Dead Doctrine Command
Connections in predetermined methodology
Arriving at a foregone conclusion
The gospel of evoking solutions
Contradictory input of apology
Psychotic reinforcement, paradox explained
Avoid the undoing of dead doctrine belief
Realization aiming for the heart
Interpretation through new neural pathways
Unmotivated errors of patternicity
Mesmerized by the way the numbers fall
Complex pattern-recognition and projection
Exploring possibilities in rapid sequences
Conclusion drawn, patterns in the chaos
Superstition run amok, obstructive in the end
Realization aiming for the heart
Interpretation through new neural pathways
Unmotivated errors of patternicity
Mesmerized by the way the numbers fall
Dead doctrine command, testimony damned
Dead doctrine command, obediance at hand
Assumption of truth, overemphasizing data, confirming the hypothesis
Disproportionate conclusion, falling prey to bias, unconscious distortions
Contrary evidence ignored, submit to the static
Concepts of meaning within randomness
Occuring tendencies throughout culture
Unmotivated errors of patternicity
Mesmerized by the way the numbers fall
Dead doctrine command, testimony damned
Dead doctrine command, obediance at hand