
Alanis Morissette, Michael Farrell

Letra Traducción

The first thing that you'll notice is some separation from each other
Yes it's a lie, we've been believing since time in memorial
There was an apple, there was a snake, there was division
There was a split, there was a conflict in the fabric of life

One became two and then everyone was out for themselves
Everyone was pitted against each other conflict ruled the realm
All our devotions and temperaments are pulled from different wells
They seem to easily forget we are made of the same cells

To my boy, all that energy so wild
Of your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze

Second thing you'll notice is that often we think that there's not enough
It might feel dark, it might feel lonely and you wonder why you're here
You may be overcome with darkness and a sense of hopelessness
But it won't matter if you keep the core connected to the one-ness

To my girl, all your innocence and fire
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
This nest is never going away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze

And this cord is unbreakable
This pilot light is there in your pocket
And this bond, beyond un-shakeable
Even if we all forget
All at the same time
If we forget at the same time

To my boy, my precious gentle warrior
To your sweetness and your strength in exploring
May this bond stay with you through your days
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze

To my girl, all your innocence and fire
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
This nest is never going away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze

To my boy
The first thing that you'll notice is that everything is temporary
To my girl
Next you might notice is that we will always be a family
To my boy
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze

The first thing that you'll notice is some separation from each other
Lo primero que notarás es cierta separación entre nosotros
Yes it's a lie, we've been believing since time in memorial
Sí, es una mentira, que hemos creído desde tiempos inmemoriales
There was an apple, there was a snake, there was division
Hubo una manzana, hubo una serpiente, hubo división
There was a split, there was a conflict in the fabric of life
Hubo una ruptura, hubo un conflicto en la trama de la vida
One became two and then everyone was out for themselves
Uno se convirtió en dos y luego todos estaban por sí mismos
Everyone was pitted against each other conflict ruled the realm
Todos estaban enfrentados entre sí, el conflicto gobernaba el reino
All our devotions and temperaments are pulled from different wells
Todas nuestras devociones y temperamentos se extraen de diferentes pozos
They seem to easily forget we are made of the same cells
Parecen olvidar fácilmente que estamos hechos de las mismas células
To my boy, all that energy so wild
A mi chico, toda esa energía tan salvaje
Of your hues and your blues in equal measure
De tus matices y tus tristezas en igual medida
Your comings and your goings-away
Tus idas y venidas
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Mi misión es mantener la luz en tus ojos encendida
Second thing you'll notice is that often we think that there's not enough
Lo segundo que notarás es que a menudo pensamos que no hay suficiente
It might feel dark, it might feel lonely and you wonder why you're here
Puede sentirse oscuro, puede sentirse solitario y te preguntas por qué estás aquí
You may be overcome with darkness and a sense of hopelessness
Puedes ser vencido por la oscuridad y un sentido de desesperanza
But it won't matter if you keep the core connected to the one-ness
Pero no importará si mantienes el núcleo conectado a la unidad
To my girl, all your innocence and fire
A mi niña, toda tu inocencia y fuego
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
Cuando alcances, estoy aquí en el infierno o en alta mar
This nest is never going away
Este nido nunca se irá
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Mi misión es mantener la luz en tus ojos encendida
And this cord is unbreakable
Y este cordón es irrompible
This pilot light is there in your pocket
Esta luz piloto está ahí en tu bolsillo
And this bond, beyond un-shakeable
Y este vínculo, más allá de inquebrantable
Even if we all forget
Incluso si todos olvidamos
All at the same time
Todos al mismo tiempo
If we forget at the same time
Si olvidamos al mismo tiempo
To my boy, my precious gentle warrior
A mi chico, mi precioso guerrero gentil
To your sweetness and your strength in exploring
A tu dulzura y tu fuerza en la exploración
May this bond stay with you through your days
Que este vínculo permanezca contigo a través de tus días
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Mi misión es mantener la luz en tus ojos encendida
To my girl, all your innocence and fire
A mi niña, toda tu inocencia y fuego
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
Cuando alcances, estoy aquí en el infierno o en alta mar
This nest is never going away
Este nido nunca se irá
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Mi misión es mantener la luz en tus ojos encendida
To my boy
A mi chico
The first thing that you'll notice is that everything is temporary
Lo primero que notarás es que todo es temporal
To my girl
A mi niña
Next you might notice is that we will always be a family
