Scarred by Moloch
Terminally Battlescared, Dead Inside, Coldness, Sunk
Into A Bottomless Sea, Created By the Tears Of
Millions Worshiping The Grand Mysteries Of
Death, Revealed Before My Eyes, Endless
Theatrical Funeral Masses Replayed Words Of
Evil Uttered Aloud In A Pompous Prosaic Manner
Corpus Est Moloch
Strife, Oh Futile Strife, Betrayed By Flesh, The
Scares Will Never Heal. No Mеrcy For Anointed
The Thrones Of Thy Labour Shall Shattеr The Fundaments
Eradication, Emptiness, Nothingness. Alas
The Thrones Were In Vain, In Vain You Were Aspiring
Brighter Dawn, only To Receive A Battlescar!