
Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth

Letra Traducción

Something so benign for me construed as cruelty
Such a difference between who I am and who you see

Conclusions you come to of me routinely incorrect
I don't know who you're talking to with such fucking disrespect

This shit's making me crazy
The way you nullify what's in my head
You say one thing, do another
And argue that's not what you did
Your way's making me mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
I swear you won't be happy 'til
I'm bound in a straight jacket

Talking with you's like talking to a sieve that can't hear me
You fight me tooth and nail to disavow what's happening

Your resistance to a mirror I feel screaming from your body
One day I'll introduce myself and you'll see you've not yet met me

This shit's making me crazy
The way you nullify what's in my head
You say one thing, do another
And argue that's not what you did
Your way's making me mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
I swear you won't be happy til
I'm bound in a straight jacket

Grand dissonance
The strings of my puppet are cut
The end of an era
Your discrediting's lost my consent

This shit's making me crazy
The way you nullify what's in my head
You say one thing, do another
And argue that's not what you did
Your way's making me mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
I swear you won't be happy til
I'm bound in a straight jacket

Something so benign for me construed as cruelty
Algo tan benigno para mí interpretado como crueldad
Such a difference between who I am and who you see
Tanta diferencia entre quién soy y quién ves
Conclusions you come to of me routinely incorrect
Las conclusiones a las que llegas sobre mí son rutinariamente incorrectas
I don't know who you're talking to with such fucking disrespect
No sé a quién estás hablando con tanto maldito desprecio
This shit's making me crazy
Esta mierda me está volviendo loco
The way you nullify what's in my head
La forma en que anulas lo que está en mi cabeza
You say one thing, do another
Dices una cosa, haces otra
And argue that's not what you did
Y discutes que eso no es lo que hiciste
Your way's making me mental
Tu forma me está volviendo mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
Cómo filtras una interpretación sesgada
I swear you won't be happy 'til
Juro que no estarás feliz hasta que
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Esté atado en una camisa de fuerza
Talking with you's like talking to a sieve that can't hear me
Hablar contigo es como hablar con un colador que no puede oírme
You fight me tooth and nail to disavow what's happening
Luchas con uñas y dientes para desmentir lo que está sucediendo
Your resistance to a mirror I feel screaming from your body
Tu resistencia a un espejo que siento gritar desde tu cuerpo
One day I'll introduce myself and you'll see you've not yet met me
Un día me presentaré y verás que aún no me has conocido
This shit's making me crazy
Esta mierda me está volviendo loco
The way you nullify what's in my head
La forma en que anulas lo que está en mi cabeza
You say one thing, do another
Dices una cosa, haces otra
And argue that's not what you did
Y discutes que eso no es lo que hiciste
Your way's making me mental
Tu forma me está volviendo mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
Cómo filtras una interpretación sesgada
I swear you won't be happy til
Juro que no estarás feliz hasta que
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Esté atado en una camisa de fuerza
Grand dissonance
Gran disonancia
The strings of my puppet are cut
Las cuerdas de mi marioneta están cortadas
The end of an era
El fin de una era
Your discrediting's lost my consent
Tu descrédito ha perdido mi consentimiento
This shit's making me crazy
Esta mierda me está volviendo loco
The way you nullify what's in my head
La forma en que anulas lo que está en mi cabeza
You say one thing, do another
Dices una cosa, haces otra
And argue that's not what you did
Y discutes que eso no es lo que hiciste
Your way's making me mental
Tu forma me está volviendo mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
Cómo filtras una interpretación sesgada
I swear you won't be happy til
Juro que no estarás feliz hasta que
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Esté atado en una camisa de fuerza
Something so benign for me construed as cruelty
Algo tão benigno para mim interpretado como crueldade
Such a difference between who I am and who you see
Tanta diferença entre quem eu sou e quem você vê
Conclusions you come to of me routinely incorrect
