Vídeos destacados
Músicas más populares
Tire Swing
2006 • Remember That I Love You
The Beer
2007 • My Cute Fiend Sweet Princess
So Nice So Smart
2007 • Knock-Knock Who?
Time To Think
2007 • Knock-Knock Who?
Nobody's Hippie
2007 • Knock-Knock Who?
Wandering Daughter
2002 • I’m Sorry That Sometimes I’m Mean
Trump Style
2002 • I’m Sorry That Sometimes I’m Mean
2002 • I’m Sorry That Sometimes I’m Mean
Reminders of Then
2002 • I’m Sorry That Sometimes I’m Mean
Hold My Hand
2002 • I’m Sorry That Sometimes I’m Mean
Rocks With Holes
2002 • I’m Sorry That Sometimes I’m Mean
My Rollercoaster
2006 • Remember That I Love You
Caving In
2006 • Remember That I Love You
I Will Never Forget
2004 • Hidden Vagenda
Viva La Persistence
2004 • Hidden Vagenda
Its Been Raining
2004 • Hidden Vagenda
Todas las Músicas
5 Years
All I Could Do
All I Want Is You
Angels and Seagulls
Anthrax [Version]
Being Cool
Better Weather
Blue Like Nevermind
Captain Lou
Caving In
Driving Driving Driving
Everything is Alright
Everything's Alright
For Boxer
For Katie
Great Crap
Hadlock Padlock
Happy Home
Happy Home (Keep On Writing)
Hold My Hand
I Like Bears
I Like Giants
I Like My Bike
I Love You Sweet Baby
I Miss You
I Will Never Forget
I'd Rather Go With Friends Than Go Alone
I'm Fine
Its Been Raining
Jest's Birthday
Like Nevermind
Little Monster Babies
Little Panda Bear
Loose Lips
Lullaby for the Taken
Mare and the bear
Miami Advice
Moving On
My Bike
My Heroes
My Mom
My Rollercoaster
My Rollercoaster [Juno Film Version]
Nobody's Hippie
Once Upon a Time
Pee Pee In The Potty
Red White & Blue Dream (Oops!)
Red, White, And Blue Dream
Reminders of Then
Rocks With Holes
Same Shit/Complicated
Seven Hungry Tigers
Singing Machine
So Far To Go
So Nice So Smart
Solid And Strong
Stink Mama
Stinky Stuff
Sunbeams And Some Beans
Talking Ernest
The Beer
The Competition
The Library
The Sound Of Ataris
Time To Think
Tire Swing
Tree Hugger
Trump Style
Uncle Hukee's House
Utopian Futures
Velvet Rabbit
Viva La Persistence
Walk Like Thunder
Wandering Daughter
We're All Animals
Wiggle My Tooth
Will you be me?
Year 10
You Love Me
You’re In
Zero or a Zillion
Curiosidades sobre Kimya Dawson
- ¿Cuáles son las principales canciones de Kimya Dawson?
- Las principales canciones de Kimya Dawson son “Tire Swing”, “The Beer” y “So Nice So Smart”.
- ¿Cuál es el álbum más reciente de Kimya Dawson?
- El álbum más reciente de Kimya Dawson es “Thunder Thighs”, lanzado en 2011 con 16 pistas.
- ¿Cuál es el álbum más antiguo de Kimya Dawson?
- El álbum más antiguo de Kimya Dawson es “I’m Sorry That Sometimes I’m Mean”, lanzado en 2002 con 11 pistas.
- ¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de Kimya Dawson?
- La canción más popular de Kimya Dawson es “Tire Swing”, del álbum “Remember That I Love You”, lanzado en 2006.
- ¿Cuántos álbumes ha lanzado Kimya Dawson?
- Entre 2002 y 2011, 8 Álbumes fueron lanzados por Kimya Dawson.
Otros artistas de Folk
Lord Huron
Jake Bugg
Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros
Cat Stevens
Vance Joy
Johnny Cash
Eddie Vedder
Bob Dylan
Kings of Convenience
Robert Pattinson
Simon & Garfunkel
Leonard Cohen
Mumford & Sons
Loreena McKennitt
Phillip Phillips
The White Buffalo
Don McLean
Gary Jules
Devendra Banhart
The Corrs
Regina Spektor
The Mamas & the Papas