CYNICISM is (instrumental)
い〜やい〜やい〜や (Whatever whatever whatever)
くたばろうぜ (Let’s Drop Dead)
敗者のマーチ (March of Losers)
脱法ロック (Law-evading Rock)
失踪チューン (Song of Running Away)
それでも僕は歌わなくちゃ (Even So I Gotta Sing Anyway
この劣等感を救ってくれ (Spare Me My Inferiority)
ニヒルと水没都市 (Nihil and the Sunken City)
捨て子のステラ (Abandoned Stella)
ねえ、レイン (Hey, Lain)
なんて物騒な時代だ (What a Terrible Era)
病名は愛だった (The Disease Called Love)
The Disease Called Love (Neru Remix)
Whatever whatever whatever (Neru Remix)
SNOBBISM (Neru Remix)