
Martin Gore

Letra Traducción

Do you ever get that feeling when the guilt begins to hurt?
Seeing all the children wallowing in dirt
Crying out with hunger, crying out in pain
At least the dirt will wash off when it starts to rain

Soap won't wash away your shame

Do you ever get that feeling that something isn't right?
Seeing your brother's fists clenched ready for the fight
Soon the fighting turns to weapons and the weapons turn to wounds
So the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch

Surgery won't improve your pain

It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?

Do you ever get the feeling that something can be done
To eradicate these problems and make the people one?
Do you ever get that feeling something like a nagging itch?
And all the while the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch

Hope alone won't remove the stains, shame

It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?

Do you ever get that feeling when the guilt begins to hurt?
¿Alguna vez tienes esa sensación cuando la culpa comienza a doler?
Seeing all the children wallowing in dirt
Ver a todos los niños revolcándose en la mugre
Crying out with hunger, crying out in pain
Llorando de hambre, llorando de dolor
At least the dirt will wash off when it starts to rain
Al menos la mugre se lavará cuando empiece a llover
Soap won't wash away your shame
El jabón no eliminará tu vergüenza
Do you ever get that feeling that something isn't right?
¿Alguna vez tienes esa sensación de que algo no está bien?
Seeing your brother's fists clenched ready for the fight
Ver los puños cerrados de tu hermano listos para la pelea
Soon the fighting turns to weapons and the weapons turn to wounds
Pronto la pelea se convierte en armas y las armas se convierten en heridas
So the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Entonces los médicos cosen y cosen y cosen y cosen y cosen y cosen y cosen
Surgery won't improve your pain
La cirugía no mejorará tu dolor
It all seems so stupid
Todo parece tan estúpido
It makes me want to give up
Me dan ganas de rendirme
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Pero ¿por qué debería rendirme cuando todo parece tan estúpido?
Do you ever get the feeling that something can be done
¿Alguna vez tienes la sensación de que algo se puede hacer
To eradicate these problems and make the people one?
Para erradicar estos problemas y unir a la gente?
Do you ever get that feeling something like a nagging itch?
¿Alguna vez tienes esa sensación como una picazón persistente?
And all the while the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Y mientras tanto, los médicos cosen y cosen y cosen y cosen y cosen
Hope alone won't remove the stains, shame
La esperanza por sí sola no eliminará las manchas, la vergüenza
It all seems so stupid
Todo parece tan estúpido
It makes me want to give up
Me dan ganas de rendirme
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Pero ¿por qué debería rendirme cuando todo parece tan estúpido?
Do you ever get that feeling when the guilt begins to hurt?
Alguma vez você já teve aquela sensação quando a culpa começa a doer?
Seeing all the children wallowing in dirt
Vendo todas as crianças se debatendo na sujeira
Crying out with hunger, crying out in pain
Chorando de fome, chorando de dor
At least the dirt will wash off when it starts to rain
Pelo menos a sujeira vai sair quando começar a chover
Soap won't wash away your shame
O sabão não vai lavar a sua vergonha
Do you ever get that feeling that something isn't right?
Alguma vez você já teve a sensação de que algo não está certo?
Seeing your brother's fists clenched ready for the fight
Vendo os punhos do seu irmão cerrados prontos para a luta
Soon the fighting turns to weapons and the weapons turn to wounds
Logo a luta se transforma em armas e as armas se transformam em feridas
So the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Então os médicos costuram e costuram e costuram e costuram e costuram e costuram
Surgery won't improve your pain
A cirurgia não vai melhorar sua dor
It all seems so stupid
Tudo parece tão estúpido
It makes me want to give up
Isso me faz querer desistir
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Mas por que eu deveria desistir quando tudo parece tão estúpido?
Do you ever get the feeling that something can be done
Alguma vez você já teve a sensação de que algo pode ser feito
To eradicate these problems and make the people one?
Para erradicar esses problemas e unir as pessoas?
Do you ever get that feeling something like a nagging itch?
Alguma vez você já teve aquela sensação, algo como uma coceira persistente?
And all the while the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
E o tempo todo os médicos costuram e costuram e costuram e costuram e costuram
Hope alone won't remove the stains, shame
A esperança sozinha não vai remover as manchas, vergonha
It all seems so stupid
Tudo parece tão estúpido
It makes me want to give up
Isso me faz querer desistir
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Mas por que eu deveria desistir quando tudo parece tão estúpido?
Do you ever get that feeling when the guilt begins to hurt?
Avez-vous déjà ressenti ce sentiment lorsque la culpabilité commence à faire mal?
Seeing all the children wallowing in dirt
Voir tous les enfants se vautrer dans la saleté
Crying out with hunger, crying out in pain
Criant de faim, criant de douleur
