I am a poor wayfaring stranger
While traveling through this world of woe
Yet there's no sickness, toil or danger
In that bright world to which I go
I'm going there to see my father
I'm going there no more to roam
I'm only going over Jordan
I'm only going over home
I know dark clouds will gather around me
I know my way is rough and steep
Yet beauteous fields lie just before me
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
I'm going there to my mother
She said she'd meet me when I come
I'm only going over Jordan
I'm only going over home
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Soy un pobre viajero errante
While traveling through this world of woe
Mientras viajo por este mundo de aflicción
Yet there's no sickness, toil or danger
Sin embargo, no hay enfermedad, trabajo o peligro
In that bright world to which I go
En ese brillante mundo al que voy
I'm going there to see my father
Voy allí para ver a mi padre
I'm going there no more to roam
Voy allí para no vagar más
I'm only going over Jordan
Solo voy a cruzar el Jordán
I'm only going over home
Solo voy a cruzar a casa
I know dark clouds will gather around me
Sé que las nubes oscuras se reunirán a mi alrededor
I know my way is rough and steep
Sé que mi camino es áspero y empinado
Yet beauteous fields lie just before me
Sin embargo, hermosos campos yacen justo delante de mí
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
Donde los redimidos de Dios mantienen sus vigilias
I'm going there to my mother
Voy allí para ver a mi madre
She said she'd meet me when I come
Ella dijo que me encontraría cuando llegue
I'm only going over Jordan
Solo voy a cruzar el Jordán
I'm only going over home
Solo voy a cruzar a casa
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Eu sou um pobre estranho errante
While traveling through this world of woe
Enquanto viajo por este mundo de aflição
Yet there's no sickness, toil or danger
No entanto, não há doença, trabalho ou perigo
In that bright world to which I go
Naquele mundo brilhante para onde eu vou
I'm going there to see my father
Estou indo lá para ver meu pai
I'm going there no more to roam
Estou indo lá para não vagar mais
I'm only going over Jordan
Estou apenas atravessando a Jordânia
I'm only going over home
Estou apenas voltando para casa
I know dark clouds will gather around me
Eu sei que nuvens escuras se reunirão ao meu redor
I know my way is rough and steep
Eu sei que meu caminho é áspero e íngreme
Yet beauteous fields lie just before me
No entanto, belos campos estão logo à minha frente
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
Onde os redimidos de Deus mantêm suas vigílias
I'm going there to my mother
Estou indo lá para minha mãe
She said she'd meet me when I come
Ela disse que me encontraria quando eu chegasse
I'm only going over Jordan
Estou apenas atravessando a Jordânia
I'm only going over home
Estou apenas voltando para casa
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Je suis un pauvre étranger errant
While traveling through this world of woe
En voyageant à travers ce monde de malheur
Yet there's no sickness, toil or danger
Pourtant, il n'y a pas de maladie, de labeur ou de danger
In that bright world to which I go
Dans ce monde lumineux vers lequel je vais
I'm going there to see my father
Je vais là-bas pour voir mon père
I'm going there no more to roam
Je vais là-bas pour ne plus errer
I'm only going over Jordan
Je ne fais que traverser le Jourdain
I'm only going over home
Je ne fais que rentrer chez moi
I know dark clouds will gather around me
Je sais que des nuages sombres se rassembleront autour de moi
I know my way is rough and steep
Je sais que mon chemin est rude et escarpé
Yet beauteous fields lie just before me
Pourtant, de beaux champs se trouvent juste devant moi
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
Où les rachetés de Dieu gardent leurs veilles
I'm going there to my mother
Je vais là-bas pour voir ma mère
She said she'd meet me when I come
Elle a dit qu'elle me rencontrerait quand je viendrai
I'm only going over Jordan
Je ne fais que traverser le Jourdain
I'm only going over home
Je ne fais que rentrer chez moi
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Ich bin ein armer wandernder Fremder
While traveling through this world of woe
Während ich durch diese Welt des Leids reise
Yet there's no sickness, toil or danger
Doch gibt es keine Krankheit, Mühsal oder Gefahr
In that bright world to which I go
In jener hellen Welt, zu der ich gehe
