Mr. Wendal


Letra Traducción

Here, have a dollar
In fact, no brotherman here, have two
Two dollars means a snack for me
But it means a big deal to you
Be strong, serve God only
Know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
Mr. Wendal, that's his name
No one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum
Until I had the chance to really get to know one
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges
Still most of y'all come out confused

Go ahead, Mr. Wendal

Mr. Wendal has freedom
A free that you and I think is dumb
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
For Mr. Wendal's a bum
His only worries are sickness
And an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
Uncivilized we call him
But I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no
Who are we to judge
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
And killed over a racist grudge
Mr. Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
But we don't hear him talk
Is it his fault when we've gone too far
And we got too far, cause on him we walk
Mr. Wendal, a man, a human in flesh
But not by law
I feed you dignity to stand with pride
Realize that all in all you stand tall

Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Mr. Wendal, yeah
Lord, Mr. Wendal

Here, have a dollar
Aquí, toma un dólar
In fact, no brotherman here, have two
De hecho, no hermano, toma dos
Two dollars means a snack for me
Dos dólares significan un aperitivo para mí
But it means a big deal to you
Pero para ti significa mucho
Be strong, serve God only
Sé fuerte, sirve solo a Dios
Know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
Sabe que si lo haces, te espera un hermoso cielo
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
Ese es el poema que escribí por primera vez
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
Vi a un hombre sin ropa, sin dinero, sin plato
Mr. Wendal, that's his name
Señor Wendal, ese es su nombre
No one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Nadie nunca supo su nombre porque es un don nadie
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum
Nunca pensé dos veces en gastar en un viejo vagabundo
Until I had the chance to really get to know one
Hasta que tuve la oportunidad de conocer realmente a uno
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
Ahora que lo conozco, darle dinero no es caridad
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
Él me da algo de conocimiento, yo le compro zapatos
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges
Y pensar que los negros gastan todo ese dinero en grandes universidades
Still most of y'all come out confused
Aún así, la mayoría de ustedes salen confundidos
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Adelante, señor Wendal
Mr. Wendal has freedom
El señor Wendal tiene libertad
A free that you and I think is dumb
Una libertad que tú y yo pensamos que es tonta
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
Libre para estar sin las preocupaciones de una sociedad rápida para disolver
For Mr. Wendal's a bum
Para el señor Wendal es un vagabundo
His only worries are sickness
Sus únicas preocupaciones son la enfermedad
And an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
Y un acoso ocasional por parte de la policía y su persecución
Uncivilized we call him
Lo llamamos incivilizado
But I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Pero acabo de verlo comer de la comida que desperdiciamos
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no
Civilización, ¿estamos realmente civilizados, sí o no?
Who are we to judge
¿Quiénes somos para juzgar?
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
Cuando miles de hombres inocentes podrían ser brutalmente esclavizados
And killed over a racist grudge
Y asesinados por un rencor racista
Mr. Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
El señor Wendal ha intentado advertirnos sobre nuestras formas
But we don't hear him talk
Pero no lo escuchamos hablar
Is it his fault when we've gone too far
¿Es su culpa cuando hemos ido demasiado lejos?
And we got too far, cause on him we walk
Y hemos llegado demasiado lejos, porque sobre él caminamos
Mr. Wendal, a man, a human in flesh
Señor Wendal, un hombre, un humano en carne y hueso
But not by law
Pero no por ley
I feed you dignity to stand with pride
Te alimento dignidad para estar con orgullo
Realize that all in all you stand tall
Date cuenta de que, después de todo, te mantienes en alto
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Adelante, señor Wendal
Mr. Wendal, yeah
Señor Wendal, sí
Lord, Mr. Wendal
Señor, señor Wendal
Here, have a dollar
Aqui, pegue um dólar
In fact, no brotherman here, have two
Na verdade, não, irmão, pegue dois
Two dollars means a snack for me
Dois dólares significam um lanche para mim
But it means a big deal to you
Mas para você significa muito
Be strong, serve God only
Seja forte, sirva apenas a Deus
Know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
Saiba que se você fizer isso, o belo céu te espera
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