At least the dirt will wash off when it starts to rain
Au moins, la saleté se lavera quand il commencera à pleuvoir
Soap won't wash away your shame
Le savon ne lavera pas votre honte
Do you ever get that feeling that something isn't right?
Avez-vous déjà eu le sentiment que quelque chose ne va pas?
Seeing your brother's fists clenched ready for the fight
Voir les poings de votre frère serrés prêts pour le combat
Soon the fighting turns to weapons and the weapons turn to wounds
Bientôt, les combats se transforment en armes et les armes en blessures
So the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Alors les médecins cousent et cousent et cousent et cousent et cousent et cousent
Surgery won't improve your pain
La chirurgie n'améliorera pas votre douleur
It all seems so stupid
Tout semble si stupide
It makes me want to give up
Cela me donne envie d'abandonner
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Mais pourquoi devrais-je abandonner quand tout semble si stupide?
Do you ever get the feeling that something can be done
Avez-vous déjà eu le sentiment que quelque chose peut être fait
To eradicate these problems and make the people one?
Pour éradiquer ces problèmes et unifier les gens?
Do you ever get that feeling something like a nagging itch?
Avez-vous déjà eu ce sentiment quelque chose comme une démangeaison persistante?
And all the while the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Et pendant ce temps, les médecins cousent et cousent et cousent et cousent et cousent
Hope alone won't remove the stains, shame
L'espoir seul ne supprimera pas les taches, la honte
It all seems so stupid
Tout semble si stupide
It makes me want to give up
Cela me donne envie d'abandonner
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Mais pourquoi devrais-je abandonner quand tout semble si stupide?
Do you ever get that feeling when the guilt begins to hurt?
Hast du jemals dieses Gefühl, wenn die Schuld zu schmerzen beginnt?
Seeing all the children wallowing in dirt
Wenn du all die Kinder siehst, die im Dreck wühlen
Crying out with hunger, crying out in pain
Weinen vor Hunger, weinen vor Schmerz
At least the dirt will wash off when it starts to rain
Zumindest wird der Dreck abwaschen, wenn es anfängt zu regnen
Soap won't wash away your shame
Seife wird deine Schande nicht wegwaschen
Do you ever get that feeling that something isn't right?
Hast du jemals das Gefühl, dass etwas nicht stimmt?
Seeing your brother's fists clenched ready for the fight
Wenn du die geballten Fäuste deines Bruders siehst, bereit zum Kampf
Soon the fighting turns to weapons and the weapons turn to wounds
Bald wird aus dem Kampf Waffen und aus den Waffen werden Wunden
So the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Also nähen die Ärzte und nähen und nähen und nähen und nähen und nähen und nähen
Surgery won't improve your pain
Eine Operation wird deinen Schmerz nicht lindern
It all seems so stupid
Es scheint alles so dumm
It makes me want to give up
Es macht, dass ich aufgeben will
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Aber warum sollte ich aufgeben, wenn alles so dumm erscheint?
Do you ever get the feeling that something can be done
Hast du jemals das Gefühl, dass etwas getan werden kann
To eradicate these problems and make the people one?
Um diese Probleme auszurotten und die Menschen zu vereinen?
Do you ever get that feeling something like a nagging itch?
Hast du jemals dieses Gefühl, so etwas wie ein nerviger Juckreiz?
And all the while the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Und die ganze Zeit nähen die Ärzte und nähen und nähen und nähen und nähen
Hope alone won't remove the stains, shame
Hoffnung allein wird die Flecken, die Schande, nicht entfernen
It all seems so stupid
Es scheint alles so dumm
It makes me want to give up
Es macht, dass ich aufgeben will
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Aber warum sollte ich aufgeben, wenn alles so dumm erscheint?
Do you ever get that feeling when the guilt begins to hurt?
Hai mai quella sensazione quando il senso di colpa inizia a far male?
Seeing all the children wallowing in dirt
Vedendo tutti i bambini che si rotolano nella sporcizia
Crying out with hunger, crying out in pain
Piangendo di fame, piangendo di dolore
At least the dirt will wash off when it starts to rain
Almeno la sporcizia si laverà via quando inizia a piovere
Soap won't wash away your shame
Il sapone non laverà via la tua vergogna
Do you ever get that feeling that something isn't right?
Hai mai quella sensazione che qualcosa non va?
Seeing your brother's fists clenched ready for the fight
Vedendo i pugni di tuo fratello stretti pronti per la lotta
Soon the fighting turns to weapons and the weapons turn to wounds
Presto la lotta si trasforma in armi e le armi si trasformano in ferite
So the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Quindi i dottori cuciscono e cuciscono e cuciscono e cuciscono e cuciscono e cuciscono e cuciscono
Surgery won't improve your pain
La chirurgia non migliorerà il tuo dolore
It all seems so stupid
Tutto sembra così stupido
It makes me want to give up
Mi fa venire voglia di mollare
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Ma perché dovrei mollare quando tutto sembra così stupido?
Do you ever get the feeling that something can be done
Hai mai la sensazione che si possa fare qualcosa
To eradicate these problems and make the people one?
