Vídeos destacados

Músicas más populares

Todas las Músicas

25 Words or Less
After You
Ain't Dis da Life
Almost Free
Almost Like Being in Love
Blame It on the Rain
Bluer Than Blue
Bristlecone Pine
Cain's Blood
Cheatin' On The Blues
Chicken Road
Circle Of Fifths
City of the Angels
Company Man
Cool Me In The River Of Love
Cryin' Shame
Crying Shame
Dancin' Tonight
Diamond Dreams
Dirty Hands And Dirty Faces
Distant Fire
Don't Ask Why
Drops Of Water
Empty Hearts
Everybody Needs Love
Ghost in This House
Give Me Wings
Gotta Learn to Love Without You
Gypsy In The Photograph
Gypsy Woman
Half The Moon
Hangin' On
Happier Days
Here Comes The Sun
High on the Border
Home Free
I Can't Get To You From Here
I Got You Covered
I Just Can't Say No to You
I Still Love You
I Will Always Love You
I Will Whisper Your Name
I'll Always Love You
I'm Gone
If You Can't Feel Love
In Your Eyes
It Must Be You
It's Only Over For You
Jacques Cousteau
Just One Look
Leave It Alone
Let Me Go Back Home
Let This Be A Lesson To You
Life's a Bitch
Lifetime Guarantee
Love Me Like The Last Time
Lucky Stars
Magic Time
May You Never
Miami Beach
Movin' in the Same Circles
Mr. Arthur's Place
Mr. Sawyer/Mr. Finn
My Opening Farewell
O.B. Glad
Oh Rosalee
Old Fashioned Love
Old Folks
On the Road
One Honest Tear
Our Snowflake Dreams
Pilot Me
Poor Little Robin
Rich Like Me
Ridin' in the Sky
Right Through the Heart
Roller Coaster Run [Up Too Slow, Down Too Fast]
Rooty Toot Toot for the Moon
Sailing Without a Sail
Samson And Delilah
Save It for a Rainy Day
Savin' It Up
See You Soon
Seperate Lives
She Put the Sad In All His Songs
She's Real
Some People's Lives
Staying With It
Take My Body Home
That's That
That's What Your Love Does To Me
The Glory
The Good Life
The Love She Found in Me
The Moon Is Still over Her Shoulder
The Power [This Love Has Over Me]
The Very First Time
There is a Breeze
There's a Love
This Ain't The Night To Be Me
This Night Won't Last Forever
Time Sweet Time
To Feel A Friend
Too Soon To Tell
Troubled For You
True Love
Two in Love
Two Ships That Passed In The Moonlight
Walk Me Round Your Garden
We Can Live on Love (Baby You're Just Like Me)
We Can Live On Love [Baby You’re Just Like Me]
When You Come Home
Whenever I Call You Friend
Who's That Look in Your Eye
Worth The Trouble
You Can Call Me Blue
You Sure Fooled Me
You, You, You
You're Not Easy to Forget
You've Got to be Carefully Taught

Curiosidades sobre Michael Johnson

¿Cuál es el álbum más reciente de Michael Johnson?
El álbum más reciente de Michael Johnson es “The Early Albums”, lanzado en 1999 con 36 pistas.
¿Cuál es el álbum más antiguo de Michael Johnson?
El álbum más antiguo de Michael Johnson es “There Is A Breeze”, lanzado en 1973 con 12 pistas.
¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de Michael Johnson?
La canción más popular de Michael Johnson es “I'll Always Love You”, del álbum “Dialogue”, lanzado en 1979.
¿Cuántos álbumes ha lanzado Michael Johnson?
Entre 1973 y 1999, 16 Álbumes y 3 Singles/EPs fueron lanzados por Michael Johnson.

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