Not as We

Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth

Letra Traducción

Reborn and shivering
Spat out on new terrain
Unsure, unconvincing
This faint and shaky hour

Day one, day one
Start over again
Step one, step one
I'm barely making sense
For now I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I and not as we

Gun shy and quivering
Timid without a hand
Feign brave with steel intent
Little and hardly here

Day one, day one
Start over again
Step one, step one
With not much making sense
Just yet I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I and not as we

Eyes wet toward
Wide open frayed
If God's taking bets
I pray he wants to lose

Day one, day one
Start over again
Step one, step one
I'm barely making sense
Just yet I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I and not as we

Reborn and shivering
Renacido y temblando
Spat out on new terrain
Escupido en un nuevo terreno
Unsure, unconvincing
Inseguro, poco convincente
This faint and shaky hour
Esta débil y temblorosa hora
Day one, day one
Día uno, día uno
Start over again
Comienza de nuevo
Step one, step one
Paso uno, paso uno
I'm barely making sense
Apenas estoy haciendo sentido
For now I'm faking it
Por ahora lo estoy fingiendo
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Hasta que estoy pseudo lográndolo
From scratch, begin again
Desde cero, comienza de nuevo
But this time I as I and not as we
Pero esta vez yo como yo y no como nosotros
Gun shy and quivering
Tímido y tembloroso
Timid without a hand
Tímido sin una mano
Feign brave with steel intent
Finge ser valiente con intención de acero
Little and hardly here
Pequeño y apenas aquí
Day one, day one
Día uno, día uno
Start over again
Comienza de nuevo
Step one, step one
Paso uno, paso uno
With not much making sense
Con no mucho sentido
Just yet I'm faking it
Aún estoy fingiendo
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Hasta que estoy pseudo lográndolo
From scratch, begin again
Desde cero, comienza de nuevo
But this time I as I and not as we
Pero esta vez yo como yo y no como nosotros
Eyes wet toward
Ojos húmedos hacia
Wide open frayed
Ampliamente abiertos deshilachados
If God's taking bets
Si Dios está haciendo apuestas
I pray he wants to lose
Rezo porque quiera perder
Day one, day one
Día uno, día uno
Start over again
Comienza de nuevo
Step one, step one
Paso uno, paso uno
I'm barely making sense
Apenas estoy haciendo sentido
Just yet I'm faking it
Aún estoy fingiendo
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Hasta que estoy pseudo lográndolo
From scratch, begin again
Desde cero, comienza de nuevo
But this time I as I and not as we
Pero esta vez yo como yo y no como nosotros
Reborn and shivering
Renascido e tremendo
Spat out on new terrain
Cuspido em novo terreno
Unsure, unconvincing
Inseguro, pouco convincente
This faint and shaky hour
Esta hora fraca e trêmula
Day one, day one
Dia um, dia um
Start over again
Comece de novo
Step one, step one
Passo um, passo um
I'm barely making sense
Mal estou fazendo sentido
For now I'm faking it
Por enquanto estou fingindo
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Até que eu esteja pseudo fazendo isso
From scratch, begin again
Do zero, comece de novo
But this time I as I and not as we
Mas desta vez eu como eu e não como nós
Gun shy and quivering
Tímido e tremendo
Timid without a hand
Tímido sem uma mão
Feign brave with steel intent
Fingir ser corajoso com intenção de aço
Little and hardly here
Pequeno e quase aqui
Day one, day one
Dia um, dia um
Start over again
Comece de novo
Step one, step one
Passo um, passo um
With not much making sense
Com pouco sentido
Just yet I'm faking it
Ainda estou fingindo
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Até que eu esteja pseudo fazendo isso
From scratch, begin again
Do zero, comece de novo
But this time I as I and not as we
Mas desta vez eu como eu e não como nós
Eyes wet toward
Olhos molhados em direção
Wide open frayed
Largamente aberto desfiado
If God's taking bets
Se Deus está fazendo apostas
I pray he wants to lose
Eu rezo para que ele queira perder
Day one, day one
Dia um, dia um
Start over again
Comece de novo
Step one, step one
Passo um, passo um
I'm barely making sense
Mal estou fazendo sentido
Just yet I'm faking it
Ainda estou fingindo
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Até que eu esteja pseudo fazendo isso
From scratch, begin again
Do zero, comece de novo
But this time I as I and not as we
Mas desta vez eu como eu e não como nós
Reborn and shivering
Renaissant et frissonnant
Spat out on new terrain
Craché sur un nouveau terrain
Unsure, unconvincing
Incertain, peu convaincant
This faint and shaky hour
Cette heure faible et tremblante
Day one, day one
Jour un, jour un
Start over again
Recommencer à nouveau
Step one, step one
Première étape, première étape
