More Fun To Miss

Blake Mills, Matt Sweeney

Letra Traducción


I still need a drink, put all the glasses in the sink
From chasin' a shot that rang through hell
For the record, I'm fine with what's left of what's mine
I almost took you by mistake for someone else

You're just a wild guess in a see-through dress
I don't wanna hear you squealin' up my drive
It took guts to think that I would buy that wink
But that little thing you do, just stay right

(More fun to miss)
Than to be with
(More fun to kiss)
Than to be with
(More fun to miss)
Than to be with

Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah

You're still at the night, upside down and upright
It must be how your little mind gets fair
Now, do I shoot straight or do I cheat, babe?
Oh, it does a number on my head

But I don't pull tricks
Last time I hit a lick
Was when I heard the church bells chiming
You'd be just as fun as a jammed-up gun
Another shot, it's just the wrong place and time

(More fun to miss)
Than to be with
(More fun to kiss)
Than to be with
(More fun to miss)
Than to be with

Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah

You'll be more fun to miss
(Than to be with)
You'll be more fun to kiss
(Than to be with)
You'll be more fun to miss
(Than to be with)
You'll be more fun to miss

La, ah
Ah, ah-ah
La, ha

I still need a drink, put all the glasses in the sink
Todavía necesito una bebida, pon todos los vasos en el fregadero
From chasin' a shot that rang through hell
Persiguiendo un trago que resonó a través del infierno
For the record, I'm fine with what's left of what's mine
Para que conste, estoy bien con lo que queda de lo mío
I almost took you by mistake for someone else
Casi te confundo por error con alguien más
You're just a wild guess in a see-through dress
Solo eres una suposición salvaje en un vestido transparente
I don't wanna hear you squealin' up my drive
No quiero oírte chillar en mi camino
It took guts to think that I would buy that wink
Hizo falta valor para pensar que compraría ese guiño
But that little thing you do, just stay right
Pero esa pequeña cosa que haces, solo quédate bien
(More fun to miss)
(Más divertido extrañar)
Than to be with
Que estar con
(More fun to kiss)
(Más divertido besar)
Than to be with
Que estar con
(More fun to miss)
(Más divertido extrañar)
Than to be with
Que estar con
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
You're still at the night, upside down and upright
Todavía estás en la noche, boca abajo y boca arriba
It must be how your little mind gets fair
Debe ser cómo tu pequeña mente se aclara
Now, do I shoot straight or do I cheat, babe?
Ahora, ¿disparo directo o hago trampa, cariño?
Oh, it does a number on my head
Oh, eso me confunde la cabeza
But I don't pull tricks
Pero no hago trucos
Last time I hit a lick
La última vez que di un golpe
Was when I heard the church bells chiming
Fue cuando escuché las campanas de la iglesia sonando
You'd be just as fun as a jammed-up gun
Serías tan divertida como una pistola atascada
Another shot, it's just the wrong place and time
Otro disparo, es solo el lugar y el momento equivocados
(More fun to miss)
(Más divertido extrañar)
Than to be with
Que estar con
(More fun to kiss)
(Más divertido besar)
Than to be with
Que estar con
(More fun to miss)
(Más divertido extrañar)
Than to be with
Que estar con
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
You'll be more fun to miss
Serás más divertida de extrañar
(Than to be with)
(Que estar con)
You'll be more fun to kiss
Serás más divertida de besar
(Than to be with)
(Que estar con)
You'll be more fun to miss
Serás más divertida de extrañar
(Than to be with)
(Que estar con)
You'll be more fun to miss
Serás más divertida de extrañar
La, ah
La, ah
Ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah
La, ha
La, ha
I still need a drink, put all the glasses in the sink
Ainda preciso de uma bebida, coloque todos os copos na pia
From chasin' a shot that rang through hell
Perseguindo um tiro que soou pelo inferno
For the record, I'm fine with what's left of what's mine
Para constar, estou bem com o que sobrou do que é meu
I almost took you by mistake for someone else
Quase te confundi por engano com outra pessoa
You're just a wild guess in a see-through dress
Você é apenas um palpite selvagem em um vestido transparente
I don't wanna hear you squealin' up my drive
Não quero ouvir você gritando na minha entrada
It took guts to think that I would buy that wink
Foi preciso coragem para pensar que eu compraria aquela piscadela
But that little thing you do, just stay right
Mas aquela pequena coisa que você faz, apenas fique certa
(More fun to miss)
(Mais divertido de perder)
Than to be with
Do que estar com
(More fun to kiss)
(Mais divertido de beijar)
Than to be with
Do que estar com