Lo siguiente que podrías notar es que siempre seremos una familia
To my boy
A mi chico
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Mi misión es mantener la luz en tus ojos encendida
The first thing that you'll notice is some separation from each other
A primeira coisa que você vai notar é alguma separação entre nós
Yes it's a lie, we've been believing since time in memorial
Sim, é uma mentira, que acreditamos desde tempos imemoriais
There was an apple, there was a snake, there was division
Havia uma maçã, havia uma cobra, havia divisão
There was a split, there was a conflict in the fabric of life
Houve uma separação, houve um conflito no tecido da vida
One became two and then everyone was out for themselves
Um se tornou dois e então todos estavam por si mesmos
Everyone was pitted against each other conflict ruled the realm
Todos foram colocados uns contra os outros, o conflito governava o reino
All our devotions and temperaments are pulled from different wells
Todas as nossas devoções e temperamentos são retirados de diferentes poços
They seem to easily forget we are made of the same cells
Eles parecem esquecer facilmente que somos feitos das mesmas células
To my boy, all that energy so wild
Para o meu menino, toda essa energia tão selvagem
Of your hues and your blues in equal measure
De suas cores e seus blues em igual medida
Your comings and your goings-away
Suas idas e vindas
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Minha missão é manter a luz em seus olhos acesa
Second thing you'll notice is that often we think that there's not enough
A segunda coisa que você vai notar é que muitas vezes pensamos que não é suficiente
It might feel dark, it might feel lonely and you wonder why you're here
Pode parecer escuro, pode parecer solitário e você se pergunta por que está aqui
You may be overcome with darkness and a sense of hopelessness
Você pode ser dominado pela escuridão e um sentimento de desesperança
But it won't matter if you keep the core connected to the one-ness
Mas não importará se você mantiver o núcleo conectado à unidade
To my girl, all your innocence and fire
Para a minha menina, toda a sua inocência e fogo
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
Quando você alcança, eu estou aqui, inferno ou água alta
This nest is never going away
Este ninho nunca vai desaparecer
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Minha missão é manter a luz em seus olhos acesa
And this cord is unbreakable
E este cordão é inquebrável
This pilot light is there in your pocket
Esta luz piloto está aí no seu bolso
And this bond, beyond un-shakeable
E este vínculo, além de inabalável
Even if we all forget
Mesmo que todos nós esqueçamos
All at the same time
Todos ao mesmo tempo
If we forget at the same time
Se esquecermos ao mesmo tempo
To my boy, my precious gentle warrior
Para o meu menino, meu precioso guerreiro gentil
To your sweetness and your strength in exploring
Para a sua doçura e sua força na exploração
May this bond stay with you through your days
Que este vínculo fique com você durante seus dias
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Minha missão é manter a luz em seus olhos acesa
To my girl, all your innocence and fire
Para a minha menina, toda a sua inocência e fogo
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
Quando você alcança, eu estou aqui, inferno ou água alta
This nest is never going away
Este ninho nunca vai desaparecer
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Minha missão é manter a luz em seus olhos acesa
To my boy
Para o meu menino
The first thing that you'll notice is that everything is temporary
A primeira coisa que você vai notar é que tudo é temporário
To my girl
Para a minha menina
Next you might notice is that we will always be a family
A próxima coisa que você pode notar é que sempre seremos uma família
To my boy
Para o meu menino
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Minha missão é manter a luz em seus olhos acesa
The first thing that you'll notice is some separation from each other
La première chose que vous remarquerez, c'est une certaine séparation entre nous
Yes it's a lie, we've been believing since time in memorial
Oui, c'est un mensonge, nous y croyons depuis la nuit des temps
There was an apple, there was a snake, there was division
Il y avait une pomme, il y avait un serpent, il y avait une division
There was a split, there was a conflict in the fabric of life
Il y avait une séparation, il y avait un conflit dans le tissu de la vie
One became two and then everyone was out for themselves
Un est devenu deux et tout le monde ne pensait qu'à soi
Everyone was pitted against each other conflict ruled the realm
Tout le monde était en conflit, le conflit régnait sur le royaume
All our devotions and temperaments are pulled from different wells
Toutes nos dévotions et nos tempéraments sont tirés de différents puits
They seem to easily forget we are made of the same cells
Ils semblent oublier facilement que nous sommes faits des mêmes cellules
To my boy, all that energy so wild
À mon garçon, toute cette énergie si sauvage
Of your hues and your blues in equal measure
De tes teintes et de tes blues en égale mesure
Your comings and your goings-away
Tes allées et venues
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Ma mission est de garder la lumière dans tes yeux enflammée
Second thing you'll notice is that often we think that there's not enough
