Hold On

Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier

Letra Traducción

I've been grinding and grinding
Oh, ocean have mercy

I've been grinding and grinding
Oh, ocean have mercy
I give you my life
Oh, son of the sun

I've been rowing and rowing
No sign of land so far in the flood
I've been through fire and wind I'm hanging, feet in the depth

Drowning all day long in an ocean of stress
Gotta find a safety raft, another wave is striking down

Hold on, fight
We are are merely grabbing on to
Hold on, fight
Unconscious ride around the core

In a matter of time, you're out in the open
You shall prove yourself in the bitter end
But for now, brace yourself

Hold on, fight
We are merely grabbing on to
Hold on, fight
Unconscious ride around the core

When you witness death, you understand your demise
And you may embrace your destiny the fate of all
Maybe when we die, we rise, high, find a ground
And we return where we belong

Elders, deep under
Shelter, land

We are merely grabbing on to life
One last attempt to break the code

Hold on, fight
We are are merely grabbing on to
Hold on, fight
Unconscious ride around the core

Hold on, fight
Hold on tight
Hold on, fight
Hold on tight

I've been grinding and grinding
He estado luchando y luchando
Oh, ocean have mercy
Oh, océano ten piedad
I've been grinding and grinding
He estado luchando y luchando
Oh, ocean have mercy
Oh, océano ten piedad
I give you my life
Te doy mi vida
Oh, son of the sun
Oh, hijo del sol
I've been rowing and rowing
He estado remando y remando
No sign of land so far in the flood
No hay señal de tierra hasta ahora en la inundación
I've been through fire and wind I'm hanging, feet in the depth
He pasado por fuego y viento, estoy colgando, pies en la profundidad
Drowning all day long in an ocean of stress
Ahogándome todo el día en un océano de estrés
Gotta find a safety raft, another wave is striking down
Tengo que encontrar una balsa de seguridad, otra ola está golpeando
Hold on, fight
Aguanta, lucha
We are are merely grabbing on to
Solo estamos agarrándonos a
Hold on, fight
Aguanta, lucha
Unconscious ride around the core
Viaje inconsciente alrededor del núcleo
In a matter of time, you're out in the open
En cuestión de tiempo, estás al descubierto
You shall prove yourself in the bitter end
Deberás demostrarte a ti mismo al final amargo
But for now, brace yourself
Pero por ahora, prepárate
Hold on, fight
Aguanta, lucha
We are merely grabbing on to
Solo estamos agarrándonos a
Hold on, fight
Aguanta, lucha
Unconscious ride around the core
Viaje inconsciente alrededor del núcleo
When you witness death, you understand your demise
Cuando presencias la muerte, comprendes tu final
And you may embrace your destiny the fate of all
Y puedes abrazar tu destino, el destino de todos
Maybe when we die, we rise, high, find a ground
Quizás cuando muramos, nos elevemos, alto, encontremos un suelo
And we return where we belong
Y volvamos a donde pertenecemos
Elders, deep under
Ancianos, profundo debajo
Shelter, land
Refugio, tierra
We are merely grabbing on to life
Solo estamos agarrándonos a la vida
One last attempt to break the code
Un último intento de romper el código
Hold on, fight
Aguanta, lucha
We are are merely grabbing on to
Solo estamos agarrándonos a
Hold on, fight
Aguanta, lucha
Unconscious ride around the core
Viaje inconsciente alrededor del núcleo
Hold on, fight
Aguanta, lucha
Hold on tight
Aguanta fuerte
Hold on, fight
Aguanta, lucha
Hold on tight
Aguanta fuerte
I've been grinding and grinding
Eu tenho lutado e lutado
Oh, ocean have mercy
Oh, oceano tenha piedade
I've been grinding and grinding
Eu tenho lutado e lutado
Oh, ocean have mercy
Oh, oceano tenha piedade
I give you my life
Eu te dou minha vida
Oh, son of the sun
Oh, filho do sol
I've been rowing and rowing
Eu tenho remado e remado
No sign of land so far in the flood
Nenhum sinal de terra até agora na inundação
I've been through fire and wind I'm hanging, feet in the depth
Eu passei por fogo e vento, estou pendurado, pés na profundidade
Drowning all day long in an ocean of stress
Afogando o dia todo em um oceano de estresse
Gotta find a safety raft, another wave is striking down
Preciso encontrar uma jangada de segurança, outra onda está atingindo
Hold on, fight
Aguente, lute
We are are merely grabbing on to
Estamos apenas nos agarrando a
Hold on, fight
Aguente, lute
Unconscious ride around the core
