Vídeos destacados

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Todas las Músicas

...And All the Candy You Can Eat
...The Unopened Email To God
A Face that Could Launch a Thousand Ship...
A Face That Could Launch A Thousand Ships
A Little Place Called Trust
A Liver A Lung A Kidney A Thumb
A War Is Coming
Abby You're Gonna Burn For What You've Done To Me
Abby, You’re Going to Burn for What You’ve Done to Me
All Manner of Pox and Canker
All Manner of Pox or Canker
And as Long as I Have Fishes to Feed You
And If She Gets Out Of Line?
Apple Pies and Alibis
At the Other End of the Leash
Can I Pour You Another Drink, Lover?
Creative Living With A New And Improved Me
Daddy’s Got Your Nose
Delivered in a Firm Unyielding Way Lingering for Just a Bit Too Long to Communicate the Message “I Own You”
Don't You Wish You Had Some More
Don’t You Wish You Had Somemore?
Drive Carefully Dear
Dying With Decent Music
Ever Since the Turn
Everyone Knows How This Song Will End
Five Years
Go Fishing
God Forgive Us All
God Is In The House
Goddamn These Hands (I Let Them Touch You)
He Is The Concrete, If You Will
I Am Going To Spend My Whole Life Lying
I Did a Terrible Thing
I Tried So Hard to Be Good
I'm Going To Heaven
I’m Going to Heaven with or Without You (The Forest Fire)
I’m Gonna Spend the Rest of My Life Lying
If Nobody Moves
If Nobody Moves Nobody Will Get Hurt (The Extinction)
It’s Out There and It’s Gonna Get You
Jig Tips W/ Largemouths
Lenny What’s Gotten Into You?
Let's Be Bad, Henry, Let's Be Really Bad
My Death
Neat; Manageable: Piles
Now We Slowly Circle The Draining Fish Bowl
Now You're Gonna Get It
Now, We Just Slowly Circle the Draining Fish Bowl
Off With Their Heads!
One Day He Went Out for Milk and Never Came Home
Out Come the Knives
Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork
Piggy’s Had Too Much Wine
Press Any Key To Continue (Part One, Two, And Three)
Ready Willing Cain and Able
Relieving Ophelia
Said the Spider to the Fly
Sleep with the Fishes
Sleepytime For The Sleepyheads (The Flipflop Frequency)
So, How Goes the Good Fight
The Common Cold
The Common Cold (The Epidemic)
The House Is Alive and the House Is Hung...
The House Is Alive and the House Is Hungry
The Kids Will Grow Up to Be Assholes
The Laying Of Hands
The Laying of Hands, the Speaking in Tongues (The Mass Hysteria)
The Most Important Part of Your Body
The Sinking Ship, the Grand Applause
The Small Of Your Back
The Small of Your Back, the Nape of Your Neck (The Blizzard)
The Song Will Eat Itself
These Things Happen
This Is A Rape
This Is a Rape (The Flood)
This Is Only A Test
This Is Only a Test (The Tornado)
This Is The Return Of The Don’t Talk Backs
This May Be The Last Song You Ever Hear
Throw Your Body On The Apparatus
Wait Until I Get My Hands on You
We Have Ways
We Have Ways to Make You Talk (The Human Condition)
We Know Where You Sleep
We Will Make You One of Us
What I'd Be Without Me
What I’d Like To Do To You Now At The Moment When The Gear Slips
What Should We Do With Your Body?
What Should We Do with Your Body? (The Lightning)
What’s So Amazing About Grace
When (And If) The Big One Hits, I’ll Just Meet You There
When You Least Expect It
Where Have Those Hands Been
Who Can Deny How Delicious It Tastes
You Will Never Take Me Alive
You’re One of Them, Aren’t You?
Your Ankles to Your Earlobes
Your Money Or Your Life
Your Money or Your Life (The Comet)
Your Pretty Little Head

Curiosidades sobre The Paper Chase

¿Cuál es el álbum más reciente de The Paper Chase?
El álbum más reciente de The Paper Chase es “Someday This Could All Be Yours, Vol. 1”, lanzado en 2009 con 10 pistas.
¿Cuál es el álbum más antiguo de The Paper Chase?
El álbum más antiguo de The Paper Chase es “Essays On: Frantic Desperation”, lanzado en 1999 con 5 pistas.
¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de The Paper Chase?
La canción más popular de The Paper Chase es “Out Come the Knives”, del álbum “Hide the Kitchen Knives”, lanzado en 2002.
¿Cuántos álbumes ha lanzado The Paper Chase?
Entre 1999 y 2009, 9 Álbumes fueron lanzados por The Paper Chase.

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