The Regulator

Richard Timothy Sult, Neil Fallon, Dan Maines, Jean-Paul Gaster

Letra Traducción

Oh, I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I'll cry no more

And how many times have I prayed
That I would get lost along the way?

Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum

Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile

Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
For not a year later it's got you lying on your back
You should have closed your windows and got another dog
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks

And how many times have I prayed
The angels would speed me away

Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum

Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile

Oh, I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home
Oh, veo esa linterna de luz tenue ardiendo en nuestra casa
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I'll cry no more
Y aunque siento ganas de llorar, juro que esta noche, no lloraré más
And how many times have I prayed
¿Y cuántas veces he rezado
That I would get lost along the way?
Que me perdería en el camino?
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sueña con las plumas de los ángeles metidas debajo de tu cabeza
The regulator's swinging pendulum
El péndulo oscilante del regulador
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sueña con las plumas de los ángeles metidas debajo de tu cabeza
The regulator's swinging pendulum
El péndulo oscilante del regulador
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ven conmigo y camina la milla más larga
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ven conmigo y camina la milla más larga
Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
¿Es de cuero su cartera? ¿Está gorda su cartera?
For not a year later it's got you lying on your back
Porque no un año después te tiene tumbado de espaldas
You should have closed your windows and got another dog
Deberías haber cerrado tus ventanas y haber conseguido otro perro
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks
Deberías haber encadenado todas las puertas y cambiado todas las cerraduras
And how many times have I prayed
¿Y cuántas veces he rezado
The angels would speed me away
Que los ángeles me llevarían lejos?
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sueña con las plumas de los ángeles metidas debajo de tu cabeza
The regulator's swinging pendulum
El péndulo oscilante del regulador
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sueña con las plumas de los ángeles metidas debajo de tu cabeza
The regulator's swinging pendulum
El péndulo oscilante del regulador
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ven conmigo y camina la milla más larga
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ven conmigo y camina la milla más larga
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ven conmigo y camina la milla más larga
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ven conmigo y camina la milla más larga
Oh, I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home
Oh, eu vejo aquela lanterna com a chama baixa queimando em nossa casa
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I'll cry no more
E embora eu sinta vontade de chorar, eu juro que esta noite, não vou chorar mais
And how many times have I prayed
E quantas vezes eu orei
That I would get lost along the way?
Que eu me perderia pelo caminho?
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sonhe com as penas dos anjos escondidas debaixo da sua cabeça
The regulator's swinging pendulum
O pêndulo oscilante do regulador
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sonhe com as penas dos anjos escondidas debaixo da sua cabeça
The regulator's swinging pendulum
O pêndulo oscilante do regulador
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Venha comigo e caminhe a milha mais longa
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Venha comigo e caminhe a milha mais longa
Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
A carteira dele é de couro? A carteira dele é gorda?
For not a year later it's got you lying on your back
Pois não um ano depois, te deixou deitada de costas
You should have closed your windows and got another dog
Você deveria ter fechado suas janelas e comprado outro cachorro
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks
Você deveria ter trancado todas as portas e trocado todas as fechaduras
And how many times have I prayed
E quantas vezes eu orei
The angels would speed me away
Que os anjos me levassem embora
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sonhe com as penas dos anjos escondidas debaixo da sua cabeça
The regulator's swinging pendulum
O pêndulo oscilante do regulador
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sonhe com as penas dos anjos escondidas debaixo da sua cabeça
The regulator's swinging pendulum
O pêndulo oscilante do regulador
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Venha comigo e caminhe a milha mais longa
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Venha comigo e caminhe a milha mais longa
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Venha comigo e caminhe a milha mais longa
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Venha comigo e caminhe a milha mais longa
Oh, I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home
Oh, je vois cette lanterne à faible lueur brûlant dans notre maison
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I'll cry no more
Et bien que j'aie envie de pleurer, je jure que ce soir, je ne pleurerai plus
