Ocean Planet

Christian Andreu, Jean Michel Labadie, Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier, Christian Roger Andreu

Letra Traducción

I'm in a mental cage, I'm locked up
Imprisoned I live, deathlike, sickening
Strong is your hold on my resignation
I don't see the stars, my memories are veiled

In fluid dreams I fall, I'm restless
Walls made of stone are turned into water now
Enlightened demons they are taking me by the hand
Approaching me, this great eye speaking


Mountainous waves are breaking on my despair
Awaken me but I'm still dreaming
And I just plunge into this sea of light
Set open the doors of soul, I'm living

Lightning struck me
I see the path I was so scared of
And fly to the stars
Conviction now increasing at last
My skin is broken
I see the smallest part of me
My mind is alive
But I'll never bow to this again

Why do they call me there?
How can I fly to
All this water, I, I don't feel like
I could ever swim to them
Whales in the sky
I feel they're so close
Inside, and yet so far away

Burst into tears, I feel sad
My dreams aflame
The force is now away
Lie on a stone
Drop this load and cry to see
The ocean planet is on burn

I'm in a mental cage, I'm locked up
Estoy en una jaula mental, estoy encerrado
Imprisoned I live, deathlike, sickening
Vivo encarcelado, como muerto, nauseabundo
Strong is your hold on my resignation
Fuerte es tu control sobre mi resignación
I don't see the stars, my memories are veiled
No veo las estrellas, mis recuerdos están velados
In fluid dreams I fall, I'm restless
En sueños fluidos caigo, estoy inquieto
Walls made of stone are turned into water now
Las paredes de piedra se convierten en agua ahora
Enlightened demons they are taking me by the hand
Demonios iluminados me toman de la mano
Approaching me, this great eye speaking
Acercándose a mí, este gran ojo hablando
Mountainous waves are breaking on my despair
Olas montañosas rompen en mi desesperación
Awaken me but I'm still dreaming
Despiértame pero aún estoy soñando
And I just plunge into this sea of light
Y simplemente me sumerjo en este mar de luz
Set open the doors of soul, I'm living
Abre las puertas del alma, estoy viviendo
Lightning struck me
El rayo me golpeó
I see the path I was so scared of
Veo el camino que tanto temía
And fly to the stars
Y vuelo a las estrellas
Conviction now increasing at last
La convicción ahora aumenta al fin
My skin is broken
Mi piel está rota
I see the smallest part of me
Veo la parte más pequeña de mí
My mind is alive
Mi mente está viva
But I'll never bow to this again
Pero nunca volveré a inclinarme ante esto
Why do they call me there?
¿Por qué me llaman allí?
How can I fly to
¿Cómo puedo volar a
All this water, I, I don't feel like
Toda esta agua, yo, no siento que
I could ever swim to them
Podría nadar hasta ellos
Whales in the sky
Ballenas en el cielo
I feel they're so close
Siento que están tan cerca
Inside, and yet so far away
Dentro, y sin embargo tan lejos
Burst into tears, I feel sad
Rompo a llorar, me siento triste
My dreams aflame
Mis sueños en llamas
The force is now away
La fuerza ahora se aleja
Lie on a stone
Acuéstate en una piedra
Drop this load and cry to see
Deja esta carga y llora al ver
The ocean planet is on burn
El planeta oceánico está en llamas
I'm in a mental cage, I'm locked up
Estou numa gaiola mental, estou trancado
Imprisoned I live, deathlike, sickening
Preso eu vivo, mortífero, nauseante
Strong is your hold on my resignation
Forte é a sua influência na minha resignação
I don't see the stars, my memories are veiled
Não vejo as estrelas, minhas memórias estão veladas
In fluid dreams I fall, I'm restless
Em sonhos fluidos eu caio, estou inquieto
Walls made of stone are turned into water now
Paredes de pedra agora se transformam em água
Enlightened demons they are taking me by the hand
Demônios iluminados estão me levando pela mão
Approaching me, this great eye speaking
Aproximando-se de mim, este grande olho falando
Mountainous waves are breaking on my despair
Ondas montanhosas estão quebrando no meu desespero
Awaken me but I'm still dreaming
Despertem-me, mas ainda estou sonhando
And I just plunge into this sea of light
E eu apenas mergulho neste mar de luz
Set open the doors of soul, I'm living
