
Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth

Letra Traducción

I've never been this accountable-less and within
I've never known focusless-ness of any form
I've never had this lack of ache for dalliance
To let go and let God in ways I have never even imagined

I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment

I've never let my grasp soften fingers like this
I've never been careless otherless like autonomy's twin

I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment

Hard to breathe
Stop looking outside
Stop searching in corners of rooms
Not my business or timing

I've never known freedom from intertwining
I start again this time for keeps in my skin I'm residing

I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment

I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment

I've never been this accountable-less and within
Nunca he estado tan desprovisto de responsabilidad y dentro
I've never known focusless-ness of any form
Nunca he conocido la falta de enfoque de ninguna forma
I've never had this lack of ache for dalliance
Nunca he tenido esta falta de anhelo por el coqueteo
To let go and let God in ways I have never even imagined
Dejar ir y dejar a Dios de formas que nunca imaginé
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Declaro una moratoria sobre las cosas de la relación
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Declaro un descanso de los trabajos de enlace
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Necesito un respiro de los sabores del enredo
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Declaro un tiempo completo fuera de todas las cosas compromiso
I've never let my grasp soften fingers like this
Nunca he dejado que mi agarre suavice los dedos así
I've never been careless otherless like autonomy's twin
Nunca he sido descuidada sin otro como el gemelo de la autonomía
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Declaro una moratoria sobre las cosas de la relación
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Declaro un descanso de los trabajos de enlace
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Necesito un respiro de los sabores del enredo
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Declaro un tiempo completo fuera de todas las cosas compromiso
Hard to breathe
Difícil respirar
Stop looking outside
Deja de mirar afuera
Stop searching in corners of rooms
Deja de buscar en las esquinas de las habitaciones
Not my business or timing
No es mi negocio o tiempo
I've never known freedom from intertwining
Nunca he conocido la libertad de entrelazar
I start again this time for keeps in my skin I'm residing
Empiezo de nuevo esta vez para mantenerme en mi piel en la que resido
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Declaro una moratoria sobre las cosas de la relación
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Declaro un descanso de los trabajos de enlace
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Necesito un respiro de los sabores del enredo
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Declaro un tiempo completo fuera de todas las cosas compromiso
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Declaro una moratoria sobre las cosas de la relación
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Declaro un descanso de los trabajos de enlace
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Necesito un respiro de los sabores del enredo
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Declaro un tiempo completo fuera de todas las cosas compromiso
I've never been this accountable-less and within
Nunca estive tão sem responsabilidades e dentro
I've never known focusless-ness of any form
Nunca conheci a falta de foco de qualquer forma
I've never had this lack of ache for dalliance
Nunca tive essa falta de desejo por diversão
To let go and let God in ways I have never even imagined
Para deixar ir e deixar Deus de maneiras que nunca imaginei
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Eu declaro uma moratória sobre coisas de relacionamento
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Eu declaro um descanso dos trabalhos de ligação
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Eu realmente preciso de um respiro dos sabores de emaranhamento
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Eu declaro um tempo integral fora de todas as coisas compromisso
I've never let my grasp soften fingers like this
Nunca deixei meu aperto suavizar os dedos assim
I've never been careless otherless like autonomy's twin
Nunca fui descuidado sem outro como o gêmeo da autonomia
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Eu declaro uma moratória sobre coisas de relacionamento
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Eu declaro um descanso dos trabalhos de ligação
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Eu realmente preciso de um respiro dos sabores de emaranhamento
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Eu declaro um tempo integral fora de todas as coisas compromisso
Hard to breathe
Difícil respirar
Stop looking outside
Pare de olhar para fora
Stop searching in corners of rooms
Pare de procurar nos cantos dos quartos
Not my business or timing
Não é da minha conta ou timing
I've never known freedom from intertwining
Nunca conheci a liberdade do entrelaçamento
I start again this time for keeps in my skin I'm residing
Eu começo de novo desta vez para manter na minha pele estou residindo
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Eu declaro uma moratória sobre coisas de relacionamento
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Eu declaro um descanso dos trabalhos de ligação
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Eu realmente preciso de um respiro dos sabores de emaranhamento
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Eu declaro um tempo integral fora de todas as coisas compromisso
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Eu declaro uma moratória sobre coisas de relacionamento
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Eu declaro um descanso dos trabalhos de ligação
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Eu realmente preciso de um respiro dos sabores de emaranhamento
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Eu declaro um tempo integral fora de todas as coisas compromisso
I've never been this accountable-less and within
Je n'ai jamais été aussi irresponsable et intérieur
I've never known focusless-ness of any form
Je n'ai jamais connu un manque de concentration de quelque forme que ce soit
I've never had this lack of ache for dalliance
