The Bottom Line

Martin Gore

Letra Traducción

Like a cat dragged in from the rain
Who goes straight back out and do it all over again
I'll be back for more
Something that is out of our hands
Something we will never understand

It's a hidden law
The apple falls
Destiny calls
I follow you

Like a pawn on the eternal board
Who's never quite sure what he's moved towards
I walk blindly on
And heaven is in front of me
Your heaven beckons me enticingly
When I arrive it's gone

The river flows
The wise man knows
I follow you

I'm yearning, I'm burning
I feel love's wheels turning

Like a moth on love's bright light
I will get burned each and every night
I'm dying to
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you

I'm yearning, I'm burning
I feel love's wheels turning

Like a moth on love's bright light
I will get burned each and every night
I'm dying to
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you

Like a cat dragged in from the rain
Como un gato arrastrado bajo la lluvia
Who goes straight back out and do it all over again
Que sale de nuevo y lo hace todo de nuevo
I'll be back for more
Volveré por más
Something that is out of our hands
Algo que está fuera de nuestras manos
Something we will never understand
Algo que nunca entenderemos
It's a hidden law
Es una ley oculta
The apple falls
La manzana cae
Destiny calls
El destino llama
I follow you
Te sigo
Like a pawn on the eternal board
Como un peón en el tablero eterno
Who's never quite sure what he's moved towards
Que nunca está seguro hacia dónde se mueve
I walk blindly on
Camino a ciegas
And heaven is in front of me
Y el cielo está frente a mí
Your heaven beckons me enticingly
Tu cielo me llama tentadoramente
When I arrive it's gone
Cuando llego, se ha ido
The river flows
El río fluye
The wise man knows
El sabio lo sabe
I follow you
Te sigo
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Anhelo, ardo
I feel love's wheels turning
Siento las ruedas del amor girando
Like a moth on love's bright light
Como una polilla en la brillante luz del amor
I will get burned each and every night
Me quemaré cada noche
I'm dying to
Estoy deseando
The sun will shine
El sol brillará
The bottom line
La conclusión
I follow you
Te sigo
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Anhelo, ardo
I feel love's wheels turning
Siento las ruedas del amor girando
Like a moth on love's bright light
Como una polilla en la brillante luz del amor
I will get burned each and every night
Me quemaré cada noche
I'm dying to
Estoy deseando
The sun will shine
El sol brillará
The bottom line
La conclusión
I follow you
Te sigo
The sun will shine
El sol brillará
The bottom line
La conclusión
I follow you
Te sigo
The sun will shine
El sol brillará
The bottom line
La conclusión
I follow you
Te sigo
The sun will shine
El sol brillará
The bottom line
La conclusión
I follow you
Te sigo
Like a cat dragged in from the rain
Como um gato arrastado da chuva
Who goes straight back out and do it all over again
Que volta direto para fora e faz tudo de novo
I'll be back for more
Eu voltarei por mais
Something that is out of our hands
Algo que está fora de nossas mãos
Something we will never understand
Algo que nunca entenderemos
It's a hidden law
É uma lei oculta
The apple falls
A maçã cai
Destiny calls
O destino chama
I follow you
Eu te sigo
Like a pawn on the eternal board
Como um peão no tabuleiro eterno
Who's never quite sure what he's moved towards
Que nunca tem certeza do que se move em direção
I walk blindly on
Eu caminho cegamente
And heaven is in front of me
E o céu está na minha frente
Your heaven beckons me enticingly
Seu céu me atrai tentadoramente
When I arrive it's gone
Quando eu chego, ele se foi
The river flows
O rio flui
The wise man knows
O sábio sabe
I follow you
Eu te sigo
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Estou ansiando, estou queimando
I feel love's wheels turning