As conclusões que você tira de mim rotineiramente incorretas
I don't know who you're talking to with such fucking disrespect
Não sei com quem você está falando com tanto desrespeito
This shit's making me crazy
Essa merda está me deixando louco
The way you nullify what's in my head
A maneira como você anula o que está na minha cabeça
You say one thing, do another
Você diz uma coisa, faz outra
And argue that's not what you did
E argumenta que não foi isso que você fez
Your way's making me mental
Seu jeito está me deixando mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
Como você filtra uma interpretação distorcida
I swear you won't be happy 'til
Juro que você não ficará feliz até
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Eu estou amarrado em uma camisa de força
Talking with you's like talking to a sieve that can't hear me
Falar com você é como falar com uma peneira que não pode me ouvir
You fight me tooth and nail to disavow what's happening
Você luta com unhas e dentes para desacreditar o que está acontecendo
Your resistance to a mirror I feel screaming from your body
Sua resistência a um espelho que sinto gritando do seu corpo
One day I'll introduce myself and you'll see you've not yet met me
Um dia eu vou me apresentar e você verá que ainda não me conheceu
This shit's making me crazy
Essa merda está me deixando louco
The way you nullify what's in my head
A maneira como você anula o que está na minha cabeça
You say one thing, do another
Você diz uma coisa, faz outra
And argue that's not what you did
E argumenta que não foi isso que você fez
Your way's making me mental
Seu jeito está me deixando mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
Como você filtra uma interpretação distorcida
I swear you won't be happy til
Juro que você não ficará feliz até
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Eu estou amarrado em uma camisa de força
Grand dissonance
Grande dissonância
The strings of my puppet are cut
As cordas do meu fantoche são cortadas
The end of an era
O fim de uma era
Your discrediting's lost my consent
Sua descredibilidade perdeu meu consentimento
This shit's making me crazy
Essa merda está me deixando louco
The way you nullify what's in my head
A maneira como você anula o que está na minha cabeça
You say one thing, do another
Você diz uma coisa, faz outra
And argue that's not what you did
E argumenta que não foi isso que você fez
Your way's making me mental
Seu jeito está me deixando mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
Como você filtra uma interpretação distorcida
I swear you won't be happy til
Juro que você não ficará feliz até
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Eu estou amarrado em uma camisa de força
Something so benign for me construed as cruelty
Quelque chose de si bénin pour moi interprété comme de la cruauté
Such a difference between who I am and who you see
Une telle différence entre qui je suis et qui tu vois
Conclusions you come to of me routinely incorrect
Les conclusions auxquelles tu arrives sur moi sont régulièrement incorrectes
I don't know who you're talking to with such fucking disrespect
Je ne sais pas à qui tu parles avec un tel putain de manque de respect
This shit's making me crazy
Cette merde me rend fou
The way you nullify what's in my head
La façon dont tu annules ce qui est dans ma tête
You say one thing, do another
Tu dis une chose, tu en fais une autre
And argue that's not what you did
Et tu argumentes que ce n'est pas ce que tu as fait
Your way's making me mental
Ta façon me rend dingue
How you filter a skewed interpret
Comment tu filtres une interprétation biaisée
I swear you won't be happy 'til
Je jure que tu ne seras pas heureux jusqu'à ce que
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Je sois enfermé dans une camisole de force
Talking with you's like talking to a sieve that can't hear me
Parler avec toi c'est comme parler à une passoire qui ne peut pas m'entendre
You fight me tooth and nail to disavow what's happening
Tu me combats bec et ongles pour désavouer ce qui se passe
Your resistance to a mirror I feel screaming from your body
Ta résistance à un miroir que je sens crier de ton corps
One day I'll introduce myself and you'll see you've not yet met me
Un jour je me présenterai et tu verras que tu ne m'as pas encore rencontré
This shit's making me crazy
Cette merde me rend fou
The way you nullify what's in my head
La façon dont tu annules ce qui est dans ma tête
You say one thing, do another
Tu dis une chose, tu en fais une autre
And argue that's not what you did
