Lost Souls/Marian Sees the Sketch/Marian Finds Hartright

(The next day, late afternoon we are in
A populous and dirty street of London
Near Holborn a
Street of rotten tenements people
Mill to and fro
Poverty-stricken and malnourished people
Washer women, beggars
Children an organ grinder plays)

Lost souls all of us searching
Never finding what we are seeking

(Suddenly we see Marian in the
Midst of the teeming
Crowds she looks lost and unsure of herself)

All hope long ago buried
Here in London in a sea of strangers

We're prisoners in darkness
Rats in a cage with anger
And hunger to fuel our rage
More of the same each bloody day
Best you should stay out of our way
We drink to let go of
The life that we know it's hopeless
We're caught in the undertow
Drowning in gin each endless night
Endlessly spoiling for a fight

(Marian tries to stop a
Passing woman the woman
Laughs at her, moves on during the next
Another woman points her in the
Right direction and she
Travels towards the first pub
Marian arrives in the
First bar a seedy cavernous place
That has only a
Few stragglers in it she approaches a man)

Can you help me?
There's a man I'm searching for

(She approaches yet more customers
Who all rebuff her)

Can you help me walter Hartright
Is the name

(She is driven to the second
Bar during the next)

Questions all without answers
And our business is to forget them
Lost souls all of us searching
Here in London in a sea of strangers

We're here to let go of
Our worries fill your bitter cup
No need to look forward
Or backwards only bottoms up!

(She arrives in the second bar
This is slightly livelier
But no less forbidding she
Approaches another stranger)

Please, sir, help me?
There's a man that I must find
Can you help me walter Hartright
Is his name

(Another man who is sitting at the back
Overhears her and steps forward he takes
Her by the arm and during the next
Whisks her to the last pub)

Hartright did you say Walter Hartright?
Yes, I know him i'll take you to him
I know him
I'll take you to where he will be
Delighted to help you believe you me
(They arrive at bar three a heaving, loud
Riotous place that immediately shocks Marian
During the next the
Conman pushes her into the
Crowd and people grab
At her and steal things from her
Assault her and push her to the floor she
Is thoroughly humiliated and out
Of her depth)

Here among the missing
A city with no answers
We're looking for salvation
In endless desperation
With gin to dull our senses
And chase away our demons
And though we'll never find it
We drink until we're blinded

Lost souls all of us searching
Never finding what we are seeking
All hope long ago buried
Here in London in a sea of strangers

(At the same time some of the crowd sing)

Lost souls all of us searching
Never finding what we are seeking
All hope long ago buried
Here in London in a sea of strangers

(A necklace of Marian's has
Been stolen by the
Crowd the conman laughs Marian struggles free
And escapes to the alleyway, where she sinks
Down, utterly forlorn degraded and alone
She starts to cry she rests
Her head against the pavement
The sun starts to rise on a new day)

(She walks forlornly along the streets
Suddenly she sees the
Pawnbroker's shop there is Laura's
Portrait she stops
Her heart in her mouth she enters the shop)

How did you get that picture?!
I need to know who brought it
Was it Walter Hartright?
I must find him, you must help me!

The subject is my sister
I can't believe I found it

(The pawnbroker takes his ledger
Down, looks through it, finds the address)

I'll redeem it take this bag!

It's not enough!

Then take this coat
I have got to find the owner!
You must tell me where he's living!

(He gives her an address)

I wouldn't be too hopeful
It might be a false address

(The pawnbroker takes the portrait down
Gives it to her
She exit's she has an address in one hand
The portrait in another marian moves
Off with new resolve)

(Marian arrives at the address it looks like
A house of ill-repute she knocks no-one
Comes to the door then as luck
Would have it, a young girl
Who looks like a prostitute arrives back
With a client she is wearing
A low-cut red dress
Marian and the girl lock eyes for a
Moment before Marian looks away
Faintly embarrassed the girl
Opens the door and before it closes
Marian follows her in she
Finds Hartright's lodgings
She opens the door on a squalid
Bedsit there is no sign of life
A makeshift bed empty bottles and
Detritus but no Hartright marian
Sinks down in
Despair a desolate pause and then
We see Hartright arrive home he is
Nursing a half-drunk bottle of gin)

Have you no mercy? Why are you haunting me?
How can you show your face?

(She goes to hand him the portrait)

I redeemed your pledge!

And take that picture i cannot bear to look
You spoke the truth
That she was never mine to keep

How do I tell you i have such awful news

That story's everywhere:
The tragic passing of Lady Laura Glyde!

I know they killed her!
Although I have no proof glyde and Fosco
How can we let them get away?
There is no justice while they're free
You've got to help me
I've nowhere else to turn

(Hartright turns away from her she puts
The picture on the easel)

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