I'm barely making sense
Je suis à peine compréhensible
For now I'm faking it
Pour l'instant je fais semblant
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Jusqu'à ce que je fasse semblant de le faire
From scratch, begin again
A partir de zéro, recommencer
But this time I as I and not as we
Mais cette fois je en tant que je et non en tant que nous
Gun shy and quivering
Timide et tremblant
Timid without a hand
Timide sans une main
Feign brave with steel intent
Feindre le courage avec une intention d'acier
Little and hardly here
Petit et à peine ici
Day one, day one
Jour un, jour un
Start over again
Recommencer à nouveau
Step one, step one
Première étape, première étape
With not much making sense
Sans beaucoup de sens
Just yet I'm faking it
Juste encore je fais semblant
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Jusqu'à ce que je fasse semblant de le faire
From scratch, begin again
A partir de zéro, recommencer
But this time I as I and not as we
Mais cette fois je en tant que je et non en tant que nous
Eyes wet toward
Les yeux mouillés vers
Wide open frayed
Large ouvert effiloché
If God's taking bets
Si Dieu prend des paris
I pray he wants to lose
Je prie pour qu'il veuille perdre
Day one, day one
Jour un, jour un
Start over again
Recommencer à nouveau
Step one, step one
Première étape, première étape
I'm barely making sense
Je suis à peine compréhensible
Just yet I'm faking it
Juste encore je fais semblant
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Jusqu'à ce que je fasse semblant de le faire
From scratch, begin again
A partir de zéro, recommencer
But this time I as I and not as we
Mais cette fois je en tant que je et non en tant que nous
Reborn and shivering
Wiedergeboren und zitternd
Spat out on new terrain
Ausgespuckt auf neuem Terrain
Unsure, unconvincing
Unsicher, unüberzeugend
This faint and shaky hour
Diese schwache und wackelige Stunde
Day one, day one
Tag eins, Tag eins
Start over again
Fang nochmal von vorne an
Step one, step one
Schritt eins, Schritt eins
I'm barely making sense
Ich mache kaum Sinn
For now I'm faking it
Für jetzt täusche ich es vor
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Bis ich es pseudo mache
From scratch, begin again
Von Grund auf, fang nochmal an
But this time I as I and not as we
Aber dieses Mal ich als ich und nicht als wir
Gun shy and quivering
Schuss scheu und zitternd
Timid without a hand
Ängstlich ohne eine Hand
Feign brave with steel intent
Mut vortäuschen mit stählerner Absicht
Little and hardly here
Klein und kaum hier
Day one, day one
Tag eins, Tag eins
Start over again
Fang nochmal von vorne an
Step one, step one
Schritt eins, Schritt eins
With not much making sense
Mit nicht viel Sinn
Just yet I'm faking it
Noch nicht täusche ich es vor
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Bis ich es pseudo mache
From scratch, begin again
Von Grund auf, fang nochmal an
But this time I as I and not as we
Aber dieses Mal ich als ich und nicht als wir
Eyes wet toward
Feuchte Augen in Richtung
Wide open frayed
Weit offen ausgefranst
If God's taking bets
Wenn Gott Wetten abschließt
I pray he wants to lose
Ich bete, er will verlieren
Day one, day one
Tag eins, Tag eins
Start over again
Fang nochmal von vorne an
Step one, step one
Schritt eins, Schritt eins
I'm barely making sense
Ich mache kaum Sinn
Just yet I'm faking it
Noch nicht täusche ich es vor
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Bis ich es pseudo mache
From scratch, begin again
Von Grund auf, fang nochmal an
But this time I as I and not as we
Aber dieses Mal ich als ich und nicht als wir
Reborn and shivering
Rinato e tremante
Spat out on new terrain
Sputato su un nuovo terreno
Unsure, unconvincing
Incerto, non convincente
This faint and shaky hour
Questa debole e incerta ora
Day one, day one
Giorno uno, giorno uno
Start over again
Ricomincia da capo
Step one, step one
Passo uno, passo uno
I'm barely making sense
Sto a malapena facendo senso
For now I'm faking it
Per ora sto fingendo
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Finché non sto pseudo facendo
From scratch, begin again
Da zero, ricomincia
But this time I as I and not as we
Ma questa volta io come io e non come noi
Gun shy and quivering
Timido e tremante
Timid without a hand
Timido senza una mano
Feign brave with steel intent
Fingi coraggio con intenzione d'acciaio
Little and hardly here
Piccolo e quasi qui
Day one, day one
Giorno uno, giorno uno
Start over again
Ricomincia da capo
Step one, step one
Passo uno, passo uno
With not much making sense
Con non molto senso
Just yet I'm faking it
Ancora sto fingendo
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Finché non sto pseudo facendo
From scratch, begin again
Da zero, ricomincia
But this time I as I and not as we
Ma questa volta io come io e non come noi
