothingness
I feel the cold, my eyes are shut
My fear is slowly dying
Light-years from here are my thoughts and cages
I can hear their moan
But now a long deep breath is calling

Overtaking time
And now understanding space
I feel united
I do cross light, I feel the living
Here in the centre stands the light of love
That never can be touched from greater silence shall return

Lay down, fall away
Túmbate, desvanece
Lie awake
Mantente despierto
Just cannot move my arms and legs, I'm paralyzed
Simplemente no puedo mover mis brazos y piernas, estoy paralizado
Don't recall how to free myself from this
No recuerdo cómo liberarme de esto
In the heart of the dark
En el corazón de la oscuridad
My face contorted, don't know how to reach the light
Mi cara contorsionada, no sé cómo alcanzar la luz
But I feel so bad, like a freak in a cage
Pero me siento tan mal, como un monstruo en una jaula
Open the door
Abre la puerta
Enter your heart
Entra en tu corazón
You go
Te vas
So far
Tan lejos
Golden unworldly silence
Dorado silencio sobrenatural
Space flight at speed of light
Vuelo espacial a la velocidad de la luz
I cross the clouds and colors
Cruzo las nubes y los colores
The black hole is calling me
El agujero negro me está llamando
Slide on the horizon
Deslízate en el horizonte
On the frontier not to cross
En la frontera que no se debe cruzar
Black dwarf
Enano negro
Time's gone distorted
El tiempo se ha distorsionado
In the heart of the dark
En el corazón de la oscuridad
A whirl of light
Un remolino de luz
Enter in the realm of nothingness
Entra en el reino de la nada
I feel the cold, my eyes are shut
Siento el frío, mis ojos están cerrados
My fear is slowly dying
Mi miedo se está muriendo lentamente
Light-years from here are my thoughts and cages
A años luz de aquí están mis pensamientos y jaulas
I can hear their moan
Puedo oír su lamento
But now a long deep breath is calling
Pero ahora una larga y profunda respiración está llamando
Overtaking time
Adelantando el tiempo
And now understanding space
Y ahora entendiendo el espacio
I feel united
Me siento unido
I do cross light, I feel the living
Cruzo la luz, siento a los vivos
Here in the centre stands the light of love
Aquí en el centro se encuentra la luz del amor
That never can be touched from greater silence shall return
Que nunca puede ser tocada, desde un gran silencio volverá
Lay down, fall away
Deite-se, desapareça
Lie awake
Fique acordado
Just cannot move my arms and legs, I'm paralyzed
Simplesmente não consigo mover meus braços e pernas, estou paralisado
Don't recall how to free myself from this
Não me lembro de como me libertar disso
In the heart of the dark
No coração da escuridão
My face contorted, don't know how to reach the light
Meu rosto contorcido, não sei como alcançar a luz
But I feel so bad, like a freak in a cage
Mas me sinto tão mal, como um monstro numa jaula
Open the door
Abra a porta
Enter your heart
Entre em seu coração
You go
Você vai
So far
Tão longe
Golden unworldly silence
Dourado silêncio sobrenatural
Space flight at speed of light
Viagem espacial à velocidade da luz
I cross the clouds and colors
Eu atravesso as nuvens e cores
The black hole is calling me
O buraco negro está me chamando
Slide on the horizon
Deslize no horizonte
On the frontier not to cross
Na fronteira para não cruzar
Black dwarf
Anão negro
Time's gone distorted
O tempo se distorceu
In the heart of the dark
No coração da escuridão
A whirl of light
Um redemoinho de luz
Enter in the realm of nothingness
Entre no reino do nada
I feel the cold, my eyes are shut
Sinto o frio, meus olhos estão fechados
My fear is slowly dying
Meu medo está morrendo lentamente
Light-years from here are my thoughts and cages
Anos-luz daqui estão meus pensamentos e jaulas