Et tu argumentes que ce n'est pas ce que tu as fait
Your way's making me mental
Ta façon me rend dingue
How you filter a skewed interpret
Comment tu filtres une interprétation biaisée
I swear you won't be happy til
Je jure que tu ne seras pas heureux jusqu'à ce que
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Je sois enfermé dans une camisole de force
Grand dissonance
Grande dissonance
The strings of my puppet are cut
Les cordes de ma marionnette sont coupées
The end of an era
La fin d'une ère
Your discrediting's lost my consent
Ton discrédit a perdu mon consentement
This shit's making me crazy
Cette merde me rend fou
The way you nullify what's in my head
La façon dont tu annules ce qui est dans ma tête
You say one thing, do another
Tu dis une chose, tu en fais une autre
And argue that's not what you did
Et tu argumentes que ce n'est pas ce que tu as fait
Your way's making me mental
Ta façon me rend dingue
How you filter a skewed interpret
Comment tu filtres une interprétation biaisée
I swear you won't be happy til
Je jure que tu ne seras pas heureux jusqu'à ce que
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Je sois enfermé dans une camisole de force
Something so benign for me construed as cruelty
Etwas so Harmloses für mich als Grausamkeit ausgelegt
Such a difference between who I am and who you see
Ein solcher Unterschied zwischen dem, wer ich bin und wer du siehst
Conclusions you come to of me routinely incorrect
Die Schlussfolgerungen, die du über mich ziehst, sind routinemäßig falsch
I don't know who you're talking to with such fucking disrespect
Ich weiß nicht, mit wem du mit solch verdammt respektlosem Ton sprichst
This shit's making me crazy
Dieser Scheiß macht mich verrückt
The way you nullify what's in my head
Die Art und Weise, wie du das in meinem Kopf negierst
You say one thing, do another
Du sagst eine Sache, tust eine andere
And argue that's not what you did
Und behauptest, das hättest du nicht getan
Your way's making me mental
Deine Art macht mich geisteskrank
How you filter a skewed interpret
Wie du eine verzerrte Interpretation filterst
I swear you won't be happy 'til
Ich schwöre, du wirst nicht glücklich sein, bis
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Ich in eine Zwangsjacke gesteckt bin
Talking with you's like talking to a sieve that can't hear me
Mit dir zu reden ist wie mit einem Sieb zu reden, das mich nicht hören kann
You fight me tooth and nail to disavow what's happening
Du kämpfst mit Zähnen und Klauen, um zu leugnen, was passiert
Your resistance to a mirror I feel screaming from your body
Dein Widerstand gegen einen Spiegel, den ich aus deinem Körper schreien höre
One day I'll introduce myself and you'll see you've not yet met me
Eines Tages werde ich mich vorstellen und du wirst sehen, dass du mich noch nicht getroffen hast
This shit's making me crazy
Dieser Scheiß macht mich verrückt
The way you nullify what's in my head
Die Art und Weise, wie du das in meinem Kopf negierst
You say one thing, do another
Du sagst eine Sache, tust eine andere
And argue that's not what you did
Und behauptest, das hättest du nicht getan
Your way's making me mental
Deine Art macht mich geisteskrank
How you filter a skewed interpret
Wie du eine verzerrte Interpretation filterst
I swear you won't be happy til
Ich schwöre, du wirst nicht glücklich sein, bis
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Ich in eine Zwangsjacke gesteckt bin
Grand dissonance
Große Dissonanz
The strings of my puppet are cut
Die Fäden meiner Marionette sind durchgeschnitten
The end of an era
Das Ende einer Ära
Your discrediting's lost my consent
Deine Diskreditierung hat meine Zustimmung verloren
This shit's making me crazy
Dieser Scheiß macht mich verrückt
The way you nullify what's in my head
Die Art und Weise, wie du das in meinem Kopf negierst
You say one thing, do another
Du sagst eine Sache, tust eine andere
And argue that's not what you did
Und behauptest, das hättest du nicht getan
Your way's making me mental
Deine Art macht mich geisteskrank
How you filter a skewed interpret
Wie du eine verzerrte Interpretation filterst
I swear you won't be happy til
Ich schwöre, du wirst nicht glücklich sein, bis
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Ich in eine Zwangsjacke gesteckt bin
Something so benign for me construed as cruelty
Qualcosa di così benigno per me interpretato come crudeltà
Such a difference between who I am and who you see
Una tale differenza tra chi sono io e chi vedi tu
Conclusions you come to of me routinely incorrect
Le conclusioni a cui arrivi su di me sono regolarmente sbagliate