Passeio inconsciente ao redor do núcleo
In a matter of time, you're out in the open
Em questão de tempo, você está ao ar livre
You shall prove yourself in the bitter end
Você deve provar a si mesmo no amargo fim
But for now, brace yourself
Mas por agora, prepare-se
Hold on, fight
Aguente, lute
We are merely grabbing on to
Estamos apenas nos agarrando a
Hold on, fight
Aguente, lute
Unconscious ride around the core
Passeio inconsciente ao redor do núcleo
When you witness death, you understand your demise
Quando você testemunha a morte, você entende seu fim
And you may embrace your destiny the fate of all
E você pode abraçar seu destino, o destino de todos
Maybe when we die, we rise, high, find a ground
Talvez quando morremos, subimos, alto, encontramos um chão
And we return where we belong
E nós retornamos para onde pertencemos
Elders, deep under
Anciãos, profundamente abaixo
Shelter, land
Abrigo, terra
We are merely grabbing on to life
Estamos apenas nos agarrando à vida
One last attempt to break the code
Uma última tentativa de quebrar o código
Hold on, fight
Aguente, lute
We are are merely grabbing on to
Estamos apenas nos agarrando a
Hold on, fight
Aguente, lute
Unconscious ride around the core
Passeio inconsciente ao redor do núcleo
Hold on, fight
Aguente, lute
Hold on tight
Aguente firme
Hold on, fight
Aguente, lute
Hold on tight
Aguente firme
I've been grinding and grinding
J'ai travaillé dur et encore dur
Oh, ocean have mercy
Oh, océan aie pitié
I've been grinding and grinding
J'ai travaillé dur et encore dur
Oh, ocean have mercy
Oh, océan aie pitié
I give you my life
Je te donne ma vie
Oh, son of the sun
Oh, fils du soleil
I've been rowing and rowing
J'ai ramé et ramé
No sign of land so far in the flood
Aucun signe de terre si loin dans le déluge
I've been through fire and wind I'm hanging, feet in the depth
J'ai traversé le feu et le vent, je suis suspendu, les pieds dans les profondeurs
Drowning all day long in an ocean of stress
Je me noie toute la journée dans un océan de stress
Gotta find a safety raft, another wave is striking down
Je dois trouver un radeau de sauvetage, une autre vague s'abat
Hold on, fight
Accroche-toi, bats-toi
We are are merely grabbing on to
Nous ne faisons que nous accrocher à
Hold on, fight
Accroche-toi, bats-toi
Unconscious ride around the core
Tour inconscient autour du noyau
In a matter of time, you're out in the open
Dans un laps de temps, tu es à découvert
You shall prove yourself in the bitter end
Tu devras te prouver à la fin amère
But for now, brace yourself
Mais pour l'instant, prépare-toi
Hold on, fight
Accroche-toi, bats-toi
We are merely grabbing on to
Nous ne faisons que nous accrocher à
Hold on, fight
Accroche-toi, bats-toi
Unconscious ride around the core
Tour inconscient autour du noyau
When you witness death, you understand your demise
Quand tu assistes à la mort, tu comprends ton trépas
And you may embrace your destiny the fate of all
Et tu peux embrasser ton destin, le sort de tous
Maybe when we die, we rise, high, find a ground
Peut-être que quand nous mourons, nous nous élevons, haut, trouvons un sol
And we return where we belong
Et nous retournons là où nous appartenons
Elders, deep under
Anciens, profondément sous
Shelter, land
Abri, terre
We are merely grabbing on to life
Nous ne faisons que nous accrocher à la vie
One last attempt to break the code
Une dernière tentative pour briser le code
Hold on, fight
Accroche-toi, bats-toi
We are are merely grabbing on to
Nous ne faisons que nous accrocher à
Hold on, fight
Accroche-toi, bats-toi
Unconscious ride around the core
Tour inconscient autour du noyau
Hold on, fight
Accroche-toi, bats-toi
Hold on tight
Accroche-toi fort
Hold on, fight
Accroche-toi, bats-toi
Hold on tight
Accroche-toi fort
I've been grinding and grinding
Ich habe geschuftet und geschuftet
Oh, ocean have mercy
Oh, Meer hab Erbarmen
I've been grinding and grinding
Ich habe geschuftet und geschuftet
Oh, ocean have mercy
Oh, Meer hab Erbarmen
I give you my life
Ich gebe dir mein Leben
Oh, son of the sun
Oh, Sohn der Sonne
I've been rowing and rowing
Ich habe gerudert und gerudert
No sign of land so far in the flood
Kein Zeichen von Land so weit in der Flut
I've been through fire and wind I'm hanging, feet in the depth
Ich bin durch Feuer und Wind gegangen, ich hänge, Füße in der Tiefe
Drowning all day long in an ocean of stress
