Run Away Little Tears

Dallas Frazier

Letra Traducción

Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Run away little tears, our baby's gone

I look at his picture touchin' old souvenir
And then grow weak from holding back these locked up tears

Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Run away little tears, our baby's gone

A storm of emotion keeps on working within
Breaking down a heart that only he could mend

Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Run away little tears, our baby's gone

Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Huye pequeñas lágrimas, habéis estado encerradas demasiado tiempo
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Huye pequeñas lágrimas, nuestro bebé se ha ido
I look at his picture touchin' old souvenir
Miro su foto tocando un viejo recuerdo
And then grow weak from holding back these locked up tears
Y luego me debilito al contener estas lágrimas encerradas
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Huye pequeñas lágrimas, habéis estado encerradas demasiado tiempo
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Huye pequeñas lágrimas, nuestro bebé se ha ido
A storm of emotion keeps on working within
Una tormenta de emociones sigue trabajando dentro
Breaking down a heart that only he could mend
Rompiendo un corazón que solo él podría reparar
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Huye pequeñas lágrimas, habéis estado encerradas demasiado tiempo
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Huye pequeñas lágrimas, nuestro bebé se ha ido
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Huye pequeñas lágrimas, nuestro bebé se ha ido
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Corram pequenas lágrimas, vocês estiveram presas por muito tempo
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Corram pequenas lágrimas, nosso bebê se foi
I look at his picture touchin' old souvenir
Eu olho para a foto dele tocando uma velha lembrança
And then grow weak from holding back these locked up tears
E então fico fraca por segurar essas lágrimas presas
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Corram pequenas lágrimas, vocês estiveram presas por muito tempo
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Corram pequenas lágrimas, nosso bebê se foi
A storm of emotion keeps on working within
Uma tempestade de emoções continua trabalhando dentro de mim
Breaking down a heart that only he could mend
Quebrando um coração que só ele poderia consertar
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Corram pequenas lágrimas, vocês estiveram presas por muito tempo
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Corram pequenas lágrimas, nosso bebê se foi
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Corram pequenas lágrimas, nosso bebê se foi
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Fuyez petites larmes, vous avez été enfermées trop longtemps
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Fuyez petites larmes, notre bébé est parti
I look at his picture touchin' old souvenir
Je regarde sa photo touchant un vieux souvenir
And then grow weak from holding back these locked up tears
Et puis je deviens faible à force de retenir ces larmes enfermées
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Fuyez petites larmes, vous avez été enfermées trop longtemps
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Fuyez petites larmes, notre bébé est parti
A storm of emotion keeps on working within
Une tempête d'émotion continue de travailler en moi
Breaking down a heart that only he could mend
Brisant un cœur que seul lui pouvait réparer
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Fuyez petites larmes, vous avez été enfermées trop longtemps
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Fuyez petites larmes, notre bébé est parti
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Fuyez petites larmes, notre bébé est parti
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Lauf weg, kleine Tränen, ihr seid zu lange eingesperrt gewesen
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Lauf weg, kleine Tränen, unser Baby ist weg
I look at his picture touchin' old souvenir
Ich schaue auf sein Bild, berühre alte Souvenirs
And then grow weak from holding back these locked up tears
Und dann werde ich schwach, weil ich diese eingesperrten Tränen zurückhalte
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Lauf weg, kleine Tränen, ihr seid zu lange eingesperrt gewesen
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Lauf weg, kleine Tränen, unser Baby ist weg
A storm of emotion keeps on working within
Ein Sturm der Emotionen arbeitet ständig in mir
Breaking down a heart that only he could mend
Er zerbricht ein Herz, das nur er reparieren konnte
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Lauf weg, kleine Tränen, ihr seid zu lange eingesperrt gewesen
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Lauf weg, kleine Tränen, unser Baby ist weg
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Lauf weg, kleine Tränen, unser Baby ist weg
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Scappa via piccole lacrime, siete state rinchiuse troppo a lungo
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Scappa via piccole lacrime, il nostro bambino se n'è andato
I look at his picture touchin' old souvenir
Guardo la sua foto toccando vecchi souvenir
And then grow weak from holding back these locked up tears
E poi divento debole per trattenere queste lacrime rinchiuse
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Scappa via piccole lacrime, siete state rinchiuse troppo a lungo
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Scappa via piccole lacrime, il nostro bambino se n'è andato
A storm of emotion keeps on working within
Una tempesta di emozioni continua a lavorare dentro di me
Breaking down a heart that only he could mend
Spezzando un cuore che solo lui poteva riparare
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Scappa via piccole lacrime, siete state rinchiuse troppo a lungo
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Scappa via piccole lacrime, il nostro bambino se n'è andato
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Scappa via piccole lacrime, il nostro bambino se n'è andato
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Larilah air mata kecil, kau telah terkunci terlalu lama
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Larilah air mata kecil, bayi kita telah pergi
I look at his picture touchin' old souvenir
Aku melihat fotonya menyentuh kenangan lama
And then grow weak from holding back these locked up tears
Dan kemudian menjadi lemah karena menahan air mata yang terkunci ini
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Larilah air mata kecil, kau telah terkunci terlalu lama
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Larilah air mata kecil, bayi kita telah pergi
A storm of emotion keeps on working within
Badai emosi terus bekerja di dalam
Breaking down a heart that only he could mend
Merusak hati yang hanya dia yang bisa memperbaiki
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Larilah air mata kecil, kau telah terkunci terlalu lama
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Larilah air mata kecil, bayi kita telah pergi
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Larilah air mata kecil, bayi kita telah pergi
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
วิ่งหนีไปน้ำตาเล็ก ๆ คุณถูกขังไว้นานเกินไป
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
วิ่งหนีไปน้ำตาเล็ก ๆ ลูกของเราได้ไปแล้ว
I look at his picture touchin' old souvenir
ฉันมองที่รูปภาพของเขา แตะต้องของที่ระลึกเก่า
And then grow weak from holding back these locked up tears
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
วิ่งหนีไปน้ำตาเล็ก ๆ คุณถูกขังไว้นานเกินไป
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
วิ่งหนีไปน้ำตาเล็ก ๆ ลูกของเราได้ไปแล้ว
A storm of emotion keeps on working within
Breaking down a heart that only he could mend
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
วิ่งหนีไปน้ำตาเล็ก ๆ คุณถูกขังไว้นานเกินไป
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
วิ่งหนีไปน้ำตาเล็ก ๆ ลูกของเราได้ไปแล้ว
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
วิ่งหนีไปน้ำตาเล็ก ๆ ลูกของเราได้ไปแล้ว
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
I look at his picture touchin' old souvenir
And then grow weak from holding back these locked up tears
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
A storm of emotion keeps on working within
Breaking down a heart that only he could mend
Run away little tears, you've been locked up too long
Run away little tears, our baby's gone
Run away little tears, our baby's gone

Curiosidades sobre la música Run Away Little Tears del Connie Smith

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Run Away Little Tears” por Connie Smith?
Connie Smith lanzó la canción en los álbumes “I Love Charley Brown” en 1968 y “City Lights-Country Favorites” en 1972.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Run Away Little Tears” de Connie Smith?
La canción “Run Away Little Tears” de Connie Smith fue compuesta por Dallas Frazier.

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