Je n'ai jamais eu ce manque de douleur pour la flânerie
To let go and let God in ways I have never even imagined
Pour lâcher prise et laisser Dieu entrer de manière que je n'ai jamais même imaginée
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Je déclare un moratoire sur les choses de la relation
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Je déclare une pause des travaux de liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
J'ai besoin d'une pause des saveurs de l'enchevêtrement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Je déclare un temps mort complet de toutes choses engagement
I've never let my grasp soften fingers like this
Je n'ai jamais laissé mes doigts se ramollir comme ça
I've never been careless otherless like autonomy's twin
Je n'ai jamais été négligent autrement comme le jumeau de l'autonomie
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Je déclare un moratoire sur les choses de la relation
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Je déclare une pause des travaux de liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
J'ai besoin d'une pause des saveurs de l'enchevêtrement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Je déclare un temps mort complet de toutes choses engagement
Hard to breathe
Difficile de respirer
Stop looking outside
Arrête de regarder dehors
Stop searching in corners of rooms
Arrête de chercher dans les coins des pièces
Not my business or timing
Ce n'est pas mon affaire ou mon timing
I've never known freedom from intertwining
Je n'ai jamais connu la liberté de l'entrelacement
I start again this time for keeps in my skin I'm residing
Je recommence cette fois pour de bon dans ma peau je réside
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Je déclare un moratoire sur les choses de la relation
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Je déclare une pause des travaux de liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
J'ai besoin d'une pause des saveurs de l'enchevêtrement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Je déclare un temps mort complet de toutes choses engagement
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Je déclare un moratoire sur les choses de la relation
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Je déclare une pause des travaux de liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
J'ai besoin d'une pause des saveurs de l'enchevêtrement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Je déclare un temps mort complet de toutes choses engagement
I've never been this accountable-less and within
Ich war noch nie so verantwortungslos und innerlich
I've never known focusless-ness of any form
Ich kannte noch nie eine Form von Ziellosigkeit
I've never had this lack of ache for dalliance
Ich hatte noch nie dieses Fehlen von Sehnsucht nach Flirt
To let go and let God in ways I have never even imagined
Gott auf Weisen loszulassen und einzulassen, die ich mir nie vorgestellt habe
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Ich erkläre ein Moratorium für Beziehungsdinge
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Ich erkläre eine Pause von den Mühen der Verbindung
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Ich brauche eine Atempause von den Geschmacksrichtungen der Verwicklung
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Ich erkläre eine vollständige Auszeit von allem, was Verpflichtung betrifft
I've never let my grasp soften fingers like this
Ich habe noch nie meine Griffweichheit so gelockert
I've never been careless otherless like autonomy's twin
Ich war noch nie so sorglos und autonom wie ein Zwillingsbruder
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Ich erkläre ein Moratorium für Beziehungsdinge
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Ich erkläre eine Pause von den Mühen der Verbindung
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Ich brauche eine Atempause von den Geschmacksrichtungen der Verwicklung
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Ich erkläre eine vollständige Auszeit von allem, was Verpflichtung betrifft
Hard to breathe
Schwer zu atmen
Stop looking outside
Hör auf, nach draußen zu schauen
Stop searching in corners of rooms
Hör auf, in den Ecken der Räume zu suchen
Not my business or timing
Nicht mein Geschäft oder Timing
I've never known freedom from intertwining
Ich kannte noch nie Freiheit von Verflechtung
I start again this time for keeps in my skin I'm residing
Ich fange wieder an, diesmal für immer, in meiner Haut wohne ich
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Ich erkläre ein Moratorium für Beziehungsdinge
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Ich erkläre eine Pause von den Mühen der Verbindung
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Ich brauche eine Atempause von den Geschmacksrichtungen der Verwicklung
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Ich erkläre eine vollständige Auszeit von allem, was Verpflichtung betrifft
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Ich erkläre ein Moratorium für Beziehungsdinge
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Ich erkläre eine Pause von den Mühen der Verbindung
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Ich brauche eine Atempause von den Geschmacksrichtungen der Verwicklung
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Ich erkläre eine vollständige Auszeit von allem, was Verpflichtung betrifft
I've never been this accountable-less and within
Non sono mai stato così privo di responsabilità e dentro
I've never known focusless-ness of any form
Non ho mai conosciuto una mancanza di concentrazione di qualsiasi tipo
I've never had this lack of ache for dalliance
Non ho mai avuto questa mancanza di desiderio per la leggerezza
To let go and let God in ways I have never even imagined
Per lasciar andare e lasciare entrare Dio in modi che non ho mai nemmeno immaginato
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Dichiaro una moratoria sulle cose di relazione
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Dichiaro una pausa dai travagli del legame
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Ho bisogno di un respiro dai sapori dell'intreccio
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Dichiaro un time out completo da tutte le cose dell'impegno
I've never let my grasp soften fingers like this
Non ho mai lasciato che la mia presa ammorbidisse le dita in questo modo
I've never been careless otherless like autonomy's twin
Non sono mai stato negligente come il gemello dell'autonomia