Abra as portas da alma, estou vivendo
Lightning struck me
Um raio me atingiu
I see the path I was so scared of
Vejo o caminho que tanto temia
And fly to the stars
E voo para as estrelas
Conviction now increasing at last
Convicção agora aumentando finalmente
My skin is broken
Minha pele está quebrada
I see the smallest part of me
Vejo a menor parte de mim
My mind is alive
Minha mente está viva
But I'll never bow to this again
Mas nunca mais me curvarei a isso
Why do they call me there?
Por que eles me chamam lá?
How can I fly to
Como posso voar para
All this water, I, I don't feel like
Toda essa água, eu, eu não sinto que
I could ever swim to them
Eu poderia nadar até eles
Whales in the sky
Baleias no céu
I feel they're so close
Sinto que estão tão perto
Inside, and yet so far away
Dentro, e ainda tão longe
Burst into tears, I feel sad
Desato a chorar, sinto-me triste
My dreams aflame
Meus sonhos em chamas
The force is now away
A força agora se foi
Lie on a stone
Deite-se numa pedra
Drop this load and cry to see
Largue essa carga e chore para ver
The ocean planet is on burn
O planeta oceano está em chamas
I'm in a mental cage, I'm locked up
Je suis dans une cage mentale, je suis enfermé
Imprisoned I live, deathlike, sickening
Emprisonné je vis, mortel, répugnant
Strong is your hold on my resignation
Fort est ton emprise sur ma résignation
I don't see the stars, my memories are veiled
Je ne vois pas les étoiles, mes souvenirs sont voilés
In fluid dreams I fall, I'm restless
Dans des rêves fluides je tombe, je suis agité
Walls made of stone are turned into water now
Les murs de pierre se transforment maintenant en eau
Enlightened demons they are taking me by the hand
Des démons éclairés me prennent par la main
Approaching me, this great eye speaking
Ils s'approchent de moi, ce grand œil qui parle
Va !
Mountainous waves are breaking on my despair
Des vagues montagneuses se brisent sur mon désespoir
Awaken me but I'm still dreaming
Réveille-moi mais je rêve encore
And I just plunge into this sea of light
Et je plonge simplement dans cette mer de lumière
Set open the doors of soul, I'm living
Ouvre les portes de l'âme, je vis
Lightning struck me
La foudre m'a frappé
I see the path I was so scared of
Je vois le chemin dont j'avais si peur
And fly to the stars
Et vole vers les étoiles
Conviction now increasing at last
La conviction augmente enfin
My skin is broken
Ma peau est brisée
I see the smallest part of me
Je vois la plus petite partie de moi
My mind is alive
Mon esprit est vivant
But I'll never bow to this again
Mais je ne me soumettrai plus jamais à cela
Why do they call me there?
Pourquoi m'appellent-ils là-bas ?
How can I fly to
Comment puis-je voler vers
All this water, I, I don't feel like
Toute cette eau, je, je ne me sens pas comme
I could ever swim to them
Je pourrais jamais nager jusqu'à eux
Whales in the sky
Des baleines dans le ciel
I feel they're so close
Je sens qu'elles sont si proches
Inside, and yet so far away
À l'intérieur, et pourtant si loin
Burst into tears, I feel sad
Je fonds en larmes, je me sens triste
My dreams aflame
Mes rêves en flammes
The force is now away
La force est maintenant loin
Lie on a stone
Allongé sur une pierre
Drop this load and cry to see
Lâche ce fardeau et pleure pour voir
The ocean planet is on burn
La planète océan est en feu
I'm in a mental cage, I'm locked up
Ich bin in einem geistigen Käfig, ich bin eingesperrt
Imprisoned I live, deathlike, sickening
Gefangen lebe ich, todesähnlich, ekelerregend
Strong is your hold on my resignation
Stark ist dein Griff auf meine Resignation
I don't see the stars, my memories are veiled
Ich sehe die Sterne nicht, meine Erinnerungen sind verschleiert
In fluid dreams I fall, I'm restless
In flüssigen Träumen falle ich, ich bin rastlos
Walls made of stone are turned into water now
Wände aus Stein werden jetzt zu Wasser
Enlightened demons they are taking me by the hand
Erleuchtete Dämonen nehmen mich an die Hand
Approaching me, this great eye speaking
Sie nähern sich mir, dieses große Auge spricht
Mountainous waves are breaking on my despair
Bergige Wellen brechen an meiner Verzweiflung
Awaken me but I'm still dreaming
Wecke mich, aber ich träume immer noch
And I just plunge into this sea of light