I can hear their moan
Eu posso ouvir seus gemidos
But now a long deep breath is calling
Mas agora uma longa respiração profunda está chamando
Overtaking time
Ultrapassando o tempo
And now understanding space
E agora entendendo o espaço
I feel united
Eu me sinto unido
I do cross light, I feel the living
Eu atravesso a luz, eu sinto o viver
Here in the centre stands the light of love
Aqui no centro está a luz do amor
That never can be touched from greater silence shall return
Que nunca pode ser tocada, do maior silêncio retornará
Lay down, fall away
Allonge-toi, disparais
Lie awake
Reste éveillé
Just cannot move my arms and legs, I'm paralyzed
Je ne peux tout simplement pas bouger mes bras et mes jambes, je suis paralysé
Don't recall how to free myself from this
Je ne me souviens pas comment me libérer de cela
In the heart of the dark
Au cœur de l'obscurité
My face contorted, don't know how to reach the light
Mon visage contorsionné, je ne sais pas comment atteindre la lumière
But I feel so bad, like a freak in a cage
Mais je me sens si mal, comme un monstre dans une cage
Open the door
Ouvre la porte
Enter your heart
Entre dans ton cœur
You go
Tu pars
So far
Si loin
Golden unworldly silence
Doré d'un silence surnaturel
Space flight at speed of light
Voyage spatial à la vitesse de la lumière
I cross the clouds and colors
Je traverse les nuages et les couleurs
The black hole is calling me
Le trou noir m'appelle
Slide on the horizon
Glisse à l'horizon
On the frontier not to cross
Sur la frontière à ne pas franchir
Black dwarf
Naine noire
Time's gone distorted
Le temps est devenu déformé
In the heart of the dark
Au cœur de l'obscurité
A whirl of light
Un tourbillon de lumière
Enter in the realm of nothingness
Entre dans le royaume du néant
I feel the cold, my eyes are shut
Je sens le froid, mes yeux sont fermés
My fear is slowly dying
Ma peur meurt lentement
Light-years from here are my thoughts and cages
Des années-lumière d'ici sont mes pensées et cages
I can hear their moan
Je peux entendre leur gémissement
But now a long deep breath is calling
Mais maintenant, un long souffle profond m'appelle
Overtaking time
Dépassant le temps
And now understanding space
Et maintenant comprendre l'espace
I feel united
Je me sens uni
I do cross light, I feel the living
Je traverse la lumière, je sens la vie
Here in the centre stands the light of love
Ici, au centre, se tient la lumière de l'amour
That never can be touched from greater silence shall return
Qui ne peut jamais être touchée, du plus grand silence reviendra
Lay down, fall away
Leg dich hin, falle weg
Lie awake
Liege wach
Just cannot move my arms and legs, I'm paralyzed
Ich kann meine Arme und Beine einfach nicht bewegen, ich bin gelähmt
Don't recall how to free myself from this
Erinnere mich nicht daran, wie ich mich davon befreien kann
In the heart of the dark
Im Herzen der Dunkelheit
My face contorted, don't know how to reach the light
Mein Gesicht verzerrt, weiß nicht, wie ich das Licht erreichen kann
But I feel so bad, like a freak in a cage
Aber ich fühle mich so schlecht, wie ein Freak in einem Käfig
Open the door
Öffne die Tür
Enter your heart
Tritt in dein Herz ein
You go
Du gehst
So far
So weit
Golden unworldly silence
Goldene unweltliche Stille
Space flight at speed of light
Raumflug mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit
I cross the clouds and colors
Ich durchquere die Wolken und Farben
The black hole is calling me
Das schwarze Loch ruft mich
Slide on the horizon
Rutsche am Horizont entlang
On the frontier not to cross
An der Grenze, die nicht zu überschreiten ist
Black dwarf
Schwarzer Zwerg
Time's gone distorted
Die Zeit ist verzerrt
In the heart of the dark
Im Herzen der Dunkelheit
A whirl of light