(More fun to miss)
(Mais divertido de perder)
Than to be with
Do que estar com
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
You're still at the night, upside down and upright
Você ainda está na noite, de cabeça para baixo e em pé
It must be how your little mind gets fair
Deve ser como sua pequena mente fica justa
Now, do I shoot straight or do I cheat, babe?
Agora, eu atiro direto ou eu trapaceio, querida?
Oh, it does a number on my head
Ah, isso mexe com a minha cabeça
But I don't pull tricks
Mas eu não faço truques
Last time I hit a lick
A última vez que acertei
Was when I heard the church bells chiming
Foi quando ouvi os sinos da igreja tocando
You'd be just as fun as a jammed-up gun
Você seria tão divertida quanto uma arma emperrada
Another shot, it's just the wrong place and time
Outro tiro, é apenas o lugar e a hora errados
(More fun to miss)
(Mais divertido de perder)
Than to be with
Do que estar com
(More fun to kiss)
(Mais divertido de beijar)
Than to be with
Do que estar com
(More fun to miss)
(Mais divertido de perder)
Than to be with
Do que estar com
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
You'll be more fun to miss
Você será mais divertida de perder
(Than to be with)
(Do que estar com)
You'll be more fun to kiss
Você será mais divertida de beijar
(Than to be with)
(Do que estar com)
You'll be more fun to miss
Você será mais divertida de perder
(Than to be with)
(Do que estar com)
You'll be more fun to miss
Você será mais divertida de perder
La, ah
La, ah
Ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah
La, ha
La, ha
I still need a drink, put all the glasses in the sink
J'ai encore besoin d'un verre, mets tous les verres dans l'évier
From chasin' a shot that rang through hell
En poursuivant un coup qui a retenti à travers l'enfer
For the record, I'm fine with what's left of what's mine
Pour le dire clairement, je suis bien avec ce qu'il reste de ce qui est à moi
I almost took you by mistake for someone else
J'ai failli te prendre par erreur pour quelqu'un d'autre
You're just a wild guess in a see-through dress
Tu n'es qu'une supposition sauvage dans une robe transparente
I don't wanna hear you squealin' up my drive
Je ne veux pas t'entendre crier dans mon allée
It took guts to think that I would buy that wink
Il fallait du courage pour penser que j'achèterais ce clin d'œil
But that little thing you do, just stay right
Mais cette petite chose que tu fais, reste juste là
(More fun to miss)
(Plus amusant de manquer)
Than to be with
Que d'être avec
(More fun to kiss)
(Plus amusant d'embrasser)
Than to be with
Que d'être avec
(More fun to miss)
(Plus amusant de manquer)
Than to be with
Que d'être avec
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
You're still at the night, upside down and upright
Tu es toujours dans la nuit, à l'envers et à l'endroit
It must be how your little mind gets fair
C'est sûrement comme ça que ton petit esprit devient juste
Now, do I shoot straight or do I cheat, babe?
Maintenant, est-ce que je tire droit ou est-ce que je triche, bébé ?
Oh, it does a number on my head
Oh, ça me fait tourner la tête
But I don't pull tricks
Mais je ne fais pas de tours
Last time I hit a lick
La dernière fois que j'ai frappé un coup
Was when I heard the church bells chiming
C'était quand j'ai entendu les cloches de l'église sonner
You'd be just as fun as a jammed-up gun
Tu serais aussi amusante qu'un pistolet enrayé
Another shot, it's just the wrong place and time
Un autre coup, c'est juste le mauvais endroit et le mauvais moment
(More fun to miss)
(Plus amusant de manquer)
Than to be with
Que d'être avec
(More fun to kiss)
(Plus amusant d'embrasser)
Than to be with
Que d'être avec
(More fun to miss)
(Plus amusant de manquer)
Than to be with
Que d'être avec
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
You'll be more fun to miss
Tu seras plus amusante à manquer
(Than to be with)
(Que d'être avec)
You'll be more fun to kiss
Tu seras plus amusante à embrasser
(Than to be with)
(Que d'être avec)
You'll be more fun to miss
Tu seras plus amusante à manquer
(Than to be with)
(Que d'être avec)
You'll be more fun to miss
Tu seras plus amusante à manquer
La, ah
La, ah
Ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah
La, ha
La, ha
I still need a drink, put all the glasses in the sink
Ich brauche immer noch einen Drink, stelle alle Gläser in die Spüle
From chasin' a shot that rang through hell
Von der Verfolgung eines Schusses, der durch die Hölle hallte
For the record, I'm fine with what's left of what's mine
Fürs Protokoll, ich bin zufrieden mit dem, was von dem Meinen übrig ist
I almost took you by mistake for someone else
Ich habe dich fast mit jemand anderem verwechselt
You're just a wild guess in a see-through dress
Du bist nur eine wilde Vermutung in einem durchsichtigen Kleid