Und ich stürze einfach in dieses Meer aus Licht
Set open the doors of soul, I'm living
Öffne die Türen der Seele, ich lebe
Lightning struck me
Der Blitz hat mich getroffen
I see the path I was so scared of
Ich sehe den Weg, vor dem ich so Angst hatte
And fly to the stars
Und fliege zu den Sternen
Conviction now increasing at last
Überzeugung nimmt nun endlich zu
My skin is broken
Meine Haut ist gebrochen
I see the smallest part of me
Ich sehe den kleinsten Teil von mir
My mind is alive
Mein Geist ist lebendig
But I'll never bow to this again
Aber ich werde mich nie wieder dazu beugen
Why do they call me there?
Warum rufen sie mich dort hin?
How can I fly to
Wie kann ich zu
All this water, I, I don't feel like
All diesem Wasser fliegen, ich, ich habe nicht das Gefühl,
I could ever swim to them
Dass ich jemals zu ihnen schwimmen könnte
Whales in the sky
Wale im Himmel
I feel they're so close
Ich fühle, sie sind so nah
Inside, and yet so far away
Innen, und doch so weit weg
Burst into tears, I feel sad
Ich breche in Tränen aus, ich fühle mich traurig
My dreams aflame
Meine Träume entflammen
The force is now away
Die Kraft ist jetzt weg
Lie on a stone
Liege auf einem Stein
Drop this load and cry to see
Lass diese Last fallen und weine, um zu sehen
The ocean planet is on burn
Der Ozeanplanet brennt
I'm in a mental cage, I'm locked up
Sono in una gabbia mentale, sono rinchiuso
Imprisoned I live, deathlike, sickening
Imprigionato vivo, mortale, nauseante
Strong is your hold on my resignation
Forte è la tua presa sulla mia rinuncia
I don't see the stars, my memories are veiled
Non vedo le stelle, i miei ricordi sono velati
In fluid dreams I fall, I'm restless
In sogni fluidi cado, sono inquieto
Walls made of stone are turned into water now
Muri di pietra si trasformano ora in acqua
Enlightened demons they are taking me by the hand
Demoni illuminati mi prendono per mano
Approaching me, this great eye speaking
Avvicinandosi a me, questo grande occhio parla
Mountainous waves are breaking on my despair
Onde montuose si infrangono sulla mia disperazione
Awaken me but I'm still dreaming
Svegliami ma sto ancora sognando
And I just plunge into this sea of light
E mi tuffo solo in questo mare di luce
Set open the doors of soul, I'm living
Apri le porte dell'anima, sto vivendo
Lightning struck me
Il fulmine mi ha colpito
I see the path I was so scared of
Vedo il sentiero di cui avevo così paura
And fly to the stars
E volo verso le stelle
Conviction now increasing at last
La convinzione ora aumenta finalmente
My skin is broken
La mia pelle è rotta
I see the smallest part of me
Vedo la parte più piccola di me
My mind is alive
La mia mente è viva
But I'll never bow to this again
Ma non mi inchinerò mai più a questo
Why do they call me there?
Perché mi chiamano lì?
How can I fly to
Come posso volare verso
All this water, I, I don't feel like
Tutta quest'acqua, io, non mi sento come
I could ever swim to them
Potrei mai nuotare fino a loro
Whales in the sky
Balene nel cielo
I feel they're so close
Sento che sono così vicine
Inside, and yet so far away
Dentro, eppure così lontane
Burst into tears, I feel sad
Scoppio in lacrime, mi sento triste
My dreams aflame
I miei sogni in fiamme
The force is now away
La forza è ora lontana
Lie on a stone
Sdraiati su una pietra
Drop this load and cry to see
Lascia questo peso e piangi per vedere
The ocean planet is on burn
Il pianeta oceano è in fiamme
I'm in a mental cage, I'm locked up
Aku dalam sangkar mental, aku terkunci
Imprisoned I live, deathlike, sickening
Aku hidup terpenjara, seperti mati, mengerikan
Strong is your hold on my resignation
Kuatkah cengkeramanmu atas penyerahan diriku
I don't see the stars, my memories are veiled
Aku tidak melihat bintang-bintang, kenanganku terselubung
In fluid dreams I fall, I'm restless
Dalam mimpi yang mengalir aku jatuh, aku gelisah
Walls made of stone are turned into water now
Dinding yang terbuat dari batu kini berubah menjadi air
Enlightened demons they are taking me by the hand
Setan yang tercerahkan mereka mengambilku dengan tangan
Approaching me, this great eye speaking
Mendekatiku, mata besar ini berbicara
Mountainous waves are breaking on my despair
Ombak gunung pecah di atas putus asaku
