
Martin Gore

Letra Traducción

Is simplicity best
Or simply the easiest?
The narrowest path
Is always the holiest
So walk on barefoot for me
Suffer some misery

If you want my love
If you want my love

Man will survive
The harshest conditions
And stay alive
Through difficult decisions
So make up your mind for me
Walk the line for me

If you want my love
If you want my love

Idle talk and hollow promises
Cheating Judases, doubting Thomases
Don't just stand there and shout it
Do something about it

You can fulfill
Your wildest ambitions
And I'm sure you will
Lose your inhibitions
So open yourself for me
Risk your health for me

If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love

Is simplicity best
¿Es la simplicidad lo mejor
Or simply the easiest?
O simplemente lo más fácil?
The narrowest path
El camino más estrecho
Is always the holiest
Siempre es el más sagrado
So walk on barefoot for me
Así que camina descalzo por mí
Suffer some misery
Sufre un poco de miseria
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
Man will survive
El hombre sobrevivirá
The harshest conditions
A las condiciones más duras
And stay alive
Y se mantendrá vivo
Through difficult decisions
A través de decisiones difíciles
So make up your mind for me
Así que decide por mí
Walk the line for me
Ve por buen camino por mí
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
Idle talk and hollow promises
Charla vacía y promesas huecas
Cheating Judases, doubting Thomases
Judas tramposos, Tomás incrédulos
Don't just stand there and shout it
No te quedes ahí y grita
Do something about it
Haz algo al respecto
You can fulfill
Puedes cumplir
Your wildest ambitions
Tus ambiciones más salvajes
And I'm sure you will
Y estoy seguro de que lo harás
Lose your inhibitions
Perderás tus inhibiciones
So open yourself for me
Así que ábrete para mí
Risk your health for me
Arriesga tu salud por mí
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
If you want my love
Si quieres mi amor
Is simplicity best
É a simplicidade a melhor
Or simply the easiest?
Ou simplesmente a mais fácil?
The narrowest path
O caminho mais estreito
Is always the holiest
É sempre o mais sagrado
So walk on barefoot for me
Então ande descalço por mim
Suffer some misery
Sofra um pouco de miséria
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
Man will survive
O homem vai sobreviver
The harshest conditions
Às condições mais duras
And stay alive
E permanecer vivo
Through difficult decisions
Através de decisões difíceis
So make up your mind for me
Então decida por mim
Walk the line for me
Ande na linha por mim
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
Idle talk and hollow promises
Conversa fiada e promessas vazias
Cheating Judases, doubting Thomases
Judas traidores, Tomés duvidosos
Don't just stand there and shout it
Não fique aí parado e grite
Do something about it
Faça algo a respeito
You can fulfill
Você pode realizar
Your wildest ambitions
Suas ambições mais selvagens
And I'm sure you will
E tenho certeza que você vai
Lose your inhibitions
Perder suas inibições
So open yourself for me
Então se abra para mim
Risk your health for me
Arrisque sua saúde por mim
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
If you want my love
Se você quer o meu amor
Is simplicity best
La simplicité est-elle la meilleure
Or simply the easiest?
Ou simplement la plus facile ?
The narrowest path
Le chemin le plus étroit
Is always the holiest
Est toujours le plus sacré
So walk on barefoot for me
Alors marche pieds nus pour moi
Suffer some misery
Souffre un peu de misère
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
Man will survive
L'homme survivra
The harshest conditions
Aux conditions les plus dures
And stay alive
Et restera en vie
Through difficult decisions
Malgré les décisions difficiles
So make up your mind for me
Alors décide-toi pour moi
Walk the line for me
Marche droit pour moi
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
Idle talk and hollow promises
Des paroles vaines et des promesses creuses
Cheating Judases, doubting Thomases
Des Judas trompeurs, des Thomas incrédules
Don't just stand there and shout it
Ne te contente pas de crier
Do something about it
Fais quelque chose à ce sujet
You can fulfill
Tu peux réaliser
Your wildest ambitions
Tes ambitions les plus folles
And I'm sure you will
Et je suis sûr que tu le feras
Lose your inhibitions
Perdre tes inhibitions
So open yourself for me
Alors ouvre-toi pour moi
Risk your health for me
Risque ta santé pour moi
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
If you want my love
Si tu veux mon amour
Is simplicity best
Ist Einfachheit am besten
Or simply the easiest?
Oder einfach am einfachsten?
The narrowest path
Der schmalste Weg
Is always the holiest
Ist immer der heiligste
So walk on barefoot for me
Also geh barfuß für mich
Suffer some misery
Erleide etwas Elend
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
Man will survive
Der Mensch wird überleben
The harshest conditions
Die härtesten Bedingungen
And stay alive
Und am Leben bleiben
Through difficult decisions
Durch schwierige Entscheidungen
So make up your mind for me
Also entscheide dich für mich
Walk the line for me
Geh die Linie für mich entlang
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