Ein Wirbel aus Licht
Enter in the realm of nothingness
Tritt in das Reich des Nichts ein
I feel the cold, my eyes are shut
Ich fühle die Kälte, meine Augen sind geschlossen
My fear is slowly dying
Meine Angst stirbt langsam
Light-years from here are my thoughts and cages
Lichtjahre von hier sind meine Gedanken und Käfige
I can hear their moan
Ich kann ihr Stöhnen hören
But now a long deep breath is calling
Aber jetzt ruft ein langer tiefer Atemzug
Overtaking time
Überholende Zeit
And now understanding space
Und jetzt verstehe ich den Raum
I feel united
Ich fühle mich vereint
I do cross light, I feel the living
Ich durchquere das Licht, ich fühle das Leben
Here in the centre stands the light of love
Hier im Zentrum steht das Licht der Liebe
That never can be touched from greater silence shall return
Das niemals von größerer Stille berührt werden kann, wird zurückkehren
Lay down, fall away
Distenditi, svanisci
Lie awake
Resta sveglio
Just cannot move my arms and legs, I'm paralyzed
Non riesco a muovere braccia e gambe, sono paralizzato
Don't recall how to free myself from this
Non ricordo come liberarmi da questo
In the heart of the dark
Nel cuore dell'oscurità
My face contorted, don't know how to reach the light
Il mio viso contorto, non so come raggiungere la luce
But I feel so bad, like a freak in a cage
Ma mi sento così male, come un mostro in una gabbia
Open the door
Apri la porta
Enter your heart
Entra nel tuo cuore
You go
Tu vai
So far
Così lontano
Golden unworldly silence
Dorato silenzio ultraterreno
Space flight at speed of light
Volo spaziale alla velocità della luce
I cross the clouds and colors
Attraverso le nuvole e i colori
The black hole is calling me
Il buco nero mi sta chiamando
Slide on the horizon
Scivolo sull'orizzonte
On the frontier not to cross
Sul confine da non attraversare
Black dwarf
Nano nero
Time's gone distorted
Il tempo è andato distorto
In the heart of the dark
Nel cuore dell'oscurità
A whirl of light
Un vortice di luce
Enter in the realm of nothingness
Entra nel regno del nulla
I feel the cold, my eyes are shut
Sento il freddo, i miei occhi sono chiusi
My fear is slowly dying
La mia paura sta lentamente morendo
Light-years from here are my thoughts and cages
Anni luce da qui sono i miei pensieri e gabbie
I can hear their moan
Posso sentire il loro lamento
But now a long deep breath is calling
Ma ora un lungo respiro profondo sta chiamando
Overtaking time
Sorpassando il tempo
And now understanding space
E ora capisco lo spazio
I feel united
Mi sento unito
I do cross light, I feel the living
Attraverso la luce, sento il vivere
Here in the centre stands the light of love
Qui nel centro si trova la luce dell'amore
That never can be touched from greater silence shall return
Che non può mai essere toccata dal più grande silenzio ritornerà
Lay down, fall away
Berbaring, jatuh pergi
Lie awake
Just cannot move my arms and legs, I'm paralyzed
Hanya tidak bisa menggerakkan lengan dan kaki, aku lumpuh
Don't recall how to free myself from this
Tidak ingat bagaimana cara membebaskan diri dari ini
In the heart of the dark
Di jantung kegelapan
My face contorted, don't know how to reach the light
Wajahku terdistorsi, tidak tahu bagaimana mencapai cahaya
But I feel so bad, like a freak in a cage
Tapi aku merasa sangat buruk, seperti freak dalam kandang
Open the door
Buka pintunya
Enter your heart
Masuki hatimu
You go
Kamu pergi
So far
Sejauh ini
Golden unworldly silence
Keheningan emas yang tidak duniawi
Space flight at speed of light
Penerbangan ruang angkasa dengan kecepatan cahaya
I cross the clouds and colors
Aku melewati awan dan warna
The black hole is calling me
Lubang hitam memanggilku
Slide on the horizon
Meluncur di cakrawala
On the frontier not to cross