I don't know who you're talking to with such fucking disrespect
Non so con chi stai parlando con un tale fottuto disprezzo
This shit's making me crazy
Questa merda mi sta facendo impazzire
The way you nullify what's in my head
Il modo in cui annulli ciò che c'è nella mia testa
You say one thing, do another
Dici una cosa, ne fai un'altra
And argue that's not what you did
E sostieni che non è quello che hai fatto
Your way's making me mental
Il tuo modo mi sta facendo impazzire
How you filter a skewed interpret
Come filtri un'interpretazione distorta
I swear you won't be happy 'til
Giuro che non sarai felice fino a quando
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Non sarò legato in una camicia di forza
Talking with you's like talking to a sieve that can't hear me
Parlare con te è come parlare con un setaccio che non mi sente
You fight me tooth and nail to disavow what's happening
Mi combatti con unghie e denti per disconoscere ciò che sta succedendo
Your resistance to a mirror I feel screaming from your body
La tua resistenza a uno specchio la sento urlare dal tuo corpo
One day I'll introduce myself and you'll see you've not yet met me
Un giorno mi presenterò e vedrai che non mi hai ancora incontrato
This shit's making me crazy
Questa merda mi sta facendo impazzire
The way you nullify what's in my head
Il modo in cui annulli ciò che c'è nella mia testa
You say one thing, do another
Dici una cosa, ne fai un'altra
And argue that's not what you did
E sostieni che non è quello che hai fatto
Your way's making me mental
Il tuo modo mi sta facendo impazzire
How you filter a skewed interpret
Come filtri un'interpretazione distorta
I swear you won't be happy til
Giuro che non sarai felice fino a quando
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Non sarò legato in una camicia di forza
Grand dissonance
Grande dissonanza
The strings of my puppet are cut
I fili del mio burattino sono tagliati
The end of an era
La fine di un'era
Your discrediting's lost my consent
Il tuo screditamento ha perso il mio consenso
This shit's making me crazy
Questa merda mi sta facendo impazzire
The way you nullify what's in my head
Il modo in cui annulli ciò che c'è nella mia testa
You say one thing, do another
Dici una cosa, ne fai un'altra
And argue that's not what you did
E sostieni che non è quello che hai fatto
Your way's making me mental
Il tuo modo mi sta facendo impazzire
How you filter a skewed interpret
Come filtri un'interpretazione distorta
I swear you won't be happy til
Giuro che non sarai felice fino a quando
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Non sarò legato in una camicia di forza
Something so benign for me construed as cruelty
Sesuatu yang begitu jinak bagi saya ditafsirkan sebagai kekejaman
Such a difference between who I am and who you see
Begitu banyak perbedaan antara siapa saya dan siapa yang Anda lihat
Conclusions you come to of me routinely incorrect
Kesimpulan yang Anda ambil tentang saya rutin salah
I don't know who you're talking to with such fucking disrespect
Saya tidak tahu dengan siapa Anda berbicara dengan penghinaan seperti itu
This shit's making me crazy
Hal ini membuat saya gila
The way you nullify what's in my head
Cara Anda mengabaikan apa yang ada di kepala saya
You say one thing, do another
Anda mengatakan satu hal, melakukan yang lain
And argue that's not what you did
Dan berdebat bahwa itu bukan yang Anda lakukan
Your way's making me mental
Cara Anda membuat saya stres
How you filter a skewed interpret
Bagaimana Anda menyaring interpretasi yang miring
I swear you won't be happy 'til
Saya bersumpah Anda tidak akan bahagia sampai
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Saya terikat dalam jaket lurus
Talking with you's like talking to a sieve that can't hear me
Berbicara dengan Anda seperti berbicara dengan saringan yang tidak bisa mendengar saya
You fight me tooth and nail to disavow what's happening
Anda melawan saya gigi dan kuku untuk menyangkal apa yang terjadi
Your resistance to a mirror I feel screaming from your body
Penolakan Anda terhadap cermin saya merasa berteriak dari tubuh Anda
One day I'll introduce myself and you'll see you've not yet met me
Suatu hari nanti saya akan memperkenalkan diri dan Anda akan melihat Anda belum pernah bertemu dengan saya
This shit's making me crazy
Hal ini membuat saya gila
The way you nullify what's in my head
Cara Anda mengabaikan apa yang ada di kepala saya
You say one thing, do another
Anda mengatakan satu hal, melakukan yang lain
And argue that's not what you did
Dan berdebat bahwa itu bukan yang Anda lakukan