And how many times have I prayed
Et combien de fois ai-je prié
That I would get lost along the way?
Que je me perdrais en cours de route?
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Rêve avec les plumes des anges cachées sous ta tête
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Le pendule oscillant du régulateur
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Rêve avec les plumes des anges cachées sous ta tête
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Le pendule oscillant du régulateur
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Viens avec moi et marche le plus long mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Viens avec moi et marche le plus long mile
Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
Son portefeuille est-il en cuir? Son portefeuille est-il gros?
For not a year later it's got you lying on your back
Car pas un an plus tard, il t'a allongé sur le dos
You should have closed your windows and got another dog
Tu aurais dû fermer tes fenêtres et prendre un autre chien
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks
Tu aurais dû enchaîner toutes les portes et changer tous les verrous
And how many times have I prayed
Et combien de fois ai-je prié
The angels would speed me away
Que les anges m'emporteraient
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Rêve avec les plumes des anges cachées sous ta tête
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Le pendule oscillant du régulateur
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Rêve avec les plumes des anges cachées sous ta tête
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Le pendule oscillant du régulateur
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Viens avec moi et marche le plus long mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Viens avec moi et marche le plus long mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Viens avec moi et marche le plus long mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Viens avec moi et marche le plus long mile
Oh, I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home
Oh, ich sehe diese Laterne, niedrig brennend in unserem Zuhause
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I'll cry no more
Und obwohl ich das Gefühl habe zu weinen, schwöre ich, heute Nacht werde ich nicht mehr weinen
And how many times have I prayed
Und wie oft habe ich gebetet
That I would get lost along the way?
Dass ich auf dem Weg verloren gehen würde?
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Träume mit den Federn von Engeln, gestopft unter deinem Kopf
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Das Pendel des Regulators schwingt
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Träume mit den Federn von Engeln, gestopft unter deinem Kopf
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Das Pendel des Regulators schwingt
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Komm mit mir und laufe die längste Meile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Komm mit mir und laufe die längste Meile
Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
Ist sein Portemonnaie aus Leder? Ist sein Portemonnaie dick?
For not a year later it's got you lying on your back
Denn nicht ein Jahr später liegt es dich auf dem Rücken
You should have closed your windows and got another dog
Du hättest deine Fenster schließen und einen anderen Hund holen sollen
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks
Du hättest alle Türen verketten und alle Schlösser wechseln sollen
And how many times have I prayed
Und wie oft habe ich gebetet
The angels would speed me away
Dass die Engel mich schnell fortbringen würden
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Träume mit den Federn von Engeln, gestopft unter deinem Kopf
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Das Pendel des Regulators schwingt
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Träume mit den Federn von Engeln, gestopft unter deinem Kopf
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Das Pendel des Regulators schwingt
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Komm mit mir und laufe die längste Meile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Komm mit mir und laufe die längste Meile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Komm mit mir und laufe die längste Meile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Komm mit mir und laufe die längste Meile
Oh, I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home
Oh, vedo quella lanterna a luce bassa ardere nella nostra casa
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I'll cry no more
E anche se mi sento come se volessi piangere, giuro che stasera, non piangerò più
And how many times have I prayed
E quante volte ho pregato
That I would get lost along the way?
Che mi sarei perso lungo la strada?
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sogna con le piume degli angeli imbottite sotto la tua testa
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Il pendolo oscillante del regolatore
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sogna con le piume degli angeli imbottite sotto la tua testa
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Il pendolo oscillante del regolatore
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Vieni con me e cammina il miglio più lungo
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Vieni con me e cammina il miglio più lungo
Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
Il suo portafoglio è di pelle? Il suo portafoglio è grasso?