Esse é o poema que eu escrevi pela primeira vez
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
Eu vi um homem sem roupas, sem dinheiro, sem prato
Mr. Wendal, that's his name
Sr. Wendal, esse é o nome dele
No one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Ninguém nunca soube o nome dele porque ele é um ninguém
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum
Nunca pensei duas vezes em gastar com um velho mendigo
Until I had the chance to really get to know one
Até que eu tive a chance de realmente conhecer um
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
Agora que eu o conheço, dar-lhe dinheiro não é caridade
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
Ele me dá algum conhecimento, eu compro para ele alguns sapatos
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges
E pensar que os negros gastam todo aquele dinheiro em grandes faculdades
Still most of y'all come out confused
Ainda assim, a maioria de vocês sai confusa
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Vá em frente, Sr. Wendal
Mr. Wendal has freedom
Sr. Wendal tem liberdade
A free that you and I think is dumb
Uma liberdade que você e eu achamos estúpida
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
Livre para estar sem as preocupações de uma sociedade rápida para desprezar
For Mr. Wendal's a bum
Pois o Sr. Wendal é um mendigo
His only worries are sickness
Suas únicas preocupações são doenças
And an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
E um ocasional assédio da polícia e sua perseguição
Uncivilized we call him
Nós o chamamos de incivilizado
But I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Mas eu acabei de vê-lo comer a comida que desperdiçamos
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no
Civilização, somos realmente civilizados, sim ou não
Who are we to judge
Quem somos nós para julgar
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
Quando milhares de homens inocentes poderiam ser brutalmente escravizados
And killed over a racist grudge
E mortos por um rancor racista
Mr. Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
Sr. Wendal tentou nos alertar sobre nossos caminhos
But we don't hear him talk
Mas nós não o ouvimos falar
Is it his fault when we've gone too far
É culpa dele quando fomos longe demais
And we got too far, cause on him we walk
E fomos longe demais, porque nele pisamos
Mr. Wendal, a man, a human in flesh
Sr. Wendal, um homem, um humano em carne
But not by law
Mas não pela lei
I feed you dignity to stand with pride
Eu te alimento dignidade para ficar com orgulho
Realize that all in all you stand tall
Perceba que, no final das contas, você se mantém de pé
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Vá em frente, Sr. Wendal
Mr. Wendal, yeah
Sr. Wendal, sim
Lord, Mr. Wendal
Senhor, Sr. Wendal
Here, have a dollar
Voici, prends un dollar
In fact, no brotherman here, have two
En fait, non frère, prends-en deux
Two dollars means a snack for me
Deux dollars signifient une collation pour moi
But it means a big deal to you
Mais pour toi, ça signifie beaucoup
Be strong, serve God only
Sois fort, sers Dieu seulement
Know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
Sache que si tu le fais, un beau paradis t'attend
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
C'est le poème que j'ai écrit pour la première fois
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
J'ai vu un homme sans vêtements, sans argent, sans assiette
Mr. Wendal, that's his name
M. Wendal, c'est son nom
No one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Personne ne connaissait jamais son nom car il n'est personne
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum
Je n'ai jamais pensé à dépenser pour un vieux clochard
Until I had the chance to really get to know one
Jusqu'à ce que j'aie la chance de vraiment en connaître un
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
Maintenant que je le connais, lui donner de l'argent n'est pas de la charité
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
Il me donne un peu de connaissance, je lui achète des chaussures
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges
Et penser que les noirs dépensent tout cet argent dans de grandes universités
Still most of y'all come out confused
Pourtant, la plupart d'entre vous en sortent confus
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Vas-y, M. Wendal
Mr. Wendal has freedom
M. Wendal a la liberté
A free that you and I think is dumb
Une liberté que toi et moi trouvons stupide
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
Libre d'être sans les soucis d'une société prompte à dénigrer
For Mr. Wendal's a bum
Car M. Wendal est un clochard
His only worries are sickness
Ses seuls soucis sont la maladie
And an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
Et un harcèlement occasionnel par la police et leur poursuite
Uncivilized we call him
Nous l'appelons incivilisé
But I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Mais je viens de le voir manger de la nourriture que nous gaspillons
