If I Could Only Dream This World Away/Marian on the Ledge/Marian’s Bedroom

(Blackwater House laura's bedroom
Later the same night laura is still very
Distressed at the night's occurrences she
Is in her white nightgown
Sitting alone on her bed)

If I could only dream this world away
I'd awake in your arms
If I could keep this bitter life at bay
Wide awake in your arms

The vow that keeps me from you i cannot undo
I'm lost
Lost in a fantasy that can't come true

If I could only dream this world away
I'd awake in your arms
I long to sleep forever dreaming of only you
I'm lost
How many nights like this can I go through
(Marian enters laura jumps her
Nerves are on edge)

Oh Laura‚ I'm sorry‚ I didn't
Mean to startle you

Oh‚ you look so pale

What are they doing?

They've retired to the library

Stay here with me!

We can't just wait like victims
I'll find out what they're up to

I'm so frightened please don't leave me!

We must know what their next move is
Laura, they don't scare me!
Hugh, now‚ go to sleep
(Laura kneels beside her bed marian exit's)

Scene: "Marian on the Ledge"

(The storm that was rumbling in the distance
At the end of act one has
Come much closer blackwater House we see
The facade of the house with
A ledge under the first floor windows and
On the ground level french windows
Leading to the study fosco is in
The garden feeding his mouse)

Feast, my friend enjoy your little dinner
And pay attention now you little dickens
This is where the story will get interesting
As we Italians say
"The plot‚ she thickens"

(He enters the house at the same time as
Marian appears out on the ledge she starts
To walk along the ledge it is narrow and
Perilous marian arrives outside
The library window
From here she can hear what
The men are saying)

(Glyde hands Fosco a brandy
During the next section
The two play billiards)

To our little game i propose a toast

Well, we haven't won
It's too soon to boast
There's a lot at stake

It's a large amount

Twenty thousand plus in her bank account
She will never sign
What could twist her arm?

Here's a novel thought
You could try some charm

I was not cut out for a diplomat

There are other ways one can skin a cat
We just need a new plan

But I want the money now!

Let me think, my friend
There's always a solution just be patient -
You're a hard one to convince
And the elegance is in the execution
We can have our cake
And not leave fingerprints

But I

I think both of us could use a shot of brandy
Wait another course of
Action's coming clear!
We'll persuade her to do
Anything we ask her-

(Outside, there is a loud crack of
Thunder that obscures what Fosco says)

-and the problem disappears

(Marian inadvertently reacts
Frustrated at not having heard
What they are plotting)

What was that?


(Fosco peers out the rain
Has started to fall)

It was just the rain

What the devil do we do about Anne Catherick?
Just the thought of her could
Drive this man to drink

I've a most obscure location we can put her-

(Once again the sound of thunder
Obscures what Fosco is saying)

-perfect, don't you think?

She'll be on my mind
Till she's out of sight

(Fosco finds a sheet of paper and takes
Out a pen he starts to write)

She'll be locked away by the morning light

Well, the woman's mad

(Fosco signs the paper with a flourish
And shows it to Glyde)

Which I'll certify on my doctor's oath
And I never lie!

Keep those papers safe under lock and key

At my London home they'll be safe with me

Don't forget my wife

She's a thorn, it's true

(Suddenly, with gusto)


Oh, God i'm good!

I know what we'll do what we do is-

(Outside Marian looses her footing the
Men both hear it)

That wasn't the rain!

(Fosco runs to the window
Looks out marian desperately tries
To clamber back)

Who is it?

I couldn't see but I have a pretty good idea

Miss Halcombe little minx!

My wife's sister, good God
What did she hear?! If this plan
Doesn't work, I'll be sunk, man
I will be bankrupt, i will lose this house-

Glyde, Glyde! Calma, calma! Leave this to me

(Fosco calmly empties brandy from a
Hip flask into a glass
Then he takes out a small
Vial from his doctor's
Bag and pours powder from it
Into the brandy and
Then pours the doctored brandy
Back into the flask)

We have simply got to
Build a better mousetrap
We will not emerge the victor as it stands
Though we'll do whatever dire is required
I prefer to have them eating from our hands

(Fosco exit's
Walks upstairs to Marian's room)

Scene: "Marian's Bedroom"

(Marian is wet and shivering in her
Room she is in shock, unsure
What to do fosco knocks and
Before waiting for an answer, enters)

I thought I'd come to see
How you are feeling

(evasive, mock cheerful)
I was caught out in a sudden shower

(mock hurt)
I thought, for a promenade, you'd come to me
And why go out at this ungodly hour?
My dear
You're dripping wet and shivering with fever
I can guarantee that this will help you sleep

(He takes out the hip flask
And pours her a brandy)

Oh, no, really! I feel, I feel fine!

Do be a good girl drink this down
I'll have the servants change your gown

No, thank you

(He hands her the brandy)

I am the doctor i know best

(She drinks)

And I prescribe a good night's rest

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