Awaken me but I'm still dreaming
Bangunkan aku tapi aku masih bermimpi
And I just plunge into this sea of light
Dan aku hanya terjun ke dalam laut cahaya ini
Set open the doors of soul, I'm living
Buka pintu jiwa, aku hidup
Lightning struck me
Petir mengenai aku
I see the path I was so scared of
Aku melihat jalan yang sangat aku takuti
And fly to the stars
Dan terbang ke bintang-bintang
Conviction now increasing at last
Keyakinan sekarang akhirnya meningkat
My skin is broken
Kulitku rusak
I see the smallest part of me
Aku melihat bagian terkecil dariku
My mind is alive
Pikiranku hidup
But I'll never bow to this again
Tapi aku tidak akan pernah tunduk pada ini lagi
Why do they call me there?
Mengapa mereka memanggilku di sana?
How can I fly to
Bagaimana aku bisa terbang ke
All this water, I, I don't feel like
Semua air ini, aku, aku tidak merasa seperti
I could ever swim to them
Aku bisa berenang ke mereka
Whales in the sky
Paus di langit
I feel they're so close
Aku merasa mereka begitu dekat
Inside, and yet so far away
Di dalam, dan namun begitu jauh
Burst into tears, I feel sad
Menangis tersedu-sedu, aku merasa sedih
My dreams aflame
Mimpiku terbakar
The force is now away
Kekuatan sekarang jauh
Lie on a stone
Berbaring di atas batu
Drop this load and cry to see
Lepaskan beban ini dan menangis untuk melihat
The ocean planet is on burn
Planet lautan sedang terbakar
I'm in a mental cage, I'm locked up
ฉันอยู่ในกรงจิตใจ, ฉันถูกขัง
Imprisoned I live, deathlike, sickening
ฉันถูกจำคุกอยู่, ดูเหมือนว่าฉันจะตาย, น่าขยะแขยง
Strong is your hold on my resignation
I don't see the stars, my memories are veiled
ฉันไม่เห็นดาว, ความทรงจำของฉันถูกปิดบัง
In fluid dreams I fall, I'm restless
ในฝันที่ไม่คงที่ฉันตก, ฉันไม่สงบ
Walls made of stone are turned into water now
Enlightened demons they are taking me by the hand
Approaching me, this great eye speaking
เขาเข้ามาใกล้ฉัน, ตาที่ยิ่งใหญ่นี้กำลังพูด
Mountainous waves are breaking on my despair
Awaken me but I'm still dreaming
And I just plunge into this sea of light
Set open the doors of soul, I'm living
เปิดประตูของจิตใจ, ฉันกำลังมีชีวิต
Lightning struck me
I see the path I was so scared of
And fly to the stars
Conviction now increasing at last
My skin is broken
I see the smallest part of me
My mind is alive
But I'll never bow to this again
Why do they call me there?
How can I fly to
All this water, I, I don't feel like
ทุกน้ำ, ฉัน, ฉันไม่รู้สึกว่า
I could ever swim to them
Whales in the sky
I feel they're so close
Inside, and yet so far away
ภายใน, แต่ยังห่างไกล
Burst into tears, I feel sad
ระเบิดออกเป็นน้ำตา, ฉันรู้สึกเศร้า
My dreams aflame
The force is now away
Lie on a stone
Drop this load and cry to see
The ocean planet is on burn
I'm in a mental cage, I'm locked up
Imprisoned I live, deathlike, sickening
Strong is your hold on my resignation
I don't see the stars, my memories are veiled
In fluid dreams I fall, I'm restless
Walls made of stone are turned into water now
Enlightened demons they are taking me by the hand
Approaching me, this great eye speaking
Mountainous waves are breaking on my despair
Awaken me but I'm still dreaming
And I just plunge into this sea of light
Set open the doors of soul, I'm living
Lightning struck me
I see the path I was so scared of
And fly to the stars
Conviction now increasing at last
My skin is broken
I see the smallest part of me
My mind is alive
But I'll never bow to this again
Why do they call me there?
How can I fly to
All this water, I, I don't feel like
I could ever swim to them
Whales in the sky
I feel they're so close
Inside, and yet so far away
Burst into tears, I feel sad
My dreams aflame
The force is now away
Lie on a stone
Drop this load and cry to see
The ocean planet is on burn

Curiosidades sobre la música Ocean Planet del Gojira

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Ocean Planet” por Gojira?
La canción Ocean Planet fue lanzada en 2005, en el álbum “From Mars to Sirius”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Ocean Planet” de Gojira?
La canción “Ocean Planet” de Gojira fue compuesta por Christian Andreu, Jean Michel Labadie, Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier, Christian Roger Andreu.

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