Led by Love
Patient, kind
There is no jealousy
Nor boasts or pride
A tender heart
Rejoicing in the light
Love won't demand it's own way
Pure and light
Love is rejoicing in
Whats true and right
Covers my failures
Dressing me in white
Love keeps no record of wrongs
You are love and love endures
Through everything I'm chasing
Through everything I'm facing
I will look at you, I will learn from you
I will be led by love, led by love
Patient, kind
There is no jealousy
Nor boasts or pride
A tender heart
Rejoicing in the light
Love won't demand it's own way
Pure and light
Love is rejoicing in
Whats true and right
Covers my failures
Dressing me in white
Love keeps no record of wrongs
You are love and love endures
Through everything I'm chasing
Through everything I'm facing
I will look at you, I will learn from you
I will be led by love, led by love
That's who you are
Fill me up, I need this love
You are love and love endures
Through everything I'm chasing
Through everything I'm facing
I will look at you, I will learn from you
I will be led by love, led by love