Den ganzen Tag ertrinken in einem Ozean von Stress
Gotta find a safety raft, another wave is striking down
Muss ein Rettungsfloß finden, eine weitere Welle schlägt nieder
Hold on, fight
Halte durch, kämpfe
We are are merely grabbing on to
Wir klammern uns nur an
Hold on, fight
Halte durch, kämpfe
Unconscious ride around the core
Unbewusste Fahrt um den Kern
In a matter of time, you're out in the open
In kürzester Zeit bist du draußen im Freien
You shall prove yourself in the bitter end
Du sollst dich im bitteren Ende beweisen
But for now, brace yourself
Aber für jetzt, bereite dich vor
Hold on, fight
Halte durch, kämpfe
We are merely grabbing on to
Wir klammern uns nur an
Hold on, fight
Halte durch, kämpfe
Unconscious ride around the core
Unbewusste Fahrt um den Kern
When you witness death, you understand your demise
Wenn du den Tod bezeugst, verstehst du dein Ende
And you may embrace your destiny the fate of all
Und du kannst dein Schicksal, das Schicksal aller, annehmen
Maybe when we die, we rise, high, find a ground
Vielleicht steigen wir, wenn wir sterben, hoch, finden einen Boden
And we return where we belong
Und wir kehren zurück, wo wir hingehören
Elders, deep under
Älteste, tief unten
Shelter, land
Unterschlupf, Land
We are merely grabbing on to life
Wir klammern uns nur an das Leben
One last attempt to break the code
Ein letzter Versuch, den Code zu knacken
Hold on, fight
Halte durch, kämpfe
We are are merely grabbing on to
Wir klammern uns nur an
Hold on, fight
Halte durch, kämpfe
Unconscious ride around the core
Unbewusste Fahrt um den Kern
Hold on, fight
Halte durch, kämpfe
Hold on tight
Halte fest
Hold on, fight
Halte durch, kämpfe
Hold on tight
Halte fest
I've been grinding and grinding
Ho lavorato sodo e ancora sodo
Oh, ocean have mercy
Oh, oceano abbi pietà
I've been grinding and grinding
Ho lavorato sodo e ancora sodo
Oh, ocean have mercy
Oh, oceano abbi pietà
I give you my life
Ti do la mia vita
Oh, son of the sun
Oh, figlio del sole
I've been rowing and rowing
Ho remato e remato
No sign of land so far in the flood
Nessun segno di terra finora nell'inondazione
I've been through fire and wind I'm hanging, feet in the depth
Sono passato attraverso il fuoco e il vento sto appeso, i piedi nella profondità
Drowning all day long in an ocean of stress
Affogando tutto il giorno in un oceano di stress
Gotta find a safety raft, another wave is striking down
Devo trovare una zattera di sicurezza, un'altra onda sta abbattendo
Hold on, fight
Resisti, lotta
We are are merely grabbing on to
Stiamo solo aggrappandoci a
Hold on, fight
Resisti, lotta
Unconscious ride around the core
Giro inconsapevole attorno al nucleo
In a matter of time, you're out in the open
In questione di tempo, sei all'aperto
You shall prove yourself in the bitter end
Dovrai dimostrare te stesso alla fine amara
But for now, brace yourself
Ma per ora, preparati
Hold on, fight
Resisti, lotta
We are merely grabbing on to
Stiamo solo aggrappandoci a
Hold on, fight
Resisti, lotta
Unconscious ride around the core
Giro inconsapevole attorno al nucleo
When you witness death, you understand your demise
Quando assisti alla morte, capisci la tua fine
And you may embrace your destiny the fate of all
E potresti abbracciare il tuo destino, il destino di tutti
Maybe when we die, we rise, high, find a ground
Forse quando moriamo, ci eleviamo, in alto, troviamo un terreno
And we return where we belong
E torniamo dove apparteniamo
Elders, deep under
Anziani, profondamente sotto
Shelter, land
Rifugio, terra
We are merely grabbing on to life
Stiamo solo aggrappandoci alla vita
One last attempt to break the code
Un ultimo tentativo di decifrare il codice
Hold on, fight
Resisti, lotta
We are are merely grabbing on to
Stiamo solo aggrappandoci a
Hold on, fight
Resisti, lotta
Unconscious ride around the core
Giro inconsapevole attorno al nucleo
Hold on, fight
Resisti, lotta
Hold on tight
Aggrappati forte
Hold on, fight
Resisti, lotta
Hold on tight
Aggrappati forte

Curiosidades sobre la música Hold On del Gojira

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Hold On” por Gojira?
La canción Hold On fue lanzada en 2021, en el álbum “Fortitude”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Hold On” de Gojira?
La canción “Hold On” de Gojira fue compuesta por Joseph Duplantier, Mario Duplantier.

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