Per eradicare questi problemi e unire le persone?
Do you ever get that feeling something like a nagging itch?
Hai mai quella sensazione, qualcosa come un prurito insistente?
And all the while the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
E tutto il tempo i dottori cuciscono e cuciscono e cuciscono e cuciscono e cuciscono
Hope alone won't remove the stains, shame
La speranza da sola non rimuoverà le macchie, vergogna
It all seems so stupid
Tutto sembra così stupido
It makes me want to give up
Mi fa venire voglia di mollare
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Ma perché dovrei mollare quando tutto sembra così stupido?
Do you ever get that feeling when the guilt begins to hurt?
Pernahkah kamu merasakan ketika rasa bersalah itu mulai menyakitkan?
Seeing all the children wallowing in dirt
Melihat semua anak-anak bergelut dalam kotoran
Crying out with hunger, crying out in pain
Menangis karena lapar, menangis karena sakit
At least the dirt will wash off when it starts to rain
Setidaknya kotoran itu akan hilang saat hujan turun
Soap won't wash away your shame
Sabun tidak akan menghapus rasa malumu
Do you ever get that feeling that something isn't right?
Pernahkah kamu merasakan bahwa ada sesuatu yang tidak beres?
Seeing your brother's fists clenched ready for the fight
Melihat kepalan tangan saudaramu siap untuk bertarung
Soon the fighting turns to weapons and the weapons turn to wounds
Tak lama kemudian, pertarungan berubah menjadi senjata dan senjata berubah menjadi luka
So the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Maka dokter-dokter menjahit dan menjahit dan menjahit dan menjahit dan menjahit dan menjahit
Surgery won't improve your pain
Operasi tidak akan memperbaiki rasa sakitmu
It all seems so stupid
Semua ini terasa begitu bodoh
It makes me want to give up
Itu membuatku ingin menyerah
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Tapi mengapa aku harus menyerah saat semua ini terasa begitu bodoh?
Do you ever get the feeling that something can be done
Pernahkah kamu merasakan bahwa ada sesuatu yang bisa dilakukan
To eradicate these problems and make the people one?
Untuk menghapus masalah ini dan menyatukan orang-orang?
Do you ever get that feeling something like a nagging itch?
Pernahkah kamu merasakan sesuatu seperti gatal yang mengganggu?
And all the while the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Dan sementara itu dokter-dokter terus menjahit dan menjahit dan menjahit dan menjahit
Hope alone won't remove the stains, shame
Hanya harapan saja tidak akan menghilangkan noda, rasa malu
It all seems so stupid
Semua ini terasa begitu bodoh
It makes me want to give up
Itu membuatku ingin menyerah
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Tapi mengapa aku harus menyerah saat semua ini terasa begitu bodoh?
Do you ever get that feeling when the guilt begins to hurt?
คุณเคยรู้สึกไหม เมื่อความรู้สึกผิดเริ่มทำให้เจ็บปวด?
Seeing all the children wallowing in dirt
เห็นเด็กๆ ที่กำลังเล่นในความสกปรก
Crying out with hunger, crying out in pain
ร้องไห้ด้วยความหิว ร้องไห้ด้วยความเจ็บปวด
At least the dirt will wash off when it starts to rain
Soap won't wash away your shame
Do you ever get that feeling that something isn't right?
Seeing your brother's fists clenched ready for the fight
Soon the fighting turns to weapons and the weapons turn to wounds
ไม่นานการต่อสู้ก็กลายเป็นการใช้อาวุธ และอาวุธก็กลายเป็นบาดแผล
So the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Surgery won't improve your pain
It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Do you ever get the feeling that something can be done
To eradicate these problems and make the people one?
Do you ever get that feeling something like a nagging itch?
And all the while the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Hope alone won't remove the stains, shame
ความหวังเพียงอย่างเดียวไม่สามารถลบรอยเปื้อน ความอับอายได้
It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Do you ever get that feeling when the guilt begins to hurt?
Seeing all the children wallowing in dirt
Crying out with hunger, crying out in pain
At least the dirt will wash off when it starts to rain
Soap won't wash away your shame
Do you ever get that feeling that something isn't right?
Seeing your brother's fists clenched ready for the fight
Soon the fighting turns to weapons and the weapons turn to wounds
So the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Surgery won't improve your pain
It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?
Do you ever get the feeling that something can be done
To eradicate these problems and make the people one?
Do you ever get that feeling something like a nagging itch?
And all the while the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch
Hope alone won't remove the stains, shame
It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?

Curiosidades sobre la música Shame del Depeche Mode

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Shame” por Depeche Mode?
Depeche Mode lanzó la canción en los álbumes “The World We Live In and Live in Hamburg” en 1985, “Rare Early Live Performances” en 2006, “Construction Time Again - 12" Singles Collection” en 2018 y “Black Celebration | The 12" Singles” en 2022.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Shame” de Depeche Mode?
La canción “Shame” de Depeche Mode fue compuesta por Martin Gore.

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