For not a year later it's got you lying on your back
Perché non un anno dopo ti ha fatto sdraiare sulla schiena
You should have closed your windows and got another dog
Avresti dovuto chiudere le tue finestre e prendere un altro cane
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks
Avresti dovuto incatenare tutte le porte e cambiare tutte le serrature
And how many times have I prayed
E quante volte ho pregato
The angels would speed me away
Gli angeli mi avrebbero portato via velocemente
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sogna con le piume degli angeli imbottite sotto la tua testa
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Il pendolo oscillante del regolatore
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Sogna con le piume degli angeli imbottite sotto la tua testa
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Il pendolo oscillante del regolatore
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Vieni con me e cammina il miglio più lungo
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Vieni con me e cammina il miglio più lungo
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Vieni con me e cammina il miglio più lungo
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Vieni con me e cammina il miglio più lungo
Oh, I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home
Oh, aku melihat lentera itu dipotong rendah menyala di rumah kita
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I'll cry no more
Dan meskipun aku merasa ingin menangis, aku bersumpah malam ini, aku tidak akan menangis lagi
And how many times have I prayed
Dan berapa kali aku telah berdoa
That I would get lost along the way?
Bahwa aku akan tersesat di sepanjang jalan?
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Bermimpi dengan bulu-bulu malaikat yang diselipkan di bawah kepalamu
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Pendulum regulator yang berayun
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Bermimpi dengan bulu-bulu malaikat yang diselipkan di bawah kepalamu
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Pendulum regulator yang berayun
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ikutlah denganku dan berjalanlah sejauh mungkin
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ikutlah denganku dan berjalanlah sejauh mungkin
Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
Apakah dompetnya kulit? Apakah dompetnya tebal?
For not a year later it's got you lying on your back
Karena tidak sampai setahun kemudian, itu membuatmu berbaring di punggungmu
You should have closed your windows and got another dog
Kamu seharusnya menutup jendelamu dan mendapatkan anjing lain
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks
Kamu seharusnya mengunci semua pintu dan mengganti semua kunci
And how many times have I prayed
Dan berapa kali aku telah berdoa
The angels would speed me away
Malaikat akan membawaku pergi
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Bermimpi dengan bulu-bulu malaikat yang diselipkan di bawah kepalamu
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Pendulum regulator yang berayun
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
Bermimpi dengan bulu-bulu malaikat yang diselipkan di bawah kepalamu
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Pendulum regulator yang berayun
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ikutlah denganku dan berjalanlah sejauh mungkin
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ikutlah denganku dan berjalanlah sejauh mungkin
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ikutlah denganku dan berjalanlah sejauh mungkin
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Ikutlah denganku dan berjalanlah sejauh mungkin
Oh, I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home
โอ้ ฉันเห็นว่ามีไฟฉายที่ถูกตัดต่ำไหม้ในบ้านของเรา
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I'll cry no more
และแม้ว่าฉันรู้สึกว่าอยากจะร้องไห้ ฉันสาบานว่าคืนนี้ฉันจะไม่ร้องไห้อีก
And how many times have I prayed
That I would get lost along the way?
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
กระเป๋าเงินของเขาทำจากหนังหรือไม่? กระเป๋าเงินของเขาอ้วนหรือไม่?
For not a year later it's got you lying on your back
You should have closed your windows and got another dog
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks
And how many times have I prayed
The angels would speed me away
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Oh, I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I'll cry no more
And how many times have I prayed
That I would get lost along the way?
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
For not a year later it's got you lying on your back
You should have closed your windows and got another dog
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks
And how many times have I prayed
The angels would speed me away
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head
The regulator's swinging pendulum
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile
Come with me and walk the longest mile

Curiosidades sobre la música The Regulator del Clutch

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “The Regulator” por Clutch?
Clutch lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Blast Tyrant” en 2004 y “Live in Flint, Michigan” en 2004.
¿Quién compuso la canción “The Regulator” de Clutch?
La canción “The Regulator” de Clutch fue compuesta por Richard Timothy Sult, Neil Fallon, Dan Maines, Jean-Paul Gaster.

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