Idle talk and hollow promises
Leeres Gerede und hohle Versprechen
Cheating Judases, doubting Thomases
Betrügende Judasse, zweifelnde Thomase
Don't just stand there and shout it
Steh nicht nur da und schrei es heraus
Do something about it
Tu etwas dagegen
You can fulfill
Du kannst erfüllen
Your wildest ambitions
Deine wildesten Ambitionen
And I'm sure you will
Und ich bin sicher, du wirst
Lose your inhibitions
Verliere deine Hemmungen
So open yourself for me
Also öffne dich für mich
Risk your health for me
Riskiere deine Gesundheit für mich
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
If you want my love
Wenn du meine Liebe willst
Is simplicity best
È la semplicità la migliore
Or simply the easiest?
O semplicemente la più facile?
The narrowest path
Il sentiero più stretto
Is always the holiest
È sempre il più sacro
So walk on barefoot for me
Quindi cammina a piedi nudi per me
Suffer some misery
Soffri un po' di miseria
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
Man will survive
L'uomo sopravviverà
The harshest conditions
Alle condizioni più dure
And stay alive
E resterà vivo
Through difficult decisions
Attraverso decisioni difficili
So make up your mind for me
Quindi decidi per me
Walk the line for me
Cammina sulla linea per me
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
Idle talk and hollow promises
Chiacchiere inutili e promesse vuote
Cheating Judases, doubting Thomases
Giuda traditori, Tommaso i dubitatori
Don't just stand there and shout it
Non stare lì a urlarlo
Do something about it
Fai qualcosa al riguardo
You can fulfill
Puoi realizzare
Your wildest ambitions
Le tue ambizioni più selvagge
And I'm sure you will
E sono sicuro che lo farai
Lose your inhibitions
Perderai le tue inibizioni
So open yourself for me
Quindi apriti per me
Risk your health for me
Rischia la tua salute per me
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
If you want my love
Se vuoi il mio amore
Is simplicity best
Apakah kesederhanaan yang terbaik
Or simply the easiest?
Atau hanya yang paling mudah?
The narrowest path
Jalan yang paling sempit
Is always the holiest
Selalu yang paling suci
So walk on barefoot for me
Jadi berjalanlah tanpa alas kaki untukku
Suffer some misery
Derita sedikit kesengsaraan
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
Man will survive
Manusia akan bertahan
The harshest conditions
Dalam kondisi yang paling keras
And stay alive
Dan tetap hidup
Through difficult decisions
Melalui keputusan yang sulit
So make up your mind for me
Jadi buatlah keputusan untukku
Walk the line for me
Berjalanlah di garis itu untukku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
Idle talk and hollow promises
Percakapan kosong dan janji-janji palsu
Cheating Judases, doubting Thomases
Pengkhianat Yudas, pengecut Tomas
Don't just stand there and shout it
Jangan hanya berdiri di sana dan berteriak
Do something about it
Lakukan sesuatu tentang itu
You can fulfill
Kamu bisa memenuhi
Your wildest ambitions
Ambisi terliarmu
And I'm sure you will
Dan aku yakin kamu akan
Lose your inhibitions
Kehilangan penghalangmu
So open yourself for me
Jadi bukalah dirimu untukku
Risk your health for me
Resikokan kesehatanmu untukku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
If you want my love
Jika kamu menginginkan cintaku
Is simplicity best
Or simply the easiest?
The narrowest path
Is always the holiest
So walk on barefoot for me
ดังนั้น ไปเดินเปล่าเท้าเพื่อฉัน
Suffer some misery
If you want my love
If you want my love
Man will survive
The harshest conditions
And stay alive
Through difficult decisions
So make up your mind for me
ดังนั้น ตัดสินใจเพื่อฉัน
Walk the line for me
If you want my love
If you want my love
Idle talk and hollow promises
Cheating Judases, doubting Thomases
คนที่ทรยศ คนที่สงสัย
Don't just stand there and shout it
Do something about it
You can fulfill
Your wildest ambitions
And I'm sure you will
Lose your inhibitions
So open yourself for me
ดังนั้น เปิดใจเพื่อฉัน
Risk your health for me
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
Is simplicity best
Or simply the easiest?
The narrowest path
Is always the holiest
So walk on barefoot for me
Suffer some misery
If you want my love
If you want my love
Man will survive
The harshest conditions
And stay alive
Through difficult decisions
So make up your mind for me
Walk the line for me
If you want my love
If you want my love
Idle talk and hollow promises
Cheating Judases, doubting Thomases
Don't just stand there and shout it
Do something about it
You can fulfill
Your wildest ambitions
And I'm sure you will
Lose your inhibitions
So open yourself for me
Risk your health for me
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love

Curiosidades sobre la música Judas del Depeche Mode

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Judas” por Depeche Mode?
Depeche Mode lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Songs of Faith and Devotion” en 1993, “Devotional” en 1993, “Songs of Faith and Devotion Live” en 1996 y “Live in Berlin” en 2014.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Judas” de Depeche Mode?
La canción “Judas” de Depeche Mode fue compuesta por Martin Gore.

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