Get Right With Me

Martin Lee Gore

Letra Traducción

Get right with me

I will have faith in man
That is hard to understand
Show some humility
You have the ability
Get right with me

Right with me, get right with me, get right with me

Friends, if you've lost your way
You will find it again someday
Come down from your pedestals
Open your mouths, that's all
Get right with me

Me, get right with me, get right with me
Get right with me

Life is such a short thing
That I cannot comprehend
But if this life were a bought thing (ways I know we'd mend)
There are ways I know we'd mend

People (people)
Take my advice (take my advice)
Already told you once (told you once)
Once or twice (once or twice)
Don't waste your energy
Making apologies
Get right with me (ooh yeah)

Get right with me, get right with me
Get right with me, get right with me
Get right with me, get right with me
Get right with me

Get right with me
Alinéate conmigo
I will have faith in man
Tendré fe en el hombre
That is hard to understand
Eso es difícil de entender
Show some humility
Muestra algo de humildad
You have the ability
Tienes la capacidad
Get right with me
Alinéate conmigo
Right with me, get right with me, get right with me
Alinéate conmigo, alinéate conmigo, alinéate conmigo
Friends, if you've lost your way
Amigos, si has perdido tu camino
You will find it again someday
Lo encontrarás de nuevo algún día
Come down from your pedestals
Baja de tu pedestales
Open your mouths, that's all
Abre tu bocas, eso es todo
Get right with me
Alinéate conmigo
Me, get right with me, get right with me
Conmigo, alinéate conmigo, alinéate conmigo
Get right with me
Alinéate conmigo
Life is such a short thing
La vida es algo tan corto
That I cannot comprehend
Que no puedo comprender
But if this life were a bought thing (ways I know we'd mend)
Pero si esta vida fuera algo comprado (maneras que sé que arreglaríamos)
There are ways I know we'd mend
Hay maneras que sé que arreglaríamos
People (people)
Gente (gente)
Take my advice (take my advice)
Tomen mi consejo (tomen mi consejo)
Already told you once (told you once)
Ya les dije una vez (les dije una vez)
Once or twice (once or twice)
Una o dos veces (una o dos veces)
Don't waste your energy
No desperdicien su energía
Making apologies
Haciendo disculpas
Get right with me (ooh yeah)
Alinéate conmigo (uh yeah)
Get right with me, get right with me
Alinéate conmigo, alinéate conmigo
Get right with me, get right with me
Alinéate conmigo, alinéate conmigo
Get right with me, get right with me
Alinéate conmigo, alinéate conmigo
Get right with me
Alinéate conmigo
Get right with me
Acerte as contas comigo
I will have faith in man
Terei fé no homem
That is hard to understand
Isso é difícil de entender
Show some humility
Mostre alguma humildade
You have the ability
Você tem a habilidade
Get right with me
Acerte as contas comigo
Right with me, get right with me, get right with me
Acerte comigo, acerte comigo, acerte comigo
Friends, if you've lost your way
Amigos, se vocês perderam o caminho
You will find it again someday
Vocês o encontrarão novamente algum dia
Come down from your pedestals
Desçam de seus pedestais
Open your mouths, that's all
Abram suas bocas, é só isso
Get right with me
Acerte as contas comigo
Me, get right with me, get right with me
Comigo, acerte comigo, acerte comigo
Get right with me
Acerte as contas comigo
Life is such a short thing
A vida é uma coisa tão curta
That I cannot comprehend
Que eu não consigo compreender
But if this life were a bought thing (ways I know we'd mend)
Mas se esta vida fosse uma coisa comprada (maneiras que eu sei que consertaríamos)
There are ways I know we'd mend
Existem maneiras que eu sei que consertaríamos
People (people)
Pessoas (pessoas)
Take my advice (take my advice)
Aceitem meu conselho (aceitem meu conselho)
Already told you once (told you once)
Já lhes disse uma vez (disse uma vez)
Once or twice (once or twice)
Uma ou duas vezes (uma ou duas vezes)
Don't waste your energy
Não desperdice sua energia
Making apologies
Fazendo desculpas
Get right with me (ooh yeah)
Acerte as contas comigo (ooh yeah)
Get right with me, get right with me
Acerte comigo, acerte comigo
Get right with me, get right with me
Acerte comigo, acerte comigo
Get right with me, get right with me
Acerte comigo, acerte comigo
Get right with me
Acerte comigo
Get right with me
Mets-toi en règle avec moi
I will have faith in man
J'aurai foi en l'homme
That is hard to understand
C'est difficile à comprendre
Show some humility
Montre un peu d'humilité
You have the ability
Tu en as la capacité
Get right with me
Mets-toi en règle avec moi
Right with me, get right with me, get right with me
En règle avec moi, mets-toi en règle avec moi, mets-toi en règle avec moi
Friends, if you've lost your way
Amis, si vous avez perdu votre chemin
You will find it again someday
Vous le retrouverez un jour
Come down from your pedestals
Descendez de vos piédestaux
Open your mouths, that's all
Ouvrez vos bouches, c'est tout
Get right with me
