Vídeos destacados
Músicas más populares
Wondrous Love
2020 • Heart’s Ease
Locked in Ice
2020 • Heart’s Ease
The Christmas Song
2020 • Heart’s Ease
Rolling in the Dew
2020 • Heart’s Ease
The Merry Golden Tree
2020 • Heart’s Ease
2020 • Heart’s Ease
Whitsun Dance
2020 • Heart’s Ease
Tell Me True
2020 • Heart’s Ease
Sweet Greens and Blues
2020 • Heart’s Ease
2020 • Heart’s Ease
The Bonny Labouring Boy
1998 • Harking Back
Hares on the Mountain
The Streets of Derry
1967 • The Sweet Primroses
False True Love
1959 • False True Lovers
Awake Awake/The Split Ash Tree/May Carol/Southover
2016 • Lodestar
Fare Thee Well My Dearest Dear
1976 • Amaranth
Todas las Músicas
A Keeper Went Hunting
Adieu to All Judges and Juries
Archangel Hill
Are You Going to Leave Me?
Awake Awake/The Split Ash Tree/May Carol/Southover
Banks of the Bann
Barbara Allen
Black Joker/Black, White, Yellow and Green
Black-Eyed Susan
Blackbirds and Thrushes
Bonnie Boy
Bonny Cuckoo
Bonny Kate
C’est la fin/Pour mon cuer
Ca’ the Yowes
Claudy Banks
Death and the Lady (2016)
Edi beo thu hevene quene
Fair Maid of Islington
False True Love
Fare Thee Well My Dearest Dear
Gathering Rushes in the Month of May
Go from My Window
God Dog
Gower Wassail
Greenwood Laddie
Hand and Heart
Hares on the Mountain
Harvest Home Medley: Peas, Beans, Oats and the Barley/The Mistress’s Health/Poor Tom
High and Away
How Far is it to Bethlehem?
Just as the Tide Was a ’Flowing
Just as the Tide Was Flowing
Lady Margaret and Sweet William
Lancashire Lass
Locked in Ice
Lord Allenwater
Lost in a Wood
Lovely Joan
Murder of Maria Marten
Nellie the Milkmaid
Never Again
Oakham Poachers
Old Johnny Buckle
Omie Wise
Over the Hills and Far Away
Plains of Waterloo
Polly on the Shore
Polly Vaughan
Poor Murdered Woman
Pretty Polly
Pretty Saro
Richie Story
Rockley Firs/Sweet Jenny Jones
Rolling in the Dew
Sailor from Dover
Salisbury Plain
Seven Yellow Gipsies
Short Jacket and White Trousers
Six Dukes
Sur le borde de l’eau
Sweet England
Sweet Greens and Blues
Sweet William
Tell Me True
The Banks of Green Willow
The Barley Straw
The Blacksmith Courted Me
The Bold Fisherman
The Bonny Irish Boy
The Bonny Labouring Boy
The Captain with the Whiskers
The Cherry Tree Carol
The Christmas Song
The Cuckoo
The Golden Glove
The Lady and the Swine
The Little Gypsy Girl
The Maydens Came
The Merry Golden Tree
The Moon Shines Bright
The Outlandish Knight
The Oxford Girl
The Rich Irish Lady/Jeff Sturgeon
The Silver Swan
The Streets of Derry
The Tailor and the Mouse
The Unquiet Grave
The White Hare
Turpin Hero
Van Dieman’s Land
Washed Ashore
Whitsun Dance
Wondrous Love
Young Girl Cut Down in Her Prime
Young John
Curiosidades sobre Shirley Collins
- ¿Cuál es el álbum más reciente de Shirley Collins?
- El álbum más reciente de Shirley Collins es “Archangel Hill”, lanzado en 2023 con 2 pistas.
- ¿Cuál es el álbum más antiguo de Shirley Collins?
- El álbum más antiguo de Shirley Collins es “False True Lovers”, lanzado en 1959 con 19 pistas.
- ¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de Shirley Collins?
- La canción más popular de Shirley Collins es “Wondrous Love”, del álbum “Heart’s Ease ”, lanzado en 2020.
- ¿Cuántos álbumes ha lanzado Shirley Collins?
- Entre 1959 y 2023, 14 Álbumes fueron lanzados por Shirley Collins.
Otros artistas de Folk rock
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Nathaniel Rateliff
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Carbon Leaf
James Gillespie
Jenn Grant
Larkin Poe
Erin McKeown
Emma Bale
Donovan Woods
Karen Dalton
Field Medic
Stu Larsen
Aldous Harding
Norman Greenbaum
Bert Jansch
Tim Hardin
Kathleen Edwards
Sarah Harmer
Rend Collective
Josh Baldwin