I'm crawling on my belly
When I used to fly so high
Now He created freedom
Some of us will choose to die
When you think you can win
Without committing a sin
I'm sorry. . .
I don't lie. . .
I speak the truth. . .
You pathetic ear. . .
You lose
Expansion, isn't that what you wanted?
You make planets, then you flaunted them
How long until you bend
And how long until you break?
Well, then you think that you can win
Without committing a sin
You know He'll be there
To shine His light
You know He'll be there
Whatever's right
When you think you can win
Without committing a sin
You know He'll be there
To shine His light
You know He'll be there
Whatever's right
And the Lord God said unto the serpent:
Because you have done this,
cursed are you above all cattle
and above all other animals.
On your belly shall you go and
dust shall you eat all the days of your life.
[Genesis 3.14]