Love Nest

(Mid-afternoon: the main bedroom
In Stephen Ward's
House in Wimpole Mews cHRISTINE
Lies in bed between the sheets
JACK PROFUMO is dressing)

We should get a little flat
Somewhere we could call our own
We deserve a hideaway
Some place we can be alone

I know someone I can phone
Who'll start working right away
He knows Knightsbridge back to front
I'll get on to him today

He will find a pied-à-terre
In a quiet, private square
A romantic secret lair to continue our aff

Thanks, but no i'm eighteen
There's a world out there
That I've never seen i'm too young
I can't let you lock me away why do men
Always feel they can tie you down
With this mistress spiel
I don't want to become a walking cliché

Freedom means the world to me
I'm really sorry, Jack
I just have to be free

You'd still be free as a bird
I would never cramp your style
You could go your own sweet way
I'd come by once in a while

I'm sure you mean what you say
I'm really sorry, Jack
It never works that way

(She gets out of bed
Throws her arms around him and
Pecks him on the cheek)

Got time for a cup of tea before you go?
(STEPHEN WARD steps forward to
Address the audience)

And so, after a quite short
Relationship - exciting for him
And pretty run-of-the-mill for Christine
- they parted company
With nothing to give anyone the slightest
Hint that the two of them
Had just enjoyed one of the most
Notorious affairs of the century

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