La deuxième chose que vous remarquerez, c'est que souvent nous pensons qu'il n'y en a pas assez
It might feel dark, it might feel lonely and you wonder why you're here
Cela peut sembler sombre, cela peut sembler solitaire et tu te demandes pourquoi tu es ici
You may be overcome with darkness and a sense of hopelessness
Tu peux être submergé par l'obscurité et un sentiment de désespoir
But it won't matter if you keep the core connected to the one-ness
Mais cela n'aura pas d'importance si tu gardes le noyau connecté à l'unité
To my girl, all your innocence and fire
À ma fille, toute ton innocence et ton feu
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
Quand tu tends la main, je suis là, en enfer ou en haute mer
This nest is never going away
Ce nid ne disparaîtra jamais
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Ma mission est de garder la lumière dans tes yeux enflammée
And this cord is unbreakable
Et ce cordon est incassable
This pilot light is there in your pocket
Cette veilleuse est là dans ta poche
And this bond, beyond un-shakeable
Et ce lien, au-delà de l'inébranlable
Even if we all forget
Même si nous oublions tous
All at the same time
Tous en même temps
If we forget at the same time
Si nous oublions tous en même temps
To my boy, my precious gentle warrior
À mon garçon, mon précieux guerrier doux
To your sweetness and your strength in exploring
À ta douceur et à ta force en exploration
May this bond stay with you through your days
Que ce lien reste avec toi tout au long de tes jours
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Ma mission est de garder la lumière dans tes yeux enflammée
To my girl, all your innocence and fire
À ma fille, toute ton innocence et ton feu
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
Quand tu tends la main, je suis là, en enfer ou en haute mer
This nest is never going away
Ce nid ne disparaîtra jamais
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Ma mission est de garder la lumière dans tes yeux enflammée
To my boy
À mon garçon
The first thing that you'll notice is that everything is temporary
La première chose que tu remarqueras, c'est que tout est temporaire
To my girl
À ma fille
Next you might notice is that we will always be a family
La prochaine chose que tu pourrais remarquer, c'est que nous serons toujours une famille
To my boy
À mon garçon
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Ma mission est de garder la lumière dans tes yeux enflammée
The first thing that you'll notice is some separation from each other
Das Erste, was dir auffallen wird, ist eine gewisse Trennung voneinander
Yes it's a lie, we've been believing since time in memorial
Ja, es ist eine Lüge, an die wir seit ewigen Zeiten glauben
There was an apple, there was a snake, there was division
Es gab einen Apfel, es gab eine Schlange, es gab eine Trennung
There was a split, there was a conflict in the fabric of life
Es gab eine Spaltung, es gab einen Konflikt im Gefüge des Lebens
One became two and then everyone was out for themselves
Eins wurde zu Zwei und dann war jeder auf sich selbst gestellt
Everyone was pitted against each other conflict ruled the realm
Jeder stand im Konflikt mit dem anderen, der Konflikt beherrschte das Reich
All our devotions and temperaments are pulled from different wells
All unsere Hingaben und Temperamente werden aus verschiedenen Quellen gezogen
They seem to easily forget we are made of the same cells
Sie scheinen leicht zu vergessen, dass wir aus denselben Zellen bestehen
To my boy, all that energy so wild
An meinen Jungen, all diese wilde Energie
Of your hues and your blues in equal measure
Von deinen Farbtönen und deinen Blues in gleichem Maße
Your comings and your goings-away
Dein Kommen und dein Gehen
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Meine Aufgabe ist es, das Licht in deinen Augen brennen zu lassen
Second thing you'll notice is that often we think that there's not enough
Das Zweite, was dir auffallen wird, ist, dass wir oft denken, es ist nicht genug
It might feel dark, it might feel lonely and you wonder why you're here
Es könnte dunkel sein, es könnte einsam sein und du fragst dich, warum du hier bist
You may be overcome with darkness and a sense of hopelessness
Du könntest von Dunkelheit und Hoffnungslosigkeit überwältigt sein
But it won't matter if you keep the core connected to the one-ness
Aber es spielt keine Rolle, wenn du den Kern mit der Einheit verbunden hältst
To my girl, all your innocence and fire
An mein Mädchen, all deine Unschuld und dein Feuer
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
Wenn du dich ausstreckst, bin ich hier, komme was wolle
This nest is never going away
Dieses Nest wird niemals verschwinden
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Meine Aufgabe ist es, das Licht in deinen Augen brennen zu lassen
And this cord is unbreakable
Und diese Schnur ist unzerbrechlich
This pilot light is there in your pocket
Dieses Zündlicht ist da in deiner Tasche
And this bond, beyond un-shakeable
Und diese Bindung, jenseits des Unerschütterlichen
Even if we all forget
Selbst wenn wir alle vergessen
All at the same time
Alle zur gleichen Zeit
If we forget at the same time
Wenn wir zur gleichen Zeit vergessen
To my boy, my precious gentle warrior
An meinen Jungen, meinen kostbaren sanften Krieger
To your sweetness and your strength in exploring
Zu deiner Süße und deiner Stärke beim Erkunden