Your way's making me mental
Cara Anda membuat saya stres
How you filter a skewed interpret
Bagaimana Anda menyaring interpretasi yang miring
I swear you won't be happy til
Saya bersumpah Anda tidak akan bahagia sampai
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Saya terikat dalam jaket lurus
Grand dissonance
Disonansi besar
The strings of my puppet are cut
Tali boneka saya dipotong
The end of an era
Akhir dari suatu era
Your discrediting's lost my consent
Pembongkaran kredibilitas Anda telah kehilangan persetujuan saya
This shit's making me crazy
Hal ini membuat saya gila
The way you nullify what's in my head
Cara Anda mengabaikan apa yang ada di kepala saya
You say one thing, do another
Anda mengatakan satu hal, melakukan yang lain
And argue that's not what you did
Dan berdebat bahwa itu bukan yang Anda lakukan
Your way's making me mental
Cara Anda membuat saya stres
How you filter a skewed interpret
Bagaimana Anda menyaring interpretasi yang miring
I swear you won't be happy til
Saya bersumpah Anda tidak akan bahagia sampai
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Saya terikat dalam jaket lurus
Something so benign for me construed as cruelty
Such a difference between who I am and who you see
Conclusions you come to of me routinely incorrect
I don't know who you're talking to with such fucking disrespect
This shit's making me crazy
The way you nullify what's in my head
You say one thing, do another
คุณพูดอย่างหนึ่ง ทำอย่างหนึ่ง
And argue that's not what you did
Your way's making me mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
I swear you won't be happy 'til
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Talking with you's like talking to a sieve that can't hear me
You fight me tooth and nail to disavow what's happening
Your resistance to a mirror I feel screaming from your body
ความต้านทานของคุณต่อกระจก ฉันรู้สึกว่ามันกำลังตะโกนจากตัวคุณ
One day I'll introduce myself and you'll see you've not yet met me
This shit's making me crazy
The way you nullify what's in my head
You say one thing, do another
คุณพูดอย่างหนึ่ง ทำอย่างหนึ่ง
And argue that's not what you did
Your way's making me mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
I swear you won't be happy til
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Grand dissonance
The strings of my puppet are cut
The end of an era
Your discrediting's lost my consent
This shit's making me crazy
The way you nullify what's in my head
You say one thing, do another
คุณพูดอย่างหนึ่ง ทำอย่างหนึ่ง
And argue that's not what you did
Your way's making me mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
I swear you won't be happy til
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Something so benign for me construed as cruelty
Such a difference between who I am and who you see
Conclusions you come to of me routinely incorrect
I don't know who you're talking to with such fucking disrespect
This shit's making me crazy
The way you nullify what's in my head
You say one thing, do another
And argue that's not what you did
Your way's making me mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
I swear you won't be happy 'til
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Talking with you's like talking to a sieve that can't hear me
You fight me tooth and nail to disavow what's happening
Your resistance to a mirror I feel screaming from your body
One day I'll introduce myself and you'll see you've not yet met me
This shit's making me crazy
The way you nullify what's in my head
You say one thing, do another
And argue that's not what you did
Your way's making me mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
I swear you won't be happy til
I'm bound in a straight jacket
Grand dissonance
The strings of my puppet are cut
The end of an era
Your discrediting's lost my consent
This shit's making me crazy
The way you nullify what's in my head
You say one thing, do another
And argue that's not what you did
Your way's making me mental
How you filter a skewed interpret
I swear you won't be happy til
I'm bound in a straight jacket

Curiosidades sobre la música Straitjacket del Alanis Morissette

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Straitjacket” por Alanis Morissette?
La canción Straitjacket fue lanzada en 2008, en el álbum “Flavors Of Entanglement”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Straitjacket” de Alanis Morissette?
La canción “Straitjacket” de Alanis Morissette fue compuesta por Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth.

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