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no
Civilisation, sommes-nous vraiment civilisés, oui ou non
Who are we to judge
Qui sommes-nous pour juger
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
Quand des milliers d'hommes innocents pourraient être brutalement asservis
And killed over a racist grudge
Et tués à cause d'une rancune raciste
Mr. Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
M. Wendal a essayé de nous avertir de nos manières
But we don't hear him talk
Mais nous ne l'entendons pas parler
Is it his fault when we've gone too far
Est-ce sa faute quand nous sommes allés trop loin
And we got too far, cause on him we walk
Et nous sommes allés trop loin, car sur lui nous marchons
Mr. Wendal, a man, a human in flesh
M. Wendal, un homme, un humain en chair
But not by law
Mais pas selon la loi
I feed you dignity to stand with pride
Je te nourris de dignité pour te tenir avec fierté
Realize that all in all you stand tall
Réalise que tout compte fait, tu te tiens grand
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Vas-y, M. Wendal
Mr. Wendal, yeah
M. Wendal, ouais
Lord, Mr. Wendal
Seigneur, M. Wendal
Here, have a dollar
Hier, nimm einen Dollar
In fact, no brotherman here, have two
Tatsächlich, nein Bruder, hier, nimm zwei
Two dollars means a snack for me
Zwei Dollar bedeuten einen Snack für mich
But it means a big deal to you
Aber für dich bedeutet es eine große Sache
Be strong, serve God only
Sei stark, diene nur Gott
Know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
Wisse, dass wenn du das tust, ein schöner Himmel auf dich wartet
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
Das ist das Gedicht, das ich zum ersten Mal schrieb
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
Ich sah einen Mann ohne Kleidung, ohne Geld, ohne Teller
Mr. Wendal, that's his name
Mr. Wendal, so heißt er
No one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Niemand kannte jemals seinen Namen, weil er ein Niemand ist
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum
Habe nie zweimal darüber nachgedacht, Geld für einen alten Obdachlosen auszugeben
Until I had the chance to really get to know one
Bis ich die Chance hatte, einen wirklich kennenzulernen
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
Jetzt, da ich ihn kenne, ist es keine Wohltätigkeit, ihm Geld zu geben
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
Er gibt mir etwas Wissen, ich kaufe ihm Schuhe
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges
Und zu denken, dass Schwarze all das Geld für große Colleges ausgeben
Still most of y'all come out confused
Trotzdem kommen die meisten von euch verwirrt heraus
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Mach weiter, Mr. Wendal
Mr. Wendal has freedom
Mr. Wendal hat Freiheit
A free that you and I think is dumb
Eine Freiheit, die du und ich für dumm halten
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
Frei zu sein ohne die Sorgen einer schnell zu beleidigenden Gesellschaft
For Mr. Wendal's a bum
Denn Mr. Wendal ist ein Obdachloser
His only worries are sickness
Seine einzigen Sorgen sind Krankheit
And an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
Und gelegentliche Belästigungen durch die Polizei und ihre Verfolgung
Uncivilized we call him
Wir nennen ihn unzivilisiert
But I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Aber ich habe gerade gesehen, wie er das Essen isst, das wir verschwenden
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no
Zivilisation, sind wir wirklich zivilisiert, ja oder nein
Who are we to judge
Wer sind wir, um zu urteilen
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
Wenn Tausende von unschuldigen Männern brutal versklavt
And killed over a racist grudge
Und getötet werden könnten aus rassistischem Groll
Mr. Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
Mr. Wendal hat versucht, uns vor unseren Wegen zu warnen
But we don't hear him talk
Aber wir hören ihm nicht zu
Is it his fault when we've gone too far
Ist es seine Schuld, wenn wir zu weit gegangen sind
And we got too far, cause on him we walk
Und wir sind zu weit gegangen, weil wir auf ihm herumtrampeln
Mr. Wendal, a man, a human in flesh
Mr. Wendal, ein Mann, ein Mensch aus Fleisch
But not by law
Aber nicht nach dem Gesetz
I feed you dignity to stand with pride
Ich füttere dich mit Würde, um mit Stolz dazustehen
Realize that all in all you stand tall
Erkenne, dass du trotz allem groß dastehst
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Mach weiter, Mr. Wendal
Mr. Wendal, yeah
Mr. Wendal, ja
Lord, Mr. Wendal
Herr, Mr. Wendal
Here, have a dollar
Ecco, prendi un dollaro
In fact, no brotherman here, have two
In effetti, no fratello, prendine due
Two dollars means a snack for me
Due dollari significano uno spuntino per me
But it means a big deal to you
Ma per te significa molto di più
Be strong, serve God only
Sii forte, servi solo Dio
Know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
Sappi che se lo fai, ti aspetta un bellissimo paradiso
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