Sinto as rodas do amor girando
Like a moth on love's bright light
Como uma mariposa na luz brilhante do amor
I will get burned each and every night
Eu vou me queimar todas as noites
I'm dying to
Estou morrendo para
The sun will shine
O sol vai brilhar
The bottom line
A linha de fundo
I follow you
Eu te sigo
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Estou ansiando, estou queimando
I feel love's wheels turning
Sinto as rodas do amor girando
Like a moth on love's bright light
Como uma mariposa na luz brilhante do amor
I will get burned each and every night
Eu vou me queimar todas as noites
I'm dying to
Estou morrendo para
The sun will shine
O sol vai brilhar
The bottom line
A linha de fundo
I follow you
Eu te sigo
The sun will shine
O sol vai brilhar
The bottom line
A linha de fundo
I follow you
Eu te sigo
The sun will shine
O sol vai brilhar
The bottom line
A linha de fundo
I follow you
Eu te sigo
The sun will shine
O sol vai brilhar
The bottom line
A linha de fundo
I follow you
Eu te sigo
Like a cat dragged in from the rain
Comme un chat rentré de la pluie
Who goes straight back out and do it all over again
Qui ressort tout de suite pour tout recommencer
I'll be back for more
Je reviendrai pour plus
Something that is out of our hands
Quelque chose qui est hors de nos mains
Something we will never understand
Quelque chose que nous ne comprendrons jamais
It's a hidden law
C'est une loi cachée
The apple falls
La pomme tombe
Destiny calls
Le destin appelle
I follow you
Je te suis
Like a pawn on the eternal board
Comme un pion sur l'échiquier éternel
Who's never quite sure what he's moved towards
Qui n'est jamais tout à fait sûr de ce vers quoi il se déplace
I walk blindly on
Je marche aveuglément
And heaven is in front of me
Et le paradis est devant moi
Your heaven beckons me enticingly
Ton paradis me fait signe de manière séduisante
When I arrive it's gone
Quand j'arrive, il est parti
The river flows
La rivière coule
The wise man knows
Le sage sait
I follow you
Je te suis
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Je suis en manque, je brûle
I feel love's wheels turning
Je sens les roues de l'amour tourner
Like a moth on love's bright light
Comme un papillon de nuit sur la lumière brillante de l'amour
I will get burned each and every night
Je me brûlerai chaque nuit
I'm dying to
J'ai hâte de
The sun will shine
Le soleil brillera
The bottom line
I follow you
Je te suis
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Je suis en manque, je brûle
I feel love's wheels turning
Je sens les roues de l'amour tourner
Like a moth on love's bright light
Comme un papillon de nuit sur la lumière brillante de l'amour
I will get burned each and every night
Je me brûlerai chaque nuit
I'm dying to
J'ai hâte de
The sun will shine
Le soleil brillera
The bottom line
I follow you
Je te suis
The sun will shine
Le soleil brillera
The bottom line
I follow you
Je te suis
The sun will shine
Le soleil brillera
The bottom line
I follow you
Je te suis
The sun will shine
Le soleil brillera
The bottom line
I follow you
Je te suis
Like a cat dragged in from the rain
Wie eine Katze, die aus dem Regen hereingezogen wird
Who goes straight back out and do it all over again
Die gleich wieder rausgeht und alles nochmal macht
I'll be back for more
Ich werde zurückkommen für mehr
Something that is out of our hands
Etwas, das außerhalb unserer Kontrolle liegt
Something we will never understand
Etwas, das wir nie verstehen werden
It's a hidden law
Es ist ein verborgenes Gesetz
The apple falls
Der Apfel fällt
Destiny calls
Das Schicksal ruft
I follow you
Ich folge dir
Like a pawn on the eternal board
Wie eine Figur auf dem ewigen Brett
Who's never quite sure what he's moved towards
Der nie ganz sicher ist, wohin er sich bewegt
I walk blindly on
Ich gehe blindlings weiter
And heaven is in front of me
Und der Himmel ist vor mir
Your heaven beckons me enticingly