I'm going there to see my father
Ich gehe dorthin, um meinen Vater zu sehen
I'm going there no more to roam
Ich gehe dorthin, um nicht mehr zu streunen
I'm only going over Jordan
Ich gehe nur über den Jordan
I'm only going over home
Ich gehe nur nach Hause
I know dark clouds will gather around me
Ich weiß, dunkle Wolken werden sich um mich sammeln
I know my way is rough and steep
Ich weiß, mein Weg ist rau und steil
Yet beauteous fields lie just before me
Doch schöne Felder liegen gerade vor mir
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
Wo Gottes Erlöste ihre Wachen halten
I'm going there to my mother
Ich gehe dorthin zu meiner Mutter
She said she'd meet me when I come
Sie sagte, sie würde mich treffen, wenn ich komme
I'm only going over Jordan
Ich gehe nur über den Jordan
I'm only going over home
Ich gehe nur nach Hause
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Sono un povero straniero errante
While traveling through this world of woe
Mentre viaggio attraverso questo mondo di dolore
Yet there's no sickness, toil or danger
Eppure non c'è malattia, fatica o pericolo
In that bright world to which I go
In quel mondo luminoso a cui vado
I'm going there to see my father
Sto andando là per vedere mio padre
I'm going there no more to roam
Sto andando là per non vagare più
I'm only going over Jordan
Sto solo attraversando il Giordano
I'm only going over home
Sto solo tornando a casa
I know dark clouds will gather around me
So che nuvole oscure si raduneranno intorno a me
I know my way is rough and steep
So che la mia strada è aspra e ripida
Yet beauteous fields lie just before me
Eppure bellissimi campi giacciono proprio davanti a me
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
Dove i redenti di Dio mantengono le loro veglie
I'm going there to my mother
Sto andando là da mia madre
She said she'd meet me when I come
Ha detto che mi avrebbe incontrato quando arrivo
I'm only going over Jordan
Sto solo attraversando il Giordano
I'm only going over home
Sto solo tornando a casa
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Saya adalah seorang pengembara miskin
While traveling through this world of woe
Sedang berkelana melalui dunia ini yang penuh nestapa
Yet there's no sickness, toil or danger
Namun tidak ada sakit, kerja keras atau bahaya
In that bright world to which I go
Di dunia cerah itu tempat saya pergi
I'm going there to see my father
Saya pergi ke sana untuk bertemu ayah saya
I'm going there no more to roam
Saya pergi ke sana tidak lagi untuk berkeliaran
I'm only going over Jordan
Saya hanya akan menyeberangi Yordan
I'm only going over home
Saya hanya akan pulang
I know dark clouds will gather around me
Saya tahu awan gelap akan berkumpul di sekitar saya
I know my way is rough and steep
Saya tahu jalan saya kasar dan curam
Yet beauteous fields lie just before me
Namun ladang yang indah berbaring tepat di depan saya
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
Dimana orang-orang yang telah ditebus Tuhan menjaga pengawalan mereka
I'm going there to my mother
Saya pergi ke sana untuk ibu saya
She said she'd meet me when I come
Dia bilang dia akan menemui saya ketika saya datang
I'm only going over Jordan
Saya hanya akan menyeberangi Yordan
I'm only going over home
Saya hanya akan pulang
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
While traveling through this world of woe
Yet there's no sickness, toil or danger
แต่ไม่มีโรคร้าย, การทำงานหนักหรืออันตราย
In that bright world to which I go
I'm going there to see my father
I'm going there no more to roam
I'm only going over Jordan
I'm only going over home
I know dark clouds will gather around me
I know my way is rough and steep
Yet beauteous fields lie just before me
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
I'm going there to my mother
She said she'd meet me when I come
I'm only going over Jordan
I'm only going over home
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
While traveling through this world of woe
Yet there's no sickness, toil or danger
In that bright world to which I go
I'm going there to see my father
I'm going there no more to roam
I'm only going over Jordan
I'm only going over home
I know dark clouds will gather around me
I know my way is rough and steep
Yet beauteous fields lie just before me
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
I'm going there to my mother
She said she'd meet me when I come
I'm only going over Jordan
I'm only going over home