Questa è la poesia che ho scritto per la prima volta
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
Ho visto un uomo senza vestiti, senza soldi, senza piatto
Mr. Wendal, that's his name
Signor Wendal, questo è il suo nome
No one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Nessuno ha mai saputo il suo nome perché è un nessuno
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum
Non ho mai pensato due volte a spendere per un vecchio barbone
Until I had the chance to really get to know one
Fino a quando ho avuto l'opportunità di conoscerne davvero uno
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
Ora che lo conosco, dargli soldi non è carità
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
Lui mi dà un po' di conoscenza, io gli compro delle scarpe
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges
E pensare che i neri spendono tutti quei soldi per le grandi università
Still most of y'all come out confused
Eppure la maggior parte di voi esce confusa
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Vai avanti, signor Wendal
Mr. Wendal has freedom
Il signor Wendal ha la libertà
A free that you and I think is dumb
Una libertà che tu e io pensiamo sia stupida
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
Libero di essere senza le preoccupazioni di una società pronta a disprezzare
For Mr. Wendal's a bum
Perché il signor Wendal è un barbone
His only worries are sickness
Le sue uniche preoccupazioni sono la malattia
And an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
E un occasionale molestie da parte della polizia e la loro caccia
Uncivilized we call him
Lo chiamiamo incivile
But I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Ma l'ho appena visto mangiare il cibo che noi sprechiamo
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no
Civilizzazione, siamo davvero civili, sì o no
Who are we to judge
Chi siamo noi per giudicare
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
Quando migliaia di uomini innocenti potrebbero essere brutalmente schiavizzati
And killed over a racist grudge
E uccisi per un rancore razzista
Mr. Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
Il signor Wendal ha cercato di avvertirci sul nostro comportamento
But we don't hear him talk
Ma non lo sentiamo parlare
Is it his fault when we've gone too far
È colpa sua quando siamo andati troppo oltre
And we got too far, cause on him we walk
E siamo andati troppo oltre, perché su di lui camminiamo
Mr. Wendal, a man, a human in flesh
Signor Wendal, un uomo, un essere umano in carne e ossa
But not by law
Ma non per legge
I feed you dignity to stand with pride
Ti nutro di dignità per stare in piedi con orgoglio
Realize that all in all you stand tall
Capisci che in tutto e per tutto sei grande
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Vai avanti, signor Wendal
Mr. Wendal, yeah
Signor Wendal, sì
Lord, Mr. Wendal
Signore, signor Wendal
Here, have a dollar
Di sini, ambil satu dolar
In fact, no brotherman here, have two
Sebenarnya, tidak, saudaraku di sini, ambil dua
Two dollars means a snack for me
Dua dolar berarti makanan ringan untukku
But it means a big deal to you
Tapi itu berarti banyak bagimu
Be strong, serve God only
Kuatlah, hanya layani Tuhan
Know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
Ketahuilah bahwa jika kamu melakukannya, surga yang indah menunggu
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
Itulah puisi yang saya tulis untuk pertama kalinya
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
Saya melihat seorang pria tanpa pakaian, tanpa uang, tanpa piring
Mr. Wendal, that's his name
Pak Wendal, itu namanya
No one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Tak seorang pun yang tahu namanya karena dia bukan siapa-siapa
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum
Tidak pernah berpikir dua kali tentang menghabiskan uang pada pengemis tua
Until I had the chance to really get to know one
Sampai saya memiliki kesempatan untuk benar-benar mengenal satu
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
Sekarang saya mengenalnya, memberinya uang bukanlah amal
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
Dia memberi saya pengetahuan, saya membelinya sepatu
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges
Dan berpikir orang kulit hitam menghabiskan semua uang itu pada perguruan tinggi besar
Still most of y'all come out confused
Masih sebagian besar dari kalian keluar bingung
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Silakan, Pak Wendal
Mr. Wendal has freedom
Pak Wendal memiliki kebebasan
A free that you and I think is dumb
Kebebasan yang kamu dan saya pikir bodoh
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
Bebas untuk hidup tanpa kekhawatiran masyarakat yang cepat mengejek
For Mr. Wendal's a bum
Karena Pak Wendal adalah pengemis
His only worries are sickness
Satu-satunya kekhawatirannya adalah sakit
And an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
Dan sesekali pelecehan oleh polisi dan pengejaran mereka
Uncivilized we call him
Kami menyebutnya tidak beradab