Mets-toi en règle avec moi
Me, get right with me, get right with me
Moi, mets-toi en règle avec moi, mets-toi en règle avec moi
Get right with me
Mets-toi en règle avec moi
Life is such a short thing
La vie est une chose si courte
That I cannot comprehend
Que je ne peux pas comprendre
But if this life were a bought thing (ways I know we'd mend)
Mais si cette vie était une chose achetée (des moyens que je sais que nous réparerions)
There are ways I know we'd mend
Il y a des moyens que je sais que nous réparerions
People (people)
Les gens (les gens)
Take my advice (take my advice)
Prenez mon conseil (prenez mon conseil)
Already told you once (told you once)
Je vous l'ai déjà dit une fois (je vous l'ai dit une fois)
Once or twice (once or twice)
Une ou deux fois (une ou deux fois)
Don't waste your energy
Ne gaspillez pas votre énergie
Making apologies
À faire des excuses
Get right with me (ooh yeah)
Mets-toi en règle avec moi (ooh ouais)
Get right with me, get right with me
Mets-toi en règle avec moi, mets-toi en règle avec moi
Get right with me, get right with me
Mets-toi en règle avec moi, mets-toi en règle avec moi
Get right with me, get right with me
Mets-toi en règle avec moi, mets-toi en règle avec moi
Get right with me
Mets-toi en règle avec moi
Get right with me
Mach dich mit mir klar
I will have faith in man
Ich werde Vertrauen in den Menschen haben
That is hard to understand
Das ist schwer zu verstehen
Show some humility
Zeige etwas Demut
You have the ability
Du hast die Fähigkeit
Get right with me
Mach dich mit mir klar
Right with me, get right with me, get right with me
Mit mir klar kommen, mit mir klar kommen, mit mir klar kommen
Friends, if you've lost your way
Freunde, wenn ihr euren Weg verloren habt
You will find it again someday
Ihr werdet ihn eines Tages wiederfinden
Come down from your pedestals
Steigt von euren Podesten herab
Open your mouths, that's all
Öffnet eure Münder, das ist alles
Get right with me
Mach dich mit mir klar
Me, get right with me, get right with me
Mit mir, mach dich mit mir klar, mach dich mit mir klar
Get right with me
Mach dich mit mir klar
Life is such a short thing
Das Leben ist so eine kurze Sache
That I cannot comprehend
Die ich nicht begreifen kann
But if this life were a bought thing (ways I know we'd mend)
Aber wenn dieses Leben eine gekaufte Sache wäre (Wege, von denen ich weiß, dass wir sie reparieren würden)
There are ways I know we'd mend
Es gibt Wege, von denen ich weiß, dass wir sie reparieren würden
People (people)
Leute (Leute)
Take my advice (take my advice)
Nehmt meinen Rat an (nehmt meinen Rat an)
Already told you once (told you once)
Habe es euch schon einmal gesagt (habe es euch schon einmal gesagt)
Once or twice (once or twice)
Einmal oder zweimal (einmal oder zweimal)
Don't waste your energy
Verschwendet eure Energie nicht
Making apologies
Mit Entschuldigungen
Get right with me (ooh yeah)
Mach dich mit mir klar (ooh ja)
Get right with me, get right with me
Mach dich mit mir klar, mach dich mit mir klar
Get right with me, get right with me
Mach dich mit mir klar, mach dich mit mir klar
Get right with me, get right with me
Mach dich mit mir klar, mach dich mit mir klar
Get right with me
Mach dich mit mir klar
Get right with me
Mettiti a posto con me
I will have faith in man
Avrò fede nell'uomo
That is hard to understand
Che è difficile da capire
Show some humility
Mostra un po' di umiltà
You have the ability
Hai la capacità
Get right with me
Mettiti a posto con me
Right with me, get right with me, get right with me
A posto con me, mettiti a posto con me, mettiti a posto con me
Friends, if you've lost your way
Amici, se avete perso la vostra strada
You will find it again someday
La ritroverete un giorno
Come down from your pedestals
Scendete dai vostri piedistalli
Open your mouths, that's all
Aprite le vostre bocche, è tutto
Get right with me
Mettiti a posto con me
Me, get right with me, get right with me
Io, mettiti a posto con me, mettiti a posto con me
Get right with me
Mettiti a posto con me
Life is such a short thing
La vita è una cosa così breve
That I cannot comprehend
Che non riesco a comprendere
But if this life were a bought thing (ways I know we'd mend)
Ma se questa vita fosse una cosa comprata (modi che so che ripareremmo)
There are ways I know we'd mend
Ci sono modi che so che ripareremmo
People (people)
Persone (persone)
Take my advice (take my advice)
Prendete il mio consiglio (prendete il mio consiglio)
Already told you once (told you once)
Gia vi ho detto una volta (vi ho detto una volta)
Once or twice (once or twice)
Una o due volte (una o due volte)
Don't waste your energy
Non sprecate la vostra energia
Making apologies
A fare scuse
Get right with me (ooh yeah)
Mettiti a posto con me (ooh yeah)
Get right with me, get right with me
Mettiti a posto con me, mettiti a posto con me
Get right with me, get right with me
Mettiti a posto con me, mettiti a posto con me
Get right with me, get right with me
Mettiti a posto con me, mettiti a posto con me