I don't wanna hear you squealin' up my drive
Ich will nicht hören, wie du meinen Antrieb quietschst
It took guts to think that I would buy that wink
Es brauchte Mut zu denken, dass ich diesen Wink kaufen würde
But that little thing you do, just stay right
Aber diese kleine Sache, die du tust, bleib einfach richtig
(More fun to miss)
(Mehr Spaß zu vermissen)
Than to be with
Als bei dir zu sein
(More fun to kiss)
(Mehr Spaß zu küssen)
Than to be with
Als bei dir zu sein
(More fun to miss)
(Mehr Spaß zu vermissen)
Than to be with
Als bei dir zu sein
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
You're still at the night, upside down and upright
Du bist immer noch in der Nacht, kopfüber und aufrecht
It must be how your little mind gets fair
Es muss sein, wie dein kleiner Verstand fair wird
Now, do I shoot straight or do I cheat, babe?
Schieße ich jetzt gerade oder betrüge ich, Babe?
Oh, it does a number on my head
Oh, das macht mir ganz schön zu schaffen
But I don't pull tricks
Aber ich mache keine Tricks
Last time I hit a lick
Das letzte Mal, dass ich einen Treffer landete
Was when I heard the church bells chiming
War, als ich die Kirchenglocken läuten hörte
You'd be just as fun as a jammed-up gun
Du wärst genauso lustig wie eine verklemmte Pistole
Another shot, it's just the wrong place and time
Ein weiterer Schuss, es ist einfach der falsche Ort und die falsche Zeit
(More fun to miss)
(Mehr Spaß zu vermissen)
Than to be with
Als bei dir zu sein
(More fun to kiss)
(Mehr Spaß zu küssen)
Than to be with
Als bei dir zu sein
(More fun to miss)
(Mehr Spaß zu vermissen)
Than to be with
Als bei dir zu sein
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
You'll be more fun to miss
Du wirst mehr Spaß machen zu vermissen
(Than to be with)
(Als bei dir zu sein)
You'll be more fun to kiss
Du wirst mehr Spaß machen zu küssen
(Than to be with)
(Als bei dir zu sein)
You'll be more fun to miss
Du wirst mehr Spaß machen zu vermissen
(Than to be with)
(Als bei dir zu sein)
You'll be more fun to miss
Du wirst mehr Spaß machen zu vermissen
La, ah
La, ah
Ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah
La, ha
La, ha
I still need a drink, put all the glasses in the sink
Ho ancora bisogno di un drink, metti tutti i bicchieri nel lavandino
From chasin' a shot that rang through hell
Inseguito da un colpo che ha risuonato all'inferno
For the record, I'm fine with what's left of what's mine
Per la cronaca, sto bene con quello che resta di ciò che è mio
I almost took you by mistake for someone else
Ho quasi preso te per errore per qualcun altro
You're just a wild guess in a see-through dress
Sei solo un'ipotesi selvaggia in un vestito trasparente
I don't wanna hear you squealin' up my drive
Non voglio sentirti strillare nel mio vialetto
It took guts to think that I would buy that wink
Ci voleva coraggio per pensare che avrei comprato quel battito d'occhio
But that little thing you do, just stay right
Ma quella piccola cosa che fai, resta proprio così
(More fun to miss)
(È più divertente mancare)
Than to be with
Che stare con
(More fun to kiss)
(È più divertente baciare)
Than to be with
Che stare con
(More fun to miss)
(È più divertente mancare)
Than to be with
Che stare con
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
You're still at the night, upside down and upright
Sei ancora nella notte, sottosopra e dritto
It must be how your little mind gets fair
Deve essere così che la tua piccola mente diventa giusta
Now, do I shoot straight or do I cheat, babe?
Ora, tiro dritto o trucco, tesoro?
Oh, it does a number on my head
Oh, fa un numero sulla mia testa
But I don't pull tricks
Ma non faccio trucchi
Last time I hit a lick
L'ultima volta che ho colpito
Was when I heard the church bells chiming
È stato quando ho sentito le campane della chiesa suonare
You'd be just as fun as a jammed-up gun
Saresti altrettanto divertente come una pistola inceppata
Another shot, it's just the wrong place and time
Un altro colpo, è solo il posto e il momento sbagliati
(More fun to miss)
(È più divertente mancare)
Than to be with
Che stare con
(More fun to kiss)
(È più divertente baciare)
Than to be with
Che stare con
(More fun to miss)
(È più divertente mancare)
Than to be with
Che stare con
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah
You'll be more fun to miss
Sarà più divertente mancarti
(Than to be with)
(Che stare con)
You'll be more fun to kiss
Sarà più divertente baciarti
(Than to be with)
(Che stare con)
You'll be more fun to miss
Sarà più divertente mancarti
(Than to be with)
(Che stare con)
You'll be more fun to miss
Sarà più divertente mancarti
La, ah
La, ah
Ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah
La, ha
La, ha

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