Eyes wet toward
Occhi bagnati verso
Wide open frayed
Ampio aperto sfilacciato
If God's taking bets
Se Dio sta facendo scommesse
I pray he wants to lose
Prego che voglia perdere
Day one, day one
Giorno uno, giorno uno
Start over again
Ricomincia da capo
Step one, step one
Passo uno, passo uno
I'm barely making sense
Sto a malapena facendo senso
Just yet I'm faking it
Ancora sto fingendo
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Finché non sto pseudo facendo
From scratch, begin again
Da zero, ricomincia
But this time I as I and not as we
Ma questa volta io come io e non come noi
Reborn and shivering
Terlahir kembali dan menggigil
Spat out on new terrain
Terlempar di medan baru
Unsure, unconvincing
Tidak yakin, tidak meyakinkan
This faint and shaky hour
Jam yang lemah dan goyah ini
Day one, day one
Hari pertama, hari pertama
Start over again
Mulai lagi dari awal
Step one, step one
Langkah pertama, langkah pertama
I'm barely making sense
Saya hampir tidak bisa berpikir jernih
For now I'm faking it
Untuk saat ini saya pura-pura
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Sampai saya seolah-olah berhasil
From scratch, begin again
Dari awal, mulai lagi
But this time I as I and not as we
Tapi kali ini saya sebagai saya dan bukan sebagai kita
Gun shy and quivering
Gugup dan gemetar
Timid without a hand
Pemalu tanpa bantuan
Feign brave with steel intent
Berlagak berani dengan niat baja
Little and hardly here
Kecil dan hampir tidak ada di sini
Day one, day one
Hari pertama, hari pertama
Start over again
Mulai lagi dari awal
Step one, step one
Langkah pertama, langkah pertama
With not much making sense
Belum banyak yang masuk akal
Just yet I'm faking it
Baru saja saya pura-pura
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Sampai saya seolah-olah berhasil
From scratch, begin again
Dari awal, mulai lagi
But this time I as I and not as we
Tapi kali ini saya sebagai saya dan bukan sebagai kita
Eyes wet toward
Mata basah mengarah
Wide open frayed
Terbuka lebar dan robek
If God's taking bets
Jika Tuhan bertaruh
I pray he wants to lose
Saya berdoa dia ingin kalah
Day one, day one
Hari pertama, hari pertama
Start over again
Mulai lagi dari awal
Step one, step one
Langkah pertama, langkah pertama
I'm barely making sense
Saya hampir tidak bisa berpikir jernih
Just yet I'm faking it
Baru saja saya pura-pura
'Til I'm pseudo making it
Sampai saya seolah-olah berhasil
From scratch, begin again
Dari awal, mulai lagi
But this time I as I and not as we
Tapi kali ini saya sebagai saya dan bukan sebagai kita
Reborn and shivering
Spat out on new terrain
Unsure, unconvincing
ไม่แน่ใจ, ไม่น่าเชื่อถือ
This faint and shaky hour
Day one, day one
วันแรก, วันแรก
Start over again
Step one, step one
ขั้นตอนแรก, ขั้นตอนแรก
I'm barely making sense
For now I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I and not as we
แต่ครั้งนี้ฉันเป็นฉัน ไม่ใช่เรา
Gun shy and quivering
Timid without a hand
Feign brave with steel intent
Little and hardly here
Day one, day one
วันแรก, วันแรก
Start over again
Step one, step one
ขั้นตอนแรก, ขั้นตอนแรก
With not much making sense
Just yet I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I and not as we
แต่ครั้งนี้ฉันเป็นฉัน ไม่ใช่เรา
Eyes wet toward
Wide open frayed
If God's taking bets
I pray he wants to lose
Day one, day one
วันแรก, วันแรก
Start over again
Step one, step one
ขั้นตอนแรก, ขั้นตอนแรก
I'm barely making sense
Just yet I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I and not as we
แต่ครั้งนี้ฉันเป็นฉัน ไม่ใช่เรา
Reborn and shivering
Spat out on new terrain
Unsure, unconvincing
This faint and shaky hour
Day one, day one
Start over again
Step one, step one
I'm barely making sense
For now I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I and not as we
Gun shy and quivering
Timid without a hand
Feign brave with steel intent
Little and hardly here
Day one, day one
Start over again
Step one, step one
With not much making sense
Just yet I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I and not as we
Eyes wet toward
Wide open frayed
If God's taking bets
I pray he wants to lose
Day one, day one
Start over again
Step one, step one
I'm barely making sense
Just yet I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I and not as we

Curiosidades sobre la música Not as We del Alanis Morissette

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Not as We” por Alanis Morissette?
Alanis Morissette lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Flavors Of Entanglement” en 2008, “Not As We - Single” en 2008 y “Not As We” en 2013.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Not as We” de Alanis Morissette?
La canción “Not as We” de Alanis Morissette fue compuesta por Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth.

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