Your Worth

Anderson Freire / Paola Souza / Patrick Souza

I cannot see deeper than what meets the eye
I can only wonder what you bring inside
All the beauty that is hidden
Deep within your heart

I can only marvel at the sight of gold
But through your life I'm led to praise the king of all
Your soul is a precious gift
That will never age with time

Sin has been defeated by the work Christ
The God work he began He'll finish in your life
It's not about the things you did or left undone
He chose you from the start, you're precious in his sight
Your Worth is not determined by the things you own
Or your abilities and the things you can do
The remains a mistery between God and you

Your life is a reflection
Of the beauty and image of the Lord
And through the world may tell you that you're not enough
God has demonstrated all His love for you, there at the cross

Your Worth is found in God
You are more precious than the treasure of Ophir
You've come too far to give up now, lift your head up
God is always there, always by your side
Every time you feel like giving up

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