Dein Himmel lockt mich verführerisch
When I arrive it's gone
Wenn ich ankomme, ist er weg
The river flows
Der Fluss fließt
The wise man knows
Der weise Mann weiß
I follow you
Ich folge dir
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Ich sehne mich, ich brenne
I feel love's wheels turning
Ich spüre, wie die Räder der Liebe sich drehen
Like a moth on love's bright light
Wie ein Nachtfalter im hellen Licht der Liebe
I will get burned each and every night
Ich werde jede Nacht verbrennen
I'm dying to
Ich sterbe danach
The sun will shine
Die Sonne wird scheinen
The bottom line
Die Quintessenz
I follow you
Ich folge dir
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Ich sehne mich, ich brenne
I feel love's wheels turning
Ich spüre, wie die Räder der Liebe sich drehen
Like a moth on love's bright light
Wie ein Nachtfalter im hellen Licht der Liebe
I will get burned each and every night
Ich werde jede Nacht verbrennen
I'm dying to
Ich sterbe danach
The sun will shine
Die Sonne wird scheinen
The bottom line
Die Quintessenz
I follow you
Ich folge dir
The sun will shine
Die Sonne wird scheinen
The bottom line
Die Quintessenz
I follow you
Ich folge dir
The sun will shine
Die Sonne wird scheinen
The bottom line
Die Quintessenz
I follow you
Ich folge dir
The sun will shine
Die Sonne wird scheinen
The bottom line
Die Quintessenz
I follow you
Ich folge dir
Like a cat dragged in from the rain
Come un gatto trascinato dentro dalla pioggia
Who goes straight back out and do it all over again
Che esce subito di nuovo e rifà tutto da capo
I'll be back for more
Tornerò per di più
Something that is out of our hands
Qualcosa che è fuori dal nostro controllo
Something we will never understand
Qualcosa che non capiremo mai
It's a hidden law
È una legge nascosta
The apple falls
La mela cade
Destiny calls
Il destino chiama
I follow you
Ti seguo
Like a pawn on the eternal board
Come un pedone sulla scacchiera eterna
Who's never quite sure what he's moved towards
Che non è mai del tutto sicuro di ciò verso cui si muove
I walk blindly on
Cammino ciecamente
And heaven is in front of me
E il paradiso è davanti a me
Your heaven beckons me enticingly
Il tuo paradiso mi attira seducentemente
When I arrive it's gone
Quando arrivo è sparito
The river flows
Il fiume scorre
The wise man knows
L'uomo saggio sa
I follow you
Ti seguo
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Ho un desiderio, sto bruciando
I feel love's wheels turning
Sento girare le ruote dell'amore
Like a moth on love's bright light
Come una falena sulla luce brillante dell'amore
I will get burned each and every night
Mi brucerò ogni singola notte
I'm dying to
Sto morendo per
The sun will shine
Il sole splenderà
The bottom line
La linea di fondo
I follow you
Ti seguo
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Ho un desiderio, sto bruciando
I feel love's wheels turning
Sento girare le ruote dell'amore
Like a moth on love's bright light
Come una falena sulla luce brillante dell'amore
I will get burned each and every night
Mi brucerò ogni singola notte
I'm dying to
Sto morendo per
The sun will shine
Il sole splenderà
The bottom line
La linea di fondo
I follow you
Ti seguo
The sun will shine
Il sole splenderà
The bottom line
La linea di fondo
I follow you
Ti seguo
The sun will shine
Il sole splenderà
The bottom line
La linea di fondo
I follow you
Ti seguo
The sun will shine
Il sole splenderà
The bottom line
La linea di fondo
I follow you
Ti seguo
Like a cat dragged in from the rain
Seperti kucing yang ditarik masuk dari hujan
Who goes straight back out and do it all over again
Yang langsung kembali keluar dan melakukannya lagi dan lagi
I'll be back for more
Aku akan kembali lagi
Something that is out of our hands
Sesuatu yang di luar kendali kita
Something we will never understand
Sesuatu yang kita tidak akan pernah mengerti
It's a hidden law
Ini adalah hukum yang tersembunyi
The apple falls