Get right with me
Mettiti a posto con me
Get right with me
Berbaiklah dengan aku
I will have faith in man
Aku akan memiliki kepercayaan pada manusia
That is hard to understand
Itu sulit untuk dimengerti
Show some humility
Tunjukkan sedikit kerendahan hati
You have the ability
Kamu memiliki kemampuan
Get right with me
Berbaiklah dengan aku
Right with me, get right with me, get right with me
Berbaiklah dengan aku, berbaiklah dengan aku, berbaiklah dengan aku
Friends, if you've lost your way
Teman-teman, jika kalian tersesat
You will find it again someday
Kalian akan menemukannya lagi suatu hari nanti
Come down from your pedestals
Turun dari pedestal kalian
Open your mouths, that's all
Buka mulut kalian, itu saja
Get right with me
Berbaiklah dengan aku
Me, get right with me, get right with me
Aku, berbaiklah dengan aku, berbaiklah dengan aku
Get right with me
Berbaiklah dengan aku
Life is such a short thing
Hidup adalah sesuatu yang sangat singkat
That I cannot comprehend
Yang tidak bisa aku pahami
But if this life were a bought thing (ways I know we'd mend)
Tapi jika hidup ini adalah sesuatu yang bisa dibeli (cara-cara yang tahu kita akan memperbaiki)
There are ways I know we'd mend
Ada cara-cara yang tahu kita akan memperbaiki
People (people)
Orang-orang (orang-orang)
Take my advice (take my advice)
Ikuti nasihatku (ikuti nasihatku)
Already told you once (told you once)
Sudah kuberitahu sekali (sudah kuberitahu sekali)
Once or twice (once or twice)
Sekali atau dua kali (sekali atau dua kali)
Don't waste your energy
Jangan buang energimu
Making apologies
Untuk membuat permintaan maaf
Get right with me (ooh yeah)
Berbaiklah dengan aku (ooh yeah)
Get right with me, get right with me
Berbaiklah dengan aku, berbaiklah dengan aku
Get right with me, get right with me
Berbaiklah dengan aku, berbaiklah dengan aku
Get right with me, get right with me
Berbaiklah dengan aku, berbaiklah dengan aku
Get right with me
Berbaiklah dengan aku
Get right with me
I will have faith in man
That is hard to understand
Show some humility
You have the ability
Get right with me
Right with me, get right with me, get right with me
ถูกกับฉัน, ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน, ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน
Friends, if you've lost your way
เพื่อนๆ ถ้าคุณหลงทาง
You will find it again someday
Come down from your pedestals
Open your mouths, that's all
เปิดปากพูด นั่นแหละ
Get right with me
Me, get right with me, get right with me
ฉัน, ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน, ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน
Get right with me
Life is such a short thing
That I cannot comprehend
But if this life were a bought thing (ways I know we'd mend)
แต่ถ้าชีวิตนี้เป็นเรื่องที่ซื้อได้ (วิธีที่ฉันรู้ว่าเราจะแก้ไข)
There are ways I know we'd mend
People (people)
คนๆ (คนๆ)
Take my advice (take my advice)
รับคำแนะนำของฉัน (รับคำแนะนำของฉัน)
Already told you once (told you once)
ฉันบอกคุณไปแล้วครั้งหนึ่ง (บอกคุณไปแล้วครั้งหนึ่ง)
Once or twice (once or twice)
หนึ่งหรือสองครั้ง (หนึ่งหรือสองครั้ง)
Don't waste your energy
Making apologies
Get right with me (ooh yeah)
ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน (โอ้ ใช่)
Get right with me, get right with me
ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน, ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน
Get right with me, get right with me
ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน, ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน
Get right with me, get right with me
ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน, ทำตัวให้ถูกกับฉัน
Get right with me
Get right with me
I will have faith in man
That is hard to understand
Show some humility
You have the ability
Get right with me
Right with me, get right with me, get right with me
Friends, if you've lost your way
You will find it again someday
Come down from your pedestals
Open your mouths, that's all
Get right with me
Me, get right with me, get right with me
Get right with me
Life is such a short thing
That I cannot comprehend
But if this life were a bought thing (ways I know we'd mend)
There are ways I know we'd mend
People (people)
Take my advice (take my advice)
Already told you once (told you once)
Once or twice (once or twice)
Don't waste your energy
Making apologies
Get right with me (ooh yeah)
Get right with me, get right with me
Get right with me, get right with me
Get right with me, get right with me
Get right with me

Curiosidades sobre la música Get Right With Me del Depeche Mode

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Get Right With Me” por Depeche Mode?
Depeche Mode lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Songs of Faith and Devotion” en 1993 y “Songs of Faith and Devotion Live” en 1996.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Get Right With Me” de Depeche Mode?
La canción “Get Right With Me” de Depeche Mode fue compuesta por Martin Lee Gore.

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