But I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Tapi saya baru saja melihatnya makan dari makanan yang kita buang
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no
Peradaban, apakah kita benar-benar beradab, ya atau tidak
Who are we to judge
Siapa kita untuk menilai
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
Ketika ribuan pria tak berdosa bisa diperbudak secara brutal
And killed over a racist grudge
Dan dibunuh karena dendam rasial
Mr. Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
Pak Wendal telah mencoba memperingatkan kita tentang cara kita
But we don't hear him talk
Tapi kita tidak mendengarnya berbicara
Is it his fault when we've gone too far
Apakah ini salahnya ketika kita sudah terlalu jauh
And we got too far, cause on him we walk
Dan kita sudah terlalu jauh, karena kita menginjaknya
Mr. Wendal, a man, a human in flesh
Pak Wendal, seorang pria, manusia dalam daging
But not by law
Tapi bukan menurut hukum
I feed you dignity to stand with pride
Saya memberi Anda martabat untuk berdiri dengan bangga
Realize that all in all you stand tall
Sadari bahwa secara keseluruhan Anda berdiri tegak
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Silakan, Pak Wendal
Mr. Wendal, yeah
Pak Wendal, ya
Lord, Mr. Wendal
Tuhan, Pak Wendal
Here, have a dollar
นี่ครับ รับเหรียญดอลลาร์
In fact, no brotherman here, have two
แต่ไม่ ครับ รับสองเหรียญดอลลาร์ไปเถอะ
Two dollars means a snack for me
But it means a big deal to you
Be strong, serve God only
เป็นแข็งแรง บริการเพียงพระเจ้า
Know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
รู้ว่าถ้าคุณทำ สวรรค์ที่สวยงามรอคอย
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
ฉันเห็นชายคนหนึ่งไม่มีเสื้อผ้า ไม่มีเงิน ไม่มีจาน
Mr. Wendal, that's his name
นายเวนดัล นั่นคือชื่อของเขา
No one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum
Until I had the chance to really get to know one
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
ตอนนี้ที่ฉันรู้จักเขา การให้เขาเงินไม่ใช่การทำบุญ
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
เขาให้ฉันความรู้ ฉันซื้อรองเท้าให้เขา
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges
Still most of y'all come out confused
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
ไปเถอะ นายเวนดัล
Mr. Wendal has freedom
A free that you and I think is dumb
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
For Mr. Wendal's a bum
His only worries are sickness
And an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
Uncivilized we call him
But I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no
วัฒนธรรม เราจริงๆ มีวัฒนธรรมหรือไม่
Who are we to judge
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
And killed over a racist grudge
Mr. Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
But we don't hear him talk
Is it his fault when we've gone too far
And we got too far, cause on him we walk
และเราไปไกลเกินไป เพราะเราเดินบนเขา
Mr. Wendal, a man, a human in flesh
นายเวนดัล คือคน คือมนุษย์ที่มีเนื้อเป็นเนื้อ
But not by law
I feed you dignity to stand with pride
Realize that all in all you stand tall
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
ไปเถอะ นายเวนดัล
Mr. Wendal, yeah
นายเวนดัล ใช่
Lord, Mr. Wendal
พระเจ้า นายเวนดัล
Here, have a dollar
In fact, no brotherman here, have two
Two dollars means a snack for me
But it means a big deal to you
Be strong, serve God only
Know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
Mr. Wendal, that's his name
No one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum
Until I had the chance to really get to know one
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges
Still most of y'all come out confused
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Mr. Wendal has freedom
A free that you and I think is dumb
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
For Mr. Wendal's a bum
His only worries are sickness
And an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
Uncivilized we call him
But I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no
Who are we to judge
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
And killed over a racist grudge
Mr. Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
But we don't hear him talk
Is it his fault when we've gone too far
And we got too far, cause on him we walk
Mr. Wendal, a man, a human in flesh
But not by law
I feed you dignity to stand with pride
Realize that all in all you stand tall
Go ahead, Mr. Wendal
Mr. Wendal, yeah
Lord, Mr. Wendal

Curiosidades sobre la música Mr. Wendal del Arrested Development

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Mr. Wendal” por Arrested Development?
Arrested Development lanzó la canción en los álbumes “3 Years, 5 Months & 2 Days In The Life Of...” en 1992, “3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days in the Life Of...” en 1992, “Unplugged” en 1993 y “Extended Revolution” en 2003.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Mr. Wendal” de Arrested Development?
La canción “Mr. Wendal” de Arrested Development fue compuesta por TODD THOMAS, TODD A. THOMAS.

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