Apel jatuh
Destiny calls
Takdir memanggil
I follow you
Aku mengikutimu
Like a pawn on the eternal board
Seperti pion di papan abadi
Who's never quite sure what he's moved towards
Yang tidak pernah benar-benar yakin apa yang dia gerakkan
I walk blindly on
Aku berjalan tanpa melihat
And heaven is in front of me
Dan surga ada di depanku
Your heaven beckons me enticingly
Surgamu memanggilku dengan menggoda
When I arrive it's gone
Ketika aku tiba, itu hilang
The river flows
Sungai mengalir
The wise man knows
Orang bijak tahu
I follow you
Aku mengikutimu
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Aku merindukan, aku terbakar
I feel love's wheels turning
Aku merasakan roda cinta berputar
Like a moth on love's bright light
Seperti ngengat pada cahaya cinta yang terang
I will get burned each and every night
Aku akan terbakar setiap malam
I'm dying to
Aku mati untuk
The sun will shine
Matahari akan bersinar
The bottom line
Garis bawah
I follow you
Aku mengikutimu
I'm yearning, I'm burning
Aku merindukan, aku terbakar
I feel love's wheels turning
Aku merasakan roda cinta berputar
Like a moth on love's bright light
Seperti ngengat pada cahaya cinta yang terang
I will get burned each and every night
Aku akan terbakar setiap malam
I'm dying to
Aku mati untuk
The sun will shine
Matahari akan bersinar
The bottom line
Garis bawah
I follow you
Aku mengikutimu
The sun will shine
Matahari akan bersinar
The bottom line
Garis bawah
I follow you
Aku mengikutimu
The sun will shine
Matahari akan bersinar
The bottom line
Garis bawah
I follow you
Aku mengikutimu
The sun will shine
Matahari akan bersinar
The bottom line
Garis bawah
I follow you
Aku mengikutimu
Like a cat dragged in from the rain
Who goes straight back out and do it all over again
I'll be back for more
Something that is out of our hands
Something we will never understand
It's a hidden law
The apple falls
Destiny calls
I follow you
Like a pawn on the eternal board
Who's never quite sure what he's moved towards
I walk blindly on
And heaven is in front of me
Your heaven beckons me enticingly
When I arrive it's gone
เมื่อฉันถึง มันก็หายไป
The river flows
The wise man knows
I follow you
I'm yearning, I'm burning
ฉันปรารถนา, ฉันร้อนรน
I feel love's wheels turning
Like a moth on love's bright light
I will get burned each and every night
I'm dying to
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
I'm yearning, I'm burning
ฉันปรารถนา, ฉันร้อนรน
I feel love's wheels turning
Like a moth on love's bright light
I will get burned each and every night
I'm dying to
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
Like a cat dragged in from the rain
Who goes straight back out and do it all over again
I'll be back for more
Something that is out of our hands
Something we will never understand
It's a hidden law
The apple falls
Destiny calls
I follow you
Like a pawn on the eternal board
Who's never quite sure what he's moved towards
I walk blindly on
And heaven is in front of me
Your heaven beckons me enticingly
When I arrive it's gone
The river flows
The wise man knows
I follow you
I'm yearning, I'm burning
I feel love's wheels turning
Like a moth on love's bright light
I will get burned each and every night
I'm dying to
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
I'm yearning, I'm burning
I feel love's wheels turning
Like a moth on love's bright light
I will get burned each and every night
I'm dying to
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you

Curiosidades sobre la música The Bottom Line del Depeche Mode

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “The Bottom Line” por Depeche Mode?
La canción The Bottom Line fue lanzada en 1997, en el álbum “Ultra”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “The Bottom Line” de Depeche Mode?
La canción “The Bottom Line” de Depeche Mode fue compuesta por Martin Gore.

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