Di perbatasan yang tidak boleh dilintasi
Black dwarf
Kerdil hitam
Time's gone distorted
Waktu telah terdistorsi
In the heart of the dark
Di jantung kegelapan
A whirl of light
Pusaran cahaya
Enter in the realm of nothingness
Masuk ke dalam alam ketiadaan
I feel the cold, my eyes are shut
Aku merasa dingin, mataku tertutup
My fear is slowly dying
Ketakutanku perlahan mati
Light-years from here are my thoughts and cages
Tahun cahaya dari sini adalah pikiran dan kandangku
I can hear their moan
Aku bisa mendengar rintihannya
But now a long deep breath is calling
Tapi sekarang napas panjang dan dalam memanggil
Overtaking time
Menggantikan waktu
And now understanding space
Dan sekarang memahami ruang
I feel united
Aku merasa bersatu
I do cross light, I feel the living
Aku melewati cahaya, aku merasakan hidup
Here in the centre stands the light of love
Di sini di pusat berdiri cahaya cinta
That never can be touched from greater silence shall return
Yang tidak pernah bisa disentuh dari keheningan yang lebih besar akan kembali
Lay down, fall away
นอนลง ตกห่าง
Lie awake
Just cannot move my arms and legs, I'm paralyzed
แค่ไม่สามารถเคลื่อนไหวแขนและขาของฉันได้ ฉันอัมพฤกษ์
Don't recall how to free myself from this
In the heart of the dark
My face contorted, don't know how to reach the light
ใบหน้าของฉันบิดเบี้ยว ไม่รู้วิธีที่จะไปถึงแสง
But I feel so bad, like a freak in a cage
แต่ฉันรู้สึกแย่มาก เหมือนปีศาจในกรง
Open the door
Enter your heart
You go
So far
Golden unworldly silence
Space flight at speed of light
I cross the clouds and colors
The black hole is calling me
Slide on the horizon
On the frontier not to cross
Black dwarf
Time's gone distorted
In the heart of the dark
A whirl of light
Enter in the realm of nothingness
I feel the cold, my eyes are shut
ฉันรู้สึกหนาว ตาของฉันปิด
My fear is slowly dying
Light-years from here are my thoughts and cages
I can hear their moan
But now a long deep breath is calling
แต่ตอนนี้การหายใจลึกๆ ยาวๆ กำลังเรียก
Overtaking time
And now understanding space
I feel united
I do cross light, I feel the living
ฉันข้ามแสง ฉันรู้สึกว่ามีชีวิต
Here in the centre stands the light of love
That never can be touched from greater silence shall return
Lay down, fall away
Lie awake
Just cannot move my arms and legs, I'm paralyzed
Don't recall how to free myself from this
In the heart of the dark
My face contorted, don't know how to reach the light
But I feel so bad, like a freak in a cage
Open the door
Enter your heart
You go
So far
Golden unworldly silence
Space flight at speed of light
I cross the clouds and colors
The black hole is calling me
Slide on the horizon
On the frontier not to cross
Black dwarf
Time's gone distorted
In the heart of the dark
A whirl of light
Enter in the realm of nothingness
I feel the cold, my eyes are shut
My fear is slowly dying
Light-years from here are my thoughts and cages
I can hear their moan
But now a long deep breath is calling
Overtaking time
And now understanding space
I feel united
I do cross light, I feel the living
Here in the centre stands the light of love
That never can be touched from greater silence shall return

Curiosidades sobre la música The Heaviest Matter of the Universe del Gojira

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “The Heaviest Matter of the Universe” por Gojira?
La canción The Heaviest Matter of the Universe fue lanzada en 2005, en el álbum “From Mars to Sirius”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “The Heaviest Matter of the Universe” de Gojira?
La canción “The Heaviest Matter of the Universe” de Gojira fue compuesta por Christian Roger Andreu, Jean Michel Labadie, Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier.

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