Músicas más populares
For Your Glory [Live]
Praise Your Name [Live]
Only One for Me [Album]
You're Doing a New Thing [Album]
This Generation [Live]
Rain Down [Live]
Pour of Yourself [Live]
How Do You Love [Live]
Praise Your Name [Album]
Our God [Album]
Psalm 24 [Live]
Yilo [Live]
Ushilo Wena
Todas las Músicas
Amen (Live) (Outro)
Atmosphere [Album]
Awaken Me [Album]
Coming Out [Album]
Coming Out [Live]
End of the Story (Live)
For My Good [Live]
For Your Glory [Live]
Free Worship [Live]
Hayo Mathatha [Live]
Hhayi Akekh'onjengawe
Hhayi Akekho' Nje Ngawe [Live]
How Do You Love [Album]
How Do You Love [Live]
I Beat: Igama LeNkosi/Thina Imihla Ngemihla/Amandla [Live]
Igama Lakho
Igama LeNkosi / Thina Imihla Ngemihla/ Amandla [I Beat: Live]
Incredible [Album]
Incredible [Live]
Makwenzeke [Live]
Malibongwe [Live]
Name Above All Names [Album]
Never Tell Us No [Album]
Nguwe Wedwa [Live]
Only One for Me [Album]
Our God [Album]
Our God [Live]
Pour of Yourself [Live]
Praise Your Name [Album]
Praise Your Name [Live]
Psalm 24 [Live]
Rain Down [Live]
Refreshing Times [Live]
Settle for Less [Live]
Settle for Less / Your Way [Album]
Simakade Baba [Live]
Similapha [Live]
Stand for Me Again [Album]
This Generation [Album]
This Generation [Live]
This Is Why [Album]
Tothing Too Big [Live]
Ushilo Wena
Ushilo Wena [Live]
Vula [Live]
Yilo [Live]
You're Doing a New Thing [Album]
Your Way / Same Glory - Live [Live]
Curiosidades sobre Khaya Mthethwa
- ¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de Khaya Mthethwa?
- La canción más popular de Khaya Mthethwa es “Avulekile”.
Otros artistas de Gospel
Arianne (Gospel)
Ministério Sarando a Terra Ferida
Noemi Nonato
Paulo Neto (Gospel)
Vencedores Por Cristo
Raquel Mello
André e Felipe
Léa Mendonça
Giselli Cristina
David Quinlan
Pedras Vivas
Fernanda Brum e Eyshila
Prisma Brasil
Rayanne Vanessa
Ir. Kelly Patrícia
Alex Gonzaga
Fogo No Pé
Ariely Bonatti
Aline Barros e Cia.