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Dichiaro una moratoria sulle cose di relazione
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Dichiaro una pausa dai travagli del legame
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Ho bisogno di un respiro dai sapori dell'intreccio
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Dichiaro un time out completo da tutte le cose dell'impegno
Hard to breathe
Difficile respirare
Stop looking outside
Smetti di guardare fuori
Stop searching in corners of rooms
Smetti di cercare negli angoli delle stanze
Not my business or timing
Non è affare mio o questione di tempo
I've never known freedom from intertwining
Non ho mai conosciuto la libertà dall'intreccio
I start again this time for keeps in my skin I'm residing
Ricomincio questa volta per restare nella mia pelle
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Dichiaro una moratoria sulle cose di relazione
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Dichiaro una pausa dai travagli del legame
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Ho bisogno di un respiro dai sapori dell'intreccio
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Dichiaro un time out completo da tutte le cose dell'impegno
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Dichiaro una moratoria sulle cose di relazione
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Dichiaro una pausa dai travagli del legame
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Ho bisogno di un respiro dai sapori dell'intreccio
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Dichiaro un time out completo da tutte le cose dell'impegno
I've never been this accountable-less and within
Saya belum pernah merasa tidak bertanggung jawab seperti ini dan di dalam
I've never known focusless-ness of any form
Saya belum pernah tahu ketidakfokusan dalam bentuk apa pun
I've never had this lack of ache for dalliance
Saya belum pernah merasakan kurangnya rasa sakit untuk bermain-main
To let go and let God in ways I have never even imagined
Untuk melepaskan dan membiarkan Tuhan dengan cara yang belum pernah saya bayangkan sebelumnya
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Saya mendeklarasikan moratorium pada hal-hal hubungan
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Saya mendeklarasikan istirahat dari kerja keras hubungan
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Saya memang perlu istirahat dari rasa keterlibatan
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Saya mendeklarasikan waktu luang penuh dari semua hal komitmen
I've never let my grasp soften fingers like this
Saya belum pernah melemaskan genggaman jari-jari saya seperti ini
I've never been careless otherless like autonomy's twin
Saya belum pernah ceroboh tanpa orang lain seperti kembaran otonomi
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Saya mendeklarasikan moratorium pada hal-hal hubungan
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Saya mendeklarasikan istirahat dari kerja keras hubungan
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Saya memang perlu istirahat dari rasa keterlibatan
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Saya mendeklarasikan waktu luang penuh dari semua hal komitmen
Hard to breathe
Sulit untuk bernafas
Stop looking outside
Berhenti melihat ke luar
Stop searching in corners of rooms
Berhenti mencari di sudut-sudut ruangan
Not my business or timing
Bukan urusan atau waktu saya
I've never known freedom from intertwining
Saya belum pernah tahu kebebasan dari pertautan
I start again this time for keeps in my skin I'm residing
Saya mulai lagi kali ini untuk tetap di kulit saya, saya tinggal
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Saya mendeklarasikan moratorium pada hal-hal hubungan
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Saya mendeklarasikan istirahat dari kerja keras hubungan
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Saya memang perlu istirahat dari rasa keterlibatan
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Saya mendeklarasikan waktu luang penuh dari semua hal komitmen
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
Saya mendeklarasikan moratorium pada hal-hal hubungan
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
Saya mendeklarasikan istirahat dari kerja keras hubungan
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
Saya memang perlu istirahat dari rasa keterlibatan
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Saya mendeklarasikan waktu luang penuh dari semua hal komitmen
I've never been this accountable-less and within
I've never known focusless-ness of any form
ฉันไม่เคยรู้จักความขาดโฟกัสใด ๆ
I've never had this lack of ache for dalliance
To let go and let God in ways I have never even imagined
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
I've never let my grasp soften fingers like this
I've never been careless otherless like autonomy's twin
ฉันไม่เคยเป็นคนไม่ระมัดระวังอื่น ๆ เช่นคู่ของอิสรภาพ
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Hard to breathe
Stop looking outside
Stop searching in corners of rooms
Not my business or timing
I've never known freedom from intertwining
I start again this time for keeps in my skin I'm residing
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
I've never been this accountable-less and within
I've never known focusless-ness of any form
I've never had this lack of ache for dalliance
To let go and let God in ways I have never even imagined
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
I've never let my grasp soften fingers like this
I've never been careless otherless like autonomy's twin
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
Hard to breathe
Stop looking outside
Stop searching in corners of rooms
Not my business or timing
I've never known freedom from intertwining
I start again this time for keeps in my skin I'm residing
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment
I declare a moratorium on things relationship
I declare a respite from the toils of liaison
I do need a breather from the flavors of entanglement
I declare a full time out from all things commitment

Curiosidades sobre la música Moratorium del Alanis Morissette

¿Cuándo fue lanzada la canción “Moratorium” por Alanis Morissette?
La canción Moratorium fue lanzada en 2008, en el álbum “Flavors Of Entanglement”.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Moratorium” de Alanis Morissette?
La canción “Moratorium” de Alanis Morissette fue compuesta por Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth.

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