May this bond stay with you through your days
Möge diese Bindung bei dir bleiben durch deine Tage
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Meine Aufgabe ist es, das Licht in deinen Augen brennen zu lassen
To my girl, all your innocence and fire
An mein Mädchen, all deine Unschuld und dein Feuer
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
Wenn du dich ausstreckst, bin ich hier, komme was wolle
This nest is never going away
Dieses Nest wird niemals verschwinden
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Meine Aufgabe ist es, das Licht in deinen Augen brennen zu lassen
To my boy
An meinen Jungen
The first thing that you'll notice is that everything is temporary
Das Erste, was dir auffallen wird, ist, dass alles vergänglich ist
To my girl
An mein Mädchen
Next you might notice is that we will always be a family
Als Nächstes könntest du bemerken, dass wir immer eine Familie sein werden
To my boy
An meinen Jungen
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
Meine Aufgabe ist es, das Licht in deinen Augen brennen zu lassen
The first thing that you'll notice is some separation from each other
La prima cosa che noterai è una certa separazione l'uno dall'altro
Yes it's a lie, we've been believing since time in memorial
Sì, è una bugia, che crediamo da tempo immemorabile
There was an apple, there was a snake, there was division
C'era una mela, c'era un serpente, c'era divisione
There was a split, there was a conflict in the fabric of life
C'era una spaccatura, c'era un conflitto nel tessuto della vita
One became two and then everyone was out for themselves
Uno divenne due e poi ognuno pensava solo a se stesso
Everyone was pitted against each other conflict ruled the realm
Tutti erano in conflitto l'uno con l'altro, il conflitto dominava il regno
All our devotions and temperaments are pulled from different wells
Tutte le nostre devozioni e temperamenti provengono da pozzi diversi
They seem to easily forget we are made of the same cells
Sembra che dimentichino facilmente che siamo fatti delle stesse cellule
To my boy, all that energy so wild
A mio figlio, tutta quell'energia così selvaggia
Of your hues and your blues in equal measure
Dei tuoi colori e dei tuoi blues in egual misura
Your comings and your goings-away
I tuoi arrivi e le tue partenze
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
La mia missione è mantenere accesa la luce nei tuoi occhi
Second thing you'll notice is that often we think that there's not enough
La seconda cosa che noterai è che spesso pensiamo che non ci sia abbastanza
It might feel dark, it might feel lonely and you wonder why you're here
Potrebbe sembrare buio, potrebbe sembrare solitario e ti chiedi perché sei qui
You may be overcome with darkness and a sense of hopelessness
Potresti essere sopraffatto dall'oscurità e da un senso di disperazione
But it won't matter if you keep the core connected to the one-ness
Ma non avrà importanza se mantieni il nucleo collegato all'unità
To my girl, all your innocence and fire
A mia figlia, tutta la tua innocenza e il tuo fuoco
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
Quando ti allunghi, io sono qui, all'inferno o in alto mare
This nest is never going away
Questo nido non sparirà mai
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
La mia missione è mantenere accesa la luce nei tuoi occhi
And this cord is unbreakable
E questo cordone è infrangibile
This pilot light is there in your pocket
Questa fiamma pilota è lì nella tua tasca
And this bond, beyond un-shakeable
E questo legame, oltre l'inaffondabile
Even if we all forget
Anche se tutti noi dimentichiamo
All at the same time
Tutti allo stesso tempo
If we forget at the same time
Se dimentichiamo allo stesso tempo
To my boy, my precious gentle warrior
A mio figlio, il mio prezioso guerriero gentile
To your sweetness and your strength in exploring
Per la tua dolcezza e la tua forza nell'esplorare
May this bond stay with you through your days
Che questo legame resti con te nei tuoi giorni
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
La mia missione è mantenere accesa la luce nei tuoi occhi
To my girl, all your innocence and fire
A mia figlia, tutta la tua innocenza e il tuo fuoco
When you reach out, I am here hell or high water
Quando ti allunghi, io sono qui, all'inferno o in alto mare
This nest is never going away
Questo nido non sparirà mai
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
La mia missione è mantenere accesa la luce nei tuoi occhi
To my boy
A mio figlio
The first thing that you'll notice is that everything is temporary
La prima cosa che noterai è che tutto è temporaneo
To my girl
A mia figlia
Next you might notice is that we will always be a family
La prossima cosa che potresti notare è che saremo sempre una famiglia
To my boy
A mio figlio
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze
La mia missione è mantenere accesa la luce nei tuoi occhi

Curiosidades sobre la música Ablaze del Alanis Morissette

¿En qué álbumes fue lanzada la canción “Ablaze” por Alanis Morissette?
Alanis Morissette lanzó la canción en los álbumes “Such Pretty Forks in the Road” en 2020 y “Such Pretty Forks in the Mix” en 2020.
¿Quién compuso la canción “Ablaze” de Alanis Morissette?
La canción “Ablaze” de Alanis Morissette fue compuesta por Alanis Morissette, Michael Farrell.

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