Buenos Aires - 562725

What's new, Buenos Aires? I'm new
I wanna say I'm just a little stuck on you
You'll be on me, too

I get out here, Buenos Aires stand back
You oughta know what you're gonna get in me
Just a little touch of star quality

Put me up with your heat, with your noise
With your dirt, overdo me
Let me dance to your beat make it loud
Let it hurt run it through me

Don't hold back you are certain to impress
Tell the driver this is where I'm staying

Hello, Buenos Aires get this
Just look at me dressed up somewhere to go
We'll put on a show

Take me in at your flood, give me speed
Give me lights, set me humming
Shoot me up with your blood
Wind me up with your nights, watch me coming

All I want is a whole lot of excess
Tell the singer this is where I'm playing
Stand back, Buenos Aires
Because you ought know what you're
Gonna get in me
Just a little touch of star quality

And if ever I go too far
It's because of the things you are
Beautiful town I love you
And if I need a moment's rest
Give your lover my very best
Real eiderdown and silence

What makes the city hum? Who gives it life?
The descamisados, the shirtless ones
The laborers, the butchers, the dockers
The shuffling workers
In the stockyard, in the factories
And on the treadmill
Do these people have ambitions, views
Opinions? They will soon

Don't you just love the
Smack of firm government?
We all appreciate the
Invaluable support, order
And purpose provided by the
Military to our constitution
It will soon be time for the
Military to be our constitution, say some
Notably, the military

The gathering at the polo ground glitters
The Bentleys, the hampers from Harrods
The diamonds, the clothes
The procession of nannies from
England and France
Who on earth, or in Argentina
Would want to pull the rug out
From under the polished feet of la
Creme of Buenos Aires society?

You're a tramp, you're a treat
You will shine to the death you are shoddy
But you are flesh you are meat
You shall have every breath in my body

Put me down for a lifetime of success
Give me credit I'll find ways of paying

Rio de la Plata
Florida, Corrientes nueve de Julio
All I want to know

Stand back, Buenos Aires
Because you oughta know what you're
Gonna get in me just a little touch of
Just a little touch of
Just a little touch of star quality

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